Education:: Oregon State University, 2010-Current, Corvallis, OR

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Kristin Peterson
Corvallis, Oregon


Oregon State University, 2010- Current, Corvallis, OR

Doctor of Philosophy in Forest Sciences: Forest Ecology (GPA: 4.0 of4.0)
- Graduate research assistant in the Bond Lab
- Received a first year departmental fellowship
- Presented poster at AGU conference for OSU and SAF conference for Clemson University
- Coursework in geostatistics, nutrient cycling, geomorphology, research theory, plant physiology, isotopics (recent
research using stable isotope fractionation), environmental engineering/modeling, and multi-scale analysis.
- Member of Society of American Foresters and American Geophysical Union

Clemson University, 2008-2010, Clemson, SC

Masters of Science in Forest Resources: Forest Economics and Modeling(GPA: 4.0 of 4.0)
- Graduate research assistant studying valuation and economics of urban forests under Thomas Straka, Tamara
Cushing, and Hoke S. Hill
- Graduate teaching assistant for forest ecology (FOR 204) under Victor Shelburne
- Coursework in applied economics, advanced statistics, forest economics, management planning, soil science,
biometrics, mensuration, dendrology, forest ecology, remote sensing, policy, wildlife management, wetlands
management, and business administration
- Member of Society of American Foresters and Clemson Forestry Organization
- Review of SAF Conference 2009 published in APSAF Trailblazer

University of Georgia, 2003-2006, Athens, GA

Bachelor of Arts: English Literature (GPA: 3.9 of 4.0)
- Published in Still Point Liteary Magazine 2006
- Assisted teaching Freshman Composition and Nature Writing
Bachelor of Arts: Art History (GPA: 4.0 of 4.0)
- Emphasized on modern architecture and sculpture
- Studied historic preservation law, curatorship, and art business


I work for the Bond Lab (Ecophysiology lab) at OSU. A side project of our lab is a carbon budget for Watershed 1. In
that project, I am primarily involved in data analysis on biomass as well as statistical issues.

My personal research is related to modeling complex mountain ecosystems. I am very interested in complexity/chaos,
scaling (and scale-free) behavior, statistics (both spatial statistics and parametric ones), and anything having to do
with of LiDAR, RADAR, and remote sensing. A passion of mine is to use models to replicate spatial patterns in
mountain ecosystems. I believe being able to make predictions with spatial accuracy (and do so well) would be of
great help to both ecologists interested in processes, and land managers looking to implement regimes today for
future protection.
I completed master’s thesis (4/12/2010) in valuation of urban forests and single (urban) trees with emphasis on
creating models for intangible benefits including carbon sequestration, personal health, and local economic
development. I developed mathematical constructions that convert urban tree cash flows into standard cash flows
that can be used with conventional forestry software packages. These formulas are featured in an article in A & UF
(in press, below). These packages and constructions emphasize discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis as a
supplementary method for valuation of urban trees. While at Clemson I proposed use of transition matrices as a
stochastic method for assessing risk potential for urban trees as hazards and I developed new economic models for
assessing the aesthetic benefit of urban forests that allow the Urban Tree Site Value (UTSV) to be calculated. This
model separates the aesthetic benefit from the lot sale value.

Previous (Non-thesis) Research:

I created, analyzed and regressed an email/social networking survey to determine the affects of basic demographic
factors on perceptions of herbicides. Quantitative ranking of adjectives and nominatives was used to determine the
connotative value of herbicide “words.” These values were then normalized and regressed using step-wise
regression against dummy variables for age, sex, education, etc. Research indicated that education contributed
negatively to herbicide perception. Network studies indicated that perception of herbicides and other management
choices is transmitted through a social network.

Business Experience:

Oregon State University, 2010 – current, Corvallis, OR

Graduate Student/ Employee
- Graduate work and field work documented in other sections of this resume

Clemson University, 2008-2010, Clemson, SC

-Graduate Student (MSF) / Teaching Assistant- Graduate work and classes taught documented in other sections of
this resume

General Nutrition Corporation, 2007-2008, Alpharetta, GA

Sales and Management
- Conducted inventory analysis, budget assessment, employee scheduling, corporate paperwork, daily operations
planning, sales merchandising, and customer assistance
- Increased store sales in general merchandise and gold card promotion to become top store in the region
- Promoted company in both English and Spanish

Fleet Feet Sports, 2004-2007, Sandy Springs, GA

Sales, Marketing, and Promotions
- Worked with national corporations at exposition venues
- Trained employees in technical pronation assessment
- Developed promotions for Susan B. Komen Foundation
- Conducted purchasing for accessories and apparel with multiple vendor
- Used P.O.S. sales system and created electronic inventory database

University of Georgia, 2003-2006, Athens, GA

- Teaching assistant for English 1001 (introduction to composition) and English 3000H (nature writing/composition)
- Elite athlete for track and cross-country teams

Volunteer Experience:

Newspring Church, 2009, Anderson, SC

Awake! Coffee Sales
- Sell coffee products at Awake! Coffee for 10,000 member church
- Interact with customers and work P.O.S. sales system
Athletes in Action Sportswochen, 2006, Saalfelden, Austria
English Instructor and Weight Training Coach
- Taught high school students English in preparation for examinations
- Coached weight-lifting and conditioning

Athens Church, Athens, 2004-2006, Athens, GA

Environment Team and Audiovisual Set-up
-Set up audiovisual system for satellite church based in Atlanta, GA
- Determined operational schedule for “load-in” of electronic equipment

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), 2004-2006, Athens, GA

Student Leader and Audiovisual Maintenance
- Lead worship sessions, promoted small group activities, and facilitated gatherings for Christian NCAA Athletes at the
University of Georgia
- Prepared audiovisual media for weekly worship gathering

Accolades and Honors:

Oregon State University, 2010, Corvallis, OR

- Received the Saubert Graduate Fellowship (stipend for research)

University of Georgia Track and Field Team, 2004-2007, Athens, GA

Team Captain, Distance Runner (10k)
- Competed year-round for three years on NCAA Division 1 track and field team as an All-SEC athlete
- Earned All-SEC Academic Awards annually
- Earned the Ramsey Award for Scholar-Athlete
- Mandated team functions and negotiated with athletic department as a team captain in 2006 and 2007

Academic Honors, 2003-2009

Received at University of Georgia and Clemson University
- Member of Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society
- Earned Virginia Rucker English Award
- Received HOPE and Charter Scholarships at University of Georgia
- Graduated Summa Cum Laude with Honors for Univeristy of Georgia in three years while maintaining 4.0 GPA and
competing in NCAA Athletics

Skills and Certifications:

Language Fluent in Spanish speaking, reading and writing, proficient in German reading, able to “pick up”
languages very quickly (within a few weeks). Basic proficiency in statistical computer languages “R” and “SAS.”
Working abilities with "MatLab"-- currently learning "Simile" modeling (GUI for C++)

Computer Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Entourage, Photoshop, Powerpoint, Web Soil Survey, FORVAL,
C-VAL, HTML coding, basic XHTML coding, SAS, Simile, Maple, R, operating systems MAC and Windows, MatLab,
ArcGiS (9.3.1), whitebox GAT, Passage v 2.0, work with EPA custom ecohydrological models, currently learning
Processing language.

GIS, GPS, mensuration tools, wood products testing, soundboards, video editing (manual and computerized), forest
inventory, soil sampling, experimental design and statistical verification.

Non-Related Certifications ISAF Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Educator for State of Georgia in Physical
References and sample works:

Available on request

Theses and Authorized Reports

K. L. Heffelfinger and T.J. Straka. Developing a Practical Income Valuation Approach in Urban Forest Valuation. Final
Report on USFS Grant No. 08-DG 11083150-017.

K. L. Heffelfinger, T.J. Straka, T.S. Cushing, Hoke S. Hill. A Discounted Cash Flow Analysis Method for Single Trees
and Urban Forests. Clemson University Master’s Thesis. UMI 2010.

Scientific Presentations

K.S. Peterson, B.J. Bond, R. McKane, A. Abdelnour, M. Steiglitz. Scaling Issues and Spatio-temporal Variability in
Ecohydrological Modelling on Mountain Terrain: Methods and Future of the VELMA model. Poster presented at the
American Geophysical Union National Meeting (December 12-17, San Francisco, CA). Abstract available

Bond, B.J., K. Peterson, R. McKane, K. Lajtha, D.J. Quandt, S.T. Allen, S. Sell, M.E. Harmon, S. Johnson, T. Spies, P.
Sollins, A. Abdelnour, M. Steiglitz. 2010. How does complex terrain influence responses of carbon and water cycle
processes to climate variability and climate change? Poster invited to the American Geophysical Union National
Meeting (December 12-17, San Francisco, CA). Abstract available at:

Peterson, G.J., S. Presse, K.S. Peterson, and K.A. Dill. 2010. Modeling the evolution of Protein-Protein Interaction
Networks. Poster presented at the Gordon Research Conferences on Stochastic Biology (January 23-28, Ventura,

Straka, T.J. and K.L. Heffelfinger. Discounted Cash Flow Valuation of Urban Trees and Forests. Poster presented at
the Association of Consulting Foresters National Conference, Landscape and Tree Appraisal Workshop (June 26-29;
Louisville, KY).

Straka, T.J. and K.L. Heffelfinger. 2010. Discounted Cash Flow Valation of Urban Trees and Forests (Abstr.) In
Proceedings of the 64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society (Madison, Wisc.; June 20-22, 2010),
p. 126.

Straka, T.J. and K.L. Heffelfinger. 2010. Discounted Cash Flow Valation of Urban Trees and Forests. Poster presented
at the 64th International Convention of the Forest Products Society (Madison, Wisc.; June 20-22, 2010).


In Press

K.S. Peterson and T.J. Straka. 2010. “Specialized Discounted Cash Flow Analysis Formulas for Valuation of Benefits
and Costs of Urban Trees". Journal of Arboriculture & Urban Forestry.
In Progress:

- working on the statistics for a model on protein-protein interactions with UCSF<-- poster completed! paper ensues!

- working on a paper about sources of spatio-temporal variation in biomass in a small mountainous catchment--
estimated completion, June 2011

Please do not hesitate to contact me the old-fashioned way (phone or email). I do not social-network,
so I am not accessible via Facebook or Twitter or any of that sort of thing. I will happily respond to
email inquiries sent to me with any questions or requests.

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