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Assignment Cover Page

Module Module
Marketing Data Analysis STA2207
Title: Code:
Start a new Café Restaurant Date: 12/07/2019
Student Information: (Do not include your name unless your tutor has told you to do
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Sew Zi Qing J18028234 ☒
Chin Yee Lean J17024110 ☒
Lim Jie Shen J17024150 ☒
Yan Yi Hui J17024268 ☒

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Report Suggestion

1.0 Introduction
The purpose of this project is to develop a project plan for the opening of a cafe,

Ziking & Co. The project plan will include a detailed project network, critical paths,

and Gantt Chart. Besides that, the project network and Gantt chart will act as a guide

to manage out time when carrying out the task in order to meet deadlines set in a

timely manner (JISC, 2014). It would include the various procedures such as

blueprint preparation, business plan development, budgeting, operation plan

development and advertising to be done to ensure a smooth flow of reopening the

restaurant. We have utilized Excel as our analysis tool to develop our project plan.

With the help of excel, we can create network and relevant charts for better

understanding and guidance of the project. 

2.0 Precedence Table
A precedence table is a useful in project planning tool that helps organize the

activities systematically. It is based on the sequence of certain activities that needs

to proceed first before the following activities waiting in line as well as what activities

that can be conducted simultaneously. It mainly displays the duration needed for

each activity before completion. The precedence table helps visualize the entire

project therefore the organizing process is less complicated.

3.0 Network
A network diagram acts as graphical representation of the project. The diagram is

made up of a series of connected arrows and boxes to describe the interrelationship

between the activities involved in the project (Verma, 2017). A network diagram

plays an important role in the project planning process as it poses as an effective

tool for time management (Cacao, n.d.). Boxes or nodes represent the description of

activities and arrows show the relationship among the activities. A start and finish

activity is required as all activities should be classified in the activities mentioned.

Project manager mainly use precedence diagramming method to draft a network

diagram (Invensis, 2018). Project managers are to decide which successor activity

and predecessor activity. Besides that, the network diagram acts as a timeline for

project managers to monitor the work progress and the arrangement for labour

scheduling. For example, the company is able to delegate manpower to fill up the

shortage in labour. In short, the network diagram is an effective planning tool for
project management.

EST/EFT/LST/LFT/Float Summary Chart:

Based on the diagram above, it consists of Early Start Time (EST), Late Start Time

(LST), Early Finish Time (EFT), Late Finish Time (LFT). These terms are being used

in the Critical Path method which is a project management tool that used in highly

complex projects to estimate and minimize project time (Kenton, 2019). From the

start and finish time, we can know about how much tolerance or flexibility that we
have in the task, so it will not affect the overall project completion time. Therefore,

the critical path summary chart can give us a clear picture of this timeframe and help

us to schedule the project in order to meet its deadline (Ray,2018). 

Activity EST (Week) EFT (Week) LST (Week) LFT (Week) Float (Week)
A 0 1 0 1 0
B 1 3 3 6 2
C 1 5 1 5 0
D 5 7 5 7 0
E 4 5 6 7 2
F 4 5 14 15 10
G 5 6 8 9 3
H 7 10 7 10 0
I 10 11 11 12 1
J 10 14 10 14 0
K 6 10 9 13 3
L 6 8 10 12 4
M 6 9 9 12 3
N 11 14 12 15 1
O 11 13 13 15 2
P 14 15 14 15 0
Q 14 15 14 15 0
R 14 15 14 15 0
S 9 10 12 13 3
T 10 12 13 15 3
U 9 10 14 15 5
V 15 17 15 17 0
Analysis To Be Done:

Based on the critical path for our cafe business, we have 3 critical paths which

follows by A-C-D-H-J-P-V , A-C-D-H-J-Q-V and A-C-D-H-J-R-V is considered as

zero float . This part of the process does not have time to waste on because this is

the most important part of all. If one of the activities delay, it would affect our soft

launch for the cafe which is one of the most important parts of the campaigns. The

activity in the critical path is mainly set up the whole cafe in place ready for the

opening, this delay would cost the company a major loss in revenue, time and

adding cost to the budget. This could affect our image in the industry and future

collaborations with other company because they will think that it might delay their


We arrange our activities as so, first is to develop a business plan on how and what

should we do in order to run the company which is most important of all, this would

be done at activity A. Then we would apply loan and license to run the cafe and

bomba license for safety reasons, this can be seen at activity B and C. After that, we

would need multiple plans including location, expenses, blueprint, budget and

operational plan on how the cafe should be run, this would be activity D, E, F, G and

H. After that, furniture purchases and setting up procedure will be done in activity I

and J. 

There are few activities that can be run together at the same time, activity K,L and M.

Activity N and O are running at the same time because interior setup and electricity

installation are related in some ways, therefore it can save time and these activities

can be done concurrently. Not just that, the activity P, Q and R also can be done
concurrently as these activities can be done in a short amount of time with little


After all this is done, we would hire experience chef and hold a staff training for the

staff, with that we also can prepare multiple unique product design and advertise our

cafe in social media and other ways. Ultimately, the cafe would be done after 17

weeks and prepare to have a soft launch which we will inform customers about the

actual launch would have promotion on the menu and free food testing with unique

food recipe.

Zero Float
Zero float is known as “critical path”, It is a continuous chain of activities in the

network schedule. If there is any delay on these tasks means it will result in the

overall project deadline to be extend. However, non-zero float allows more time to

finish an activity, the activity can be extended, and it will not affect the project

completion time.

Floats can be very helpful especially dealing with many tasks in a complex project

schedule. It can help our company business to control the cash flow by knowing the

number of amounts has moved in and moved out from the business, which is very

important because the company can forecast the amount of budget remains.

Besides that, float can turn unexpected delays of a critical task into an opportunity.

When the project is delay, Project Manager can use float to analyze new schedule or

even find creative ways to gain advantage of the project. This can save resources

and money so that it can be used for other purpose in the future (Project

Management, 2019).
4.0 Gantt Chart (Activity)
Gantt chart (activity) provides a visual overview of bar charts that tracks the

tasks scheduled overtime and interdepencies of activities as it has no

relationship attachment between activities (Haughey, n.d.). It is suitable for

everyday use and it is easy to understand and provides a clear direction of

workflow. The Gantt chart displays the work arranged to be done on a specific

day, the duration of a specific task from start to finish, people involved, and

the project details are included in the Gantt Chart hence it is made easy for

review. In particular, Project managers or anyone at all can gain access to the

Gantt Chart to refer to the work plan and can be constantly updated about any

changes in the workflow or deadlines to avoid in incomplete work or mishaps.

Gantt chart is especially helpful because task updates are done immediate in

real time hence comments and changes cannot be missed (ProjectManager,

5.0 Gantt Chart (Resources)

Gantt chart (resources) provides a visual overview of resources allocation such as

amount of materials needed or the number of employees assigned to the tasks over

time. It states clearly the person in charge as well as completion time to prevent

failure of allocating manpower and resources to complete the project. In fact, Project

managers or anyone at all can gain access to the Gantt Chart to refer to the work

plan and can be constantly updated about any changes in the workflow or deadlines

to avoid in incomplete work or mishaps. Gantt chart is especially helpful because

task updates are done immediate in real time hence comments and changes can’t

be missed (ProjectManager, n.d.). Project managers can assign sufficient manpower

based on the Gantt Chart to ensure smooth workflow of a certain work phase before

proceeding to the next stage of project planning. In particular, the resources are not

underused since most of the employees are assigned to the task that are given.
Everyone have its own role to work with and overuse of resources might not happen

unless there are some circumstances that causes the schedule to change that have

made two tasks that involve the same team of members overlap.

6.0 Conclusion
In conclusion, the aim of this project is to open a cafe, Ziking & Co. The planning

process was made easy with the help of these analysis tools such as Precedence

table, Network Diagram, and Gantt Chart. The precedence table allowed us to

arrange our activities accordingly while we have implemented the precedence

method when creating the network diagram as the method mentioned enabled to

visualize the entire project as it was straightforward and effective for progress

tracking purposes. The Gantt chart posed as guide for us manage the resources and

activities effectively. Hence, the workflow was smooth, and no tasks assigned was


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