Exp Port Develop Pment Fund D (EDF)

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Foreeign Exchangge Policy Deepartment

Banglaadesh Bank
Heaad Office

ular No. 35
FE Circu D
Date: Septem
mber 23, 2014

All Authorized Dealeers of

Foreign Exchange
E in
n Bangladeshh

Dear Sirss,
port Develop
pment Fund
d (EDF).

Please refer to
t paragraphh 5(b) of FE
E Circular No.
N 25, dateed Decemberr 22, 2009 in i
terms off which Autthorized Deealers (ADs)) may borro ow from ED DF against their foreiggn
currency financing too BTMA millls to make bbulk import of raw cottoon and other fibres againnst
deemed exports.

022. It has noww been decidded that EDF F loans will be availablee also to member mills of
the Bang gladesh Dy yed Yarn Exporters
E Association (BDYEA) making bullk import of
A o
unprocesssed yarn annd chemicals for processsing yarn for f local deliveries to manufacture
m er-
exporterss against inlland back too back LCss in foreign exchange. An EDF lo oan to an AD
against their
t foreignn currency finnancing of iinput imports of BDYEA A member mills,
m shall noot
exceed (ii) the value realized in foreign excchange again nst inland baack to back LCs over thhe
past twellve months, or (ii) USD D 15.00 (fift
fteen) millionn, whicheveer is lower. As usual thhis
limit will be appliicable as a maximum single borrrower limiit for BDY YEA membeer

03. Other insttructions conntained in FEE Circular No.

N 25, datedd December 22, 2009 annd
relevant other
o FE circculars shall remain
r unchhanged.

Please bring the

t contents of this circuular to the no
otice of all cooncerned.

Yours faithfully,

( Md. Zakir H
Hossain Chowwdhury )
Deputy GGeneral Man nager
Phonee : 9530250

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