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• Discuss life in different times

• Discuss consequences
For the PAST

Grammar Structure Time Expressions

• Simple Past • In the past
People were healthy. • A few years ago
People walked long distances. • In 1999
• Used to
Teens didn’t use to watch TV.
They used to write letters.

Grammar Structure Time Expressions

• Simple Present • Now
For facts
Teens use social media to communicate.
• Nowadays
Most households have a TV set. • Today
• These days
• Present Continuous
For trends
Everyone is taking care of their health.
People are staying in their houses.
For the FUTURE

Grammar Structure Time Expressions

• Be going to • In the future
People are going to be careful. • Soon
• Modals • In a few years
• Will • In 2030
Virtual education will increase.
• Might
We might save some money.
Grammar Structure
Subject + Verb + Complement + Time expression.
Ex: People used to write letters about 40 years ago.

Time expression , Subject + Verb + Complement.

Note: The comma is used when the time expression begins a statement.
Ex: About 40 years ago , people used to write letters.
Grammar Structure
Complete the sentences
Practice your pronunciation
• What problems can someone experience when they travel to other
• Are these problems similar to the ones from the past?
• Is traveling going to be easier or more difficult in the future? Why?

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