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R&D Meeting [December 18th, 2019] Andrew

1. Communiction

Work Management with Trello

• Trello for effiecient R&D communication, task allocation, and progress monitoring

• Open transparency between all R&D and non-R&D members

• R&D members have been using this as a trial for the past two weeks

• Non R&D members will be invited to this board

Expected results for R&D members

• R&D communication will become streamlined and efficient

• Everyone will know exactly what to do

• Files will be centrally located for editing and revisions so no files will be lost

Expected results for non R&D members

• Will be able to see what R&D is doing

• Will be able to Request improvements for R&D to research and then develop

Improved communication through a Leadership Circle

• As communication is more frequent between same level grades [G2-4, G5-6], Quarterly captains
will be chosen on a rotational basis to facilitate communication through leadership

• Ex. G2-4 Captain: Q1 Susie Q2 JasonSeol Q3 Nicole Q4 JasonLee

• Ex. G5-6 Captain: Q1 Kyla Q2 Jay Lee Q3 Joseph Q4 Mark
• Members of this circle will then gather with R&D and TFT to have a more focused meeting with
specific and clear intentions

Expected results for Leadership Circle

• Communication will be precise, effective, and efficient

• All teachers will be a leader in their own capacities

• Involve all teachers in group communication

Improved teamwork through Tuesday After Work Day

• Since we already allocate Tuesdays for monthly meetings and seminars, the 2nd Tuesdays of
every month will be designated as an activity day, inviting all teachers to bond after work through
team buliding activities such as bowling, movies, and dinner.

• Participation will be completely voluntary, allowing everyone to have no burden

Expected results for Tuesday After Work Day

• Allow teamwork to evolve outside of the work place which can lead to a better workplace culture

• An outlet for all participants to relax, release some stress, and to have fun with coworkers

2. Program Development

Debate Workshop
• As students will be entering their Parliamentary Debate format in Q2, teachers who want to learn,
hone, and adjust to the format can voluntarily join when they want

• One day a week, such as Friday, will be allocated for curious teachers to join freely

Expected results for debate workshop

• Any teacher who does not feel comfortable with debating can come to study, learn together, and
improve together
R&D Meeting [December 18th, 2019] Andrew

3. Efficient Student Interviews

Interview Team
• There are days when R&D work has to halt because of unexpected leave of R&D members for

• Members who will participate in the interviews should be notified prior to interview dates so that
their work can be better allocated by time and new deadlines can be set

• New interview scoring rubric that allows for lesser disparities among different interviewers

• Ex. Jason will score a 68 while Andrew might score a 73 to the same student

• This rubric will be scaled and each score represents a very detailed category of a student

• Ex. Pronunciation 1-5: A 3 would be a student who can pronunce words clearly but with frequent
mispronunciations. A 4 would be a student who has great intonation and near native level
pronunciation with on eor two errors. A 5 would be a native level student.

Expected results for interview team

• Scoring will be on point and decision making would become more efficient

• Decrease repetitive work for interviewers, more listening to potential students

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