Ps5a Sampleqs Soln2012

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6.105 ‘The system in Fig. P6.105 consists of 1200 m of 5 em cast-iron pipe, two 45° and four 90° flanged long-radius elbows, a fally open flanged globe valve, and a sharp exit {nto a reservoir. If the elevation at point 1 is 400 m, what gage pressure is required at ‘point 1 to deliver 0.005 m/s of water at 20°C into the reservoir? Solution: For water a 20°C, take p= 998 kglm* and = 0.001 kyla. For cas con, take e= 0.26 mm, hence eld ~ 0.0052. With the flow sate known, we ean compte V. Re: Fig. PS.105 0005 9.55 Rew S98255K00S) 97000, fygegy = 0.0315 A” Gign005F s ‘0001 7 ‘The minor losses may be listed as follows: 45° long-radius elbow: K=0.2; 90° long-radius elbow: K =0:3 Open fl anged globe valve: Ke 8.5; submergedbxit: K ~ 1.0 ‘Tuem the energy equation between (1) and (2—the reservoir surface) yields $7; 204042, +h, + DR, 2597 [ocas(!2)s0.5e202)~403)98541- 255 oons(!82) o05+202)¢403)¢8541-1 = 100+253=353m, of; py =(998X9.81)353)=346 MPa Ans. or: py/(pe) = 500- 400+ 6.106 The water pipe in Fig. 6.106 slopes upward at 30°. The pipe is 1-inch diameter and smooth. The flanged globe valve is fully open. If the mercury manometer shows a 7-inch deflection, what is the flow rrate in cubic feet per sec? Solution: For water at 20°C, take p = 1.94 slug/ft? and w= 2.09E-5 slugift's. The pipe length and elevation change are 10 ft 60830" ‘The manometer indicates the total pressure change between (1) and (2): L =1155 ft; 2, -2, =10tan30° = 5.77 ft, Open 1” globe valve: K = 13 PL~P2 = (Pye ~ Pw EM + Py BAZ = (13.6~1)(62. “(Fy +62.4(5.77) = 819 psf The energy equation yields - 2 2 PPL ace, thy 25.774 —[eU55, 13] 819 Wt pe. 2(32.2)| W12 62.4 Ibfift ve? = 2G22739) Guess £0.02, V=5.48 #, Re = 42400, fgg =0.0217 (1398 +13) s Rapid convergence to f ~ 0.0217. V ~ 5.44 ft/s, Q - V(r/4)(1/12)? = 0.0296 ft*/s. Ans. INOTE that the manometer reading of 7 inches exactly balances the friction losses, and the hydrostatic pressure change peAz cancels out of the energy equation.] 6.110 In Fig. P6.110 the pipe entrance is sharp-edged. If the flow rate is 0.004 m?/s, what power, in W. is extracted by the ‘turbine? Open lobe Tubine valve Solution: For water at 20°C, take p = 998 ke/m? and jt ~ 0.001 ke/ms. For cast iron, & = 0.26 mm, hence s/d ~ 0.26/50 = 0.0052. The minor loss coefficients are Entrance: K = 0.5; 5-cm(=2") open globe valve: K = 6.9. ‘The flow rate is known, hence we can compute V, Re. and f: y-2 0.004 94 ™ Re = 298(2.0410.05) A (al4y(0.05)° 0.001 ‘The turbine head equals the elevation difference minus losses and exit velocity head: 2 h, = Az—h, ~Dh, -Y— = 40-24 | o.9316)( 125. 2g 209.8) 0.05 Power = pgQh, = (998)(9.81)(0.004)(21.5)~840W Ans. Fig. P6.110 ~ 102000, f~ 0.0316 0546941] 215 m P7.10 Repeat Prob. 7.9, using the polynomial profile suggested by K, Pohlhausen in 1921: xe aot u oe Does this profile satisfy the boundary conditions of laminar flat-plate flow? Solution: _Pohlhausen’s quadratic profile satisfies no-slip at the wall, a smooth merge with u — U as y > & and, further, the boundary-layer curvature condition at the wall. From Eq. (7.19b), ( a&. & yen) uy “RNG par) To b= 0 for Aatplate tow ( ‘This profile gives the following integral approximations: weg, a (2 ). integrate to obtain: 7.17 Consider laminar flow past a flat plate of width J and length £, What percentage of the friction drag on the plate is carried by the rear half of the plate? Solution: The formula for laminar boundary drag on a plate is Eq. (7.26): D(x) = 0.646 p!!? gl U8 x82 = (const) a2 Atx=L, we obtain a force equal to (const) Z"*. Atx =Z/2. we obtain a force equal to (const) Z'/Y2, which is 70.7% of the total force. Thus the force on the trailing half of the plate is only (100 — 70.7) = 29.3% of the total force on the plate. 7.27 Air at 20°C and 1 atm flows at 3 m’s past a sharp flat plate 2-m wide and 1 m long. (@) What is the wall shear stress atthe end ofthe plate? (b) What is the ar velocity at a point 4.5 mm normal to the end of the plate? (c) What isthe total friction drag on the plate? Solution: For at 20°C and I atm, take p= 1.2 ke'm3 and j1= 1.8E-S kg/m-s. Check the [Reynolds number to see if the flow is laminar or turbulent: Re, = PE - I2GHOY _ 499,000 Laminar H 18E-5 ‘We can proceed with our lamiinarlow formulas: \3)= 0.664 O66 ogo148: rye, 2 Rez 200000 2 - 2 [Zoos |e = 201 wx (LSE -5)(1.0) Table 11a 20, read #6063, tenes w= (06590. = 192 4906) At y= 4.5mm, the Blasins 7) Finally, compute the drag for both sides of the plate, 4 = 26L: 1.328 E28 = 0.00297. +¥200.000 or: F=Cp SU? QL) =0. 029712 \3.07[22.001.0)] = 0.064. Ans(c) NOTE: For part (6), we never had to compute the boundary layer thickness, 5 = 11,2 mm, 7.34 Consider turbulent flow past a flat plate of width and length Z. What percentage of the friction drag on the plate is carried by the rear half of the plate? Solution: The formula for turbulent boundary drag on a plate is Eq. (7.45): 67 2D(x) _ 0.03. = ~ ore ¢ Po pubs Rel! D(x) = (const)x Atx=L, we obtain a force equal to (const) L©”. Atx = L/2. we obtain a force equal to (const) £°7/2°7 = (const)(0.552) L®”. which is 55.2% of the total force. Thus the force on the trailing half of the plate is only (100 — 55.2) = 44.8% of the total force on the plate, Unlike laminar flow (29.3%), this is nearly half of the total, since turbulent shear drops off much slower with x.

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