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English First Paper : Suggestions

(o) The natives near the
Sundarbans worshipped Gazi
Pir. — Why was it so?
(p) How could people know
that Gazi Pir fought crocodiles?
(q) "Gazi Pir's heroic
activities have made him a
legend." Do you agree or
disagree with this
statement? Give reasons,
(r) "People of these regions
would pray to him for
protection."- What do you
understand by this
(s) What did Gazi Pir do in
the parts of Bengal close to the
Sundarbans? (t) "It was also
believed that he enabled
villagers to live close to forests
and jungles and cultivate
their lands." Explain in
2/3 sentences.
(u) From your reading of the
passage give an example of
miraculous activity of Gazi Pir.
(v) What do you know about
scroll paintings? How is it
associated with Gazi Pir? (w)
From the reading of paragraph
The Legend of Gazi,' describe
the Sundarbans region of old
Read the above passage
and complete the table
below with the given
What/Who Event/Occurrence How/When Where
Gazi Pir (i) ............... is said to have spread Islam in the past (ii) .........
(iii) ............... believed him to have miraculous
(iv) ............... could be calmed (v) ...............
(vi) ............... (vii) ............
scroll paintings
The people of a region (viii) ............... fixl
full of canals and creeks
All predatory animals were kept within bound (x) .............
Read the above text and
make a flow chart
showing role and
activities of Gazi Pir (One
is done
for you). [C. B.
1. Making dangerous animals
Extra Questions
(i) Read the above
passage and make short
notes in each of the boxes
in the flow chart showing
cle deeds of Gazi Pir.
(One is done for you)
[D. B. 2O17]
, ___
1. Credited with miracles
(ii) Read the above
passage and make a flow
chart showing the
role'and present activities
Gazi Pir. (One is done for
___ ___ ___
(iii) Read1.
1.the above
CouldIslamcalm text
in the parts ofand
dangerous 1 make
Bengal close to atext.
chart showing
£] the miraculous deeds of
Gazi Pir. 3.
is done for the above
you).___________ B. 2O19]
[Unit—1; the passage
Lesson and answer ' the
' following
' ' 5
[Ctg. B. 2017]
Valentina Tereshkova was
born in the village
Maslennikovo, Tutayevsky
District, in Central Russia. |
Tereshkova's father was a
tractor driver and her mother
worked in a textile plant.
Tereshkova began j school in
1945 at the age of eight, but
left school in 1953 and
continued her education
through distance learning. She
became interested in
parachuting from a young age,
and trained in skydiving at the
local Aeroclub, making her
first jump at age 22 on 21 May
1959. At that time she was
employed as a textile worker
in 'a local factory. It was her
expertise in skydiving that led
to her selection as a
After the flight of Yuri
Gagarin (the first human
being to travel to outer space
in 1961), the Soviet Union
decided to send a woman in
space. On 16 February 1962,
"proletaria" Valentina
Tereshkova was selected for
this project from among more
than four hundred applicants.
Tereshkova had to undergo a
series of training that
included weightless flights,
isolation tests, centrifuge
tests, rocket theory, spacecraft
engineering, 120 parachute
jumps and pilot training in
M1G-15UTI jet fighters.
Since the successful launch of
the spacecraft Vostok-5 on 14
June 1963, Tereshkova began
preparing for her own flight.
On the morning of 16 June
1963, Tereshkova and. her
back-up cosmonaut
Solovyova were dressed in
space-suits and taken to the
space shuttle launch pad by
bus. After completing her
communication and life
support checks, she was
sealed inside Vostok-6.
Finishing a two-hour
countdown. Vostok-6
___[Jashore Board—20191

[J. B. 2019] [J. B. 2O19]
(iv) expert opinion
[J. B. 2O19] [J. B.
(iv) her cousin
Choose the[J.correct
B. 2019]
answer from the

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