What Is The Self and Identity?: - Worksheet No. 11

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Worksheet no. 11

What is the self and identity?

It’s not an easy question to answer. Knowing your “Self” was quite the
challenge. Nowadays society, many people are bombarded by influences of
media. Because of this defining one’s self and creating a self-image becomes
much more difficult. Combining both how we see ourselves and how others
perceive us is important to create an idea of who we are. Self is not just
physical, mental or spiritual, but rather a combination of all three. Identity is
shaped by different aspects. Family, friends, culture, personal interests are all
factors that tend to help shame someone’s identity.

How is one’s identity formed?

Identity refers to being the uniqueness of one’s person. One’s identity

is formed as time passes by. This is formed as a certain person is conquering
his or her triumphs in life. Also, identity is formed as to what kind of culture a
person belongs and society influenced the development of one’s identity. But
a person must be able to see first his self as an object. Seeing a certain
person as an object and conducting a communication with himself or simply
having a reflection to yourself will allow a person to recognize his identity.

What defines a person’s identity

A person’s identity is the concept that a person develops about his or

her self. A person’s identity is defined as what happened to his/her from the
past, what is happening to his/her in the present and what he/she likes to
happen to her life in the future. It is because a person develops his/her
identity to what he/she had experienced. A certain person’s choices in life
such as how he/she spend her time and what he/she believe is the aspect of
his/her life, and is the concept a person develops for his/her identity.

What is the self-concept made up of?...... in the context of Contemporary

Self-concept is gaining self-awareness. Beliefs, attitude, ideas and

knowledge are I think the factors of which self-concept is made up of.

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