Cell Biology-Hard: A: B: C: D

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Cell Biology-Hard

1)Which of the following is the function of lysosomes?

A: Phagocytosis
B: Autophagy
C: Enzyme secretion for extracellular digestion
D: All of the above.

Right Answer Explanation

Lysosomes perform all these functions.
Phagocytosis is eating process of a cell.
Autophagy is self eating of worn out parts of the cell e.g mitochondria.

2)Prokaryotic cell wall has which of the following major difference

from the other cell walls?

A: It lacks chitin.
B: It lacks waxes.
C: It lacks lignin.
D: It lacks cellulose.

Right Answer Explanation

Primary cell wall contains cellulose. But cell wall in prokaryotes lack cellulose.

3)Lipids synthesis/metabolism takesplace in which of the following


A: Mitochondria
B: Vacuoles
C: Smooth endoplasmic recticulum
D: Rough endoplasmic recticulum

Right Answer Explanation

Metabolism including lipids synthesis, detoxification, transmission of impulse and
transport of materials are undertaken by smooth endoplasmic recticulum.

4)Which of the following is responsible for phagocytosis in the cells?

A: Gogi apparatus
B: Lysosomes
C: Ribosomes
D: Rough ER

Right Answer Explanation

Lysosomes act as waste disposal system of the cell by digesting unwanted
materials in the cytoplasm, both from outside of the cell and obsolete
components inside the cell. The process is called phagocytosis.

5)Which of the following is termed as the factory of protein


A: Nucloelus
B: Rough endoplasmic reticulum
C: Ribosomes
D: Mitochondrion
Right Answer Explanation
Ribosomes synthesize proteins. Amino acids are selected, collected and carried
to the ribosome by transfer RNA (tRNA molecules), which enter one part of the
ribosome and bind to the messenger RNA chain. The attached amino acids are
then linked together by another part of the ribosome.
6)Which of the following organelle play an important role in the
formation of cilia?

A: Cytoskeleton
B: Ribosomes
C: Lysosomes
D: Centriole

Right Answer Explanation

Centriole play an important role in the location of furrowing during the cell division
and in the formation of cilia.

7)Mental retardation, short stature, broad faces and squint eyes are
the symptoms of ?

A: Down's syndrome
B: Klinefelter's syndrome
C: Turner's syndrome
D: XYZ syndrome
Right Answer Explanation
Down's syndrome is a chromosomal abnormality caused by non disjunction of
21st pair of chromosome. The affected individuals have flat, broad faces,
squinted eyes with skin fold in inner corner, protruding tongue, mental retardation
and defective development of central nervous syste m.

8)Which of the following syndrome's involves the missing of one X

chromosome ?

A: Down
B: Turner
C: Jacobs
D: Patau

Right Answer Explanation

In Turner's syndromes one X chromosomes is missing. The affected individuals
have 45 ( 44 autosomes +X ) chromosomes.

9) During which phase of meiosis paired chromosomes repel each

other and begin to separate ?

A: Leptotene
B: Zygotene
C: Pachytene
D: Diplotene

Right Answer Explanation

Chromosomes begin to separates during diplotene. During this phase
chromosomes separate from one another a little. The chromosomes themselves
uncoil a bit, allowing some transcription of DNA.

10)The attachment of the two subunits of ribosome is controlled by

which of the following ions?

A: Na+
B: Mg+2
C: Ca+2
D: K+

Right Answer Explanation

Ribosomes consist of two major components — the small ribosomal subunit which reads the
mRNA, and the large subunit which joins amino acids to form a polypeptide chain. Magesium
ions control attachment of the two subunits of ribosome.

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