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Climate change has threatened both developing and developed

worlds. They say: don’t drink water when in developing countries,
and don’t breathe air when in developed countries. An international
think tank has called upon developing countries to control
population because the rapidly rising numbers would make it
difficult to provide food for all. The reduction in food availability and
increasing exposure to natural disasters are expected to cause
displacement of one billion people by 2050.
The Ecological Threat Register of the Institute for Economics and
Peace bases its prediction about which countries and regions are
more at risk using data from the UN and other sources. It has also
assessed ecological threats, namely: food insecurity; water shortage;
population growth; and natural disasters, including floods,
droughts, cyclones, rising sea level and rising temperature. With the
world population forecast to rise to 10 billion by 2050, it might
intensify the scramble for resources and fuel conflict. Nearly 1.2
billion people living in sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and the
Middle East could be forced to migrate in the next 30 years.
Ecological factors related to climate change and conflict led to the
displacement of around 30 million people in 2019. Some experts
believe a drought in Syria caused by global warming led to the
outbreak of the civil war, which forced many to migrate.
The problems emanating from population explosion will have social
and political impacts for both developing and developed worlds as
large-scale displacement will lead to larger refugee flows to
developed countries. The analysis of the data says India and China
will be more threatened by increasing water shortage in the coming
decades while Pakistan, Iran, Mozambique, Kenya and Madagascar
face a dangerous combination of threats with a diminishing ability
to deal with them. The think tank says its efforts are aimed at
convincing countries of the need to allocate more funds to combat
the impacts of climate change.
Published in The Express Tribune, September 11th, 2020.

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