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Name : Alisha Hussain

Course : Level 3 Btec Business

Date : 08/10/20

Skills Analysis

The following form will help you to understand the skills you possess
and any skill gaps you may have.

Working effectively with others

(For example, on a group project or with children).
Key words: approachability, team work, co-operation, rapport, adaptability
I believe that I work quite well with other people. I like to make sure that I am involved and that I
cooperate well with my team members. This is important due to the fact that if as a team we are not
able to cooperate then we will not be able to get the task done and many problems will keep
arising. When I grow up I want to become a real estate agent and hopefully start my own agency.
In order to do that, I need to ensure that I am approachable. I feel like I am quite approachable right
now as well and that people don't find it hard to speak to me. If I want to become a real estate
agent or even run my own real estate agency I need to ensure that I establish a good rapport with
people and staff, so that they have no problem with speaking to me or wanting to work with me.
Working with different people means they will have different qualities and attributes. They may also
have different habits so it is crucial that I am able to adapt and understand the way they are and
how they work.
(For example, expressing your ideas, explaining something complicated)
Key words: listening, enthusiasm, clarity, pertinence, confidence
I believe that my communication skills are extremely good. I am very good at listening to what other
people have to say. Due to the fact that I want to become a real estate agent, I need to ensure that
I listen diligently to the thoughts and opinions of my clients. My communication skills, whether that
is written or verbal need to be impeccable not only for my career plan but in everyday life. For my
career choice I believe that I am quite confident however, if I work a little harder my confidence can
grow as I feel like I haven’t hit the peak of my confidence. Sometimes I can tend to be a little quiet
which I need to improve on so that when I am speaking to clients I dont at all feel shy or not able to
get my words across. When I am speaking I need to clarify what I say and to be enthusiastic in
delivering what I want to say. If I am not enthusiastic then the other person will feel like I am not
interested in speaking with them and it will put them off. It can also lead them to not wanting to
work with me and telling other people not to work with me, this can therefore become a downfall for
Judgement and decision making
(For example, choosing which assignment to do, which information to include in a project)
Key words: decisiveness, research, planning, reaching a conclusion, evaluation
I think that my judgement and decision making skills are good but definitely need improving. They
are not as good as I want them to be and I need to make sure that I put targets in place to improve
them so that it makes it easier for me when I get my job. In judgement and decision making it is
important that each aspect is looked at closely and then a decision is made. It is easy to make a
rash decision however, sometimes when a rash decision is made then not everything is thought
about and in the future this could create problems. During school, I had to teach a PE lesson to
year 7 students, and in order to do this I had to ensure that I researched and planned everything
appropriately so that whatever I teach wouldn't be too difficult for them. When you have little time
then it is important to make decisive decisions but it's still important that you weigh up the pros and
Persuading and influencing
(For example, persuading someone to come to a party or accepting your argument)
Key words: communication, leadership, negotiation, charisma, motivation, determination,
forcefulness, vision, empathy
Due to the fact that I want to become a real estate agent, I need to be able to persuade and
influence people to buy a house and persuade other people to sell their houses for a certain price. I
feel like I need to improve on my persuading and influencing skills. I wouldn't say they are bad but I
am certain that I can do better. I have to do better if I want to become a successful real estate
agent. I need to be able to negotiate with people so that we can come to good terms and both me
and the client will be satisfied. I have learnt some persuading skills, as I worked at my aunty’s shop
for a few weeks and I had to persuade people to buy products.
Ability to solve problems
(For example, maths assignments, coping when team members don't pull their weight)
Key words: critical thinking, analysis, lateral thinking, creativity)
Being able to problem solve is very important at work and definitely in life as well. I believe I have
decent problem solving skills as these are required everyday. I will have to improve on these skills
and to be a critical thinker. Critical thinking requires evaluation to come to a judgement. I need to
become creative to solve problems and think outside of the box. When I was working at my aunt's
shop and someone asked for a product I had to quickly think where it was and if we didn't have that
product in stock what similar product I could show them in case they'd want that as an alternative.
Time Management
(For example, ensuring your assignments are done on time)
I believe that my time management skills are reasonably good. Every morning I make it to college
on time. I make sure that I wake up early and that I catch my train on time so that I do not be late.
In order to complete my assignments I have to plan out when I should start my assignments so that
I do not go over the deadline date. If I do not make a plan on when I should complete my
assignments then I will end up having a lot of pressure on me trying to get them done by the
deadline and due to this it will also make me rush my work and the end result will not be good.
Use of IT
(For example, word processing a report, using a specialist package to solve a maths problem)
I believe that I have decent IT skills however, I can improve significantly. Having IT skills is very
crucial nowadays due to the fact that technology is used by everyone and it is rapidly advancing. I
have the basic knowledge of how to use different programs on my laptop such as Word document,
Excel and Powerpoint. It is important that I have very good IT skills as most jobs require this and
therefore it will help boost my employability.
Achieving your goals
(For example, getting enough votes to be elected to a role in society)
Key words: determination, commitment, will-power, resolution, stamina, ambition, energy,
I have always wanted to achieve my goals. For that I need to be determined and committed. I need
to ensure that I never give up and that I keep a good consistency in what I do so that I am able to
reach my goals. If any problems arise I have to make sure that I have resilience and that I
overcome the problems as this will make me stronger and I'll have more experience. I need to have
the will-power to go through the barriers in order to reach my aspired destination. I have to wake up
every morning and be ready to take on the world. For example, even if one day I wake up and I
don't feel like getting out of bed, I have to keep reminding myself that the problems and issues I go
through now won't feel like anything once I achieve my goals.
Specialist subject knowledge
I don't think I have specialist subject knowledge. However, I do believe that if I am willing to learn
then I will eventually have knowledge in the subject that I am most passionate about. Throughout
my course I have been learning a lot of things to do with business, some that I knew and some that
I didn't. This is helping me to understand business more and develop my skills. I will be starting my
industrial placement soon and I am hoping to improve my skills and gain new ones whilst I am
there. It will help me gain more experience in the business field and use my skills in my everyday
life as well.
In which skills can you offer plenty of examples where you are using the skill?
I can offer plenty of examples in communication skills. Due to the fact that in college, during school
and in my everyday life I am communicating with people it allows me to enhance and improve my
communication skills. In college, sometimes we have to speak 1 to 1 with our tutors about our
grades and this allows me to be able to speak confidently with my tutors and this enables me to
improve on my communication skills. I can also offer plenty of examples in working effectively with
others. In school I was in the netball and rounders team, I had to make sure that I worked well with
my teammates in order for us to win our matches. If any problem occurred we had to work as a
team and resolve the problem.
In which skills do you have no evidence?
I believe that I have shown evidence in all the skills above. I think that I definitely need
improvement on my IT skills. I don't think I am really bad at it but I do think that I can improve so
that I know the fundamental skills of IT but also a few of the advanced skills. I could improve by
getting lessons from someone who is good with IT.

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