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case study: infrastructure outsourcing

improve high priority incident management services, large global financial services firm

results at a glance: client profile:

Founded in the early 1900’s, this privately owned
Problem: High priority infrastructure issues
One of the oldest financial institutions in the U.S.,
were not being resolved in a timely manner and they are a leading global financial services firm
recurring issues were not properly addressed. with assets of $2 trillion. They serve millions of
customers in more than 60 countries and have more
than 200,000 employees worldwide.
Solution: Randstad Technologies created a fixed-
price, hybrid support solution that efficiently business problem:
distributes incident response between client Although the company’s Production Assurance
organization successfully handled an average of
and Randstad Technologies resources, improves
2,200 incidents per day, the firm was not satisfied
the resolution process and provides ongoing with the time required to resolve high priority
assessments of performance and quality. and high severity (P1/S1) infrastructure issues. In
addition, senior technologists were spending time
on basic issues and the team was addressing similar
Results: High Priority/Severity issues are identified problems multiple times. Management sought a
more quickly (detection of P1 incidents within 10 solution that was cost-effective and could be scaled
minutes improved 38%) and resolution times have to support additional lines of business.
improved significantly providing a more stable
the Randstad Technologies solution:
infrastructure and improved customer satisfaction. Randstad Technologies created a fixed-price
infrastructure and support solution with a sharp
focus on process improvement and measurability.
A team of Randstad Technologies specialists
were made available to help the client’s internal
personnel quickly handle P1/S1 incidents. To
measure the performance of both the Production
Assurance organization and the Randstad
Technologies resources critical success factors
and key performance indicators were carefully

the Randstad Technologies solution:

• Provides 24x7x365 monitoring of alerts and
• Utilizes triage techniques to appropriately
distribute incident response between client and
Randstad Technologies resources
• Enables junior technologists to resolve basic
• Measures mean time to resolution (MTTR) and
average “Detect to Diagnose” time based on
• Uses Incident Manager scorecards and customer
satisfaction surveys to assess performance and
• Improves the incident resolution processes
through the use of proven best practices
• Provides customized and ongoing training for
service personnel
• Reduces recurring issues through improvements
in root cause analysis (RCA) and enhanced
collaboration with problem management
• Supports the global infrastructure

benefits delivered:
The Randstad Technologies solution has significantly
improved incident detection. Despite the fact that P1
ticket volume increased 48%, detection of P1 incidents
within 10 minutes improved 38%, from 65.6% to
90.8%. Incoming alerts are quickly distributed to the
appropriate resource. Improvements in root cause
analysis are reducing the number of repeat incidents
and effective measurement programs are now in effect.

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