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Job Related Topics

Part 3

We will now continue on with the male under discussion from Lesson 33.
To determine which kind of job the native is in we can look at the following:

a) The position of the 10th lord as seen from the Lagna, Sun and the Moon.
From the ascendant and the Moon, this is Venus and Venus is in Saturn’s
navamsa. From the Sun, the position of the 10th lord is Mars, who is also
in Saturn’s navamsa. This gives good ability for business. The native has
had his own IT business since 1999. (see Fig.1 – Lesson 33).

b) We also look at the position of the Moon. The Moon’s relationship to Mars,
either by sign, nakshatra, navamsa and other divisional charts, will give
the native the ability to make quick and bold decisions. Here the Moon is
in Dhanishta, which is the nakshatra of Mars.

c) Points in the 3rd,6th,10th and 11th are best in rising order. This indicates
more daring and courage to invest in one’s own business. We consider
these points from the ascendant, Sun and the Moon. Those points are
also considered in order to figure out the kind of income that the native
brings in and should be evaluated as follows:

1. Daily, and continuous income, (i.e., a shop owner, owner of

restaurant, etc.) is seen from the Lagna.
2. A fixed salary received on a particular day, such as with an
employed person, is evaluated from the Sun.
3. No regular income, or income only after completion of a task, such
as commissioned work, is seen in the points counted from the

We can see that for this chart, from the lagna, the points are good, but as seen
from the Sun and the Moon, they fluctuate.

Once we consider the points in the 3rd,6th,10th and 11th houses from those
three different positions to evaluate the income, we also check the overall results
from the Lagna according to the points in the worksheet.


We should look at the following for evaluation:

a) There are 27 points in the Lagna which is in Leo.

b) There are 31 points in the sign of the Moon which is in Capricorn.
c) There are 21 points in the sign of the Sun which is in Aquarius.
d) The 9th house has zero points.
e) We must look at the position of the Lagna lord, the Sun and the Moon.
From the Sun (fixed salary) and the Moon (income through contract), we
see that these planets are in an enemy sign; this means that the native
tends to spend the income related to these planets. (see Fig.10 below, for
references to the above points).

When a specific question arises, two essentials should be considered -

a) The mahadasa and antardasa that is running at the moment and the
strength of the antardasha planet in the worksheet for the houses related
to the income.
b) The transit of the slow moving planets, Jupiter and Saturn. This is a new
topic that has not been discussed previously.

(Fig 10)

In 1999, we see that transiting Saturn was travelling through his 9th house where
it has zero points. (see Figure 10)
Any malefic travelling in a house with zero points will give more worries with the
significator (karkatva) of that planet. Here we see that Saturn is the Functional
Karaka for the 11th and the 12th houses and is situated in the 10th from the 11th
house. (see Fig. 3 - Lesson 33)

In 1999, Jupiter was also travelling thru the 9th and has 5 bindus for that house.
(see Fig. 10)

To evaluate this transit we look at the points of both planets. Here, Jupiter has 5
points for the 9th house; Saturn has 0 points. Add them together. Therefore,
5+0= 5 points. The total should be a minimum of 8 points in order to give
favourable results.

Saturn stayed in Aries, the 9th house, for 2 1/2 years, so for this whole period
when Jupiter and Saturn were together, there were less than a total of 8 points.

Details of Mahadasa and Antardasa periods during these years

a) The mahadasa of Jupiter was running with an antardasa of Ketu, Venus,

Sun and Moon.
The Ketu antardasa goes from Feb 6, 1998 to Jan 13, 1991
Ketu will give results for Venus.
The Venus antardasa goes from Jan 13, 1991 to Sept 13, 2001
The Sun antardasa goes from Sept 13, 1991 to July 2, 2002
The Moon antardasa goes from July 2, 2002 until Nov 1, 2003
(See Fig. 1 - Lesson 33)

Details for Jupiter and Saturn transits

In 1998, Jupiter was in Aquarius with 6 points and Saturn was in Aries with
0 points.
In 1999, Jupiter moved to Pisces with 2 points; Saturn stayed in same sign
with 0 points.
In 2000, both Jupiter and Saturn were in Aries and Jupiter had 5 points.
In 2001, Jupiter and Saturn were in Taurus where they had 7 and 4 points,
respectively. But in July, Jupiter moved to Gemini where it had only 2
In 2002, Jupiter moved to Cancer with 6 points while Saturn stayed in
Taurus with 4 points.
In 2003, Saturn moved to Gemini and Jupiter went to Leo. Saturn had 3
points in Gemini and Jupiter had 6 points in Leo.

By adding the points of both these planets we can evaluate the transit
much more accurately. If they total more then 8 points, then they can give
good results; if less than 8 points, they will give difficulties. (see Fig.10 for
all references to the above transits)

Overview of the transits together with the antardasa

Now we look at the points for the antardasa planets in the worksheet and
combine them with the total points received from the transits of Jupiter and
Saturn in the houses as they travel through them during that period.
If planets get high points in the worksheet and the transit point totals of Jupiter
and Saturn are more than 8, the result will be favorable.

! In 1998, the native moved from his Mercury antardasa, who has 20 points
in the worksheet for the 11th house, to his Ketu antardasa who is acting for
Venus, with only 13 points. He we see already that income is falling.
Jupiter was in Aquarius with 6 points and Saturn in Pisces with 3 points. If
the situation was still good in the beginning of that year, it changed when
Jupiter moved to Pisces where it only has 2 points. (see Fig.3 in Lesson

! In 1999, with Jupiter in Pisces with 2 points and Saturn in Aries with 0
points, we see a dramatic drop in points. This could have been a crisis
period. The antardasa changed to Venus during that year but with only 2
points throughout the transit, it would’ve brought much worry.

! In 2000, Jupiter went to Aries with 5 points, but Saturn having 0 points
didn’t bring much relief because the total amount was still less than 8

! At the beginning of 2001, we see that Jupiter and Saturn had now moved
to Taurus with 7 and 4 points respectively and so we presume that the
beginning of that year was somewhat better. In the second half of the year
when Jupiter moved to Gemini, its points fell to only 2. Saturn and Jupiter
thus gave 6 points together. But we see that the Sun antardasa also
started in September and the Sun’s points are slightly better in the
worksheet and also indicates less expenses. The native could thus stay
afloat during that time.

! During 2002, Jupiter moved to Cancer where it has 6 points and Saturn
moved to Gemini where it has 3 points. This gives us a total of 9 points for
this transit with the start of the Moon’s antardasa. The Moon by itself has
enough points in the worksheet so that when both are taken together, we
can see that there was some improvement in the situation especially in the
second part of the year.

! In 2003 when Jupiter travelled through Cancer with 6 points and Leo with
6 points we can see that the total points of Jupiter and Saturn will be more
than 8 so better results were to be expected, especially in the Mars
antardasa which started in November 2003 and gives high points for the
11th house in the worksheet.

We must not forget that the native has a tendency to take big risks and make
daring decisions (Moon in Dhanishta and aspected by Mars) and that he
tends to spend large sums of money (Sun and Moon in opposed sign).

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