Post Stroke Pain PDF

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10 Articles in Volume 9, Issue #5

Dextrose Prolotherapy for Recurring Headache and Migraine Pain
Diagnosis of Low Back Pain
Ethics, Education, and Policy: Relationship and Mutual Reliance
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin in Pain Treatment
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
Painful Herpetic Reactivation and Degenerative Musculoskeletal Injury
Post-stroke Pain
Preventive Medications for Chronic Daily Headache
The Pathophysiology of Neuropathic Pain
Use of Pulsed Radiofrequency in Clinical Practice

Post-stroke Pain

Spinal Cord Injury

Patient Recovers, walks Again.
Wheelchair bound for 6 years, he can
take his �rst steps for a second time. OPEN
A clinical history and physical examination with judicious use of appropriate diagnostic
modalities are mandatory in identifying what is the likely pain in stroke survivors.
By Stephen Yang, MD, Martin Grabois, MD and Brian Bruel, MD
Page 1 of 5

It is well recognized that the recovery and long-term health of stroke survivors can be
adversely affected by a number of medical complications, including chronic pain. The medical
literature estimate of the prevalence of chronic post-stroke pain ranges from 32-42% at four to
six months and 11-21% at twelve to sixteen months after a stroke.1-3 Shoulder pain alone has
been found to affect up to 72% of post-stroke survivors.4 If one were to include other causes of
post-stroke pain, this number could be significantly higher.
The Post-Stroke Rehabilitation Out-comes Project studied the prescription of pain medications
by providers at seven distinct inpatient rehabilitation facilities (six in the United States and one
in New Zealand) for 1,122 stroke patients.4 The results of this study revealed the complexity of
post-stroke pain: twelve distinct areas of pain in the human body were identified, eight distinct
classes of medications used to treat pain were utilized, and twenty-nine different pain
medications were prescribed.
Properly identifying the potential causes of pain should be a major focus in post-stroke care
because the correct evaluation and treatment will be of significant benefit for the patient. The
objective of this article is to provide a review in the available medical literature of potential
causes and treatment of chronic post stroke pain, including neuropathic and musculoskeletal
Neuropathic Pain Central Post-stroke Pain
Central post-stroke pain (CPSP) has been referred to as thalamic pain and was once thought to
be synonymous with thalamic injury. However, it is now believed that the key factor in
developing central post-stroke pain is a lesion in the spino-thalamo-cortical pathway and that
this syndrome actually arises more often from non-thalamic than thalamic lesions.5 The
condition is actually not as rare as once thought and has been reported at an 8% incidence in
the first year after stroke, 63% of which develop pain within the first month.6
CPSP is characterized by an intense spontaneous or evoked pain localized in the affected
extremities and can affect the entire side of the body with an aching and burning quality.7
Sensory disturbance is a major component of CPSP, including abnormal temperature sensation,
dysesthesia and hypersensitivity to cutaneous stimuli.7 In contrast, there is often a normal
response to light touch and vibration. The pain appears to be alleviated with relaxation and
worsened with emotional and physical stress.7
Commonly prescribed oral medications for use in post-stroke pain include antidepressants and
anticonvulsants, while opioids are not felt to be effective.4,8
The tricyclic antidepressant amitriptyline given at 75mg/day was found to be effective in
improving the pain scores in 10 out of 15 patients with CPSP versus 1 of 15 in a placebo group
of a double blinded placebo-controlled crossover study at 2 weeks and 4 weeks from the start
of treatment.9 Amitriptyline is usually started at 10 or 25mg/day and titrated up to 75mg/day.
The medication is commonly given at nighttime as it can cause sedation and thus interfere
with daytime activities. Amitriptyline has a variety of adverse reactions including anti-
cholinergic side effects and should be carefully considered and monitored when prescribing
—especially for elderly patients.
Anticonvulsants have been used in clinical practice for a variety of neuropathic pain
syndromes since the 1960s. Gabapentin has become commonly used for treating a variety of
neuropathic pain conditions and was the most prescribed anti-convulsant in the Post-Stroke
Rehabilitation Outcomes Project pain study which looked at medication usage for stroke
patients at seven inpatient rehabilitation facilities.4 Gabapentin is a structural analog of the
neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), but its exact mechanism of action in the
treatment of central neuropathic pain is unclear. Gabapentin is relatively safe, with the most
common side effects being dizziness and sedation.
Specific research on gabapentin to treat CPSP is limited to case series and not large,
randomized, well-controlled studies.4,8 One report described gaba-pentin as being effective for
thalamic pain starting at 300mg two times/day and titrating up to 300mg three times/day, while
a second case found effective treatment starting at 100mg three times/day and titrating up to
300mg three times/day lasting at least one year.12,13 There are no randomized clinical trials
examining the effectiveness of gabapentin for CPSP on a larger scale at the present time, nor is
there any literature on the use of gabapentin at higher doses such as 2400mg/day or
3600mg/day. Further study is recommended before justifying the wide-spread use of
gabapentin for this condition.
Lamotrigine is an anti-epileptic medication with non-NMDA anti-glutamatergic activity and is
relatively well-tolerated, although there is documented potential for severe dermatologic
adverse reactions such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis. It was
found to be moderately effective and achieve greater reduction of pain than a placebo at
maximum doses of 200mg/day.10 Higher doses of lamotrigine have been thought to provide
even better relief of pain but have not been tested with larger controlled studies.11
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) type 1 is a sympathetically mediated pain disorder
presenting with the qualities of neuropathic pain. CRPS type 1 is differentiated from CRPS type
2 in that type 1 cannot be defined by a peripheral nerve injury. Although established as a
wellknown complication after stroke, it remains unclear exactly how common it is. Estimates
of its prevalence have ranged from 12.5% to 30.5%.14-16 CRPS type 1 is most commonly seen
one to three months after stroke and less often after five months. The exact mechanisms that
precipitate the onset of CRPS after stroke are not precisely understood at this time. Spasticity
and limited range of motion of the shoulder, especially external rotation, appear to be
influential factors towards development of this condition.17 Conversely, adequate range of
motion in the shoulder is felt to be a protective mechanism against the development of CRPS
type 1.
The most common presentation of post-stroke CRPS is severe shoulder and hand pain with
sparing of the elbow together with swelling, especially in the hand. CRPS is unique from other
forms of neuropathic pain in that it is associated with vasomotor, sudomotor, and trophic
changes. The diagnosis of CRPS is based on clinical criteria adopted by the International
Association for the Study of Pain (see Table 1).
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Last updated on: December 22, 2011

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Tension Headache
Neuropathic Pain
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Diabetic Neuropathy
Multiple Sclerosis
Phantom Limb Syndrome
Postherpetic Neuralgia
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Oral and Maxillofacial Pain
Tooth Pain
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Inflammatory Arthritis
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Plantar Fasciitis
Spine Pain
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Facet Syndrome
Myofascial Back Pain
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Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
General Musculoskeletal Pain
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Types of Pain
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Rheumatologic and Myofascial Pain
Spine Pain
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Abdominal and Pelvis Pain
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS)
Brain Injury
General Musculoskeletal Pain
Pain Co-morbidities

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