Mock Clat - 32: (Answer and Explanation) Section-I: English Usage

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(Answer and Explanation)

Section–I: English Usage

1. B;

2. C;

3. B;

4. A;

5. B;

6. A;

7. C;

8. A;

9. B;

10. D;

11. D; “…they remain in ruins…” makes (A) the last sentence, all others mention events in the

12. A; There is no sentence that connects to “The result is…” and hence should be the first one.
B–A are a pair: (A) mentions two of the twenty new cases of Ebola stated in (B)

13. C; What Jalla does is introduced in (A). (D) and (B) make a pair as “the children of all ages”
connects with “..bring their children..” of (D). (C) can come after (A)

14. A; “This time..” in (D) and “Instead..” in (C) are clues to the sequence. (A)(D) and (E)(C) make

15. C; “In it..” in (A)referring to what Martin wrote and “..the characters..” referring to those in
(D) in (C) are clues to the sequence. (B) has the full name George RR Martin

16. D;

17. A; stated in the last lines.

18. B; tractable is easy to work with or persuade

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19. A; the author requests readers earnestly to be thankful to others and express their feeling
towards them.

20. C; “There is unresolved resentment and anger and frustration that could have been let go of
(in a moment) years ago that remains in the minds, hearts and bodies of those who have
passed on.”

21. C;

22. B; “your ego (limited self) or your best self? In a moment of fury, is it worth it to keep being
stubborn and let your ego take over just to prove a point that can taint a relationship

23. C;

24. B; “..instead of praising the good work, it’s easy for us tell ourselves that those people
probably know how good they are, and that they don’t need to be reminded of how much
easier they make our lives,”

25. D; this is not mentioned in the passage.

26. B; give evidence: to give evidence or testify under oath, either in a written or verbal form Or
remove from office

27. B; in a room, not in public

28. A; taking into consideration what has been decided earlier

29. C; in the original/ appropriate place/ position

30. D; made or undertaken on behalf of only one of the parties involved in a court case.

31. B;

32. C;

33. A;

34. D;

35. D;

36. A;

37. D;

38. D;

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39. D;

40. D;

Section–II: General Knowledge

41. A;

42. C;

43. D;

44. B;

45. D;

46. A;

47. A;

48. A;

49. D;

50. A;

51. A;

52. D;

53. B;

54. D;

55. B;

56. D;

57. C;

58. B;

59. A;

60. A;

61. B;

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62. C;

63. D;

64. B;

65. C;

66. C;

67. D;

68. C;

69. C;

70. D;

71. B;

72. A;

73. A;

74. B;

75. A;

76. D;

77. A;

78. B;

79. A;

80. D;

81. C;

82. A;

83. D;

84. B;

85. B;

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86. A;

87. D;

88. D;

89. C;

90. C;

Section–III: Numeric Aptitude

91. A; S.P. = 78,
Loss = 13,
CP = 91
13 2
Loss % =  100  14 %
91 7

92. D; Relative speed of both the trains

= 108 km/hr
 108  = 30 m/sec
Total length of both the trains
= S × T = 30 × 10 = 300 m
Length of first train is 2/3 0f 300 = 200
Distance in 45 seconds by first train
D = S × T = 48 × (–5/18) × 45 = 600 m
D  L T  LP
LP = 600 – 200 = 400 m

93. C; Let the distance from starting point be x Speed of man downstream
= 7.5 + 2.5 = 10 km/hr
Speed of man upstream = 7.5 – 2.5 = 5
Hence x/10 + x/5 = 1
3x = 10
x = 3.33

94. C; Let the present age of Ram and Shyam be 4x and 5x years
After 10 years
(4x + 10)/(5x + 10) = 6/7
4x = 20 years

95. B; (7 × 3 – 5 × 4)% of sum = 80

100% of sum = 8000

96. B; Suppose B joins for x months.

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750  12 2
Then, 
500  x 1
750  6
x = 9 months
B joins after (12 – 9) = 3 months.

97. A; Rate × consumption = Expenditure

10/kg × 10 kg = 100
 56% increment  30% increment
15.60 kg × x = 130
x = 130/15.6 = 8.33 kg

98. A; C.P. = 100,

M.P. = 120
D = 15% × 120 = 18
S.P. = 120 – 118 = 102
Hence P% = 2

99. B; M1D1W2 = M2D2W1

M2 = M1D1W2/D2W1
= 45 × 160 × 5/120 × 3 = 100
Extra men = 100 – 45 = 55 men

100. C; Let the number be x and y

So 37.5% 0f x = 3/7 of y
3/8 x = 3/7y
x/y = 8/7

101. D; The remainder when any number divided by 10 is actually the unit digit of that number.
Hence we need to find unit digit of 2456
Now as 5671 is even number, question reduces to – find unit digit 4   and we know that

unit digit of 4   is always 6.


102. B; A  1 hr 40 min = 100 min

B  2 hr 30 min = 150 min
C can empty 2/3rd tank (1/3rd empty tank) in 60 min
 C can empty full tank  = 90 min
(A + B + C) together 1 min work
1 1 1 9  6  10 1
=    
100 150 90 900 180
(A + B + C) together can fill tank  180 min
(A + B + C) together can fill 2/5th tank  180  = 72 min = 1hr 12 min

103. A; N68KK12 15

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By hit and trial, smallest such number is 17.

General form = n LCM (6, 8) + 17 = 24n + 17.
Now 1512 is multiple of 24.
So smallest number greater than 1500 of the form (24n + 17) is 1512 + 17 = 1529.
Sum of digits = 1 + 5 + 2 + 9 = 17.

104. C; If average age of family after 7 years will be 30 years, means from present average age
= 30 – 7 = 23 years.
Let present age of daughter be x years.
4  23  4x
Average age of family just before birth of daughter = = 24 (given)
92  4x
 24
 x = 5 years
Age of som = x + 5 = 5 + 5 = 10 years.

15 15 15 15
105. B; x     101250
14 14 14 14
101250  14  14  14  14
x = 76832
15  15  15  15
(Note = 7.14% of x = 1/14 of x)

106. B; In between 8 plants of apple, there are 9 gaps (including before first plant and after last
plant). We can plant 4 guava tree in any 4 places of these 9 positions.
Total ways = 9 C 4
Note: as all saplings are same, so we need not to arrange them.

107. C; Total cases = 6 × 6 = 36

Favorable cases  (1, 1) (1, 4) (4, 1)
3 1
Probability = 
36 12

108. C; The diameter of sphere must be equal to the diagonal of cube.

If side of cube = a cm
a 3  4 3  2 a  8 cm
Volume = a × a × a = 8 × 8 × 8 = 512 cm3

109. D; A takes 3 hr less than time taken by B & 8 hr less than time taken by C. Means B takes 5 hr
less than C.
To cover half distance, he will take 2.5 hr less.

110. C; Milk in final solution =  80  20    10 = 15 + 10 = 25L
25 125
%tage of milk =  100  = 31.25%
80 4

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Section–IV: Legal Aptitude

111. A; It is clear from the facts of the case that Sumurthi did not intentionally gratuitously deliver
the fourth packet to the doctor, and by enjoying the benefit of this packet, Dr. Kumar is
now bound to compensate for it.

112. C; The facts show that Dr. Mehra acted gratuitously, just because he was impressed with the
work put in by the company. Hence, the Rule is not applicable in this case.

113. D; (b) is not correct because even if she had not given him the pill herself but saved him
spontaneously, it would have been a gratuitous act. (c) is a vague statement and does not
absolve her right to seek compensation if she does an act non–gratuitously.

114. D; Since Harmit is the bank manager, he has lawful authority over Bunty and has censured
him as to a matter related to work, thus, the Rule applies.

115. C; (d) is not correct because the Rule also protects public censure as long as it is regarding a
matter to which the lawful authority relates. However, here the case is different because
firstly, Prachi has no lawful authority over Bunty. Secondly, her statements are personal in
nature too and do not exactly relate to his professional conduct.

116. B; The Rule clearly states that commercial advertisements are included under the freedom of
speech and expression, and that only reasonable restrictions can be imposed on them on
the grounds illustrated in the Rule, none of which apply in the instant case.

117. C; While the strategy of cashing in on the controversy may raise eyebrows, there is nothing
legally unethical about the advertisement, nor is it unfair in view of impending elections,
because it is touted to be a ‘discussion’ and no partisan agenda emerges out of it.

118. A; ‘Defamation’ is a valid ground for a reasonable restriction on the freedom of speech and
expression. The freedom of the press is also not absolute, and in the instant case, VTV
cannot be allowed to mislead the public such.

119. A; While monetary damage may have accrued to Marco because of the excess of followers
with KM, nothing in the facts indicates any legal injury to him, because KM did not violate
any rights related to him. The idea of a parody itself is general in nature and cannot be
treated to be violative of Marco’s rights.

120. A; (b) is not an appropriate answer because an effect on the market share may be a ‘damage’
but not a ‘legal injury’ by itself. KM can sue him because he has not acquired the rights to
use KM’s music in this manner and thus violated their Intellectual Property Rights.

121. C; The first ingredient itself is not fulfilled because there was no dishonest intention on Bijli’s

122. A; Meenamma has moved the pot away from the place where Martha kept it and she
intended to dishonestly take the pot later. Hence, theft has been committed.

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123. A; The fact remains that Meenamma stole the first pot because the pot was moved from
Martha’s table without her consent with a dishonest intention. This does not change with
the substitution of a second pot.

124. A; It is a valid agreement because the meaning of the agreement is capable of being made
certain– Archana is a cotton dealer so the cloth mentioned is cotton.

125. C; Again, the meaning of the agreement is capable of being made certain since there is a
standard formula for conversion of yard to metre.

126. C; (d) is incorrect– it is a trick option since our national sport is hockey. (c) is correct because
there is nothing inherently dangerous or involving substantial transformation of the land
to be categorized as “non–natural”.

127. C; There has been no damage as per the facts in the instant case and the powder in question
is not something likely to do mischief. Thus, the ingredients of strict liability are not
fulfilled herein.

128. B; The attack by the rats and the subsequent gale are natural events and can be considered
under (b).

129. A; There is nothing in the facts to suggest the application of the Rule to the company. But if
Suresh finds the promotion of Shane to be prima facie unfair, he can bring a claim against
the company.

130. A; Strict application of the Rule suggests that the company is now within the definition of
‘State’ under Article 12.

131. C; A wagering agreement involves an uncertain event where there are mutual chances of
gain or loss between the two parties. Here, it is a contest with a prize money, and while
Sam stands to gain if he wins, there is no monetary loss from his existing reserves if he
loses. Thus, it is not an uncertain event.

132. A; Direct application of Rule B.

133. A; It is no longer a wagering agreement in view of the discovery of this new fact because now
there are no mutual chances of gain or loss, as Arpita has control over the outcome of the

134. D; The question is specifically about an offence as per the Rule. The Rule extends to cases
where threat of injury is held out but in the instant case, bribe was involved. Hence, (d) is
the most appropriate answer.

135. A; In the instant case, the part of the Rule– “holds out any threat of injury to …to any person
in whom he believes that public servant to be interested” is applicable. When Ronnie
kidnaps and threatens to kill the child, he believed Surya to be interested in that child.
Thus, he committed an offence as per the Rule.

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136. C; Rule B is not violated here because the rejection of her application is not due to her caste
but because an essential document’s validity was questionable.

137. C; For all practical purposes, Manisha is a new applicant. Rule C enables the Parliament to
make residence–related rules for public employment, and hence, Manisha’s claim is

138. B; In the instant case, Inaya is a foreign citizen and hence, Rule A is not applicable to her. As
per Rule C, making such a residential requirement mandatory is within the authority of the

139. C; A basic tenet of the Rule is not fulfilled here, i.e. interference with the right to enjoyment
of land of a large number of people. Since it does not apply with reference to a particular
individual, it is not a case of public nuisance.

140. A; Just because a person causing nuisance has the support of others in the vicinity does not
absolve him/her from liability. It is evident from the facts that a large section of the public
is now adversely affected by Rosie and some others’ actions, and hence, (a) is correct.

141. B; (b) is correct over (a) because it is more precise. Mani’s actions are a reflection of his blind
faith in Supriya and his negligence, rather than soundness of mind.

142. C; The facts do not hint at the fact that Mani was of ‘unsound’ mind when he signed the
agreement, i.e. Mani was capable of understanding it and of forming a rational judgment
as to its effect upon his interest, which is why he went ahead and signed it in the first

143. A; It is irrelevant where Mani is when he signs an agreement. What matters is his state of
mind and ability to appreciate the implications of the agreement. As the doctor suggests,
Mani is fully recuperated and is therefore, not of unsound mind.

144. D; While Abhinav has committed an offence as per the Rule because he was negligent in his
actions, none of (a), (b) or (c) are correct because they use the term “will”– the
punishment will depend on further analysis and adjudication of the case, and any of them
could be correct as the Rule states– “imprisonment of either description for a term which
may extend to six months, or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees, or with

145. D; In order for Abhinav to be liable to punishment, Frodo should have been in Abhinav’s
possession but the facts state that he had abandoned him.

146. A; Both the ingredients stated in Rule B. are fulfilled here as Karl was acting in the course of
employment when he spilled the tea on Nate.

147. A; The facts state that Karl is due to retire and has not already retired. Thus, the master–
servant relationship between Janice and him subsists. Also, the facts state that Janice
“directs” Karl to do something, and such direction implies a master–servant relationship.

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148. C; Rule B(b) is not fulfilled here as this act of Karl occurred outside the course of his
employment and when his shift for the day was over.

149. B; The Rule applies in cases of discrimination by the State and the current debate involves a
dispute between two individuals, and not a matter of State policy.

150. B; As regards Annamala at the airport, he is similarly placed as the other passengers and the
security checks can happen at any stage for ensuring safety at the airport. Applying Rule A
to the facts of the instant case, (b) is correct.

151. C; Fernando has violated Rule B by making and submitting a report that is false, and hence
“contrary to law”. No matter how infamous the accused, the principles of criminal justice
require “proof beyond reasonable doubt” to establish guilt.

152. C; Rule B is not applicable here because it is only regarding the conduct of public servants
and Rana is not one.

153. C; As per Rule A, the public servant should be endowed with legal authority and the
confinement should have resulted in the exercise of that authority despite knowing that it
was contrary to law. In the instant case, Fernando is no longer vested with such authority
as he is suspended. Thus, Rule A does not strictly apply in this case.

154. D; In the instant case, applying Rule B., the copyright will subsist for 60 years after the death
of Vedika since she will be the author who dies last, as Reshma is already dead.

155. D; Reshma and Vedika’s tiff and subsequent printing of fresh copies with only one name as
author does not change the character of the copyright as the work remains a co–authored
novel unless specified otherwise or the copyright is assigned to any one of them only.
Thus, the answer remains the same as above.

156. A; Article 137 enables the Supreme Court to review its own judgments, subject to laws made
by Parliament.

157. B; Article 39(d) provides for it.

158. C;

159. B;

160. A;

Section–V: Logical Reasoning

161. A; from given information, following map can be formed

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Hence Roy lives south east from Babu house.

162. A; From given instructions, we got following diagram

So finally he is 10 km away from Banglore.

163. C; Add 2 to the product of the second and the third numbers to get the first number.
4 × 5 + 2 = 22
4 × 8 + 2 = 34
4 × 13 + 2 = 54
But, 4 × 9 + 1 = 37

164. C; July is odd one out as December, January and February are consecutive months.

165. D; R(18)O(15)S(19)E(5) –
Code is +2, +2, +2, +2
So, B(2)I(9)S(19)C(3)U(21)I(9)T(20) –
DKUEWKV (4,11,21,5,23,11,22)

166. D; R–8 A–1 C–3 K–5 E–2 T–4

So TRACK = 48135

S.167–169) Solution for Questions:

From options of Q7, when we take Score of Sachin as 75, score of Dravid comes out 75 + 7 + 5 = 87

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Then Score of Ganguli will be 78.

Also 75 + 87 + 78 = 240.


167. B;

168. D;

169. A;

S.170–171) Solution for Questions:

From given information, we get following family tree

170. C;

171. A;

S.172–174) Solution for Questions:

From the fact, second statement of Pinky is false, it makes its both other statements
true. That makes Mamta American. Hence first statement of Mamta will be false then.
It makes both 2nd and 3rd statements of Mamta true. Now data is solved and following
table can be formed

First Second Third

statement statement statement
Rakesh 1 1 0
Pinky 1 0 1
Mohan 0 1 1
Mamta 0 1 1

172. B;

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173. B;

174. B;

175. B; The last bell rang 5 min ago means there is still 40 min left for next bell which is due at
7:45, so it makes present time as 7:05

176. B; 115.5, 115.5 + 22.5 = 138, 138 + 24.5

= 162.5, 162.5 + 26.5 = 189

177. B; Logic of the series is (×3 –2)

So 10 × 3 – 2 = 28 is the answer.

178. B; A alone is sufficient as it gives Rajat rank in comparison of Babita whose Rank is given in
comparison of Neelam, whose rank is known.

B and C together are sufficient as Rajat rank in terms of Babita is given whose rank in
comparison to Kamla is given whose rank is known. We can calculate Rajat rank from this

179. C; B and C together are sufficient.

From ‘nahi piya tha’ means ‘Reasoning Needs Logic’ code of logic can be any of ‘nahi’,
‘piya’or ‘tha’.

Now comparing it with ‘piya zaa kiya’ means ‘Arithmetic Needs Practice’ we get that code
of common ‘’Needs is ‘Piya’. Also comparing with ‘tha tik karhi’ means ‘Tough Reasoning
Paper’, we get that code of common ‘Reasoning’is ‘tha’. So code of Logic is ‘nahi’.

180. B;

As C is in the middle of A and B, so B – C = C – A

20 – 14 = 14 – A
A = 8th from front. But also 33rd from back, hence total students must be 8 + 33 – 1 = 40.
So Rank of C from back = 41 – 14 = 27th.

181. C; Self Explanatory

182. C; Self Explanatory

183. A;

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184. D; Since all Fs are Gs, it is not relevant whether or not it is H thus II is incorrect; I is incorrect
as all Fs are Gs and so all Fs which are H are definitely G but one cannot say with certainty
whether all H will be G. Thus neither follow. D is correct.

185. B; statement II can be said with certainty while statement I cannot be said with certainty,
hence b is correct.

186. D; self-explanatory

187. C; Those Gs that are not Es are not Is thus ii follows and iv follows from statement d thus c is
the right choice.

188. B; i. follows from first statement, ii and iii follow from last statement, iv does not necessarily
follow hence b.

189. B; But for the last statement, none of the statements are distributed hence besides P and F
no other relationship can be said to exist with certainty, hence b.

190. D; While Rs are overlapping with Hs, it is also possible that R is a subset of H as the premise
states are only Hs are Rs thus the Rs are nothing else but Hs hence d is the right choice.

191. C; Year of enactment

192. B; Case names corresponding to subject matter

193. B; Syllogisms are deductions

194. A; Books and Authors – popular books by lawyers

195. D; Articles of Constitution versus subject matter/ rights

196. D; Both statements illustrate the atrocities being faced in the village at the instance of the
police hence d but neither is the cause or the effect of the other.

197. C; Since the two statements are contrary to each other without any direct cause and effect
relationship or even common cause behind the two, c is the right choice.

198. D; Surplus is the common cause. Thus d.

199. C; Both statements are independent o each other, hence c.

200. A; Statement 1 is the cause and 2 the effect hence a.

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