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Susan de lima
New Westminster(49N12 122W54 -

Horoscope By
Civil lines, Jhansi Orcha
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Basic Details
Person Details Avkahada Chakra
Gender : Female Paya (Nakshatra Based) : Silver
Date of Birth : 23 : 1 : 1978 Varna (Astrological) : Bramhin
Time of Birth : 21 : 3 : 6 Yoni : Mesha
Day of Birth : Monday Gana : Devta
Ishtkaal : 032-53-33 Vasya : Jalch
Place of Birth : New Westminster Nadi : Madhya
Time Zone : -8.0 Dasa Balance : Saturn 10 Y 11 M 19 D
Latitude : 49 : 12 : N Lagna : Leo
Longitude : 122 : 54 : W Asc Lord : Sun
Local Time Correction : 00.11.36 Rasi : Cancer
War Time Correction : 00.00.00 Rasi Lord : Moon
LMT at Birth : 20:51:30 Nakshatra-Pada : Pashyami-2
GMT at Birth : 05:03:06 Star Lord : Saturn
Tithi : Purnima Julian Day : 2443532
Sun Sign (Indian) : Capricorn
Hindu Week Day : Monday
Sun Sign (Western) : Aquarius
Paksha : Shukla
Ayanamsa : 023-33-00
Yoga : Priti
Ayanamsa Name : Lahiri
Karan : Bav
Obliquity : 023-26-32
Sunrise : 07:53:40
Sideral Time : 05:04:08
Sunset : 16:53:23

Rashi Lagna Nakshatra-Pada

Cancer Leo Pashyami-2

Rasi Lord Asc Lord Star Lord

Moon Sun Saturn

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Ghatak & Favourable Points

Ghatak (Malefics)

Wednesday Naga Tula Paush

Bad Day Bad Karan Bad Lagna Bad Month

Anuradha 1 Singh 2, 7, 12
Bad Nakshatra Bad Prahar Bad Rasi Bad Tithi

Dhriti Jupiter
Bad Yoga Bad Planets

Favourable Points

7 1, 2, 3, 9 4,5, 8 16,25,34,43,52
Lucky Numbers Good Numbers Evil Numbers Good Years

Sunday, Tuesday Sun, Mercury, Mars Gemini, Virgo, Libr Capricorn, Aries, G
Lucky Days Good Planets a emini, Leo
Friendly Signs Good Lagna

Silver Pearl
Lucky Metal Lucky Stone

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Planetary Position
Your Jupiter Pratayandasha in Venus in Rahu is going on, which will run from 24 August 2020 to 18 January 2021.

Ascendent Sun Moon

Leo Capricorn Cancer
Purvaphalgini Sravana Pashyami

Mars Mercury Jupiter

Cancer Sagittarius Gemini
Pashyami Purvashadha Mrigasira

Venus Saturn Rahu

Capricorn Leo Virgo
Sravana Magha Hasta

Ketu Uranus Neptune

Pisces Libra Scorpion
Uttarabhadra Vishakha Jyeshtha


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Planets Rashi Longitude Nakshatra Pada R C Relation

Ascendent Leo 26-19-31 Purvaphalgini 4 -- -- --
Sun Capricorn 10-18-50 Sravana 1 D -- Enemy
Moon Cancer 08-58-11 Pashyami 2 D -- Own
Mars Cancer 07-10-50 Pashyami 2 R -- Debilitated
Mercury Sagittarius 19-39-12 Purvashadha 2 D -- Neutral
Jupiter Gemini 03-39-20 Mrigasira 4 R -- Enemy
Venus Capricorn 10-47-09 Sravana 1 D C Friendly
Saturn Leo 05-24-05 Magha 2 R -- Enemy
Rahu Virgo 15-46-19 Hasta 2 R -- --
Ketu Pisces 15-46-19 Uttarabhadra 4 R -- --
Uranus Libra 22-32-52 Vishakha 1 D -- --
Neptune Scorpion 23-55-01 Jyeshtha 3 D -- --
Pluto Virgo 23-08-30 Hasta 4 R -- --

Note : [C] - Combust [D ] - Direct [R ] -Retrograde [E] -Eclipse

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Chalit Table & Chart

Bhav Rashi Bhav Begin Rashi Mid Bhav
1 Leo 10.52.15 Leo 26.19.30
2 Virgo 10.52.15 Virgo 25.25.00
3 Libra 09.57.44 Libra 24.30.29
4 Scorpion 09.03.14 Scorpion 23.35.58
5 Sagittarius 09.03.14 Sagittarius 24.30.29
6 Capricorn 09.57.44 Capricorn 25.25.00
7 Aquarius 10.52.15 Aquarius 26.19.30
8 Pisces 10.52.15 Pisces 25.25.00
9 Aries 09.57.44 Aries 24.30.29
10 Taurus 09.03.14 Taurus 23.35.58
11 Gemini 09.03.14 Gemini 24.30.29
12 Cancer 09.57.44 Cancer 25.25.00

Chalit Chart

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Key Points For Your Kundli

Your Greatest Desire Your Driving Force
Living With Dignity Your Self Respect

Motive Of Life Your Charisma / Talent

Progress Of Others Along With Your Courage And Mettle

Flaw To Work On Principal Statement

Not Listening To Others And I Am Tough

Line Of Direction Epitome Of Life

Give Respect, Care, And Your Benevolent Nature
Attention To Everyone

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Your Ascendant

Your Ascendant is

The ascendant house is considered very important in Vedic astrology. During the birth of a
person, the sign which rises in the sky is called the persons ascendant.And, the sign which
comes in this house is called the ascendant sign. The ascendant helps in calculating
minutest event in a person's life through astrology. Whereas, the daily, weekly, monthly and
yearly predictions are made on the basis of moon sign and sun sign.

Health For Leo Ascendant

The diseases of Leo mainly involve the heart, most seriously occlusion of cardiac arteries by blood clot or
occlusion bringing on a heart attack. Nervous tension can a ect the heart with palpitations and the like. The
ailments related to Leo are pain in the back and lungs, spinal complaints, diseases of the heart and blood,
sickness in ribs and sides, convulsions, pleasantries, violent burning fevers including, and some trouble of
the eyes.

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Temperament & Personality For Leo Ascendant

People fall under this zodiac sign are the owner of dynamic and attractive personality. A typical Leo is
ambitious, courageous, strong willed, positive, independent and self-con dent. They are straightforward and
uncomplicated individual who know very well what they want and pursue it with complete enthusiasm and
a creative spirit. Usually they are temperamental, sometimes blunt and nasty when a ronted are deeply
hurt by malice or aggression. Too sensitive to personal criticism and when their governance is threatened,
they can go into a sudden anger. They are stubborn and will hold onto a belief or stick to a course of action
through thick or thin. Possess idealistic and humane nature. Basically Leos are outgoing, happy, kind and
generous, self-expressive, intelligent and broad minded. They have a xed determination but will get
unjusti ably into a bad temper at the slightest provocation but the anger can be quickly paci ed. They may
hold a grudge for long and are an independent thinker. They stick to orthodox principles in religion but are
preferably tolerant towards other's precepts and practices.

Physical Appearance For Leo Ascendant

Leo Ascendant s are the owner of charismatic personality they often cast majestic and magnetic impression
on people. But in terms of structure they are not as blessed as their persona they usually have average
height with perfectly carved upper body. Leo possesses large oval shaped face with yellowish tinge eyes
with a prominent chin. Male and female leo may appear controlled, but are easily moved and belligerent.
Quick responsiveness and aggressiveness is common, as is vigour and passion.

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Moon Sign

Your Moon Sign


What is Moon Sign?

Vedic astrology gives more importance to the Moon Signs than the Sun signs for
horoscopes. In fact, Vedic astrology declares that the Moon sign should be treated as the
center of birth chart in place of ascendant or rising sign, in case the Moon is stronger than
the ascendant. Moon Sign horoscopes reveals many hidden secrets of personality which
cannot be disclosed by Sun signs.

Health For Cancer Moon Sign

Cancer Moon Sign s are prone to coughs, indigestion, gas, and general problems with stomach, liver and
intestines. They are the most vulnerable as a person they often face emotional disorders such as
depression, hypochondria and hysteria. The Excessive sensitivity can lead to weak digestion, gastritis and
other stomach disease, and there is a tendency to coughs and weakness of vision.

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Temperament & Personality For Cancer Moon Sign

Cancer has the characteristics of dreaminess, intuition, emotion and need for a safe retreat. They are
inherently blessed with excellent conversation and literal skills. They are quick-witted, ingenious, vivacious
and inconsistence. They also have a certain degree of spirituality some of them are blessed with psychic
tendencies. They have excellent memory retention skills. They are kind, sensitive and compassionate. They
are very domestic and love fortifying their home environment to their own satisfaction. In personal
relationship, cancer is a mixture of toughness and tenderness, Emotional, romantic and sentimental on one
side, while stubbornly possessive and loyal on the other side. They possess a retentive memory and rarely
forgive slights and hurts. A Cancerian are not familiar with the phrase “let the bygone be bygone”: they never
ever forget one's error. As being driven by emotional nature, they can be the best and the worst of friends.
They are bright and extremely careful and equally productive in what they do.

Physical Appearance For Cancer Moon Sign

Cancer Moon Sign people have round-shaped features and tend to become stout when they reach their
thirties. The hair is dark and thin or sparse. The nose is small, the eyes stick out, and the chin is round. The
height is small to average. People fall under this sign are not very fortunate in terms of looks they possess
petite structure with long arms and may not be very tall but they generally have broad upper part of the
body. Though they usually have fair complexion with affronted nose up to a extent.

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Your Nakshatra

Your Nakshatra Your Nakshatra Pada

Pashyami 2

What is Nakshatra?

Nakshatra is the term for lunar mansion in Hindu astrology. A nakshatra is one of 27
(sometimes also 28) sectors along the ecliptic. Each nakshatra is further subdivided into
quarters (or padas). These play a role in popular Hindu astrology, where each pada is
associated with a syllable, conventionally chosen as the rst syllable of the given name of a
child born when the moon was in the corresponding pada.

Pashyami nakshtra prediction

You are merciful, compassionate, and quite generous in nature. Lord of this constellation is
Jupiter, due to which your personality is serious, dedicated, honest, and righteous like a
God. You will have a muscular body with a full frame. Face will be round and bright. You
don’t have even a miniscule amount of ego. It is your main motive to gain peace, happiness,
and bliss in life. You are dedicated, trustworthy, social, and help people in their bad times.
Tasty food can tempt you easily and you love to cherish this material life. Praises make you
quite happy, whereas you can’t tolerate criticism. So, the only way to make you do
something is by sweet words. You like to collect all types of amenities. With determination,
you are also a believer of God. Due to these characteristics, if you are quite popular, there is
no wonder about it. Your nature is religious and generous. Also, you go for pilgrimages.
Yoga, Tantra-Mantra, astrology, etc. will also have your keen interest. You will especially
respect your mother and women like her. Your working style is quite creative and you have
talents by birth. If a work is given to you, it can be clearly said that the work will definitely be
done because you do everything with extreme honesty and skillfully. Due to work, you may
have to go far from your spouse and children at times. But, this won’t cause any
detachment from the family. You will always put e orts in earning luxury of life. You have a
peaceful and decent behavior along with a feeling of devotion. You may easily get prey to
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the misbehavior of others. It is very di cult for you to express what is there in your mind.
You are a devotee of God and try to help others. Even in married life, you are not always
comfortable sharing everything with your spouse, which at times causes
misunderstandings. As a result, you cause yourself immense internal pain.
Education & Income : You may get successful in theatre, arts, and business related to
commerce. Along with this, work related to dairy, agriculture, gardening, animal husbandry,
making of food items and their distribution, politics, parliamentary, legislator, religious
preacher, counsellor, psychologist, a volunteer of religion or donations, teacher, trainer,
children care, play school, house construction and construction of townships or societies,
management of religious or social events, share market, nance department, water related
works, social service, transportation of goods, and in other hard work like them.
Family Life : You would want to live with your children and spouse. But, job and business
might keep you away from them. That is why your familial life might stay a bit
strugglesome. However, your spouse will be quite dedicated and take care of the family
quite well in your absence. Some struggle is foreseen in your life till the age of 33, but after
that, you will grow in all directions.

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Panchang Predictions
The amalgamation of the ve factors namely, the day of birth, date of birth, birth constellation, birth yoga, and
birth karana help the astrologers in calculating the Panchang Phala of a native. Considering these ve factors at
the time of the birth of a native, the astrologer paints a clear hued picture denoting the ups and downs of life.
The Panchang Phala of your kundali has been mentioned below:

Poornima Monday Priti

Tithi Weekday Yoga

Bav Pushya
Karan Nakshatra

Tithi : Poornima
As you are born on the Poornima tithi, you will be someone who can go to any extent to complete your
undertakings successfully. You will have a pleasing personality whom people would like to interact with.
You will be attracted toward the people of opposite sex. You will perform the courages tasks in your

Hindu Week Day: Monday

As you are born on Monday, you'll be clever and intelligent enough to get your work done. You'll have a
politeness in your voice. You'll earn your livelihood by serving in the government. Happiness, and Sorrow
won't be able to affect your principles in life, as you'll take them just another part of daily life.

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Yoga : Priti
As you are born in this yoga, you will be lively, inquisitive, and someone who likes to work in a sporty spirit.
You’ll be someone who praises the beauty and worships it. You’ll be inclined towards the opposite sex and
develop good relationship with them. You’ll be clever, and someone who knows the secret to achieve
success in life with less efforts.

Karan : Bav
As you are born in Bav Karan, you might be high on physical needs. However, you’ll be kind hearted toward
others. You’ll be courageous with a righteous character. You’ll be clever and may have a knack of walking
of fast. You’ll be lucky and may accumulate different sorts of movable and immovable assets.

Nakshatra : Pushya
As you are born in Pushya Nakshatra, you’ll always be happy no matter what may come in your life be it
good or bad. You’ll serve your parents like an obedient child. You’ll always have rm belief in God, and
religion. You’ll be wealthy, and also possess all sorts of luxuries and vehicles

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General Prediction


You have several desirable qualities. First and foremost, you revel in work and there is
hardly a limit to the amount of work you can do. Next, you have your eyes wide open and
your brain is alert. Taken together, these qualities single you out as being a very powerful
in uence in your own sphere of activities.You are wonderfully practical in all you do, and
you have a very keen brain for remembering details. In fact, details mean so much to you
that you are apt to irritate some of your co-workers with them. You never forget a face,
though you are less accurate in remembering names.You are a person who wants to know
the why and where of everything. Until you are satis ed on these points, you refrain from
acting. Consequently, sometimes you miss a good deal, and some people look upon you
as a procrastinator.In a measure you are too sensitive and often you hold back when you
should go ahead. This un ts you for certain forms of leadership. You do not want your own
way in many things. In fact, you are very amenable, taken all round.

Happiness And Fulfillment

You are having the feelings of con dence and optimism. You always feel that things will
turn out well and have the ability to make this come to pass. Extremely kind and tolerant of
others, you are also very practical, and can gain complete understanding of total concepts
from the most minor detail. You have faith and a philosophical attitude toward life which
helps you through many trials and gives you the greatest potential for achieving happiness.

Life Style

You tend to be miserable in many ways because you are afraid to tell people how you feel
about them. Thus, you build up hostility. Start immediately to say what is on your mind and
you will begin to find meaningful relationships with others.


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Because you are patient and want a career with permanence, it is hardly necessary for you
to rush. Pursue a career in an area such as banking, Government service, Insurance
Companies where you advance slowly but surely. Not only will you be much better o in
the long run, but you have the patience and the attitude to see it through.


You will not be happy in any occupation that is humdrum and safe. As long as every day
brings its fresh set of problems to be solved and surmounted, you will be satis ed. But
anything with a spice of danger or intrepidity in it will please you even more. Some
examples of this type of profession are : surgeon, construction engineer, top management
posts. A surgeon would appeal to you because people's lives and your own reputation
depend upon your actions. A construction engineer has to overcome exceptional di culties
in building, say, a mighty bridge. What we meant to say is that any job which require very
high caliber and have some spice of danger is suitable for you.


There is nothing to cause worry, regarding matters of health. While you cannot claim a
perfect constitution, there is no great aw in it. But, you must take care. The lungs are
usually the weakest spot, but the nerves may give trouble, too. You may su er from
headache and migraine. Live, as far as possible, a natural life, get out in the fresh air
whenever you can, and be temperate in your food and drink.


You have the bump of acquisition strongly developed. It follows that you like to collect
things, it may be old china, postage stamps, old coins - anything. Moreover, you nd it
di cult to throw things away or to part with them. You always think that you may want
these some day and thus, you are a born collector. Such other hobbies as you have are
more of the indoor kind than the outdoor. You have the patience to make things, and if you
have not the skill you could easily acquire it.

Love Matters
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You take love very seriously. In fact, you approach it in such a manner that the object of
your a ections is likely to be frightened away. Once the course of true love runs smoothly,
you show that your a ections are deep and real. You will make a very sympathetic partner
and the person whom you marry will have your undivided love. You will want him or her,
however, to listen attentively to your troubles. But, you will not have the patience to give a
sympathetic ear to others.


You will be lucky in money matters, but inclined to indulge in luxury and an extravagant
style of living. You will be prone to take great risks in speculation or in attempting to do
business on too large a scale, but speaking generally, you are expected to be very
successful. Possibly, you will become an industrialist. In all questions of money, you will be
more likely to lucky than otherwise, to have many presents given to you and properties or
legacies left to you. You will be lucky with your opposite sex. You will be likely to gain
money by marriage or create it by power of your own mentality. But, one thing is sure, that
you will become a rich person.


You maintain a wonderful zest as you want to achieve something in life. But you may fall
prey to your contradictory state of mind and lose interest in your studies. In such situations,
you should let go of everything and think freely. You have to believe that you can do better
than the rest for which you need the assistance of your studies. If you deploy a particular
schedule and work according to it, no one can stop you from succeeding. You like to share
your knowledge with others and this is where you actually start to learn as dissemination of
knowledge will help you in remembering things in a better manner. This will de nitely
provide assistance to your studies. You will obtain such an education which will help you to
prosper in every aspect of life and also keep you satisfied mentally.

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Planet Consideration in Astrology

Sun Consideration

Sixth Capricorn Enemy Sravana

Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra

Your Sun is in Capricorn sign which is a Enemy sign for Sun. Sun is lord of 1st house and
situated in 6th House . Sun aspects 12th house and aspected by Moon, Mars, Rahu.
The Sun posited here will make you courageous and you will defeat your enemies. This
condition may also make you a bit harsh. You may attracted toward females. Also, you will
become brave & magni cent. Your health will remain good. But, you may have to face
some major ups and downs, twice in your life.

You may become successful completely, if you give support and best wishes to others by
heart and as per your capabilities. You will get respect in society, due to your fair justice.
You will always get pro ts from your business or profession, but after the birth of your son,
it would not be good to change your work area.

The present position of Sun is not favorable for your maternal uncle and for the maternal
relations. The relatives from your maternal side may have to face some su erings. Your
paternal grandfather or grandmother may remain sick, after your birth. You may also su er
from the problem of high blood pressure. Due to the present position of Sun, you may have
problem in eyes due to sunlight. Also, there may be some other problems that you may
face, hence try to safeguard yourself from exposure of sunlight.

Moon Consideration

Twelfth Cancer Own Pashyami

Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra

Your Moon is in Cancer sign which is a Own sign for Moon. Moon is lord of 12th house and
situated in 12th House . Moon aspects 6th house and aspected by Sun, Venus, Ketu.

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The Moon posited in twelfth house makes you a person who loves loneliness. However, if
you would go in isolation you can give a good time to speculation, as you are a good
speculator. You are a soft spoken person. You will have lots of expenses. You may found
getting angry, even on small issues. You will su er from eye related issues, along with
cough problems.

You may become lazy and emotionally disturbed, at the same time. You will nd interest in
the subjects related to love and suspense. You will also have craze to go for foreign trips
and you will get the chance for the same. The number of enemies may be more. You may
have involvement in hospitals or religious institutions.

You may have to face many restrictions in your life. You may not be able to gather much
knowledge about commercial issues, this may make you stay away from such matters. You
may get worried due to your expenses. However, these expenses will be made by you only
and these problems will create trouble for you.

Mars Consideration

Twelfth Cancer Debilitated Pashyami

Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra

Your Mars is in Cancer sign which is a Debilitated sign for Mars. Mars is lord of 9,4 house and
situated in 12th House . Mars aspects 3rd, 6th, 7th house and aspected by Sun, Venus, Ketu.
The Mars present here gives you opposite results, mostly. But, makes you expert in art of
weapons. The Mars present here is not considered good for married life. Also, the position
of Mars makes you violent, by nature. Due to over expenses you may become a debtor.
Mars may also cause problem of reddishness in eyes or other eye related problems.

You may nd less interest toward religious tasks. Though you are a part of religious tasks
but you may not understand the importance of religion. You may also have some danger of
theft, hence it is advised to keep your things safe and secure. It would be good to keep
violent thoughts away from your, if they are about your life partner. There may be chances
that you may have to get the surgery done, for your elder son.

The present position of Mars is indicating that your younger siblings may get posted at
higher authorities and higher posts. But, they may have some ups and downs in their
nancial condition. Your parents may have problems related to stomach. Sometimes
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spending extra money may create nancial problems for you. You are a person who
respects sage and teachers.

Mercury Consideration

Fifth Sagittarius Neutral Purvashadha

Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra

Your Mercury is in Sagittarius sign which is a Neutral sign for Mercury. Mercury is lord of 11,2
house and situated in 5th House . Mercury aspects 11th house and aspected by Jupiter.
Due to the present position of Mercury, you may have attractive personality. You will have a
divine nature. You are a mentally happy, keen and an intelligent person. You are an expert
at debating, argumentative and well spoken person. People will get mesmerized by your
sweet nature. You are an ethical, patient, virtuous and a satis ed person. You are a good
entrepreneur and you work e ciently. You will get happiness from mother and spouse. You
will be rewarded in royal court.

You will get blessed by children, especially by a baby boy. You know di erent types of
Mantras. The Mercury posited in fth house indicates nancial problems. You will keep on
accumulating wealth due to your intelligence. You may have interest in betting and
gambling. You will be a glorious person and will have impressive personality in all
communities. You will have interest in literature and you may become a writer, poet, play
writer and a novelist.

The Mercury present here makes you a self satis ed person, which is not a good attitude.
You may also develop greedy thoughts and you need to save yourself from this. Though
you will get happiness from son, but some obstacles may arise. You may have more
number of daughters. Despite of all this you will spend a good life due to good business
mind and knowledge.

Jupiter Consideration

Eleventh Gemini Enemy Mrigasira

Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra

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Your Jupiter is in Gemini sign which is a Enemy sign for Jupiter. Jupiter is lord of 5,8 house
and situated in 11th House . Jupiter aspects 3rd, 5th, 7th house and aspected by Mercury.
The Jupiter posited here give you attractive personality, along with health and long age.
You are a satis ed person, generous, and a charitable person. You are a sharp minded
person and a good thinker. You speak factual truth and you have saint like nature. You will
be in the company of good and higher people. You will get respect and pro t through rulers
or Government. The people having high position and belonging to well-known family will be
your friends.

You will have good natured friends. They will help you achieving your wishes and ambitions.
The advice from good friends will be helpful and bene cial to you. The good deeds done
by you done by you will bring fame and name to you. You will also gain money. You will be
a wealthy and flourished person. You may have many sources of income.

The Jupiter posited in this house makes you miser, sometimes. You may also feel worried
due to your children. You will get huge pro t at the age of 32 years. But, someone may
acquire your ancestral property, illegally or you may loose it due to some reason. You will
be brave, helping hand to father, and a person who would defeat enemies. You will be
praised by people and will receive respect from royal people.

Venus Consideration

Sixth Capricorn Friendly Sravana

Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra

Your Venus is in Capricorn sign which is a Friendly sign for Venus. Venus is lord of 10,3
house and situated in 6th House . Venus aspects 12th house and aspected by Moon, Mars,
The position of Venus in present house gives favorable and unfavorable results. The Venus
posited in this house is an indicator that you belong to a highly prestigious and respectable
family. You are well educated and have good reasoning skills. But, Venus can also make
you fearful and you may have to face disliking by females. You may also have some
arguments with your teachers.

You may get some problems due to your enemies.; however, you will be able to succeed
over your them. You will get happiness from siblings and maternal uncle. Your maternal

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uncle may have more of girl child. You may have lesser number of good friends, and more
of the friends who would be involved in bad habits. You will be blessed by a baby boy, as
your first child. You will have a good complete family of son-grandsons.

You may not nd happiness from females and there are chances that you may have internal
body problems. However, if after marriage your diet remains good then you may not face
any health problems. Your expenses may exceed your income. These is a possibility that
you may spend money at the wrong place instead of investing it at the right place. Also, you
may not get favorable results from an independent business of yours.

Saturn Consideration

First Leo Enemy Magha

Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra

Your Saturn is in Leo sign which is a Enemy sign for Saturn. Saturn is lord of 6,7 house and
situated in 1st House . Saturn aspects 3rd, 7th House .
Saturn is posited in your rst house, hence you will get mixed results. According to old
astrologers and scholars, the present position of Saturn makes a person feel comfortable in
isolation. You will try to stay away from any kind of conspiracies. If you meet someone for
the rst time and someone meets you for the rst time, both have an impact of their
personalities on each other.

You are a stubborn, decision maker, but sometimes become upset. You will have long age
and will possess good qualities. Along with this, you will get authority like rulers. You will
get favors from royal people and Government. If you will do hard work, you will get
wealthy. You will always win over your enemies in every condition.

You may be head of a village or city. But, you may have to struggle a bit, in early years of
your life. But, due to big business setup, con dence and patience, you will get success at
the end. To escape from the bad e ects of Saturn, you need to keep yourself clean. For
this, you should avoid laziness and avoid unnecessary disputes. You may also have gastric
problems. Hence, you think of remedies to save yourself from evil effects of Saturn.

Rahu Consideration

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Second Virgo N.A Hasta

Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra

Your Rahu is in Virgo Sign .Rahu is situated in 2nd House . Rahu aspects 6th, 8th, 10th house
and aspected by Ketu.
The Rahu posited in the present house gives good and bad results, both. You may have
some mark on your chin. You may have a long nose, more than usual. People will trust you,
even though you do not stand upto their expectations. However, you are a very well
behaved person. This condition makes you wealthy. You will earn money through
Government or rulers.

You will remain happy and will achieve pride and respect in your life. You will get money
from foreign lands. It is said that Rahu helps in accumulating wealth in foreign lands. You will
be able to destroy your enemies. You will like to travel in country and abroad. But, there are
possibilities that there may be obstacles in your work.

You may have lesser number of children. The presence of Rahu may not bring stability in
any work and will create obstacles. You may also start speaking lies. You may also develop
a habit of speaking unnecessarily; along with this, you may also start using some bad way
of speaking. You may also start eating and drinking some non-good items. Also, at this time
you may loose all your paternal property and will do the misuse of money. You may spend
money on worthless things.

Ketu Consideration

Eighth Pisces N.A Uttarabhadra

Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra

Your Ketu is in Pisces Sign .Ketu is situated in 8th House . Ketu aspects 12th, 2nd, 4th house
and aspected by Rahu.
The Ketu posited here gives some good results. Hence, you will be a brave and a hard-
working person. You always take your work, seriously. You will also have deep interest in
games. You will stay happy. You are a modest person. You will have lot of nancial pro t.
You may also gat money from Government.

The Ketu posited here is considered to give bad results in most of the matters. Hence, you
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may like company of bad people. You may also be a greedy or shrewd person. You may
not hesitate in harming anyone. You may do some work unintentionally, that may be
morally wrong. Sometimes, the work done by you indicates, impatience.

The Ketu posited here may cause some internal diseases, mouth or teeth problems. This
position is not suitable for nancial conditions, also. You may face problems in getting back
the amount paid to anyone, along with this there may be hurdles in getting money. You may
feel interested toward others person's wealth and relations. You may also have problem
due to vehicles. There may be some arguments and separation between you and your

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Bhava Phala
A birth chart of a native comprises of 12 segments, each denoting the di erent aspects of a human life. These
segments are known as houses or Bhavas. The 12 signs of the zodiac nd a place in each of these 12 houses in
an arranged manner. And the Lord of that particular sign becomes the house Lord of the house that it is posited
in. Each House Lord residing in di erent houses and the impact of all the planets along with the impact of the
houses defines the various shades of life the native would have to go through.


The 6th house is an indicator of our debts, enemies and disease. It is a house of service and
indicates our association with professional duties and obligations. As a house connected
with disease, 6th house indicates our health and wellness. As a house connected with
enemies, 6th house indicates our competitive spirit, resilience and capacity to ght back
tough circumstances and deal with troublesome people. It is a house of struggle.

The presence of your lagna lord in 6th house indicates a slightly di cult life for you. As a
house of strife, the position of lord of self in this house indicates your con ict with the
external world resulting in inner turmoil for you. The 6th house is indicative of both your
health and absence of health meaning disease. It indicates the disorders, ailments, illnesses
and maladies you will have in this life, and also your struggles and ways of coping with
them. Your lagna lord of self in the 6th house may indicate that your association with the
service sector and the hard labour you invest in your professional life. As a house of service,
this will make you more prone towards an occupation which binds you in terms of your
time and resources and does not give you much independence or choice. As a house of
competition, the placement of your lord of self in this house indicates the challenges you
will face in this life and your constant and engagement with inimical people. Things may not
come easy and you may have to invest more than double the time and resources in your
endeavours. A house dealing with debts, this house confines us under obligation.


The placement of your 2nd lord in 5th house talks of integrated speech and thought
processes, that contribute towards personality development. You will be acknowledged as
a person capable of in-depth thinking and facile verbal expression. This shows the
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concentration or contribution of your family resources on your academic growth and

development. Your family will be proud of your academic performance and intellectual
achievements. This is an indication of a strong family support for enhancement of your
intellectual capability and expansion of your knowledge. It also shows your willingness to
invest your material resources in intellectual hobbies and creative pursuits. You may be an
avid reader or an enthusiastic collector of books and printed material. This also indicates
connection of family traditions with your faith and personal style of performing rituals. It
denotes your deep faith and involvement with family deity and attendant religious rituals.
The placement of 2nd lord in 5th house shows your inclination to concentrate your nancial
resources in various entertainment activities that give your ful lment and satisfaction. This
can also mean the participation of family in your fun and recreation. Since 5th house rules
your procreational abilities, the position of 2nd lord in 5th house clearly points to your
money and other resources focused on the support and care of your children. Your family
members may also experience close bonding with your o springs/children and vice versa.
This placement is an indicator of your good nancial planning and wealth management


Both the 3rd and 6th houses denote aggression, force and action. While your 3rd house
expresses these tendencies via the mental channel, the 6th house shows these tendencies
through con icts, confrontation, hard work, belligerence and resilience. They are also
considered as the houses of growth in today’s context. When your 3rd lord is in 6th, your
mental inclination will have a touch of aggression and force. You may take bold or brash
decisions. These may sometimes work to your advantage and enable you to be assertive or
decisive. But these traits can also land you in trouble due to your confrontationist attitude.
Your 3rd lord in 6th house can mean that you will be pushy in your perspective and
approach. The placement of your 3rd lord in 6th can also create a restless drive in you for
materialism, and you will strive beyond your limits for garnering wealth and materials.
Sometimes, this can create a grabbing tendency too which might disrupt your interpersonal
relationships. You may also relentlessly ght for what you consider as yours. These may be
your personal rights, assets or territorial identity. Since you are focused more on what you
feel rightfully belongs to you and try to obtain it at any cost, you may not be bothered much
about your infringement on others’ rights. This position of 3rd lord in 6th also indicates the
numerous problems you will have with your siblings, peers, neighbours or colleagues. The
disruption in the relationship could have resulted due to your pushy or aggressive
behaviour. They may perceive you as a threat and could have developed retaliatory
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assertive reaction. Such incidents will de nitely lead to disruptions in the relationship and
aggravation of problems.


The 4th house represents the state of happiness when inward bound in meditation. The 12th
house is concerned with detachment, meditation and enlightenment. Since the 12th house is
9th when counted from the 4th, the placement of 4th lord in the 12th house indicates the
good fortune as experienced by your internal spiritual self. Divine grace, good fortune and
good luck is conveyed by the 9th house and its lord. The same can be connoted by any
house lord that is placed 9th from its own house. The 4th lord represents the spiritual seed
that sprouts and matures in the fertile ground provided by the 12th house. Both 4th and 12th
houses belong to the ‘Moksha triad’, and this position indicates your spiritual travel curve
and culmination in self-awareness and enlightenment. Your spiritual and material selves,
though they do co-exist harmoniously, will part ways in this arrangement. As a house of
separation and detachment, 4th lord in 12th can lead to your separation from home and its
people. It indicates residence or home in foreign region too. It may also indicate lack of
active interest taken in the pursuit or accumulation of material resources. Even if you own
property, vehicle and assets as signi ed by the 4th house, you may be disinterested and
callous towards them. This position can also indicate separation or detachment from your
mother or may show mother’s deep inclination towards spirituality. The more you lose
interest in the world around you and detach yourself from the material happiness, the faster
you will feel spiritual bliss.


The 5th house indicates your brain gain and the 11th indicates all-round gain. The 11th house
and 11th lord specialize in magnifying and expanding any aspect of your life that gets
associated with them. When your 5th house lord is placed in the 11th house, it surely
signi es tremendous educational achievement. You will be considered an all-rounder or be
referred to as a walking encyclopaedia. You will be very popular in your intellectual and
social circles too. In fact, you will attract people from all strata of society due to your high
intelligence and be acclaimed for your knowledge. This position does indicate intellectual
arrogance or pride too. But your popularity and amiable nature will overpower any
personality trait that can cause slight imbalance in your life. The 11th house deals with
accumulation and you do have a way of accumulating knowledge. Since the 11th house is a
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house of gain, the placement of 5th lord here indicates gain of monetary resources through
the use of your intelligence. This may also indicate your simultaneous involvement in
‘learning and earning’. You may have started ‘earning’ quite early in your life, even as a
student. At any point of time in your life, you can always bank upon your intelligence to
increase the comfort level in your life manifold. Your creative expression and innovative
style will promote additional sources of income for you. This placement also shows that
you will be much sought-after for your creative intelligence and constructive thinking
ability. This combination also indicates multiple progeny


Your 1st house is your fort. It o ers you protection, safeguards your personality and
interests, and is responsible for your overall growth and development, lifelong. The 6th
house, on the other hand, o ers challenge to your 1st house of lagna / self. The
signi cations pertaining to 6th house such as disease, debts and enemies have the capacity
to attack and destroy your fort when associated with the 1st house. This placement
indicates threats to the body from illness. You may be a icted by disease quite often,
resulting in weakness of your physical self. Constant attention to your body and ghting
disease with medicines incurs expenditure, which can land you in debt. Since the 6th house
denotes aggression, this placement can turn you into an aggressive personality, ready to
lauch con ict at the slightest o ensive. This can result in enemies, who may act against
your interests. This indicates that you will be bogged down due to constant engagement
with disease, debts and enemies. Illness and debts will rob you of physical and nancial
well-being. Your enemies can be detrimental to your emotional and social well-being. But,
a strong 1st house in perfect coordination with your 6th house can ward o any challenge to
your fort. The 6th house is responsible for building resistance and resilience. On a positive
note, a bene cial 6th lord will help you ght back any illness and can guarantee a sturdy
body. With your 6th lord in 1st house, you will survive tough circumstances and overcome
your nancial troubles. You can overpower your enemies and ght back di cult times with
determination. But since the 6th house is a di cult house and when placed in the 1st house
will be in 8th from own house, you may have to struggle and transform yourself in a major
way to survive and enjoy the benefits of this combination.


The 7th lord represents the ‘important other’ in your life. They may be your spouse or life
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partner or business partner. The 1st house represents your personality and lifestyle. It
informs about your birth, your childhood and the general travel curve of your life. When the
7th lord is placed in the lagna or 1st house, your ‘sense of other’ is merged in you. This can
indicate a friendly and supportive spouse. Your spouse will be congenial and view people
and situation from your perspective. It is possible that your life partner or spouse is known
to you. Your spouse’s birth and lifestyle will be similar to your own. This placement
indicates mutual empathy, strong bonding and attraction, which will be sustained lifelong.
Since the ‘other’ as represented by 7th house is totally merged in you, it can also imply lack
of interest in marriage. The need for having ‘other’ in one’s life is absent, since the ‘other’ is
there in you already. In all probability, ‘you will be your own spouse’ and live life on your
terms. This combination also conveys a bene cial and pro table business partnership. You
will be a dominant partner, whether in marriage or business. But your ‘dominant role’ will not
be resented by your spouse or business partners. In fact, they will rely on your skills and
knowledge and give whole-hearted consent to your decisions. It also indicates your
independent handling of business ventures and enterprises, without the need to rely on any
‘other’. This placement is a clear pointer to the fact that you will stay around your birthplace
and thrive amidst familiar and congenial surroundings.

Longevity,Danger, Difficulties

Both the 8th and 11th houses inform about money. The 8th house indicates money
belonging to other people, and the 11th house shows our own accumulated monetary
assets. In the 8th house, you get the money suddenly from unexpected quarters, whereas
the 11th house promises predictable huge monetary gains or even windfall. But the main
di erence is that in the 8th house you may face sudden and unexpected monetary loss too,
whereas in the 11th you are bound to gather, garner, amass and gain only. With your 8th lord
in 11th house, chances of more unexpected good happening is predicted. The 8th lord goes
to 4th house from its own house, which imparts a secure colouring to the 8th lord. The fear
and insecurity associated with the 8th house also reduce when your 8th lord comes into the
11th house. Since the 11th house enlarges any house signi cation associated with it, you will
live long and the quality of life will also be good. The restrictions and obstacles will not be
felt much, since the 11th house ensures relaxations. But the 8th house is a reservoir of latent
power, which has not yet been discovered. In the 11th house, this hidden power can assume
enormous proportions and can suddenly confer dominant status. The 8th intrinsically holds
on to power and the 11th ampli es this concept, and so you may gravitate towards elds
and areas which bestow power on you. This internal power can expand itself and you may
be able to in uence individuals and groups in unfathomable ways. The 11th house will also
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magnify the mysterious aura surrounding the 8th lord, and so you will always remain an
enigma to many people even when you have an open and expressive personality

Luck, Father, inheritance etc.

The 9th house stands for our ‘luck’, while the 12th house informs about our ‘loss.’ The 9th
house events and happenings increase your ‘faith’ and connect you closely to your group or
community and people. The 12th house events and happenings increase your ‘detachment’
and separates you from your people and community. The 9th house offers a fertile platform
for the sustenance of traditions and beliefs. The 12th house does not hold on to any beliefs,
and creates disinterest. The 9th resonates to the highest vibration of the ‘Dharma’ house,
and the 12th house is attuned to the expansive vibe of the ‘moksha’ house. Though both the
house di er in their outlook, treatment and methodology, spirituality is a common thread
connecting both your 9th and 12th houses. Only, you demonstrate your spirituality and
religiosity via traditional participation in the 9th house, while in the 12th there is passive
acceptance at the spiritual level. When your 9th lord is placed in the 12th house, it goes to
the 4th from its own house. The 9th house signi cations experience delay under the impact
of the 11th house. But this delay can be attributed to the material manifestation, never for
spiritual enhancement. Your 9th house matters related to esoteric learning, philosophical
inclination and philanthropic participation nd the 12th house as a perfect foundation for
growth and ful lment. Since your 9th lord also relates to your guru, guides, mentors and
teachers, when it goes to the 12th house, that is 4th from its own house, it may also indicate
your decision to leave your place of origin and live in your ‘guru’s ashram.’ This position also
implies that your father may reside in a place far away from his place of birth


Belonging to the ‘Artha’ group of houses pursuing material wealth and enjoyment, the 6th
and the 10th houses act as catalysts in your professional journey. While the 6th signi es the
hard labour and aggressive pursuit of goals, the 10th sets the right tone in presentation,
performance and power related to your career. The 6th house, after withstanding tough
challenges and extreme hardships, prepares a strong foundation for the materialization of
professional achievements and social success. When your 10th lord is placed in the 6th
house, it occupies 9th position from its own house. It indicates that you will rise up to any
challenge in your work front and struggle relentlessly towards ful lling your career goals.
You may be exhibit high competitive spirit and aggressive tendencies quite often in your
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profession endeavours. Though you may be treated in a rough-tough manner, beaten and
molded, you will always emerge stronger after experiencing 6th house in your life. Your
career prospects increase and gain momentum. The fruits of labour pertaining to your
professional life gather sweetness after weathering tough storms and undertaking
dedicated hard work represented by the 6th house. You get to enjoy them in your 10th
house in the form of promotions, nancial enhancements, successful endeavours and high
social status. The 6th house promotes enhanced focus and single-minded concentration on
set targets and goals. Which is why your 10th lord craving recognition, achievement and
success in the outer world will be raring to go, aided and forti ed by the resilience of the
6th house. This combination also indicates your choice of profession as in uenced by the
6th house signi cations. You could be involved in legal or medical profession or work as
military strategist.

Income, Gain

The 5th house comprises of your original and acquired intelligence, along with your creative
expression. The 11th houses comprises of your original and acquired a uence, along with
your creative style of living. The common thread linking the 5th and the 11th houses is the
sense of abundance they convey, the former dealing with intellectual wealth and the latter
with material wealth. The placement of your 11th lord in the 5th house connotes the
abundant display of your intelligence and creativity. Your 11th lord goes to the 7th house
from its own, and identi es itself with the signi cations of the 5th house. The in uence of
11th on the 5th house creates an insatiable thirst for knowledge and an unlimited creative
impulse. You will be an ardent student lifelong. Many opportunities will be conferred on you
for pursuing your academic dreams and realise your intellectual potential. It is possible that
your material wealth is utilized for promoting your educational or academic endeavours. It
can even mean the importance you give for widening your intellectual horizons and focus
your nancial resources towards realizing this aspect of your life. The fact that the 11th lord
is in uencing your mental processes may mean continuous supply of ideas and expansion
of your thinking capacities. This also indicates the utilization of your brilliance for creating
more material a uence in your life. Engagement in speculation or investment in share
markets will prove bene cial for you, and you will mint money in these areas. Since the 11th
house is oriented towards desire ful lment, it can in uence your thinking processes
towards these aspects, giving rise to increase in romantic notions and relationships. This
combination indicates the use of your money for the benefit and welfare of your progeny.

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Expenditure, Moksha

The 12th house pertains to your spiritual yearnings. It indicates your capacity for reaching the
depths of your inner self in order to achieve spiritual heights. The 12th house signi es ‘a
sense of loss’ and detachment that permeate your life. As a house of loss, the 12th house
indicates the denial of material enjoyment. It can mean loss of your monetary resources and
material wealth, voluntary or involuntary. Voluntary loss can include your conscious acts of
giving, to known people and strangers, and includes charity and donations. You can also
lose your wealth by means of theft or deception. The 12th also aims to detach you from the
material engagement and initiate you on the path of self-awareness and liberation. Which is
why, it is also referred to as your house of detachment, slowly but surely detaching you
from your personal involvement with self and relationships and engagement with the
material and social world. When your 12th lord is placed in own 12th house, it occupies a
very strong position by virtue of being in own house. This can increase your spiritual thirst
and deepen your internal quest. Since your ‘Moksha’ orientation is very strong, you will nd
it easier to dissociate and disengage from whatever is taking you away from your spiritual
objectives and goals. The 12th house also signi es foreign regions or far-away places. Since
the 12th lord is disruptive in nature, its strong position can take you to a foreign location and
away from your near and dear ones. The 12th lord in own house can give you pleasures of
bed, including sound sleep. It also gives you a compassionate nature and a charitable

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Some Special Yogas & Raj Yogas In Your Horoscope

In this report, we are going to tell you about di erent Raj Yogas and some other important Yogas present in your
horoscope, which will help you move forward in life and attain success.
Your horoscope contains the following mentioned Raj Yogas:

Voshi Yoga

With the effect of this yoga, you’ll become popular and very famous.

Vimal Vipreet Raj Yoga

With the effect of this yoga, you'll become patient and incur religious views.

Dhan Yoga

With the effect of this yoga, you will become famous and rich, and acquire an
enriching wealth.

Parashari Raj Yoga

With the effect of this yoga, you’ll become capable of achieving success in life.

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Chandra-Mangal Yoga

With the effect of this yoga, you’ll become immensely wealthy and courageous.

Durdhara Yoga

With the effect of this yoga, you’ll enjoy the luxuries of high-standard vehicles.

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Numerology Report

5 4 9
Radical Number Destiny Number Name Number

Name Date Of Birth

Susan de lima 23-1-1978

Favourable Sign Favourable Alphabets

Gemini, Virgo E, N, W

Gemstone Favourable Day(s)

Emerald [Panna] (Green, Black) Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Favourable Number Direction

1, 3, 5 North

Auspicious Colour Ruling Planet

Green Mercury

God/Goddess Fast
Lord Vishnu Wednesday

Favourable Date(s)
5th, 14th, or 23rd

o ṃ br āṃ br īṃ brau ṃ sa ḥ budh āya nama ḥ

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Radical Number

Susan, your most important number in Numerology is the date of the month on which you
were born. This number can identify important elements of your character, personality, and
individuality. This number determines the core elements of your overall being. Things like
whether you are domineering or shy, a leader or a follower. The reason for this is because
each number has its own nature and personal vibration. After careful analysis, we have
worked out your numerology birth number as follows: Your Radical Number is 5.

Being born under the radical number 5, and the in uence of Mercury, you are a person with
lots of friends. You have a passion for friendship, there are many people in your friend circle.
All attributes of being a good business person are present, naturally, within you. You are
often attracted towards pro t and hence do many things in haste, but you then have to
su er for the same. You have an amazing agility within you. In the same vein, you do not
stay stuck on something for long and therefore do not remain upset for too long. You give
more preference to business than job. There is a good possibility of hastiness, quick temper,
and irritability being within you. However, on the ip side, your arguments are good and
your speech is also e ective. You are ckle at heart and often attain success in works
related to brains and wit. Additionally, you prefer intellectual work, more than any physical
exertions. Your ability to come out of any di culty, quickly is one of your greatest
attributes. However, you should avoid misusing your mental strength.

Destiny Number

There are a lot of ups and downs in your life, and many sudden incidents occur as well,
bringing with them both good and bad results for you. You can easily reach the great
heights of success in your life, but on the other hand conspiracies can bring you down too.
Your perspective is di erent from others making you the centre of attraction anywhere. A
rebellious person, you oppose the persisting laws and customs, and are constantly trying to
create new rules. You are an intelligent person with a sharp mind, and therefore should
avoid being too sensitive and emotional, as well as keep away from pessimistic thinking.
Not only do you need to learn to recognize opportunities, but need to keep your
aggressiveness under control as well.

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Name Number

Susan, cosmic forces determine an individual's life structure considering your name
number. Namank or Name Number is derived from all of the letters in your FULL BIRTH
NAME. They all together, make up what is called the Expression or Name Number. This is
the number that describes the talents and attitudes at your disposal in this lifetime, if you
choose to develop and use them. Your name is your true vibration, the melody of your soul
as it passed through that door in time and entered this world. An Analysis of your name
Susan de lima, suggests that your Namank or Name Number is 9. Let us take you through
some basic characteristics of Name Number 9.

By nature, you are a strong-willed and courageous person. You are hot-headed but can
overcome discords and opposition with ease. You love and respect yourself even if others
stand up against you. You want to be the master of your own destiny and so you can easily
be a great leader. You are a very humane individual and believe in taking your friends along
with you. Given a chance, you always want to help others. You connect well with your
family and home, and enjoy spending time with them.
Career: Military, politics, teaching, and social services work are some good options for you.

Auspicious Place

North will be the most favourable direction for you, as you were born under the root
number 5. Therefore, working in this direction will bring you success, happiness, and
prosperity. Especially, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Spain, America, Goa, and Prague are the places
that will be very auspicious for you.

Auspicious Time

Since Mercury is your Lord planet, therefore, the periods of June to July and September to
October are very favorable for you. If you commence any tasks that you wish to, then doing
so in this time duration will have a higher chance of bringing in success for you.

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Due to the e ects of Mercury on your life, you will have a sharp mind and you will appear
younger than you are. But on the other hand, you may have to face problems pertaining to
neuritis (nerve in ammation), mouth ulcers, eyes and hands, insomnia, paralysis (palsy or
stroke), or polio etc. in your lifetime. Therefore, you should lead a disciplined life and not be
careless about your wellbeing.


The Lord of your root number is Mercury. Due to this, being born under this number o ers
you special in uence from the planet, which allows you to accomplish all your tasks with
intellect. Hence, you need to choose a career that requires your mental strength instead of
your physical might. The domains of engineering, sales related work, accountancy, railways,
telegraph, journalism, tobacco, radio dealing, brokering, commission, and elds related to
them will prove to be more beneficial for you.

Fasts & Remedies

Beginning with a Wednesday falling in Shukla Paksha, you should fast for about 17 or 45
Wednesdays regularly. While fasting, it will be better if you eat only once a day, and
chanting the Mercury Beej Mantra will be rather bene cial. Wear green colored clothes and
the emerald gemstone. Consume green grams/whole moong (sabut moong daal) on this
day, and take blessings from eunuchs. You should also try to gift some green colored
things to your sister, maternal aunt (mausi), paternal aunt (bua), wife of maternal uncle
(chachi), etc.


With 5 being your root number, Mercury is your lord planet. In order to attain the divine
grace and favorable results from this planet, you need to carry the Buddha Yantra with you
on Wednesday, under Mercury’s hora and nakshatras (Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, Revathi).

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Mangal Dosha

Mangal Dosha Effects

Mangal Dosha is considered to create hurdles in the married life
of a person. According to some, Mangal Dosha results in
frequent illness or ultimately death of partner(s).
It is considered that if a manglik person marries to another
manglik person then the manglik dosha gets cancelled and has
no effect.

Dosha Present Lagna

12th House

High 1th House

ल ने यये सुखे वा प स मे वाऽ मे कु जे।

शुभ योगह ने च पितं ह त न संशयः॥
Mangal Dosha Consideration
Generally Manglik Dosha is considered from the position of Lagna and Moon in the birth chart.

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Hence Mangal Dosha is present in Lagna Chart as well as Moon Chart.

In the birth chart, Mangal is placed in Twelfth house from Lagna, while in the Moon chart Mangal is placed
in First house.

Some Remedies (in case Mangal Dosha is present)

Remedies (needs to be performed before marriage)
Kumbha Vivah, Vishnu Vivah and Ashwatha Vivah are the most popular remedies for Mangal
Dosha. Ashwatha vivaha means the marriage with peepal or banana tree and cutting the
tree after that. Kumbha Vivah, also called Ghata Vivaha, means marriage with a pot and
breaking it after that.

Remedies (can be performed after marriage)

Keep Kesariya Ganapati (Orange coloured idol of Lord Ganesha) in worship room and
worship daily.
Worship Lord Hanuman by reciting Hanuman Chalisa daily.
Mahamrityunjaya paath (recitation of Mahamrityunjaya mantra).

Remedies (based on Lal Kitab, can be performed after marriage)

Feed birds with something sweet.
Keep ivory (Haathi Daant) at home.
Worship banyan tree with milk mixed with something sweet.

Note : We strongly recommend you to consult an astrologer before performing these remedies by your

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Sadesati Report

Susan de lima 23 : 1 : 1978 21 : 3 : 6

Name Date of Birth Time of Birth

New Westminster Gender Purnima

Place of Birth Female Tithi

Nakshatra Cancer
Pashyami Rashi

S.N. Sade Sati/Panoti Shani Rashi Start Date End Date Phase
1 Sade Sati Leo September 07, 1977 November 03, 1979 Setting
2 Sade Sati Leo March 15, 1980 July 26, 1980 Setting
3 Small Panoti Libra October 06, 1982 December 20, 1984
4 Small Panoti Libra June 01, 1985 September 16, 1985
5 Small Panoti Aquarius March 06, 1993 October 15, 1993
6 Small Panoti Aquarius November 10, 1993 June 01, 1995
7 Small Panoti Aquarius August 10, 1995 February 16, 1996
8 Sade Sati Gemini July 23, 2002 January 08, 2003 Rising
9 Sade Sati Gemini April 08, 2003 September 05, 2004 Rising
10 Sade Sati Cancer September 06, 2004 January 13, 2005 Peak
11 Sade Sati Gemini January 14, 2005 May 25, 2005 Rising
12 Sade Sati Cancer May 26, 2005 October 31, 2006 Peak
13 Sade Sati Leo November 01, 2006 January 10, 2007 Setting
14 Sade Sati Cancer January 11, 2007 July 15, 2007 Peak
15 Sade Sati Leo July 16, 2007 September 09, 2009 Setting
16 Small Panoti Libra November 15, 2011 May 15, 2012
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S.N. Sade Sati/Panoti Shani Rashi Start Date End Date Phase
17 Small Panoti Libra August 04, 2012 November 02, 2014
18 Small Panoti Aquarius April 29, 2022 July 12, 2022
19 Small Panoti Aquarius January 18, 2023 March 29, 2025
20 Sade Sati Gemini May 31, 2032 July 12, 2034 Rising
21 Sade Sati Cancer July 13, 2034 August 27, 2036 Peak
22 Sade Sati Leo August 28, 2036 October 22, 2038 Setting
23 Sade Sati Leo April 06, 2039 July 12, 2039 Setting
24 Small Panoti Libra January 28, 2041 February 05, 2041
25 Small Panoti Libra September 26, 2041 December 11, 2043
26 Small Panoti Libra June 23, 2044 August 29, 2044
27 Small Panoti Aquarius February 25, 2052 May 14, 2054
28 Small Panoti Aquarius September 02, 2054 February 05, 2055
29 Sade Sati Gemini July 11, 2061 February 13, 2062 Rising

30 Sade Sati Gemini March 07, 2062 August 23, 2063 Rising
31 Sade Sati Cancer August 24, 2063 February 05, 2064 Peak
32 Sade Sati Gemini February 06, 2064 May 09, 2064 Rising
33 Sade Sati Cancer May 10, 2064 October 12, 2065 Peak
34 Sade Sati Leo October 13, 2065 February 03, 2066 Setting
35 Sade Sati Cancer February 04, 2066 July 02, 2066 Peak
36 Sade Sati Leo July 03, 2066 August 29, 2068 Setting
37 Small Panoti Libra November 05, 2070 February 05, 2073
38 Small Panoti Libra March 31, 2073 October 23, 2073
39 Small Panoti Aquarius April 12, 2081 August 02, 2081
40 Small Panoti Aquarius January 07, 2082 March 19, 2084
41 Sade Sati Gemini September 19, 2090 October 24, 2090 Rising
42 Sade Sati Gemini May 21, 2091 July 02, 2093 Rising
43 Sade Sati Cancer July 03, 2093 August 18, 2095 Peak
44 Sade Sati Leo August 19, 2095 October 11, 2097 Setting

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Shani Sade Sati: Rising Phase

This is starting period of Shani's Sade Sati. In this period Saturn will be transiting in 12th house from the Moon.
It generally indicates nancial loss, problems by hidden enemies, aimless travel, disputes, and poverty.
During this period, you may face problems created by your hidden enemies. Relationship with your
colleagues will not good enough and they will create problems in your work environment. You may also
face challenges on your domestic front. This may create pressure and tension. You need to exercise control
over your spending otherwise it be lead to bigger nancial problems. Long distance travels may not be
fruitful during this period. Saturns nature is of delay and dejection, but generally you will get results
eventually, so be patient and wait for your turn. Take this period as learning period, put your hard work and
things will fall in place. You are advised not to take high risks in business matters in this period.

Shani Sade Sati: Peak Phase

This is the peak of Shani's Sade Sati. Generally this phase of Saturn is the most di cult one. Saturn transiting
over natal Moon indicates health problems, character assassination, problems in relationship, mental
a ictions, and sorrows. You will nd it di cult to achieve success in this period. You may not get results of
your hard work and feel restricted. Your constitution and immune system will not be strong. As rst house is
the house of health, you should start exercising and taking care of your health, otherwise you can be caught
by chronic diseases. You may su er from depression, unknown fear or phobia. Your will lack clarity in
thinking, action, and decision making. You will be spiritually inclined and will be attracted by intricacies of
nature. Acceptance and doing basics right will sail you out of this period.

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Shani Sade Sati: Setting Phase

This is 'setting' period of Shani's Sade Sati. Saturn will be transiting in the 2nd house from the natal Moon,
which indicates di culty on nancial and domestic front. You will start feeling slight relief after having two
di cult phases of Sade Sati. Still, misunderstandings and nancial stress can be seen during this period.
Expenses may keep soaring high and you need to continue exercising control. Sudden nancial losses and
fear of theft is also a possibility. You may be pessimistic in thinking, you are advised to deal with matters
enthusiastically. You will require paying good attention to family and personal front, otherwise those can
also lead to a bigger problem. For students, education may be slightly a ected and they will have to work
harder to hold on to their existing level. Results will be slow and almost always with the delay. This is a
period which indicates danger and apart from other things, you need to be careful while driving. If possible,
stay away from non-veg and your drinking habits to keep Saturn happy. You will be able to sail through this
period by intelligently handling your domestic and financial matters.

Note : Above predictions are of general nature and are based on general belief that Sade Sati is harmful. Truly
speaking, we found that it is not always the case and we recommend reading this article on Sade Sati . Any
conclusion based on Sade Sati alone is not correct and has good chances of failing. Certain factors like current
running dasa and nature of Saturn also needs to be analyzed before we can conclude whether Sade Sati period
will be male c or bene c. You are advised not to take above forecasts seriously and in case of any doubt,
consult a good astrologer.

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Kalsarp Dosh/ Yog - Kalsarp Remedies

Kalsarp Yog is not present.

As per the popular de nition, when all planets are situated in
between Rahu and Ketu in birth-chart or horoscope, the
astrologers call it Kalsarp Dosh. In present days, discussions
about this dosh are vogue among Jyotishi or Hindu
Astrologers of India. Many of troubles in one's life are
attributed to Kalsarp Dosh. Without analyzing other areas of
astrology, most astrologers, in fact, accept Kalsarp dosh as
main root of problems. But the reality is this that if all planets
are well posited in horoscope, Kalsarp dosh will not be
harmful, and can be supportive to bene cial results
endowed by good positions of planets. Kalsarp dosh is
inauspicious only when positions of other planets are unfavorable in one's horoscope.

Therefore, it is not wise to fear hearing just about 'Kalsarp Dosh'. It is in fact always better to reach on
remedies only after consulting jyotishi for deep analysis on negative in uences of Kalsarp dosh.
Interestingly, in uence of kalsarp dosh is di erent in di erent people. Because in uence of kalsarp dosh is
based on points-which sign is posited in which house, and what other planets occupied that house, what are
their influences and so on.

Kalsarp Kalsarp Name

Absent N.A

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Vimshottari Mahadasha Phal

Saturn (Birth - January 12, 1989)

First Leo Enemy Magha

Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra

This is not the best period to begin new long-term relationships/ friendships. There could
be vital issues in professional or personnel life which can cause anxiety. It's always better to
be optimistic than to be pessimistic .There is also a contraction in love and feelings mostly
due to which the satisfaction level would be poor. The chance of happiness in love is low.
Birth of an issue may bring happiness in your home. New relationships will have less than
normal chances of taking o controversy and issues could come up. There may be
diseases related to wind and cold. Good stability of mind is seen at the last phase of this

Mercury (January 12, 1989 - January 12, 2006)

Fifth Sagittarius Neutral Purvashadha

Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra

The people around you will realize your true worth and this will be gladdening to you and
will be a strong motivating factor for you to keep giving your best consistently. This is the
best period for you to travel. Just let go and enjoy the happiness that comes your way. At
last you can relax and enjoy the success and the results of the hard work you had been
doing for a long time. This period will also bring you in the midst of famous people. Your
desire of getting a kid will be fulfilled. Your creativity will be appreciated by others.

Ketu (January 12, 2006 - January 12, 2013)

Eighth Pisces N.A Uttarabhadra

Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra
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You will perform good and pious deeds your conduct will be good. You will suddenly get
interested in religion or spirituality. Partnerships are good for you this period, in both the
professional and personal sphere. However, the most important thing is that you might just
have that overwhelming, life-changing experience that you were waiting for so long. This
period is surely going to bring all the authority. You are learning new ways of maintaining
harmony in your individuality at work and around friends and family. Family atmosphere will
be very good.

Venus (January 12, 2013 - January 12, 2033)

Sixth Capricorn Friendly Sravana

Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra

Those very personal relations that you worked on, won't work out well, and cause
disturbance in your household and o ce. Take care of your health and try to re ne you
image. Sensual thoughts not only depress you but may even cause you some humiliation in
this period. Harmonious relationship with the opposite sex may get disturbed. Health
problems will create disturbances in your life. There are chances of getting indulge into
unnecessary expenses. Overall, not a very pleasing period for you. You will feel yourself
physically weak and dejected.

Sun (January 12, 2033 - January 12, 2039)

Sixth Capricorn Enemy Sravana

Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra

You'll be successful in whatever you take up. All your endeavors will be successful and
you'll overcome all your di culties. Your enemies will face defeat. A promotion is status
can be speculated. You will gain respect and good will. You will win litigation. A successful
period on the whole. You need to be careful from in mation and eye relation problems.
There can be illness to mother and maternal relatives.

Moon (January 12, 2039 - January 12, 2049)

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Twelfth Cancer Own Pashyami

Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra

You may get indulge into unwanted expenditure. Approach towards love, romance and life
in general is not encouraging. You are advised to be very calm and balanced in your
approach towards di erent situations in life. Guesswork is not going to help you in any eld
so it should be avoided. There will be health problems related to eyes, phlegmatic
complaints and spleen. You will create problems for yourself by uttering falsehood.

Mars (January 12, 2049 - January 12, 2056)

Twelfth Cancer Debilitated Pashyami

Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra

You should avoid complacency and easy-going attitudes, tone down the ashier side of
your nature, and get back to old-fashioned hard-work in an attempt to succeed in life.
Financially it will be a di cult period. You may have to confront theft, scandals and disputes
during this period. You will nd increased work-loads and heightened levels of
responsibility at work. This is considered somewhat a bad period for health. You can face
ear and eye troubles. Your life-partner can also have health issues. Your peace of mind will
remain disturbed.

Rahu (January 12, 2056 - January 12, 2074)

Second Virgo N.A Hasta

Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra

New projects or higher level of investment should be avoided. If working as a professional,

the period will be average mostly. There will be routine hurdles as well as average growth.
You will have to wait for real progress. A phase of doubt & uncertainty could come your
way. Making a change is not advised at all & is detrimental to your interest. A gradual loss of
status could be experienced during this period. A sense of insecurity will prevail as far as
home affairs are concerned.

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Jupiter (January 12, 2074 - January 12, 2090)

Eleventh Gemini Enemy Mrigasira

Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra

Somehow, time and fortune will throw the spotlight at you, and your activities. It is high time
that you are given credit for your e orts and other recognize you and look up to you.
Needless to say, your personal relations will get a boost. Children will bring happiness to
you. Journeys will be imminent and people will be eager to have a piece of you. This period
will cause you to meditate and inquire about the truth the reality of human existence. There
will be some costly and rare acquisition. Overall, this period will be highly rewarding.

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Antar Dasa Predictions

According to Vedic Astrology, the position of planets in the birth chart of a person has a signi cant impact on the
horoscope of that person. The good and bad yogas persisting in a kundali can be judged under the prevalence
of various planets. This is because, Vedic Astrology has come up with di erent combinations of the planets
based on their periods. This is calculated through the major period of the planets. At the time of the birth,the
moon plays a major role in deciding the Constellation Lord through the place of birth, along with this the
placement of the other planets with their respective periods leaves an impact on the birth chart. The major
period of each planet includes the sub period of all the planets. However, the full e ect on the birth chart
depends not only on the transits of the planet, but also on their periods and sub periods. For this, we require the
expert knowledge of an Astrologer who has the wit and the capability to study these planetary positions and
come up with the combinations that provide the best, fruitful results for your life. Mentioned below is the Dasha
Period for various Dasha in your birthchart:

Venus Mahadasha
Different antardasha predictions under Venus Mahadasha
Mars Antardasha Rahu Antardasha Jupiter Antardasha
12/ 1/2019-12/ 3/2020 12/ 3/2020-12/ 3/2023 12/ 3/2023-12/11/2025

Saturn Antardasha Mercury Antardasha Ketu Antardasha

12/11/2025-12/ 1/2029 12/ 1/2029-12/11/2031 12/11/2031-12/ 1/2033

Mars Antardasha

Mars Antardasa under Venus Mahadasa would operate for about 1 year and 2 months. Mars
is a naturally male c planet while Venus is a naturally bene c one, and since together they
did share neutral relationship, hence, under this dasa you would face mixed kind of results.

During this period you might see increase in sensuality in your behaviour. Mars is energy
and Venus is love, hence; during this period you might indulge in sensual activities. You may
acquire landed property and physical comforts through your spouse. There might be good
inflow of income and you would enjoy good financial status. On the other hand, your spouse
might decline in health and there might be some tiffs in your marital life.
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Apart from this, you may gain in your valour and encouragement. Your health may get
a ected and you may face issues like bile, wounds, etc. There might be lack of interest in
several things. Sometime you would try to dominate over your spouse that could bitter the
taste of married life.

Rahu Antardasha

Rahu Antardasa under Venus Mahadasa would operate for about 3 years. Since Rahu is a
natural male c planet and Venus is natural bene c planet. Rahu is revolutionary and
uncontrollable while Venus is love. Together they may increase lust in your behaviour.
Since they are friendly to each other, hence, you would experience mixed results under this

During this period you might think about getting married with your lover and may also enjoy
physical comforts with them (if applicable). You may go against your family traditions to
achieve love for your partner. On the other hand, there might be issues in relationship with
your relatives and loved ones.

Apart from that, there might be troubles through your friends and from people who are
close to your heart. Stay away from re or related objects. You may acquire something that
may beget good monetary bene ts. You need to control your activities and mindset and
also remain in your senses to avoid any trouble with your behaviour.

Jupiter Antardasha

Jupiter Antardasa under Venus Mahadasa would operate for about 2 years and 8 months.
Jupiter and Venus both are considered as naturally bene c and auspicious planets.
However, they do not share good relationship with each other. Hence, under this dasa you
would enjoy many good results while some flaws would still persist.

During this period you would enjoy several types of gains. You may purchase branded
clothing and jewellery. There might be huge gains and your nancial status would improve
drastically. You would gain in social status with the help of your indulgence in charitable
and virtuous pursuits. Your undertakings would meet success.

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Apart from that You might receive position and power at work and you would enjoy good
name & fame. People around you may come to you to seek your valuable advise.
However, on the other hand, there might be some strife or illness at your spouse or
children’s end that would give you mental stress.

Saturn Antardasha

Saturn Antardasa under Venus Mahadasa would operate for about 3 years and 2 months.
This is a very important as well as long period. Venus is bene c while Saturn is male c,
however, together they share friendly relationship. Venus is attachment and Saturn is
detachment, hence, you would see amalgamation of results under this dasa. If you remain
focussed, you would enjoy the best period, else, some issues might trouble you.

During this period your inclination towards elderly people would increase. Elderly people
might become your friend. There might be a tendency to indulge in sensual activities with
the people of opposite sex elder to you in terms of age. You would be able to dominate
over your opponents. You would enjoy happiness by acquiring landed property, wealth
gains and residence. You may enjoy new home for you.

Apart from that, your friends would gain elevation of status in society and you would gain in
position. If you are in government sector, this period might give you promotion and transfer.
If other combinations of the same are present in your chart, you may face separation from
spouse, family or your loved one during this period.

Mercury Antardasha

Mercury Antardasa under Venus Mahadasa would operate for about 2 years 10 months.
Since Venus and Mercury both are generally considered as naturally bene c planets and
together they enjoy friendly relationship, hence, under this dasa, you can expect some good
news and good results that would give you mental peace. During this period there might be
gains in comforts of your friends and children. They would enjoy prosperity in life. You might
acquire property through government or related authorities. This period is very good for
love matters, you would feel breeze of love and would spend quality time with your lover.
Your communication skills would improve and you would be able to impress others with
your persona and speech. Apart from that you would enjoy luxuries and comforts. You may

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attain material assets. You may acquire vehicle and would enjoy entertainment, pleasure
trips and delicious foods. Your respect would increase in society and people around you
may get impressed with your presence. Your state of health would improve.

Ketu Antardasha

Ketu Antardasa under Venus Mahadasa would operate for about 1 year and 2 months. This
is quite a challenging period for you as Venus is bene c and Ketu is male c. Both are
contrary in their e ects on human life. On one side Venus gives luxuries, love, attachment
while Ketu represents detachment from materialistic words, Hence, under this dasa, you
might receive quite negative results.

During this period there might be disputes and quarrels that are unintentional. You may not
enjoy mental peace and anxiety would prevail on different issues. There might be possibility
of critical illness to any of your close relative or any loved one. Your opponents would gain
strength over you and they may not remain mum and would try to harm you.

Apart from this, there might be some issues and ti s in your marital life. If you are in love,
you may get separated with your lover and relationship may not blossom. You would su er
through mental distress and there might be few wealth losses as well.

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Sun Mahadasha
Different antardasha predictions under Sun Mahadasha
Sun Antardasha Moon Antardasha Mars Antardasha
12/ 1/2033-30/ 4/2033 30/ 4/2033-30/10/2033 30/10/2033-6/ 3/2034

Rahu Antardasha Jupiter Antardasha Saturn Antardasha

6/ 3/2034-30/ 1/2035 30/ 1/2035-18/11/2035 18/11/2035-30/10/2036

Mercury Antardasha Ketu Antardasha Venus Antardasha

30/10/2036-6/ 9/2037 6/ 9/2037-12/ 1/2038 12/ 1/2038-12/ 1/2039

Sun Antardasha

Sun is the karaka of Father, fame, Government, Good Health and it controls Bile (Pitta) in the
human body. Sun Antardasha under Sun mahadasa would operate for about 3 months and
18 days.

During this period, full e ect of Sun will a ect your life with its power. During the period,
you may attain authority at work and there will be rise in your social status. Relationship
with eminent people of society would establish and you might get bene ts through
government and authorities. Your contacts will provide you with ample of opportunities to
grow further. Your nancial status would also improve and it would be a period when your
name will be on everyone’s tongue.

Apart from that some issues might also occur such as you may gain in ego that might a ect
your relationships, a bit of harshness in your speech would increase. Your body temperature
would increase and there will be some hotness inside during the period. You might travel to
distant places, forests and would like to spent time with mountains, trees, forests, heights
and nature. You might also feel restlessness during this period. You may gain through
disputes and if any case is pending, it's result might come into your favour.

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Moon Antardasha

Moon Antardasa under Sun mahadasa would operate for about 6 months. Since moon is the
friend of Sun but both have di erence in nature, Sun on one hand is ery while Moon on
other hand is watery therefore; they produce mixed results.

During this period, you may get bene ts from your family and friends. There will be increase
in in ow of wealth and your friends will become a source of material gains as they may
help you tremendously. There will be happiness in life during this period and you would
enjoy the same with your loved ones. Relationship with eminent people would establish.
There will be increase in name and fame and your social status would also elevate during
this period. You would be able to dominate your opponents and they would not get
strength upon you.

Apart from that, health issues related to water may trouble you. Jaundice is the main
disease that may a ect your health during the period if otherwise no good combination of
denying it. You would enjoy luxuries and might purchase new clothes and jewellery during
this period.

Mars Antardasha

Mars Antardasa under Sun mahadasa would operate for about 4 months and 6 days. Sun
and Mars both are friends and both are ery planets hence; they produce a lot of energy
and excitement inside the person and produce big results on either side.Sun-Mars: Mars
Antardasa under Sun mahadasa would operate for about 4 months and 6 days. Sun and
Mars both are friends and both are ery planets hence; they produce a lot of energy and
excitement inside the person and produce big results on either side.

During this period there will be acquisition of several lavishly objects such as branded
clothing, new gemstones, jewellery and gold. You would gain in many ways. Respect from
government or related authorities with get you. Your social status would improve in society.
Auspicious ceremony would take place at your house.

Apart from that, any pitta related health issues such as fever, headache, blood irregularities,
etc. might develop during this period. You may indulge in some familial disputes and there
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might be an increase in your aggression. Your behaviour might become harsher than earlier
and you might feel an increase in energy inside you that would compel you to take initiative
in all walks of life and sometimes you may take strong decisions along with some over
courageous actions that may affect you later.

Rahu Antardasha

Rahu Antardasa under Sun mahadasa would operate for about 10 months and 24 days.
Since Sun and Rahu both are inimical to each other, generally the antardasa of Rahu would
produce bad results while sometimes it provides increased rise for person.

During this period, your mental stress would reach to peak and you may get afraid o with
some unknown fear inside. You might face false allegations or you might get a ected with
defame or stigma. You might su er from tensions and anxiety and may face disputes within
family members. Your enemies would get strength and they might trouble you during this

Apart from that you may face decline in post or pro le at workplace. You would su er
through mental restlessness and your decisions might not produce desired positive results.

Jupiter Antardasha

Jupiter Antardasa under Sun mahadasa would operate for about 9 months and 18 days. Sun
and Jupiter both are friends and share good bonding hence; the amalgamation of their
periods will produce best results as Sun is the King and Jupiter is its minister.

During this period your inclination towards sacred deeds and virtuous activities would
increase and through these pursuits you would get good name and fame in the society. You
would also get inclined towards accumulating wealth and for that you would put some
extra efforts in your endeavors.
You would meet eminent and in uential persons and would pay respect towards scholars
and other respectable people. You may get bene ts through your child and would also
dominate over your opponents.

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Saturn Antardasha

Saturn Antardasa under Sun mahadasa would operate for about 11 months and 12 days. Sun
is the father of Saturn but, both shares enmity hence under the e ects of these planets
some tiffs and struggles are likely.

During this period, you might develop some ti s with your loved ones and might also feel
some restlessness of mind & irritation in behaviour. Your friends might come against you as
they have contrary opinion to your view points. There may be increase of lethargic approach
and a possibility of theft would also be there.

Apart from that, there may be a tendency of performing ill deeds and detachment from
work would be there. Health issues might gives you hiccups. There is a possibility of
opposition from father along with decline in his health.

Mercury Antardasha

Mercury Antardasa under Sun mahadasa would operate for about 10 months and 6 days.
Sun and Mercury shares neutral relationship hence together they produce mixed results.

During this period, you might feel mental distress and lack of enthusiasm. Your expenses
would increase excessively and thus your nancial status might get a ected. There will be
little happiness and you might remain busy in putting your intellect in various activities.

Apart from that, some health issues such as blood related infections, itching, leprosy, etc.
might develop. You may have increased harshness in speech that would a ect the
sentiments of your loved ones, however; sometimes you would be able to take wise

Ketu Antardasha

Ketu Antardasa under Sun mahadasa would operate for about 4 months and 6 days. Sun
and Ketu are inimical to each other hence during the dasa of these planets, generally bad
effects come to the life of a person.
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During this period, your mental stress would increase. You might get a ected with health
issues such as fever, bile related issues, eyes troubles and itching, etc. may occur. You may
feel irritation and increase of aggression and detachment in behaviour. It might increase ego
in your personality.

Apart from that, sudden injuries or accidents are likely. You may stay away from your family
for some reasons or may feel detachment from domestic affairs during this period.

Venus Antardasha

Venus Antardasa under Sun mahadasa would operate for about 12 months. Sun is the King
and Venus is the lord of Luxuries and comforts but, both the planets share enmity with each
other hence, during this period, the person would get mixed results.

During this period, you might gain interest in sea related products and jewellery. You may
indulge in relationships with people of opposite sex who are not having restrained behavior
as per the society norms. Chances of foreign travelling are likely. Most promising work
might result in unsuccessful talks and there may be ti s in domestic life. You may feel like
to live in a luxurious life but, you may not feel contentment in it.
Apart from that, high fever, headache, ear problems or bodily pains may occur during this

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Moon Mahadasha
Different antardasha predictions under Moon Mahadasha
Moon Antardasha Mars Antardasha Rahu Antardasha
12/ 1/2039-12/11/2039 12/11/2039-12/ 6/2040 12/ 6/2040-12/12/2041

Jupiter Antardasha Saturn Antardasha Mercury Antardasha

12/12/2041-12/ 4/2043 12/ 4/2043-12/11/2044 12/11/2044-12/ 4/2046

Ketu Antardasha Venus Antardasha Sun Antardasha

12/ 4/2046-12/11/2046 12/11/2046-12/ 7/2048 12/ 7/2048-12/ 1/2049

Moon Antardasha

Moon is the karaka of Mother, mind, liquids, mood, females in general, joy, enthusiasm,
love, feelings, water, mental strength, creativity and it controls emotions in the human body.
Moon Antardasa under Moon Mahadasa would operate for about 10 months.

During this period full e ect of Moon will a ect your life with its power. Therefore, you
might gain interest in beauty, arts, music and other artistic activities. It is likely that you may
indulge in any of such kind of creativity. In this period, you might purchase good and
branded clothes and would like to keep yourself up-to-date to impress others. There will
be companionship of positive and gentle people. And your name will spread in the society
for good deeds.

Apart from that, You may initiate pilgrimage along with your family and loved ones. You
may attain property or cattle and there might be increase in your wealth. On the other hand,
you may suffer from windy or phlegmatic health issues.

Mars Antardasha

Mars Antardasa under Moon mahadasa would operate for about 7 months. Moon and Mars
both shares good relationship but, there is a di erence of elements in both; on one hand,
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Mars is ery while on other hand Moon is watery. Hence, they produce a lot of energy and
impact of mind and their results would be quite low.

During this period, there may be some wealth losses and you may change your current
place. Troubles with friends and siblings especially brothers are possible. Some issues with
parents and family are likely and development of diseases especially blood related
irregularities and bile related issues may occur.

Apart from that, there may be chances of re related works such as starting of such
business in which re is required and occasional monetary bene ts are also likely. You
should maintain cordial relationships with females in general. In love matters, do not be
much possessive or dominating, let your partner show their inner feelings and enjoy your
life. It is the best period for gains through your own efforts.

Rahu Antardasha

Rahu Antardasa under Moon mahadasa would operate for about 1 year and 6 months. Since
Moon and Rahu both are inimical to each- other, generally the antardasa of Rahu would
produce bad results while sometimes it provides increased rise for person.

During this period you may face troubles through opponents or enemies and increase in
health related issues. You might feel instability of mind that would a ect your decision
making abilities. Your expenses might increase under this dasa period and you need to
keep a check on your relationships with your siblings and friends.

Apart from that, you may receive occasional sudden happiness and would become more
ambitious than earlier. Take guard against having coarse food as it may give you health
issues and do not indulge in unwanted disputes of others.

Jupiter Antardasha

Jupiter Antardasa under Moon mahadasa would operate for about 1 year and 4 months.
Moon and Jupiter both shares good relationship hence; the amalgamation of their periods
will produce best results as Moon is the Queen and Jupiter is its minister.

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During this period, your inclination towards virtuous pursuits would increase and you would
become more liberal and charitable. There might be high monetary gains and you may
acquire new vehicle. You would enjoy good food and your interest would increase in
sweets however; you may gain in weight during this period hence; you need to control your

Apart from that, you would enjoy comforts of life and gains through government and other
eminent people of society are likely. You may meet with some scholarly people and gain
through them too. Your mind would enjoy happiness from within and your undertakings
would meet with success. There may be addition in family and any sacred ceremony in
family may also take place, if applicable.

Saturn Antardasha

Saturn Antardasa under Moon mahadasa would operate for about 1 year and 7 months.
Saturn behaves like enemy with Moon while Moon shares neutral relationship with Saturn
hence under the effects of these planets some tiffs and struggle is likely.

During this period you would feel mental distress and there might be decline in the health
of your mother. You might feel negative that may a ect your life in many ways. The
possibility of theft would be there and you may get inclined to indulge in intoxication or

Apart from that there might be harshness in your speech and debates with opponents is
possible. Health of your siblings, spouse and children might get a ected during this period.
You need to meditate everyday to avoid mental stress and avoid solitary attitude to enjoy
the life with your loved ones. There might be a possibility of change of place.

Mercury Antardasha

Mercury Antardasa under Moon mahadasa would operate for about 1 year and 5 months.
Moon and Mercury does not shares happy relationship with each-other as Moon thinks
mercury as a friend but mercury thinks contrary hence together they produce mixed results.

During this period, you may receive monetary gains through your mother or relative of
maternal side. You would be able to establish relationship with intelligent and scholarly
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people. There might be likelihood of attainment of vehicles or property.

Apart from that you would enjoy good name and fame in the society and enjoy comforts of
life however; there might be some pride that may be seen in your attitude and the same
may hurt the sentiments of your loved ones.

Ketu Antardasha

Ketu Antardasa under Moon mahadasa would operate for 7 months. Moon and Ketu are
inimical to each other, hence during the dasa of these planets, generally bad e ects come
to the life of a person.

During this period, you need to stay attentive with any kind of mental stress or anxiety.
Water related health issues might occur. Your spouse would befall sick and ti s or troubles
in family are likely.

Apart from that you may feel detachment from your existing routine and might take one
step towards spiritual upliftment. Losses of money and health related issues especially
upset stomach and pains are likely.

Venus Antardasha

Venus Antardasa under Moon mahadasa would operate 1 year and 8 months. Moon is
feminine and so Venus. Hence, during this period richness and prosperity would come to
your life. Since both are sharing unhappy relationship with each other hence, during this
period, the person would get mixed results.

During this period, you might receive good gains through females or people from opposite
sex. Increase in cattle and agriculture gains are also possible. You might also enjoys
bene ts through watery products and clothes. You would like to enjoy lavish life and would
indulge in luxuries.

Apart from that, there might be decline in the health of your mother and the same a ect
you too. Some issues with females are likely hence, maintain balance in your relationships.

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Sun Antardasha

Sun Antardasa under Moon mahadasa would operate for about 6 months. Since moon is the
friend of Sun but both have di erent nature; Sun on one hand is ery while Moon on other
hand is watery therefore; they produce mixed results.

During this period, you might increase in glory and pride both. You might receive gains as
well as honours through government or higher authorities. You would dominate over your
opponents and they might not be able to stand against you.

Apart from that, there may be happiness and growth in life and recovery from any past
illness is likely. However; sometimes you may behave in aggression and you might feel
restlessness but, after some time, you would be able to cope up with such issues.

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Mars Mahadasha
Different antardasha predictions under Mars Mahadasha
Mars Antardasha Rahu Antardasha Jupiter Antardasha
12/ 1/2049-9/ 6/2049 9/ 6/2049-27/ 6/2050 27/ 6/2050-3/ 6/2051

Saturn Antardasha Mercury Antardasha Ketu Antardasha

3/ 6/2051-12/ 7/2052 12/ 7/2052-9/ 7/2053 9/ 7/2053-6/12/2053

Mars Antardasha

Mars is the signi cator of Energy, power, strength, courage, landed property, authority,
siblings especially brothers and blood etc. It is of Bile (Pitta) in nature. Mars Antardasa under
Mars mahadasa would operate for about 4 months and 27 days.

During this period, Mars will completely a ect your life with its powers. Therefore, you
might gain in aggression and a little bit of stubbornness. You might face issues with your
brothers and there might be some ti s between you and your loved ones. Troubles through
governmental authorities would be likely and hurdles in accomplishment of important tasks
are possible.

Apart from that there might be an increase in body temperature and you might feel heat in
body. Health issues related to high temperature, fever, and bile related issues might occur.
You may suffer through wounds or boil during this period.

Rahu Antardasha

Rahu Antardasa under Mars mahadasa would operate for about 1 year and 18 days. Rahu
and Mars does not share good relationship and they are worst enemies hence under this
dasa, chances of issues are much likely.

During this period you might face some disputes through governmental authorities, or
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chances of theft may develop. Your opponents may gain in strength and they would try to
tarnish your image. Use electrical products carefully as chances of current or re are likely.
Some wealth losses are likely during this period.

Apart from that, you may feel irritation and instability of mind. You would gain in harshness
in behaviour and that is why some of your loved ones may feel mental distress. Take guard
against indulging wrong deeds. You would be in hurry and would become impulsive.

Jupiter Antardasha

Jupiter Antardasa under Mars mahadasa would operate for about 11 months and 6 days.
Since Mars and Jupiter shares good and friendly relationship hence, under this dasa, you
would receive good results.

During this period you may receive gains and would be able to accumulate wealth. Gains
through government and eminent people of society would increase. You may acquire
landed property and your state of health would become strong. There will be increased
aura at your forehead. You would enjoy companionship of friends and children (if

Apart from that your inclination towards sacred and virtuous deeds would increase and you
may also acquire any vehicle. You may initiate pilgrimage during this period and would
dominate over your opponents. Your social status would elevate however, health issues
related to mucous are likely.

Saturn Antardasha

Saturn Antardasa under Mars mahadasa would operate for about 1 year 1 month and 9 days.
Since Mars and Saturn share inimical relationship with each-other, hence, under this dasa,
you may experience low results.

During this period, your mental stress would increase and you may not be able to
concentrate on your main goals. This would develop irritation in your behaviour. Ti s with
spouse, children or loved ones are likely. You may meet with an accident or any health
issue would persist. Possibility of theft would be there, Your opponents would gain strength
over you. There would be likelihood of some losses pertaining to your finance.
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Apart from that, you may develop any health issue and it is possible that you may return
back to your own place if you are staying away from your place. You need to face
challenges with courage and then you would be able to overcome this period.

Mercury Antardasha

Mercury Antardasa under Mars mahadasa would operate for about 11 months and 27 days.
Since Mars and Mercury does not shares good relationship, hence, under this dasa you may
receive some bad results.

During this period, harshness in your speech may increase. Your arrogant behaviour might
hurt the sentiments of your loved ones. You would gain through business and trade. You
may acquire house or cattle. There will be an increase in acquiring daily utilities. You might
face theft or issues through your opponents or governmental authorities. Mental distress
would prevail and you would feel irritation for some time.

Apart from that, some auspicious or sacred ceremony might take place in your family,
however, you may stay away from your spouse, children or family for some reasons.

Ketu Antardasha

Ketu Antardasa under Mars mahadasa would operate for about 4 months and 27 days. Mars
and Ketu both are known as male c planets and the e ect of Ketu would be similar as that
of Mars. Hence, under this dasa some issues might come into your way to take your test in

During this period, your stomach might get a ected and you may develop health issues
such as stomach pain, high fever, etc. There might be some di erences between you and
your siblings, especially brothers. You would face challenges from strong opponents. It is
likely that you may meet with an accident or undergo for a surgery.

Apart from that, there would be high energy levels but, since excess of everything is bad
hence; you might feel trouble in maintaining balance with your available energy and may
become a victim of overcon dence that could give you some setbacks in important

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aspects of life. Drink a lot of water and stay away from heat. Wounds and bile related issues
may occur.

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Transit(Gochar) Today
Note: In this report gochar is considered from the Lagna.

First Leo Own Uttaraphal
Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra
You will be con dent and positive during this period. You will continue to wield power and authority either in
government or public life. Short distance journeys are indicated which will prove to be bene cial. You will
spend money freely. You and a close family member may su er from ill health. Speci cally it indicates
sickness to your life partner, severe headache or eye complaints.

Twelfth Cancer Own Pashyami
Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra
You may get indulge into unwanted expenditure. Approach towards love, romance and life in general is not
encouraging. You are advised to be very calm and balanced in your approach towards di erent situations in
life. Guesswork is not going to help you in any eld so it should be avoided. There will be health problems
related to eyes, phlegmatic complaints and spleen. You will create problems for yourself by uttering

Ninth Aries Own Ashvini
Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra
It could be some good period promising some success provided you are willing to work on it. New
opportunities will come your way without your seeking them consciously. Changes at work-place or at
home can be fortunate. You will take decisive steps forward along the path of progress. There may be
increase in expenditure which needs to be controlled. You will also nd yourself vigourless and berift of

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Second Virgo Exalted Hasta
Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra
Income or the position will be improved and gain of pro ts from work or the business activities is
guaranteed. Defeat of enemies, increased property, gain of knowledge, favor from superiors and success
can be expected during this period. Travels will be very useful this period will also make you human
philosophical and profound. You will be able to balance professional and domestic commitments

Fifth Sagittarius Own Purvashadha
Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra
You are learning new ways of maintaining harmony in your individuality at work and around friends and
family. You will reap great rewards as you learn to expand your communication skills and be true to your
inner self and your own personal needs. Changes you experience in your life will be deeply felt and lasting.
People that you thought overlooked your good e orts will be your greatest and most supportive allies. An
auspicious ceremony in the family is likely to take place. This period will also bring prosperity, happiness
and success to your children.

Twelfth Cancer Enemy Pashyami
Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra
In this period you will spend more on luxuries and comforts but it would be better if it is checked out. You
may face disappointments in love a airs and trouble in family life. Your rivals will try to harm you in each
and every possible way so try to be more concerned when dealing with any kind of personal or professional
matters. A worry related to health of your family members is on the cards. Though nancially, it is not a bad
period but still you should put hold on over expanses. Get proper care of your own health.

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Sixth Capricorn Own Uttarashadha
Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra
The great energy you radiate will de nitely attract lots of supportive people in your life. Your rivals will not
dare to face you. Financially' it is a wonderful period for you. You are learning new ways of maintaining
harmony in your individuality at work and around friends and family. You will reap great rewards as you
learn to expand your communication skills and be true to your inner self and your own personal needs. Your
service/job conditions will de nitely improve. You will get all kind of support from your coworkers and
subordinates. You may purchase some land or machinery in this period. Little care regarding your health is

Eleventh Gemini N.A Mrigasira
Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra
During this period you will be courageous and rise to a high level. You will enjoy conjugal happiness during
this time. Your contacts with in uential people will de nitely increase. Your opponents will lack conviction
and courage to face you. Long distance travel is going to be bene cial. For love and romance this is going
to be a boon. You will be heroic in strife and overcome your enemies. Minor ailment can be seen. Family
relation will be quite satisfactory. Though relationship with your children may not be good.

Fifth Sagittarius N.A Mula
Bhav Sign Relation Nakshatra
Hurdles in personal and professional front are seen. Try to handle the di cult situation in a calm and
intelligent way because rashness is de nitely not going to help you in this period. Travel is not bene cial so
try to avoid it. You will not get full support from your family side. Progeny related problems will be
observed during this period. Your enemies will leave no stone unturned to harm you. Better be bold and
sticky to your fair decisions. Stomach ailments may be the cause of anxiety.

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Lal Kitab Chart & Planets Houses

Planetary Position
Planets Rashi Position Soya Kismat Jaganewala Benefic/Malefic
Sun Virgo Nusign No No Malefic
Moon Pisces Nusign No No Malefic
Mars Pisces Frsign No No Benefic
Mercury Leo Frsign No No Benefic
Jupiter Aquarius Nusign No Yes Malefic
Venus Virgo Dblitted No No Malefic
Saturn Aries Dblitted Yes No Malefic
Rahu Taurus --- No No Malefic
Ketu Scorpion --- No No Malefic

House Positions
KhanaNo Maalik PakkaGhar Kismat Soya Exallt Deblt
1 Mars Sun Mars --- Sun Saturn
2 Venus Jupiter Moon No Moon ---
3 Mercury Mars Mercury No Rahu Ketu
4 Moon Moon Moon No Jupiter Mars
5 Sun Jupiter Sun No --- ---
6 Mercury Mercury Ketu Ketu No Mercury Rahu Venus Ketu
7 Venus Venus Mercury Venus No Saturn Sun
8 Mars Mars Saturn Moon Yes --- Moon
9 Jupiter Jupiter Saturn No Ketu Rahu
10 Saturn Saturn Saturn No Mars Jupiter
11 Saturn Saturn Jupiter --- --- ---
12 Jupiter Jupiter Rahu Rahu --- Venus Ketu Mercury Rahu

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Lal Kitab Chart

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Lal Kitab Dasha (Sub-Sub Periods )

Saturn 6 Year Rahu 6 Year Ketu 3 Year

23/01/1978 23/01/1984 23/01/1990
23/01/1984 23/01/1990 23/01/1993
Rahu : 23/01/1980 Mars : 23/01/1986 Saturn : 23/01/1991
Mercury : 23/01/1982 Ketu : 23/01/1988 Rahu : 23/01/1992
Saturn : 23/01/1984 Rahu : 23/01/1990 Ketu : 23/01/1993

Jupiter 6 Year Sun 2 Year Moon 1 Year

23/01/1993 23/01/1999 23/01/2001
23/01/1999 23/01/2001 23/01/2002
Ketu : 23/01/1995 Sun : 23/09/1999 Jupiter : 23/05/2001
Jupiter : 23/01/1997 Moon : 23/05/2000 Sun : 23/09/2001
Sun : 23/01/1999 Mars : 23/01/2001 Moon : 23/01/2002

Venus 3 Year Mars 6 Year Mercury 2 Year

23/01/2002 23/01/2005 23/01/2011
23/01/2005 23/01/2011 23/01/2013
Mars : 23/01/2003 Mars : 23/01/2007 Moon : 23/09/2011
Sun : 23/01/2004 Saturn : 23/01/2009 Mars : 23/05/2012
Moon : 23/01/2005 Venus : 23/01/2011 Jupiter : 23/01/2013

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Saturn 6 Year Rahu 6 Year Ketu 3 Year

23/01/2013 23/01/2019 23/01/2025
23/01/2019 23/01/2025 23/01/2028
Rahu : 23/01/2015 Mars : 23/01/2021 Saturn : 23/01/2026
Mercury : 23/01/2017 Ketu : 23/01/2023 Rahu : 23/01/2027
Saturn : 23/01/2019 Rahu : 23/01/2025 Ketu : 23/01/2028

Jupiter 6 Year Sun 2 Year Moon 1 Year

23/01/2028 23/01/2034 23/01/2036
23/01/2034 23/01/2036 23/01/2037
Ketu : 23/01/2030 Sun : 23/09/2034 Jupiter : 23/05/2036
Jupiter : 23/01/2032 Moon : 23/05/2035 Sun : 23/09/2036
Sun : 23/01/2034 Mars : 23/01/2036 Moon : 23/01/2037

Venus 3 Year Mars 6 Year Mercury 2 Year

23/01/2037 23/01/2040 23/01/2046
23/01/2040 23/01/2046 23/01/2048
Mars : 23/01/2038 Mars : 23/01/2042 Moon : 23/09/2046
Sun : 23/01/2039 Saturn : 23/01/2044 Mars : 23/05/2047
Moon : 23/01/2040 Venus : 23/01/2046 Jupiter : 23/01/2048

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Saturn 6 Year Rahu 6 Year Ketu 3 Year

23/01/2048 23/01/2054 23/01/2060
23/01/2054 23/01/2060 23/01/2063
Rahu : 23/01/2050 Mars : 23/01/2056 Saturn : 23/01/2061
Mercury : 23/01/2052 Ketu : 23/01/2058 Rahu : 23/01/2062
Saturn : 23/01/2054 Rahu : 23/01/2060 Ketu : 23/01/2063

Jupiter 6 Year Sun 2 Year Moon 1 Year

23/01/2063 23/01/2069 23/01/2071
23/01/2069 23/01/2071 23/01/2072
Ketu : 23/01/2065 Sun : 23/09/2069 Jupiter : 23/05/2071
Jupiter : 23/01/2067 Moon : 23/05/2070 Sun : 23/09/2071
Sun : 23/01/2069 Mars : 23/01/2071 Moon : 23/01/2072

Venus 3 Year Mars 6 Year Mercury 2 Year

23/01/2072 23/01/2075 23/01/2081
23/01/2075 23/01/2081 23/01/2083
Mars : 23/01/2073 Mars : 23/01/2077 Moon : 23/09/2081
Sun : 23/01/2074 Saturn : 23/01/2079 Mars : 23/05/2082
Moon : 23/01/2075 Venus : 23/01/2081 Jupiter : 23/01/2083

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Lal Kitab Predictions

Sun Moon Mars Mercury

6th House 12th House 12th House 5th House
Enemy Own Debilitated Neutral

Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu

11th House 6th House 1th House 2nd House
Enemy Friendly Enemy N.A

8th House

Sun in your 6th House

If benefic:
(1) Native will be lucky, prone to anger, will have beautiful spouse and will bene t from that
(2) If Sun is in the 6th house and Moon, Mars and Jupiter in the 2nd house, following tradition
will be beneficial.
(3) If sun is in 6th house and Ketu in 1st or 7th house then the native will have a son and after
the 48th year great fortune will follow.
(4) If there is no planet in the 2nd house, the native will get a government job in the 22nd
year of his life.

If malefic:
(1) The native's son and maternal family will face bad times. Will also a ect native health
(2) If Mars is placed in the 10th house the native's sons will die one after the other.
(3) Mercury in the 12th house causes high blood pressure.

Remedial Measures:
(1) Ancestral customs and ritu also should be strictly followed; otherwise the family
progress and happiness will be destroyed.
(2) Underground furnaces should not be constructed with in the premises of the house.
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(3) After taking dinner blow off the fire of the kitchen stove by sprinkling milk over it.
(4) Always keep Gangajal in the premises of your house.
(5) Offer wheat or Gur to monkeys.

Moon in your 12th House

This house belongs to Moon's friend Jupiter. Here the Moon will have good e ects on Mars
and the things associated with Mars, but it will harm its enemies Mercury and Ketu and the
things associated with them. Hence the business and things associated with the house in
which Mars is placed will provide highly bene cial e ects. Similarly, the business and things
associated with the houses where Mercury and Ketu are placed will be strongly damaged.
The Moon in the 12th houses causes a general fear in the native's mind about numerous
unforeseen troubles and dangers and thus destroys his sleep and peace of mind. Ketu in
the 4th house will become weak and affect the native's son and mother very adversely.

(1) Wearing Gold in ears, drinking milk after inserting hot piece of gold in it and visiting
religious places of worship will ward o the evils of the Moon in 12th house and also that of
the Ketu in the 4th house.
(2) Never offer milk and food to religious saints/sadhus.
(3) Do not open a school, college or any other educational institute and do not help children
in obtaining free of cost education.

Mars in your 12th House

This house is inhabited by Jupiter, so now both Mars and Jupiter will give good results. This
is also considered as the "Pukka Ghar" of Rahu, so now Rahu will not trouble the native
notwithstanding its position in native's horoscope.

(1) Take honey the first thing in the morning.
(2) Eating sweets and o ering sweets to another person will increase the wealth of the

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Mercury in your 5th House

Mercury in this house makes the native happy, wealthy and wise. spontaneous utterances
from the mouth of the native will certainly prove true.

It gives very good results if the moon or any male planet is placed in 3rd, 5th, 9th and 11th
houses, but if moon and Jupiter are not placed in good houses Mercury would provide
malefic effects.

(1) Wear a copper coin in white thread for obtaining riches.
(2) Serving cows for the happiness of spouse and good luck.
(3) A Gomukhi house (narrow at the front and wider at the end) would prove highly
auspicious whereas Shermukhi house (wider at the front and narrower at the end) would
prove highly disastrous.

Jupiter in your 11th House

Jupiter in this house a ects the things and relatives of enemies Mercury, Venus and Rahu
very adversely. Consequently, the spouse of the native will remain miserable. Similarly,
sisters, daughters and father's sisters will also remain unhappy. The native will be a debtor
even if Mercury is well placed. The native will be comfortable only as long as father lives
with him in a joint family along with brothers, sisters and mother.

(1) Always keep gold on your body.
(2) Put on a copper bangle.
(3) Watering a pipal tree would prove beneficial.

Venus in your 6th House

This house belongs to Mercury and Ketu, who are inimical to each other, but Venus is
friendly to both. Venus stands, debilitated in this house. However, if the native keeps the
opposite sex happy and provides him/her with all the comforts, money and wealth will

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continue to grow. The wife of the native should not get dressed like a male and should not
get her hair cut like a male, otherwise poverty will crop up. Such a native must marry a
person who has got a brother or brothers. Further, the native should not leave any work in
the midway, i.e., before completion.

(1) Ensure that your spouse (wife) puts gold clips in her hair.
(2) Your spouse must not remain barefooted.
(3) The private parts should be washed with red medicine.

Saturn in your 1th House

1st house is in uenced by Sun and Mars. Saturn in 1st house will give good results only
when 3rd, 7th or 10th houses are not inhabited by any planet which is inimical to Saturn. If
Mercury or Venus, Rahu or Ketu is in 7th house, Saturn will always give good results. In case
Saturn is male c and the native has a hairy body, the native will remain poor. If native
celebrates his birthday it will give very bad results However the native will have a long life.

(1) Abstinence from alcohol and non-vegetarian meals.
(2) Burying Surma in the ground will be beneficial for promotion in service and business.
(3) Serving monkey will lead to prosperity.
(4) O ering sweet milk to the roots of a banyan tree will give good results as regards
education and health.

Rahu in your 2nd House

If Rahu is in bene c form in 2nd house one gets money, prestige and lives like an emperor.
He/She will have a long life. 2nd house is in uenced by Jupiter and Venus. If Jupiter is
bene c then the native will live the early years of life in wealth and comfort. If Rahu is
male c the native will be poor and have a bad family life, su er from intestinal disorders.
The native is killed by a weapon and is unable to save money. In the 10th, 21st to 42nd years
of life, he/she loses wealth by theft etc.

(1) Keep a solid silver ball in the pocket.
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(2) Wear things associated with Jupiter, like gold, yellow cloth, saffron etc.
(3) Keep cordial relations with one’s mother.
(4) After marriage do not take any electric equipment from in-laws.

Ketu in your 8th House

8th house belongs to Mars, which is an enemy of Ketu. If Ketu in 8th house is bene c then
the native begets a son at thirty four years of age, or after the marriage of ones sister or
daughter. If Jupiter or Mars are not in 6th and 12th house then Ketu does not give male c
results. similar e ect is there when Moon is in 2nd house. If Ketu in 8th house is male c then
the native's spouse has ill health. son will not be born, or may die. The native may su er
from diabetes or urinary problem. If Saturn or Mars are in 7th then the native is unlucky. In
case of male c Ketu in 8th house the native's character determines the health of native’s
spouse. After twenty six years of age the family life suffers.

(1) Keep a dog.
(2) Donate a black and white blanket in any temple.
(3) Worship lord Ganesha.
(4) Wear gold in the ear.
(5) Use saffron as tilak.

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Lal Kitab Teva

Dharmi Horoscope

Cause : Some horoscopes are considered as Dharmi horoscopes in Lal Kitab. According to
Lal Kitab, Rahu, Ketu & Saturn are considered as male c planets. If a horoscope is Dharmi,
Saturn, Rahu and Ketu will stop giving male c results. Though it is not necessary that they
will give benefic results but at least stop giving malefic results.
Rahu and Ketu becomes Dharmi when they are placed in fourth house or anywhere in the
horoscope with Moon. Saturn becomes Dharmi when he is placed in eleventh house or
anywhere in the horoscope with Jupiter. If both the conditioned are ful lled, horoscope is
called Dharmi Teva.
Result : Your horoscope is No Dharmi horoscope

Night Blind Horoscope

Cause : Ratandh (Night Blind) planets are a unique concept of Lal Kitab. A horoscope is
called as Night-blind if it has Saturn in 7th house and Sun in 4th house. Like a blind
horoscope, person of Night Bling horoscope becomes direction less and cannot take his
own decision. He behaved like a night person
Result : Your horoscope is No Rataandha horoscope

Blind Horoscope

Cause : In a horoscope, tenth house is a foundation of a horoscope as it is house of

profession, job, status, fame and favors from government. If tenth house has planets inimical
to each other, or badly placed planets like debilitated planets etc., all planets will not be
able to give good results. Horoscope having such a combination is called Blind horoscope
and the person of such a horoscope behaves like blind or direction less.
Result : Your horoscope is No Andha horoscope

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Minor Horoscope

Cause : According to Lal Kitab, in certain conditions some horoscopes are considered as
minor till 12 years of age. Minor horoscope may not give results according to the planets
placed in the horoscope and show unpredictable behavior. Fate of the person having such
horoscope is unreliable till 12 year of age.
Result : Your horoscope is No Minor horoscope

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Lal Kitab Ancestral Debts

According to Lal Kitab, debts are considered one of the biggest weaknesses of a
horoscope. Ancestral Debts means that the person will have e ects of the sins done by
ancestors and elders. In other words, relatives have to borne results of the mistakes done
by some other. Debts shown in one's horoscope will also be shown similarly in other
relative's horoscope. Generally whole clan is su ered due to the debts and hence remedies
are also done with the help of whole clan. Even if the person is having Rajyoga (royal
combination), his planets ituting debt will give bad results only.

Forefather's Debt

Cause : According to Lal Kitab, when Venus, Mercury, Rahu are posited in the second, fth,
ninth or twelfth house of a horoscope then the native may be afflicted by forefather's debt.
Reason: Elders would have changed family priest.
Indication: Destruction of a neighboring temple or a peepal tree.
Remedy: 1. Collect rupee coin from all blood relatives and donate the collected amount to
a temple in a single day.
2. If you have a peepal tree in your house, water and serve it.
Result : Your Horoscope is free from Forefather's Debts.

Self Debt

Cause : According to Lal Kitab, when Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu are posited in the fth
house of a horoscope then the native may be afflicted by self-debt.
Reason: Your forefathers and elders did not adhere to the traditional family customs and
discarded their faith in the supreme almighty.
Indication: There may be re-place beneath house or roof will have multiple holes for
direct entrance for sun.
Remedy: 1. Perform yagna from the contributions of equal money from all family members
(blood relatives).
Result : Your Horoscope is free from Self's Debts.

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Mothers Debt

Cause : According to Lal Kitab, when Ketu is posited in the fourth house of a horoscope
then the native may be afflicted by mother's debt.
Reason: The reason for this could be due to the fact that your forefathers might have
neglected or tortured mother or kept her away from her baby after birth of the baby, or just
ignoring sadness of mother.
Indication: Neighboring well or river is being used for dirt and garbage rather than
Remedy: 1. Take equal silver from all blood relatives and flow it in a river in a single day.
Result : Your Horoscope is free from Mothers's Debts.

Woman's Debt

Cause : According to Lal Kitab, when Sun, Moon, Rahu are posited in the second or seventh
house of a horoscope then the native may be afflicted by woman's debt.
Reason: The reason for this could be forefathers or elders murdering lady while pregnant
due to some greed.
Indication: Household will have animals with teeth especially cow or believing in clan-
Remedy: 1. Take equal money from all blood relatives and feed 100 cows with tasty food
using that money in a single day.
Result : Your Horoscope is free from Woman's Debts.

Brother or Relatives Debt

Cause : According to Lal Kitab, when Mercury, Ketu are posited in the rst or Eighth house
of a horoscope then the native may be afflicted by relative's debt.
Reason: The reason for this could be due to the possibility that a forefather of yours must
have set re to ripe crops or house of someone, giving poison to someone, killing
someone's buffalo during pregnancy.

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Indication: Hatred towards meeting relatives, Staying away from family during days of
birtdays of kids, festivals and other happy moments.
Remedy: 1.Collect equal amount of money from all blood relatives and give a hakim or
doctor to help others.
2. Collect equal amount of money from all blood relatives and donate medicines purchased
with that money to some charitable institutions.
Result : Your Horoscope is free from Relative's Debts.

Daughter's Debt

Cause : According to Lal Kitab, when Moon is posited in the third or sixth house of a
horoscope then the native may be afflicted by daughter's debt.
Reason: The reason for this could be forefathers or elders murdering a girl or someone's
sister or torturing her.
Indication: Selling lost kids or taking advantage of that.
Remedy: 1. All blood relatives should purchase and burn some yellow colored cowdies
(small seashells) to ashes and throw the ash the very same day in a river.
Result : Your Horoscope is free from Daughter's Debts.

Oppressor's Debt

Cause : According to Lal Kitab, when Sun, Moon, Mars are situated in tenth and eleventh
houses then the native may be afflicted by Oppressor debt.
Reason: Reason could be forefathers or elders cheating and taking away someone's house
and not paying him in any ways.
Indication: Main gate of the house will be in south direction, or the land of the house will be
taken from the one who doesn't have son, or the house is built on top of a road or a well.
Remedy: 1. Feed fishes of 100 different places OR feed 100 labors.
Result : Your Horoscope is free from Oppressor's Debts.

Unborn Debt

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Cause : According to Lal Kitab, when Sun, Venus, Mars are posited in the twelfth house of a
horoscope then the native may be afflicted by unborn debt.
Reason: The reason for this could be due to forefathers or elders betraying in-laws or a
relative resulting in their family's destruction.
Indication: Gutter owing below doorstep, or destroyed cremation ground or furnace
attached to southern wall of the house.
Remedy: 1. Take one coconut each from all blood relatives and on the same day o er it to
a river or flowing water.
Result : Your Horoscope is free from Unborn's Debts.

Nature's Debt

Cause : According to Lal Kitab, when Moon, Mars are placed in the sixth house of a
horoscope then the native may be afflicted by nature's debt.
Reason: Forefathers or elders destroyed somebody like a poor dog.
Indication: Killing of a dog by a bullet, killing other's son, or betraying a nephew to such an
extent that he gets ruined.
Remedy: 1. Feed 100 dogs in a day with milk sweets or kheer after collecting money from
all blood relatives on the same day.
2. Serve a lady who lives nearby and got widowed at early age and keep obtaining her
Result : Your Horoscope is free from Nature's Debts.

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Lal Kitab Annual Charts

Lal Kitab varshphal chart from 23/1/2020 to 23/1/2021 (43 Year )

First Month (from 23/01/2020 to Second Month (from 23/02/2020

23/02/2020) to 23/03/2020)

Third Month (from 23/03/2020 to Fourth Month (from 23/04/2020

23/04/2020) to 23/05/2020)

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Fifth Month (from 23/05/2020 to Sixth Month (from 23/06/2020 to

23/06/2020) 23/07/2020)

Seventh Month (from 23/07/2020 Eighth Month (from 23/08/2020 to

to 23/08/2020) 23/09/2020)

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Ninth Month (from 23/09/2020 to Tenth Month (from 23/10/2020 to

23/10/2020) 23/11/2020)

Eleventh Month (from 23/11/2020 Twelfth Month (from 23/12/2020

to 23/12/2020) to 23/01/2021)

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Gemstone Prediction

What Is Gemstone?
The primary use for gems throughout history has been for healing and spiritual rituals. Although gems were
rare and exhibited great beauty, the reason they were so precious was due to the power they imparted to
their wearers. They are storehouses of empowerment, transmitted through contact with one's body. Gems
exhibit their power in a bene cial or detrimental way - depending on how they are used. All stones or gems
have magnetic powers in varying degrees, and many of them are bene cial to us for their therapeutic cures.
They emit vibrations and frequencies which have strong potential in uence on our whole being. Here's what
your Gemstone prediction looks like.


Life Stone Lucky Stone Bhagya Stone

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Ruby (Manikya) Topaz Coral (Moonga)

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Life Stone
A life stone is a gem for the Lagna lord. One can wear it all though his life to experience it's mystic powers.
Wearing a life stone can remove obstacles and bless an individual with happiness, success and prosperity. It
is generally worn to bring about an overall well being of an individual. It's cosmic rays are in uence his
entire existence.


Recommend Gemstone Minimum Weight

Ruby (Manikya) 2 Carats

Wearing instructions Recommend Mantra

Gold, in ring finger Om hram hrim hraum sah suryaya namah

Lucky Stone
Life is a perfect blend of e orts and destiny. Get destiny to work for you by wearing you're lucky stone. An
individual's lucky stone is one that keeps luck ticking bringing in pleasant surprises in life. The Lucky stone
we recommend for you is:


Recommend Gemstone Minimum Weight

Topaz 2 Carats

Wearing instructions Recommend Mantra

Gold, in index finger Om gram grim graum sah gurave namah

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Bhagya Stone
Recommendations of Bhagya stone also known as fortune stone is done on the basis of the Lord goverining
the ninth house.This stone is known to make fortune work for you when you actually need it.Good fortune
comes your way in personal and professional life .It helps you combat any obstacle that stands in your way
of prosperity.


Recommend Gemstone Minimum Weight

Coral (Moonga) 3 Carats

Wearing instructions Recommend Mantra

Gold (pref. 18 Carats) or Silver, in ring finger Om kram krim kraum sah bhaumaya namah

Important Information
While wearing a gem please keep certain things in mind. Purchase only original gemstones as wearing
those that are not original will have no e ect. You also need to wear the prescribed weight, what is
commonly known as "Ratti". Now days markets are ooded with fake gems. To give our readers genuine
assistance AstroCAMP/ AstroSage brings to you our unique genuine collection of Gemstones. To know
more about it click here.
To buy Gemstones, please check out our Gemstones Astro Shop .
To order your "Gemstones Recommendations" by our expert astrologers, please visit Gemstones
Recommendations page .

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Isht Devata
Worshiping your Ishta Deva leads to worldly success and liberation. As per your birth chart, your Ishta Deva:
Lord Rama and Shiva .

Lord Rama and Shiva

Ishta Devata: Who and Why?

Moksha is a concept associated with the birth and rebirth cycle, and Vedic Astrology defines
the attainment of moksha as the only purpose in life for every human being. Our Ishta
Devata or chosen deity is the one whom we pray to, and who can guide us to our true
purpose - salvation. Ishta Devata, literally translates to 'the favored deity' whom we
worship, and is the higher power, whom we connect with spiritually. He/She guides us
through life, helping us live a ful lling and protected life, and then nally directing us into
leaving the cycle of rebirth behind to experience of oneness with the One Supreme Self.
Unlike our Kul Devata, the Ishta Devata is unique for every individual, and can be easily
discovered through our birth chart.As per astrology, one should de nitely worship their
speci c Ishta Devata. The rituals behind the veneration of your chosen deity are rather easy
to follow and are mainly based on the chanting of mantras pertaining to them.

How To Find Your Chosen Deity (Ishta Devata)

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The knowledge about one's Ishta Devata can easily be discovered through the Atmakaraka
in Navamsa in our birth charts. The Atmakaraka is the planet with the highest degree in our
kundli. The Navamsa, on the other hand, is the ninth division in our birth chart, that signi es
Dharma and thereby is also known as the Dharma-amsa.The Atmakaraka in one's Navamsa
is called the Karakamsa and the twelfth house or sign from it pertains to our Ishta Devata.
The planets posited in this house determine our chosen deity, however, if this house is
empty then the Lord of the house is taken as the signi cator. Every planet pertains to a
certain deity who has to be worshipped.

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Remedies are like treatment of yourself to avoid male c e ects of planets and to improve good e ect of
positive planets according to your horoscope. If you are sick, you consult medical practitioner. What he does?
He rst checks your bodily symptoms and then ask for conducting some test to investigate root cause of
problem. Thereafter, he prescribes you some medicines and also tells about some precautions. Similarly, an
astrologer rst sees your bodily symptoms, then he analyses your chart in depth and nd out root cause of your
su erings and thereafter he suggests some remedies (as medicines) and also tells you about some do?s and
don?ts (precautions). Therefore, remedial measures always help you overcoming most of your worries and
issues pertaining to different walks of your life.

For you
Dress & Lifestyle Fasting
Green colour Wednesday

Morning Prayer Daan

Lord Vishnu/ Lord Buddha Green grass, Sabut Moong, Spinach, Kaansya,
vessel, Blue ower, Blue clothes, Things made
from Elephant teeth, Green cloth

Aum Braam Breem Broum Sah Budhaya Namah

Dress & Lifestyle

Planets a ects our life in a most dramatic way. Whenever a speci c period of planet
started, the planets and its related things surround us so that we would be totally befall
under that"s planet’s a ect. Every planet denotes speci c colour and controls human life in
many ways hence; to enjoy good life, you should use (if planet is bene c for you) or avoid
(if planet is malefic for you) following specific things related to each planet

Green colour all shades

Respect your sister, daughter, and little girls
Gift your sister
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Be fair in business


Fasting is a way to devote yourself fully to almighty and it puri es your internal as well as
external body. Fasting gives you willpower that would be helpful in many ways. It is also a
way to please planets. If you wish to keep yourself t and appease planets then you may
go for fastings on specific days for a planet.

Keep Fasting on Wednesday

Morning Prayer

Prayer is the best way to connect your soul with almighty. Prayer is like your request to heal
you, to keep your morale high and give you strength to overcome all the challenges that
you are facing in your life. If you pray, it gives you hope and power to ful ll your deeds with
sincerity. There is a speci c deity related to each planet hence; you can pray to a speci c
deity or planet in order to appease them to give you boon

Worship Lord Vishnu

Worship Lord Buddha
Recite Shri Vishnu Sahasranam Stotra


According to vedic astrology, Daan (donation) is the best way to get rid of male c e ects of
planets as well as it gives you a chance to do some good and pious acts to remove your
sins. It should be done with full faith and devotion and without any expectation in return.
Daan should be give to a su-patra (a good and suitable person). In vedic astrology, the
planets are good for you, you should give them power and the planets that are giving you
suffering, you should perform donation to that specific planet to make his effect weak.

Donation of the Mercury should be done during Wednesday, in Mercury Hora and in
Mercury’s Nakshatra (Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, Revati) during morning or evening
Green grass
Sabut Moong
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Kaansya vessel
Blue flower
Blue clothes
Things made from Elephant teeth
Green cloth


Mantras have great signi cance in Vedic Astrology since ancient times. Every mantra
creates speci c vibration and it energised the person with powerful energy of the deity
related to that speci c planet. Mantra Chanting is a very good and easy way to appease
your planets however; a correct pronunciation is a must.Apart from that to reach ultimate
state, you should chant mantra in specified number.

To appease Planet Mercury, you should recite Mercury Beej Mantra i.e. Aum Braam
Breem Broum Sah Budhaya Namah !
You should chant the same for 9000 times. As per Desh-Kaal-Patra Siddhanta, in
Kalyuga, there should be chanting of 4 times so you should chant the same for 36000
You can also chant other mantra i.e. Aum Bum Budhaya Namah OR Aum Ayeem
Shreem Shreem Budhaye Namah !

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Jadi Suggestion Report

It is recommended for you to wear a suitable Tree Root. There are many types of jadis found in the
environment. You need to nd out which one suits you. It can only be done based on your planetary
alignment in your birth chart or natal chart . You can consult any astrologer regarding Tree Roots. By wearing
or placing jadis, your weak areas will improve. We have mentioned di erent types of roots based on your
planetary alignment in your natal chart:

Khirni Mool

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Jadi/Tree Root: Importance & Suggestion Report

People usually turn to astrological remedies as a solution to their problems; like

gemstones, yantras, mantras, consulting with astrologers, and so on. Amongst these, Jadi or
Tree Roots are the most natural remedies. As we know, herbs resolve numerous concerns,
including medical issues as well. Tree Root is a subpart of the herbs and an excellent
solution for many problems, including a negatively placed planet in your kundli. Each of the
nine planets has a speci c Tree Root to balance the environmental energies, and they are a
better substitute for gemstones too. They are not very costly, unlike stones, and the Jadis
achieve desired results and reduce male c e ects of any planet just like the gems. We will
suggest suitable Jadi or Tree Root for you by analysing your kundli and evaluating the
planetary alignments in your birth chart.

Khirni Mool

This Root signi es the planet Moon in Vedic Astrology. This planet is considered to be very
important among all. It represents the mind of a person. As quoted here, ?If your mind is
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happy, then everything seems to be happy?. To have a happy and healthy life, we should be
free from mental instability or illness. In short, we can say that we should have stress free
life to achieve bigger success in our life. If you will wear this root, you will be free from
mental tensions, depressions and anxiety. Ultimately, you will be driven towards the happy

How to wear Root of “Khirni”

Khirni, the Root for planet Moon, can be worn around a neck or tied in an arm.
It should be immersed in unboiled milk or Ganga water before it is worn.
Offer Shiva-Parvati white flowers, rice and fragrance of incense sticks while chanting
Mantra for Chandra (Moon) – Oṃ Śrāṃ Śrīṃ Śrauṃ Saḥ Candramase Namaḥ – 108 times
to energize it.
After performing these rituals, it may be worn either on a Monday or a full moon day or
during Hasta, Rohini and Shravana Nakshatras.

Importance of Natural Tree Root

A natural jadi or root can seldom be found in markets these days. Usually, Tree Roots are
being manufactured arti cially and distributed throughout the world. A natural root is
basically a root of a tree and, therefore, can be found in limited numbers. Also, unforeseen
things like weather plays an important role and, at times, hamper the production. Arti cially
made Tree Roots may look quite similar to original one, but it is of no use astrologically. In
order to solve this problem, we have brought 100% natural Tree Roots. You will get all the
astrologically expected bene ts after wearing it. These Tree Roots have undergone strict
procedures in laboratory and found to be completely genuine.

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Rudraksha Suggestion Report

It is very necessary for you to look for a speci c types of Rudraksha and wear it in order to get positiveness in
your life. There are various types of Rudraksha de ned in ancient texts. However, you need to rstly get your
birth chart analysed in order to nd your weakest area which needs to be improved and based on that you
should wear Rudraksha. Let’s find different types of Rudraksha and which one might be suitable for you:

Two Faced (2 Mukhi Rudraksha)

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Rudraksha: Importance & Suggestion Report

Rudraksha (“Rudra”= Lord Shiva and “Aksha”=Tear Drops) is the seed of the Rudraksha Tree.
Astrology claims they bless a person with Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.
Simultaneously, science believes that it emits electromagnetic, paramagnetic, nootropic
properties which helps improve the respiratory system and blood circulation in the human
body. On the whole, wearing Rudraksha reduces your stress levels, boosts your energy
levels, and ultimately leads to peace of mind. It always gives positive results to the wearer,
unlike gemstones and burns your sins away like ashes if you see, chant and worship it.
Moreover, wearing it removes all your pains, sorrows, and calamities, and ful ls your
desires. It also enhances the charisma of the wearer, helps you in awakening your Kundalini,
as well as controls stress, hypertension and blood pressure.We will suggest suitable
Rudraksha for you by analysing your kundli, and by wearing it, you can retain positivity in life
and receive beneficial results.

Two Faced (2 Mukhi Rudraksha)

It balances the energies between you and your partner. It nurtures the mutual support and

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maintains harmony between couple. It represents Lord Ardhnarishwar, who is half Lord Shiva
and half Goddess Parvati. It basically represents the male and female energies. It is ruled by
planet Moon in Vedic Astrology. It is recommended to the person who has weak position of
Moon in his birth chart. By worshiping this Rudraksha, you can be relieved from every pain of
your life. It will bring peace and unity within your family. It removes all sorrows from your
life. It is recommended for pregnant women to worship two mukhi rudraksha. It will bless
you with prosperity and wealth. It will cure you from diseases related to hearts, lungs, brain
and left eye. It is also recommended highly for people who are looking for greater intimacy
in their life.

How to Wear Two Faced Rudraksha

Do Mukhi Rudraksha, the holy bead for Moon, can be worn in a gold or a silver pendent. It
should be immersed in unboiled milk or Ganga water before it is worn. O er Shiva-Parvati
white flowers, rice and fragrance of incense sticks while chanting Mantra for Chandra (Moon)
– Oṃ Śrāṃ Śrīṃ Śrauṃ Saḥ Candramase Namaḥ – 108 times to energize the pendant. After
performing these rituals, it may be worn either on a Monday or a full moon day or during
Hasta, Rohini and Shravana Nakshatras .

Importance of Natural Rudraksha

A natural Rudraksha can seldom be found in markets these days. Usually, a rudraksha bead
is made using plastic ber in factories. Especially, arti cial Rudrakshas are being
manufactured in China on a large scale and then being distributed throughout the world. A
natural Rudraksha is a fruit of a tree and, therefore, can be found in limited numbers. Also,
unforeseen things like weather plays an important role and, at times, hamper the
production. Arti cially made Rudraksha may look quite similar to original one, but it is of no
use astrologically. In order to solve this problem, we have brought 100% natural Rudraksha.
You will get all the astrologically expected bene ts after wearing it. This Rudraksha has
undergone strict procedures in laboratory and found to be completely genuine.

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Yantra Suggestion Report

Not everyone can install any Yantra. Every yantra has its own purpose for installation, as we have already
described that each yantra is associated with di erent deities. In that case, which God you wish to please
more, install only that Yantra. The purposes of human can vary according to the situations. For example, if you
wish to increase your wealth, you are recommended to install Kuber Yantra. In terms of spirituality, it
connects you to the positive energy or attracts the positive energy from the environment causing happiness
and prosperity in one’s life. It should be installed with the particular use of Mantras in order to attract the
positive flow of energy. We have described below the suitable Yantras for you according to your birth chart.

Chandra Yantra - Yantra For Moon

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Yantra: Importance & Suggestion Report

Yantra is a great cosmic conductor of energy and is used for re ection, concentration and
meditation. Their geometrically designed patterns, a graphical representation of Mantras,
represent basic energies, and they energise the environment and humans. These Yantras
are made on eight surfaces; gold, silver, copper, crystal, birch, bone, hide (can include any
type of paper) and Vishnu stone. Not only do they protect us from evil forces, but also bring
forth luck, health, education, love, and wealth in our lives. Vastu Shastra describes the
correct use of these so that they work best in reducing the male c in uences on us. In
addition, this also ensures help in tasks like having a child, maintaining stable savings and
funds, controlling one’s temper, and more. The Yantras, much like mantras, provide balance
to our mind and body. They can either be worn as talismans or established at home, which
is very auspicious and blesses the native with good health and prosperity.
We will suggest a suitable Yantra for you according to your kundli, and it can enhance
prosperity in every aspect of your life.

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Chandra Yantra - Yantra For Moon

This yantra represents the planet “Moon” in Vedic Astrology. It is the most important planet
in astrology as it represents the mind of a person. Sometimes, your downfall occurs due to
instability of your mind, that means you are not mentally healthy. It basically derives your
mental and emotional strength. A weak placement of Moon in your birth chart leads to
problems related to water (bodily uid), depression, stress etc. If you are mentally
unhealthy, you will undergo various ups and downs everywhere you stand. You would lose
your con dence and courage. By installing this yantra, it will bless you with a positive mood
and hence cause mental peace. It will enable you to overcome the negative e ects caused
due to bad placement of Moon. If Moon is placed positively in birth chart, then it will
increase the power of Moon causing the increment in the bene ts received. It will enhance
the stability in money related matters and secure ful llment of family life, ultimately
leading to a greater satisfaction and peace of mind.

How To Install Moon yantra

Moon Yantra represents the planet Moon. This Yantra should be sprinkled with
unboiled milk or Ganga water before it is worn.
Offer Shiva-Parvati white flowers, rice and fragrance of incense sticks.
Chant Mantra for Chandra (Moon) – Oṃ Śrāṃ Śrīṃ Śrauṃ Saḥ Candramase Namaḥ – 108
times to energize the yantra.
After performing these rituals, it may be installed either on a Monday or a full moon day or
during Hasta, Rohini and Shravana Nakshatras.

Importance of Activated (Siddh) Yantra

An activated yantra can seldom be found in markets these days. Usually, a yantra is made
using plastic ber in factories. An activated Yantra is siddha yantra activated by relevant
Mantras and therefore, can be found in limited numbers. An unactivated Yantras may look
quite similar to original one, but it is of no use astrologically. In order to solve this problem,
we have brought 100% activated Yantra. You will get all the astrological bene ts after
installing it. Our Yantras has undergone with special Mantras and found to be completely
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Favourable Period

Favourable period for Marriage

Marriage is one of the most important stages in one?s life. However, due
to some circumstances, marriages get delayed. Besides that, people
also face some issues with their marital life. For this, we have tried to
deliver the most accurate predictions based on your janma kundali. The
following list has been encapsulated with the most suitable time for
marriage and marital life. Along with this, we have also covered the
information regarding the inauspicious occasions and troublesome

Analysis for age 18 to age 45

Dasha Antar Dasha Period Start Period End Analysis
Mercury Moon 12/ 2/1996 12/ 7/1997 Favourable
Mercury Mars 12/ 7/1997 9/ 7/1998 Favourable
Mercury Rahu 9/ 7/1998 27/ 1/2001 Excellent
Mercury Jupiter 27/ 1/2001 3/ 5/2003 Favourable
Ketu Venus 9/ 6/2006 9/ 8/2007 Favourable
Ketu Sun 9/ 8/2007 15/12/2007 Favourable
Ketu Moon 15/12/2007 15/ 7/2008 Favourable
Ketu Mars 15/ 7/2008 12/12/2008 Favourable
Ketu Rahu 12/12/2008 30/12/2009 Good
Ketu Jupiter 30/12/2009 6/12/2010 Favourable
Ketu Mercury 15/ 1/2012 12/ 1/2013 Excellent
Venus Venus 12/ 1/2013 12/ 5/2016 Favourable
Venus Sun 12/ 5/2016 12/ 5/2017 Favourable
Venus Moon 12/ 5/2017 12/ 1/2019 Favourable

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Dasha Antar Dasha Period Start Period End Analysis

Venus Mars 12/ 1/2019 12/ 3/2020 Favourable
Venus Rahu 12/ 3/2020 12/ 3/2023 Excellent
Venus Jupiter 12/ 3/2023 12/11/2025 Favourable

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Favourable Period for Career

Everyone aspires to have a great career. Earn riches and become a
renowned name in the society is what we strive for. But, things turn sore
at times. To aid you out of this situation, we have come up with an
exclusive career prediction based on your birth details. The following
table will show you the auspicious and inauspicious times for your

Analysis for age 18 to age 65

Dasha Antar Dasha Period Start Period End Analysis
Mercury Moon 12/ 2/1996 12/ 7/1997 Excellent
Mercury Mars 12/ 7/1997 9/ 7/1998 Favourable
Mercury Jupiter 27/ 1/2001 3/ 5/2003 Favourable
Mercury Saturn 3/ 5/2003 12/ 1/2006 Favourable
Ketu Ketu 12/ 1/2006 9/ 6/2006 Favourable
Ketu Venus 9/ 6/2006 9/ 8/2007 Favourable
Ketu Moon 15/12/2007 15/ 7/2008 Good
Ketu Mars 15/ 7/2008 12/12/2008 Favourable
Ketu Jupiter 30/12/2009 6/12/2010 Favourable
Ketu Saturn 6/12/2010 15/ 1/2012 Favourable
Ketu Mercury 15/ 1/2012 12/ 1/2013 Excellent
Venus Venus 12/ 1/2013 12/ 5/2016 Favourable
Venus Moon 12/ 5/2017 12/ 1/2019 Excellent
Venus Mars 12/ 1/2019 12/ 3/2020 Favourable
Venus Jupiter 12/ 3/2023 12/11/2025 Favourable
Venus Saturn 12/11/2025 12/ 1/2029 Favourable
Venus Mercury 12/ 1/2029 12/11/2031 Good

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Dasha Antar Dasha Period Start Period End Analysis

Venus Ketu 12/11/2031 12/ 1/2033 Favourable
Sun Moon 30/ 4/2033 30/10/2033 Good
Sun Mars 30/10/2033 6/ 3/2034 Favourable
Sun Jupiter 30/ 1/2035 18/11/2035 Favourable
Sun Saturn 18/11/2035 30/10/2036 Favourable
Sun Mercury 30/10/2036 6/ 9/2037 Excellent
Sun Ketu 6/ 9/2037 12/ 1/2038 Favourable
Sun Venus 12/ 1/2038 12/ 1/2039 Favourable
Moon Moon 12/ 1/2039 12/11/2039 Excellent
Moon Mars 12/11/2039 12/ 6/2040 Favourable
Moon Rahu 12/ 6/2040 12/12/2041 Favourable
Moon Saturn 12/ 4/2043 12/11/2044 Favourable

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Favourable Periods for Business

To grow in business and life is everyone?s wish. Progress in business is
always a welcome sight for people, because who likes facing any failure
in life! Everybody wants to enhance his/her wealth in no time. With the
following table, we have tried endowing you with the most auspicious
and the most challenging times in your life with which you can shape
your business the way you want

Analysis for age 18 to age 65

Dasha Antar Dasha Period Start Period End Analysis
Mercury Moon 12/ 2/1996 12/ 7/1997 Good
Mercury Mars 12/ 7/1997 9/ 7/1998 Favourable
Mercury Rahu 9/ 7/1998 27/ 1/2001 Favourable
Mercury Jupiter 27/ 1/2001 3/ 5/2003 Favourable
Mercury Saturn 3/ 5/2003 12/ 1/2006 Favourable
Ketu Venus 9/ 6/2006 9/ 8/2007 Favourable
Ketu Moon 15/12/2007 15/ 7/2008 Good
Ketu Mars 15/ 7/2008 12/12/2008 Favourable
Ketu Rahu 12/12/2008 30/12/2009 Favourable
Ketu Jupiter 30/12/2009 6/12/2010 Favourable
Ketu Saturn 6/12/2010 15/ 1/2012 Favourable
Ketu Mercury 15/ 1/2012 12/ 1/2013 Excellent
Venus Venus 12/ 1/2013 12/ 5/2016 Good
Venus Moon 12/ 5/2017 12/ 1/2019 Favourable
Venus Rahu 12/ 3/2020 12/ 3/2023 Favourable
Venus Jupiter 12/ 3/2023 12/11/2025 Favourable
Venus Saturn 12/11/2025 12/ 1/2029 Favourable

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Dasha Antar Dasha Period Start Period End Analysis

Venus Mercury 12/ 1/2029 12/11/2031 Excellent
Venus Ketu 12/11/2031 12/ 1/2033 Favourable
Sun Moon 30/ 4/2033 30/10/2033 Favourable
Sun Rahu 6/ 3/2034 30/ 1/2035 Favourable
Sun Jupiter 30/ 1/2035 18/11/2035 Favourable
Sun Saturn 18/11/2035 30/10/2036 Favourable
Sun Mercury 30/10/2036 6/ 9/2037 Excellent
Sun Ketu 6/ 9/2037 12/ 1/2038 Favourable
Sun Venus 12/ 1/2038 12/ 1/2039 Good
Moon Moon 12/ 1/2039 12/11/2039 Good
Moon Mars 12/11/2039 12/ 6/2040 Favourable
Moon Jupiter 12/12/2041 12/ 4/2043 Favourable
Moon Saturn 12/ 4/2043 12/11/2044 Favourable

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Favourable Period for House Construction

Owning a home is a dream which everyone sees in their life. Infact,
people earn to get their dream home in reality where they can live a
peaceful life with their loved ones. Few people are blessed enough to
have their own home while the others are still working hard to make their
dream come alive. The following table will tell you the most auspicious
timing to start constructing your house

Analysis for age 18 to age 75

Dasha Antar Dasha Period Start Period End Analysis
Mercury Moon 12/ 2/1996 12/ 7/1997 Favourable
Mercury Mars 12/ 7/1997 9/ 7/1998 Excellent
Mercury Rahu 9/ 7/1998 27/ 1/2001 Favourable
Mercury Jupiter 27/ 1/2001 3/ 5/2003 Favourable
Mercury Saturn 3/ 5/2003 12/ 1/2006 Favourable
Ketu Sun 9/ 8/2007 15/12/2007 Favourable
Ketu Moon 15/12/2007 15/ 7/2008 Good
Ketu Mars 15/ 7/2008 12/12/2008 Excellent
Ketu Rahu 12/12/2008 30/12/2009 Favourable
Ketu Jupiter 30/12/2009 6/12/2010 Favourable
Ketu Saturn 6/12/2010 15/ 1/2012 Favourable
Ketu Mercury 15/ 1/2012 12/ 1/2013 Favourable
Venus Sun 12/ 5/2016 12/ 5/2017 Favourable
Venus Moon 12/ 5/2017 12/ 1/2019 Favourable
Venus Mars 12/ 1/2019 12/ 3/2020 Excellent
Venus Rahu 12/ 3/2020 12/ 3/2023 Good
Venus Jupiter 12/ 3/2023 12/11/2025 Favourable

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Dasha Antar Dasha Period Start Period End Analysis

Venus Mercury 12/ 1/2029 12/11/2031 Favourable
Venus Ketu 12/11/2031 12/ 1/2033 Favourable
Sun Sun 12/ 1/2033 30/ 4/2033 Favourable
Sun Moon 30/ 4/2033 30/10/2033 Favourable
Sun Mars 30/10/2033 6/ 3/2034 Excellent
Sun Rahu 6/ 3/2034 30/ 1/2035 Favourable
Sun Jupiter 30/ 1/2035 18/11/2035 Good
Sun Saturn 18/11/2035 30/10/2036 Favourable
Sun Ketu 6/ 9/2037 12/ 1/2038 Favourable
Moon Moon 12/ 1/2039 12/11/2039 Favourable
Moon Mars 12/11/2039 12/ 6/2040 Excellent
Moon Rahu 12/ 6/2040 12/12/2041 Favourable
Moon Jupiter 12/12/2041 12/ 4/2043 Favourable
Moon Saturn 12/ 4/2043 12/11/2044 Favourable
Moon Ketu 12/ 4/2046 12/11/2046 Favourable
Moon Sun 12/ 7/2048 12/ 1/2049 Good
Mars Mars 12/ 1/2049 9/ 6/2049 Excellent
Mars Rahu 9/ 6/2049 27/ 6/2050 Favourable
Mars Jupiter 27/ 6/2050 3/ 6/2051 Favourable
Mars Saturn 3/ 6/2051 12/ 7/2052 Favourable
Mars Ketu 9/ 7/2053 6/12/2053 Favourable

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Friendship Table

Permanent Friendship
Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
Sun --- Friend Friend Neutral Friend Enemy Enemy
Moon Friend --- Neutral Friend Neutral Neutral Neutral
Mars Friend Friend --- Enemy Friend Neutral Neutral
Mercury Friend Enemy Neutral --- Neutral Friend Neutral
Jupiter Friend Friend Friend Enemy --- Enemy Neutral
Venus Enemy Enemy Neutral Friend Neutral --- Friend
Saturn Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend Neutral Friend ---

Temporal Friendship
Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
Sun --- Enemy Enemy Friend Enemy Enemy Enemy
Moon Enemy --- Enemy Enemy Friend Enemy Friend
Mars Enemy Enemy --- Enemy Friend Enemy Friend
Mercury Friend Enemy Enemy --- Enemy Friend Enemy
Jupiter Enemy Friend Friend Enemy --- Enemy Friend
Venus Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend Enemy --- Enemy
Saturn Enemy Friend Friend Enemy Friend Enemy ---

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Five-fold Friendship
Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
Sun --- Neutral Neutral Friend Neutral Bitter Bitter
Moon Neutral --- Enemy Neutral Friend Enemy Friend
Mars Neutral Neutral --- Bitter Intimat Enemy Friend
Mercury Intimat Bitter Enemy --- Enemy Intimat Enemy
Jupiter Neutral Intimat Intimat Bitter --- Bitter Friend
Venus Bitter Bitter Enemy Intimat Enemy --- Neutral
Saturn Bitter Neutral Neutral Neutral Friend Neutral ---

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Shodashvarga Table

Shodashvarga Table
1 Lagna 5 10 4 4 9 3 10 5 6 12 7 8 6
2 Hora 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 5
3 Drekkana 1 2 4 4 1 3 2 5 10 4 3 4 2
4 Chaturthamsha 2 1 7 4 3 3 1 5 12 6 4 5 3
5 Saptamamsha 11 6 11 11 1 3 6 6 3 9 0 7 5
6 Navamsha 8 1 6 6 6 8 1 2 2 8 1 11 4
7 Dashamamsha 1 9 2 2 3 4 9 6 7 1 2 11 9
8 Dwadashamamsha 3 2 7 6 4 4 2 7 12 6 4 5 3
9 Shodashamsha 7 6 5 4 7 10 6 7 5 5 1 5 9
10 Vimshamsha 2 7 6 5 6 7 8 12 3 3 4 12 8
11 Chaturvimshamsha 2 12 11 9 8 7 12 9 4 4 11 11 10
12 Saptavimshamsha 12 1 6 4 6 10 1 5 6 12 3 7 12
13 Trimshamsha 7 6 6 6 3 1 6 11 12 12 3 10 10
14 Khavedamsha 12 8 6 4 3 5 9 8 4 4 7 2 1
15 Akshvedamsha 8 4 2 11 2 2 5 1 8 8 10 4 7
16 Shashtiamsha 9 6 9 6 12 10 7 3 1 7 4 7 4

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Shodashvarga Bhav Table

1 Lagna 1 6 12 12 5 11 6 1 2 8 3 4 2
2 Hora 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2
3 Drekkana 1 2 4 4 1 3 2 5 10 4 3 4 2
4 Chaturthamsha 1 12 6 3 2 2 12 4 11 5 3 4 2
5 Saptamamsha 1 8 1 1 3 5 8 8 5 11 2 9 7
6 Navamsha 1 6 11 11 11 1 6 7 7 1 6 4 9
7 Dashamamsha 1 9 2 2 3 4 9 6 7 1 2 11 9
8 Dwadashamamsha 1 12 5 4 2 2 12 5 10 4 2 3 1
9 Shodashamsha 1 12 11 10 1 4 12 1 11 11 7 11 3
10 Vimshamsha 1 6 5 4 5 6 7 11 2 2 3 11 7
11 Chaturvimshamsha 1 11 10 8 7 6 11 8 3 3 10 10 9
12 Saptavimshamsha 1 2 7 5 7 11 2 6 7 1 4 8 1
13 Trimshamsha 1 12 12 12 9 7 12 5 6 6 9 4 4
14 Khavedamsha 1 9 7 5 4 6 10 9 5 5 8 3 2
15 Akshvedamsha 1 9 7 4 7 7 10 6 1 1 3 9 12
16 Shashtiamsha 1 10 1 10 4 2 11 7 5 11 8 11 8

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Shodashvarga Charts
Lagna Hora (Wealth )

Drekkana (Siblings ) Chaturthamsha (Luck )

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Saptamamsha (Children ) Navamsha (Spouse )

Dashamamsha (Profession ) Dwadashamamsha (Parents )

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Shodashamsha (Vehicles ) Vimshamsha (Religious Inclinations


Saptavimshmsha (Strength ) Chaturvimshamsha (Education )

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Trimshamsha (Misfortune ) Khavedamsha (Auspicious Result )

Akshvedamsha (General Well Shashtiamsha (General Well Being

Being ) )

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Shad Bala & Bhav Bala Tables

Shadbala is a method in Vedic astrology that gives quick insight in the strength of planets and the houses. 'Shad'
in Sanskrit means 'Six' and hence Shadbala consists of 6 different sources of strength. Shadbala calculation is a
laborious process but thanks to computers one can get these strength calcualtions by just one mouse click.
Shadbala method gives a value to each planet and each house. The more points a planet and a house gets in
Shadbala the stronger it is.

Shad Bala Tables

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
Ochcha Bala 30.1 38.01 6.94 28.45 49.55 34.6 35.13
Saptavargaja Bala 50.63 138.75 43.13 60.0 80.63 118.13 58.13
Ojayugmarasyamsa Bala 15 30 0 15 15 15 15
Kendra Bala 15 15 15 30 30 15 60
Drekkana Bala 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Total Sthan Bala 110.73 221.76 80.06 148.45 190.18 182.72 168.26
Total Dig Bala 15.57 15.12 45.47 22.22 32.44 44.27 6.97
Nathonnatha Bala 16.7 43.3 43.3 60.0 16.7 16.7 43.3
Paksha Bala 0.45 59.55 0.45 59.55 59.55 59.55 0.45
Thribhaga Bala 0 60 0 0 60 0 0
Abda Bala 0 0 0 0 15 0 0
Masa Bala 0 0 0 0 0 30 0
Vara Bala 0 45 0 0 0 0 0
Hora Bala 0 0 0 0 0 0 60
Ayana Bala 10.95 5.03 55.55 59.05 59.8 5.63 14.92
Yuddha Bala 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Kala Bala 28.1 212.88 99.3 178.6 211.05 111.88 118.66
Total Chesta Bala 11.29 59.55 58.44 19.88 48.62 1.99 52.8
Total Naisargeka Bala 60.0 51.42 17.16 25.74 34.26 42.84 8.58
Total Drik Bala 8.19 13.01 13.01 8.17 -4.35 7.89 13.53
Total Shad Bala 233.87 573.75 313.45 403.06 512.21 391.6 368.81

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Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

Shadbala In Rupas 3.9 9.56 5.22 6.72 8.54 6.53 6.15
Minimum Requirements 5.0 6.0 5.0 7.0 6.5 5.5 5.0
Ratio 0.78 1.59 1.04 0.96 1.31 1.19 1.23
Relative Rank 7 1 5 6 2 4 3
Ishta Phala 18.43 47.58 20.14 23.78 49.08 8.3 43.07
Kashta Phala 38.16 3.15 9.1 35.58 10.91 38.39 13.38

Bhav Bala Tables

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Bhavadhipati 233.87 403.06 391.6 313.45 512.21 368.81 368.81 512.21 313.45 391.6 403.06 573.75
Bhavdig Bala 30 50 40 30 10 40 0 20 50 60 40 20
Bhavdrishti 64.17 43.35 15.9 31.36 45.96 27.22 54.37 37.6 20.32 -4.71 57.34 53.06
Total Bhav 328.04 496.4 447.5 374.81 568.16 436.02 423.17 569.8 383.76 446.88 500.39 646.81
Total Bhav in 5.47 8.27 7.46 6.25 9.47 7.27 7.05 9.5 6.4 7.45 8.34 10.78
Relative Rank 12 5 6 11 3 8 9 2 10 7 4 1

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Ashtakvarga - Sarvashtakvarga
Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi
Sun 6 5 3 4 4 4 5 5 2 3 5 2
Moon 5 5 5 4 2 5 5 3 5 4 1 5
Mars 4 7 4 1 4 1 4 4 2 2 3 3
Mercury 6 8 3 1 6 5 3 6 3 4 5 4
Jupiter 5 5 3 4 6 5 5 4 4 7 4 4
Venus 5 5 4 1 5 4 6 6 4 2 4 6
Saturn 3 5 4 2 3 3 5 6 4 3 1 0
Total 34 40 26 17 30 27 33 34 24 25 23 24


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Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi Total
Sun 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 8
Moon 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 4
Mars 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 8
Mercury 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 7
Jupiter 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 4
Venus 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3
Saturn 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 8
Ascendant 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 6
Total 6 5 3 4 4 4 5 5 2 3 5 2


Sun Signification

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Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi Total
Sun 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 6
Moon 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 6
Mars 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 7
Mercury 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 8
Jupiter 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 7
Venus 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 7
Saturn 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 4
Ascendant 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 4
Total 5 5 5 4 2 5 5 3 5 4 1 5


Moon Signification

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Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi Total
Sun 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 5
Moon 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 3
Mars 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 7
Mercury 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 4
Jupiter 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4
Venus 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 4
Saturn 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 7
Ascendant 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 5
Total 4 7 4 1 4 1 4 4 2 2 3 3


Mars Signification

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Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi Total
Sun 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 5
Moon 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 6
Mars 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 8
Mercury 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 8
Jupiter 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 4
Venus 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 8
Saturn 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 8
Ascendant 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 7
Total 6 8 3 1 6 5 3 6 3 4 5 4


Mercury Signification

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Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi Total
Sun 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 9
Moon 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 5
Mars 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 7
Mercury 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 8
Jupiter 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 8
Venus 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 6
Saturn 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 4
Ascendant 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 9
Total 5 5 3 4 6 5 5 4 4 7 4 4


Jupiter Signification

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Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi Total
Sun 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 3
Moon 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 9
Mars 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 6
Mercury 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 5
Jupiter 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 5
Venus 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 9
Saturn 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 7
Ascendant 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 8
Total 5 5 4 1 5 4 6 6 4 2 4 6


Venus Signification

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Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi Total
Sun 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 7
Moon 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 3
Mars 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 6
Mercury 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 6
Jupiter 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 4
Venus 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 3
Saturn 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 4
Ascendant 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 6
Total 3 5 4 2 3 3 5 6 4 3 1 0


Saturn Signification

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KP System / Nakshatra Nadi

Planets Degree RAS-NAK-SUB-SS R
Sun 280-24-12 SAT-MON-MON-JUP D
Moon 099-03-34 MON-SAT-VEN-RAH D
Mars 097-16-12 MON-SAT-MER-SAT R
Mercury 259-44-35 JUP-VEN-RAH-SUN D
Jupiter 063-44-42 MER-MAR-VEN-RAH R
Venus 280-52-31 SAT-MON-MON-VEN D
Saturn 125-29-28 SUN-KET-MAR-MON R
Rahu 165-51-41 MER-MON-SAT-SAT R
Ketu 345-51-41 JUP-SAT-JUP-VEN R
Uranus 202-38-15 VEN-JUP-SAT-VEN D
Neptune 234-00-24 MAR-MER-MAR-VEN D
Pluto 173-13-53 MER-MON-SUN-VEN R

Cusp Degree RAS-NAK-SUB-SS
1 146-24-54 SUN-VEN-KET-JUP
2 169-32-04 MER-MON-MER-SAT
3 198-37-29 VEN-RAH-MON-SAT
4 233-41-22 MAR-MER-MAR-SAT
5 269-49-25 JUP-SUN-RAH-SAT
6 301-06-33 SAT-MAR-MER-RAH
7 326-24-54 SAT-JUP-KET-SAT
8 349-32-04 JUP-MER-VEN-VEN
9 018-37-29 MAR-VEN-RAH-JUP
10 053-41-22 VEN-MAR-MAR-SAT
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Cusp Degree RAS-NAK-SUB-SS

11 089-49-25 MER-JUP-MON-JUP
12 121-06-33 SUN-KET-VEN-VEN

KP Cusp Chart

Significators & Ruling Planets

Planets Signification
Planets Houses
Sun 1 5 11 12
Moon 6 7 11 12
Mars 4 6 7 9 11 12
Mercury 2 3 4 5 10 11
Jupiter 4 5 8 9 10 11
Venus 3 5 10 11
Saturn 6 7 12
Rahu 1 11
Ketu 6 7 12

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Significators of Houses
Houses Planets
I Sun Rahu
II Mercury
III Mercury Venus
IV Mars Mercury Jupiter
V Sun Mercury Jupiter Venus
VI Moon Mars Saturn Ketu
VII Moon Mars Saturn Ketu
VIII Jupiter
IX Mars Jupiter
X Mercury Jupiter Venus
XI Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Rahu
XII Sun Moon Mars Saturn Ketu

Ruling Planets
Ascendant Nakshatra Lord Venus
Ascendant Sign Lord Sun
Moon Nakshatra Lord Saturn
Moon Sign Lord Moon
Day Lord Moon
Ascendant Sub Lord Ketu
Moon Sub Lord Venus

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4-Step Significator
Sun Moon
Planet Planet
Sun : 5 (Conj--Venus 3 5) (Asp--Moon 11) (Asp--Mars 9 Moon
11) Star Lord
Star Lord Saturn : 6 : 12
Moon : 11 (Conj--Mars 9 11) (Asp--Sun 5) (Asp--Venus 3 Sub Lord
Venus (Conj--Sun 5) (Asp--Moon 11)
Sub Lord
Star Lord Of Sub Lord
Moon (Conj--Mars 9 11) (Asp--Sun 5) (Asp--Venus 3 5)
Moon : 11 (Conj--Mars 9 11) (Asp--Sun 5) (Asp--Venus 3
Star Lord Of Sub Lord 5)
Saturn : 6 : 12
Star Lord
Saturn : 6 : 12
Sub Lord
Mercury : 2 : 4
Star Lord Of Sub Lord
Venus : 3 : 5 (Conj--Sun 5) (Asp--Moon 11)

Mercury : 2 : 4
Star Lord
Venus : 3 : 5 (Conj--Sun 5) (Asp--Moon 11)
Sub Lord
Rahu : 1 ( Mercury 2 4)
Star Lord Of Sub Lord
Moon : 11 (Conj--Mars 9 11) (Asp--Sun 5) (Asp--Venus 3

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Jupiter Venus
Planet Planet
Jupiter : 8 : 10 (Asp-- 6) Venus
Star Lord Star Lord
Mars : 9 : 11 (Conj--Moon 11) (Asp--Sun 5) Moon : 11 (Conj--Mars 9 11) (Asp--Sun 5) (Asp--Venus
Sub Lord 3 5)
Venus (Conj--Sun 5) (Asp--Moon 11) Sub Lord
Star Lord Of Sub Lord Moon (Conj--Mars 9 11) (Asp--Sun 5) (Asp--Venus 3
Moon : 11 (Conj--Mars 9 11) (Asp--Sun 5) (Asp--Venus
3 5) Star Lord Of Sub Lord
Saturn : 6 : 12

Saturn Rahu
Planet Planet
Saturn Rahu : 1 ( Mercury 2 4)
Star Lord Star Lord
Ketu : 7 ( Jupiter 8 10) Moon : 11 (Conj--Mars 9 11) (Asp--Sun 5) (Asp--Venus
Sub Lord 3 5)
Mars (Conj--Moon 11) (Asp--Sun 5) Sub Lord
Star Lord Of Sub Lord Saturn
Saturn : 6 : 12 Star Lord Of Sub Lord
Ketu : 7 ( Jupiter 8 10)

Star Lord
Saturn : 6 : 12
Sub Lord
Jupiter : 8 : 10 (Asp-- 6)
Star Lord Of Sub Lord
Mars : 9 : 11 (Conj--Moon 11) (Asp--Sun 5)

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Cuspal Interlink (SUB)

Cuspal T1 T2 T3 T4
1 2,3,4,5,7,10 12
2 5,8,9,12 6,8,12 5
3 8,12 2,4,5,7,10,11 5,8,9,12 12
4 2,6 2,3,5,7,10 12
5 3,11 3,9,11 11
6 5,8,9,12 2,8,12 5
7 1,2,3,4,5,10 12
8 3,11 3,11,12 2,6 11
9 3,11 3,5,11 11
10 2,6 2,3,4,5,7 12
11 8,12 2,3,4,5,7,10 5,8,9,12 12
12 3,11 3,8,11 2,6 11

T1 Star/Sub Lord appearing in sub lord

T2 Same Planet appearing in sub lord
T3 Same Planet is star lord of sub lord
T4 Occupant

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Cuspal Interlink (SUB - SUB)

Planet Star Sub Sub Sub Position Status
Sun 2,3,11 2,3,11 3,5,6,9,1,2,4,7,10,11 5
Moon 2,3,4,5,7,10 1,8,9,12 3,5,6,9,1,2,4,7,10,11
Mars 2,3,4,5,7,10 2,4,6,8 2,3,4,5,7,10
Mercury 1,8,9,12 3,5,6,9,1,2,4,8,7,10 1,8,9,12 2,4,6,8
Jupiter 4,6,10 1,8,9,12 3,5,6,9,1,2,4,7,10,11 1,7,9,11
Venus 2,3,11 2,3,11 2,4,6,8
Saturn 1,7,12,9,11,2,3,4,5,10 4,6,10 1,8,9,12
Rahu 3,5,6,9,1,8,12,2,11 2,3,4,5,7,10 2,3,4,5,7,10 3,5,6,9,1
Ketu 1,7,12,4,6,10,2,3,5 1,7,9,11 1,8,9,12

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Planet Signification (View 2)

Planet Star Lord's Occupancy Occupancy Star Lord's Ownership Ownership
SU + 11 5 1,12
MO 12 11 6,7
MA 12 11 6,7 9,4
ME + 5 4 10,3 11,2
JU + 11 10 9,4 5,8
VE 11 5 10,3
SA 7 12 6,7
RA + 11 1
KE 12 7 6,7

Planet Signification (Nakshatra Nadi)

Planet Star Lord Sub Lord
Sun-1,5,12 Moon-11 Moon-11
Moon-11 Saturn-6,7,12 Venus-3,5,10
Mars-4,9,11 Saturn-6,7,12 Mercury-2,4,11
Mercury-2,4,11 Venus-3,5,10 Rahu-1,2,4,11
Jupiter-5,8,10 Mars-4,9,11 Venus-3,5,10
Venus-3,5,10 Moon-11 Moon-11
Saturn-6,7,12 Ketu-5,7,8,10 Mars-4,9,11
Rahu-1,2,4,11 Moon-11 Saturn-6,7,12
Ketu-5,7,8,10 Saturn-6,7,12 Jupiter-5,8,10

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Western System
This section shows Tropical Planetary and House positions. In other words, the values are shown with zero value
of Ayanamsa.

Planets House
Planets Degree Cusp Degree
Sun 303-51-50 1 169-52-31
Moon 122-31-11 2 192-59-41
Mars 120-43-50 3 222-05-06
Mercury 283-12-12 4 257-08-59
Jupiter 087-12-19 5 293-17-02
Venus 304-20-09 6 324-34-11
Saturn 148-57-05 7 349-52-31
Rahu 189-19-19 8 012-59-41
Ketu 009-19-19 9 042-05-06
Uranus 226-05-52 10 077-08-59
Neptune 257-28-01 11 113-17-02
Pluto 196-41-30 12 144-34-11

Western Chart

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Western Aspects
What is an Aspect

Aspect is an angular distance measured in degree and minute of celestial longitude between two points in the
zodiac. Unlike Vedic Astrology Aspects, Western Aspects are grouped into good and evil. Results of good
aspects are good, as these aspects symbolize progress and harmony. If two celestial bodies form good
aspects, these bodies collaborate and produce positive results, as per Western Astrology. If the di erence of
the longitudes is exact, the aspect is considered strong or having more weightage. Though in real world we
rarely see the exact aspects and an Orb is used to calculate till what di erence the aspect will still apply. Orb is
an allowance of so many degrees on either side of an exact aspect.

Here are the aspects, their weightage and orb that we have calculated -

Abbr-Aspect Degree Orb Weight Abbr-Aspect Degree Orb Weight


The table specifies the aspect if it exists and the weight. Weight of the aspect denotes strength of the aspect.

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Aspect On Bhav Madhya

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
146 175 204 233 264 295 326 355 24 53 84 115
19 25 30 35 30 25 19 25 30 35 30 25
Sun -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Moon -- -- -- SQQD OPPN -- -- -- -- -- -- --
98.58 0.63 0.36
Mars -- -- -- -- OPPN -- -- -- -- -- -- --
97.10 1.55
Merc -- -- -- -- CONJ -- -- SQUR -- -- -- --
259.39 6.76 0.12
Jupt -- -- -- OPPN -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
63.39 3.3
Venu -- -- -- -- -- CONJ SSQU -- -- -- -- --
280.47 0.25 0.46
Satn -- -- -- -- -- OPPN -- -- -- -- -- --
125.24 3.34
Rahu -- CONJ -- -- -- -- -- OPPN -- -- -- --
165.46 3.57 3.57
Ketu -- -- -- -- -- -- -- CONJ -- -- -- --
345.46 3.57
Uran -- -- CONJ -- SEXT SQUR TRIN -- -- -- -- --
202.32 8.69 2.02 1.57 1.11
Nept -- -- -- -- -- SEXT SQUR TRIN -- -- -- --
233.55 2.25 1.8 2.25
Plut -- CONJ -- SEXT SQUR TRIN -- OPPN -- -- -- --
173.8 8.48 2.77 2.32 1.86 8.48

1. Bhava-madhya degrees of the Chalit chart have been taken as the cusp degree to compute the aspect.
2. The table shows aspects applied by planets to bhava-madhya.

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Aspect On KP Cusp
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
146 169 198 233 269 301 326 349 18 53 89 121
24 32 37 41 49 6 24 32 37 41 49 6
Sun -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Moon -- -- -- SQQD OPPN -- -- -- -- -- -- --
98.58 0.72 3.9

Mars -- QUIN -- -- OPPN -- -- -- -- -- -- --

97.10 0.65 5.1

Merc -- -- -- -- CONJ -- -- SQUR -- -- -- --

259.39 3.22 2.94

Jupt -- -- SQQD OPPN -- -- -- -- -- -- -- SEXT

63.39 0.97 3.36 1.73

Venu -- -- -- -- -- -- SSQU -- -- -- -- --
280.47 0.37

Satn -- SSQU -- -- -- OPPN -- -- -- -- -- --

125.24 0.13 7.14

Rahu -- CONJ -- -- -- SQQD -- OPPN -- -- -- --

165.46 7.49 0.66 7.49

Ketu -- -- -- -- -- -- -- CONJ -- -- -- --
345.46 7.49

Uran -- -- -- -- -- -- TRIN -- -- -- -- --
202.32 1.07

Nept -- -- -- -- -- -- SQUR TRIN -- -- -- --

233.55 1.75 0.81

Plut -- -- -- SEXT -- -- -- OPPN -- -- -- --

173.8 2.73 7.6

1. Cusp degree used in K.P. System have been taken as the cusp degree to compute the aspect.
2. The table shows aspects applied by planets to K. P. Cusp.

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Planetary Aspect (Western)

Sun Moon Mars Merc Jupt Venu Satn Rahu Ketu Uran Nept Plut
280 98 97 259 63 280 125 165 345 202 233 173
18 58 10 39 39 47 24 46 46 32 55 8
Sun -- -- -- -- -- CONJ -- -- SEXT -- -- --
280.18 9.69 0.27
Moon OPPN -- -- -- -- OPPN -- -- -- -- SQQD --
98.58 9.1 8.79 0.95
Mars OPPN CONJ -- -- -- OPPN -- -- -- -- -- --
97.10 7.91 8.81 7.6
Merc -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- SQUR -- -- --
259.39 1.06
Jupt -- -- -- -- -- -- SEXT -- -- -- OPPN --
63.39 2.13 3.51
Venu -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- SEXT -- -- --
280.47 0.51
Satn -- -- -- SQQD -- -- -- NONL -- -- -- --
125.24 0.25 0.63
Rahu TRIN -- -- SQUR -- TRIN -- -- OPPN -- -- CONJ
165.46 0.27 1.06 0.51 10.0 5.09
Ketu -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Uran -- -- -- SEXT -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
202.32 1.55
Nept -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Plut -- -- -- SQUR -- -- -- -- OPPN -- SEXT --
173.8 1.26 5.09 2.61

1. The two lines below the planet names on top and the values below the planet names on left hand side give
the degree & minute of the respective planet.
2. For applying aspect see left to top & for seperating aspect see top to left.

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Vimshottari Dasha
Note :- Dates shown are dasha ending dates.

Saturn - 19 Years Mercury - 17 Years Ketu - 7 Years

23/ 1/78 - 12/ 1/89 12/ 1/89 - 12/ 1/06 12/ 1/06 - 12/ 1/13
Saturn : 00/00/00 Mercury : 9/ 6/91 Ketu : 9/ 6/06
Mercury : 00/00/00 Ketu : 6/ 6/92 Venus : 9/ 8/07
Ketu : 00/00/00 Venus : 6/ 4/95 Sun : 15/12/07
Venus : 3/ 1/80 Sun : 12/ 2/96 Moon : 15/ 7/08
Sun : 15/12/80 Moon : 12/ 7/97 Mars : 12/12/08
Moon : 15/ 7/82 Mars : 9/ 7/98 Rahu : 30/12/09
Mars : 24/ 8/83 Rahu : 27/ 1/01 Jupiter : 6/12/10
Rahu : 30/ 6/86 Jupiter : 3/ 5/03 Saturn : 15/ 1/12
Jupiter : 12/ 1/89 Saturn : 12/ 1/06 Mercury : 12/ 1/13

Venus - 20 Years Sun - 6 Years Moon - 10 Years

12/ 1/13 - 12/ 1/33 12/ 1/33 - 12/ 1/39 12/ 1/39 - 12/ 1/49
Venus : 12/ 5/16 Sun : 30/ 4/33 Moon : 12/11/39
Sun : 12/ 5/17 Moon : 30/10/33 Mars : 12/ 6/40
Moon : 12/ 1/19 Mars : 6/ 3/34 Rahu : 12/12/41
Mars : 12/ 3/20 Rahu : 30/ 1/35 Jupiter : 12/ 4/43
Rahu : 12/ 3/23 Jupiter : 18/11/35 Saturn : 12/11/44
Jupiter : 12/11/25 Saturn : 30/10/36 Mercury : 12/ 4/46
Saturn : 12/ 1/29 Mercury : 6/ 9/37 Ketu : 12/11/46
Mercury : 12/11/31 Ketu : 12/ 1/38 Venus : 12/ 7/48
Ketu : 12/ 1/33 Venus : 12/ 1/39 Sun : 12/ 1/49

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Mars - 7 Years Rahu - 18 Years Jupiter - 16 Years

12/ 1/49 - 12/ 1/56 12/ 1/56 - 12/ 1/74 12/ 1/74 - 12/ 1/90
Mars : 9/ 6/49 Rahu : 24/ 9/58 Jupiter : 2/ 3/76
Rahu : 27/ 6/50 Jupiter : 18/ 2/61 Saturn : 12/ 9/78
Jupiter : 3/ 6/51 Saturn : 24/12/63 Mercury : 18/12/80
Saturn : 12/ 7/52 Mercury : 12/ 7/66 Ketu : 24/11/81
Mercury : 9/ 7/53 Ketu : 30/ 7/67 Venus : 24/ 7/84
Ketu : 6/12/53 Venus : 30/ 7/70 Sun : 12/ 5/85
Venus : 6/ 2/55 Sun : 24/ 6/71 Moon : 12/ 9/86
Sun : 12/ 6/55 Moon : 24/12/72 Mars : 18/ 8/87
Moon : 12/ 1/56 Mars : 12/ 1/74 Rahu : 12/ 1/90

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Vimshottari Dasha - Pratyantar

Note :- Dates shown are dasha ending dates.

SATURN 10 Y 11 M 19 D Lahiri
Dasa Balance Ayanamsa

Saturn - Venus Saturn - Sun Saturn - Moon

23/ 1/78 - 3/ 1/80 3/ 1/80 - 15/12/80 15/12/80 - 15/ 7/82
Venus : 00/00/00 Sun : 20/ 1/80 Moon : 3/ 2/81
Sun : 00/00/00 Moon : 19/ 2/80 Mars : 6/ 3/81
Moon : 00/00/00 Mars : 9/ 3/80 Rahu : 1/ 6/81
Mars : 00/00/00 Rahu : 30/ 4/80 Jupiter : 17/ 8/81
Rahu : 13/ 6/78 Jupiter : 15/ 6/80 Saturn : 18/11/81
Jupiter : 15/11/78 Saturn : 10/ 8/80 Mercury : 8/ 2/82
Saturn : 15/ 5/79 Mercury : 28/ 9/80 Ketu : 12/ 3/82
Mercury : 27/10/79 Ketu : 18/10/80 Venus : 17/ 6/82
Ketu : 3/ 1/80 Venus : 15/12/80 Sun : 15/ 7/82

Saturn - Mars Saturn - Rahu Saturn - Jupiter

15/ 7/82 - 24/ 8/83 24/ 8/83 - 30/ 6/86 30/ 6/86 - 12/ 1/89
Mars : 8/ 8/82 Rahu : 28/ 1/84 Jupiter : 2/11/86
Rahu : 8/10/82 Jupiter : 15/ 6/84 Saturn : 26/ 3/87
Jupiter : 1/12/82 Saturn : 27/11/84 Mercury : 5/ 8/87
Saturn : 5/ 2/83 Mercury : 23/ 4/85 Ketu : 28/ 9/87
Mercury : 1/ 4/83 Ketu : 22/ 6/85 Venus : 2/ 3/88
Ketu : 24/ 4/83 Venus : 13/12/85 Sun : 16/ 4/88
Venus : 1/ 7/83 Sun : 5/ 2/86 Moon : 2/ 7/88
Sun : 21/ 7/83 Moon : 30/ 4/86 Mars : 25/ 8/88
Moon : 24/ 8/83 Mars : 30/ 6/86 Rahu : 12/ 1/89

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Mercury - Mercury Mercury - Ketu Mercury - Venus

12/ 1/89 - 9/ 6/91 9/ 6/91 - 6/ 6/92 6/ 6/92 - 6/ 4/95
Mercury : 15/ 5/89 Ketu : 30/ 6/91 Venus : 26/11/92
Ketu : 5/ 7/89 Venus : 29/ 8/91 Sun : 17/ 1/93
Venus : 30/11/89 Sun : 17/ 9/91 Moon : 12/ 4/93
Sun : 13/ 1/90 Moon : 17/10/91 Mars : 12/ 6/93
Moon : 26/ 3/90 Mars : 8/11/91 Rahu : 15/11/93
Mars : 16/ 5/90 Rahu : 1/ 1/92 Jupiter : 1/ 4/94
Rahu : 26/ 9/90 Jupiter : 19/ 2/92 Saturn : 12/ 9/94
Jupiter : 22/ 1/91 Saturn : 15/ 4/92 Mercury : 7/ 2/95
Saturn : 9/ 6/91 Mercury : 6/ 6/92 Ketu : 6/ 4/95

Mercury - Sun Mercury - Moon Mercury - Mars

6/ 4/95 - 12/ 2/96 12/ 2/96 - 12/ 7/97 12/ 7/97 - 9/ 7/98
Sun : 21/ 4/95 Moon : 25/ 3/96 Mars : 3/ 8/97
Moon : 17/ 5/95 Mars : 24/ 4/96 Rahu : 26/ 9/97
Mars : 5/ 6/95 Rahu : 11/ 7/96 Jupiter : 14/11/97
Rahu : 21/ 7/95 Jupiter : 19/ 9/96 Saturn : 11/ 1/98
Jupiter : 1/ 9/95 Saturn : 10/12/96 Mercury : 1/ 3/98
Saturn : 20/10/95 Mercury : 22/ 2/97 Ketu : 22/ 3/98
Mercury : 3/12/95 Ketu : 22/ 3/97 Venus : 21/ 5/98
Ketu : 21/12/95 Venus : 17/ 6/97 Sun : 9/ 6/98
Venus : 12/ 2/96 Sun : 12/ 7/97 Moon : 9/ 7/98

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Mercury - Rahu Mercury - Jupiter Mercury - Saturn

9/ 7/98 - 27/ 1/01 27/ 1/01 - 3/ 5/03 3/ 5/03 - 12/ 1/06
Rahu : 27/11/98 Jupiter : 16/ 5/01 Saturn : 6/10/03
Jupiter : 29/ 3/99 Saturn : 25/ 9/01 Mercury : 24/ 2/04
Saturn : 24/ 8/99 Mercury : 21/ 1/02 Ketu : 20/ 4/04
Mercury : 5/ 1/00 Ketu : 8/ 3/02 Venus : 2/10/04
Ketu : 28/ 2/00 Venus : 24/ 7/02 Sun : 20/11/04
Venus : 1/ 8/00 Sun : 5/ 9/02 Moon : 11/ 2/05
Sun : 17/ 9/00 Moon : 13/11/02 Mars : 7/ 4/05
Moon : 3/12/00 Mars : 1/ 1/03 Rahu : 3/ 9/05
Mars : 27/ 1/01 Rahu : 3/ 5/03 Jupiter : 12/ 1/06

Ketu - Ketu Ketu - Venus Ketu - Sun

12/ 1/06 - 9/ 6/06 9/ 6/06 - 9/ 8/07 9/ 8/07 - 15/12/07
Ketu : 21/ 1/06 Venus : 19/ 8/06 Sun : 15/ 8/07
Venus : 15/ 2/06 Sun : 10/ 9/06 Moon : 26/ 8/07
Sun : 22/ 2/06 Moon : 15/10/06 Mars : 3/ 9/07
Moon : 5/ 3/06 Mars : 10/11/06 Rahu : 22/ 9/07
Mars : 13/ 3/06 Rahu : 13/ 1/07 Jupiter : 9/10/07
Rahu : 5/ 4/06 Jupiter : 9/ 3/07 Saturn : 29/10/07
Jupiter : 25/ 4/06 Saturn : 15/ 5/07 Mercury : 17/11/07
Saturn : 18/ 5/06 Mercury : 15/ 7/07 Ketu : 24/11/07
Mercury : 9/ 6/06 Ketu : 9/ 8/07 Venus : 15/12/07

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Ketu - Moon Ketu - Mars Ketu - Rahu

15/12/07 - 15/ 7/08 15/ 7/08 - 12/12/08 12/12/08 - 30/12/09
Moon : 3/ 1/08 Mars : 24/ 7/08 Rahu : 9/ 2/09
Mars : 15/ 1/08 Rahu : 16/ 8/08 Jupiter : 29/ 3/09
Rahu : 16/ 2/08 Jupiter : 5/ 9/08 Saturn : 29/ 5/09
Jupiter : 14/ 3/08 Saturn : 29/ 9/08 Mercury : 23/ 7/09
Saturn : 18/ 4/08 Mercury : 19/10/08 Ketu : 15/ 8/09
Mercury : 17/ 5/08 Ketu : 28/10/08 Venus : 18/10/09
Ketu : 30/ 5/08 Venus : 22/11/08 Sun : 6/11/09
Venus : 5/ 7/08 Sun : 30/11/08 Moon : 8/12/09
Sun : 15/ 7/08 Moon : 12/12/08 Mars : 30/12/09

Ketu - Jupiter Ketu - Saturn Ketu - Mercury

30/12/09 - 6/12/10 6/12/10 - 15/ 1/12 15/ 1/12 - 12/ 1/13
Jupiter : 15/ 2/10 Saturn : 9/ 2/11 Mercury : 6/ 3/12
Saturn : 8/ 4/10 Mercury : 6/ 4/11 Ketu : 26/ 3/12
Mercury : 26/ 5/10 Ketu : 29/ 4/11 Venus : 26/ 5/12
Ketu : 15/ 6/10 Venus : 5/ 7/11 Sun : 14/ 6/12
Venus : 11/ 8/10 Sun : 25/ 7/11 Moon : 14/ 7/12
Sun : 28/ 8/10 Moon : 29/ 8/11 Mars : 4/ 8/12
Moon : 26/ 9/10 Mars : 22/ 9/11 Rahu : 28/ 9/12
Mars : 16/10/10 Rahu : 22/11/11 Jupiter : 15/11/12
Rahu : 6/12/10 Jupiter : 15/ 1/12 Saturn : 12/ 1/13

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Venus - Venus Venus - Sun Venus - Moon

12/ 1/13 - 12/ 5/16 12/ 5/16 - 12/ 5/17 12/ 5/17 - 12/ 1/19
Venus : 2/ 8/13 Sun : 30/ 5/16 Moon : 2/ 7/17
Sun : 2/10/13 Moon : 30/ 6/16 Mars : 7/ 8/17
Moon : 12/ 1/14 Mars : 21/ 7/16 Rahu : 7/11/17
Mars : 22/ 3/14 Rahu : 15/ 9/16 Jupiter : 27/ 1/18
Rahu : 22/ 9/14 Jupiter : 3/11/16 Saturn : 2/ 5/18
Jupiter : 2/ 3/15 Saturn : 30/12/16 Mercury : 27/ 7/18
Saturn : 12/ 9/15 Mercury : 21/ 2/17 Ketu : 2/ 9/18
Mercury : 2/ 3/16 Ketu : 12/ 3/17 Venus : 12/12/18
Ketu : 12/ 5/16 Venus : 12/ 5/17 Sun : 12/ 1/19

Venus - Mars Venus - Rahu Venus - Jupiter

12/ 1/19 - 12/ 3/20 12/ 3/20 - 12/ 3/23 12/ 3/23 - 12/11/25
Mars : 7/ 2/19 Rahu : 24/ 8/20 Jupiter : 20/ 7/23
Rahu : 10/ 4/19 Jupiter : 18/ 1/21 Saturn : 22/12/23
Jupiter : 6/ 6/19 Saturn : 9/ 7/21 Mercury : 8/ 5/24
Saturn : 12/ 8/19 Mercury : 12/12/21 Ketu : 4/ 7/24
Mercury : 12/10/19 Ketu : 15/ 2/22 Venus : 14/12/24
Ketu : 6/11/19 Venus : 15/ 8/22 Sun : 2/ 2/25
Venus : 16/ 1/20 Sun : 9/10/22 Moon : 22/ 4/25
Sun : 7/ 2/20 Moon : 9/ 1/23 Mars : 18/ 6/25
Moon : 12/ 3/20 Mars : 12/ 3/23 Rahu : 12/11/25

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Venus - Saturn Venus - Mercury Venus - Ketu

12/11/25 - 12/ 1/29 12/ 1/29 - 12/11/31 12/11/31 - 12/ 1/33
Saturn : 13/ 5/26 Mercury : 7/ 6/29 Ketu : 7/12/31
Mercury : 24/10/26 Ketu : 6/ 8/29 Venus : 17/ 2/32
Ketu : 1/ 1/27 Venus : 26/ 1/30 Sun : 8/ 3/32
Venus : 11/ 7/27 Sun : 17/ 3/30 Moon : 13/ 4/32
Sun : 8/ 9/27 Moon : 12/ 6/30 Mars : 7/ 5/32
Moon : 13/12/27 Mars : 12/ 8/30 Rahu : 10/ 7/32
Mars : 19/ 2/28 Rahu : 15/ 1/31 Jupiter : 6/ 9/32
Rahu : 10/ 8/28 Jupiter : 1/ 6/31 Saturn : 13/11/32
Jupiter : 12/ 1/29 Saturn : 12/11/31 Mercury : 12/ 1/33

Sun - Sun Sun - Moon Sun - Mars

12/ 1/33 - 30/ 4/33 30/ 4/33 - 30/10/33 30/10/33 - 6/ 3/34
Sun : 17/ 1/33 Moon : 15/ 5/33 Mars : 7/11/33
Moon : 26/ 1/33 Mars : 26/ 5/33 Rahu : 26/11/33
Mars : 3/ 2/33 Rahu : 23/ 6/33 Jupiter : 13/12/33
Rahu : 19/ 2/33 Jupiter : 17/ 7/33 Saturn : 3/ 1/34
Jupiter : 3/ 3/33 Saturn : 15/ 8/33 Mercury : 21/ 1/34
Saturn : 20/ 3/33 Mercury : 11/ 9/33 Ketu : 28/ 1/34
Mercury : 6/ 4/33 Ketu : 21/ 9/33 Venus : 19/ 2/34
Ketu : 12/ 4/33 Venus : 21/10/33 Sun : 26/ 2/34
Venus : 30/ 4/33 Sun : 30/10/33 Moon : 6/ 3/34

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Sun - Rahu Sun - Jupiter Sun - Saturn

6/ 3/34 - 30/ 1/35 30/ 1/35 - 18/11/35 18/11/35 - 30/10/36
Rahu : 25/ 4/34 Jupiter : 8/ 3/35 Saturn : 12/ 1/36
Jupiter : 8/ 6/34 Saturn : 24/ 4/35 Mercury : 1/ 3/36
Saturn : 29/ 7/34 Mercury : 5/ 6/35 Ketu : 21/ 3/36
Mercury : 15/ 9/34 Ketu : 22/ 6/35 Venus : 18/ 5/36
Ketu : 4/10/34 Venus : 10/ 8/35 Sun : 5/ 6/36
Venus : 28/11/34 Sun : 24/ 8/35 Moon : 3/ 7/36
Sun : 14/12/34 Moon : 18/ 9/35 Mars : 23/ 7/36
Moon : 11/ 1/35 Mars : 5/10/35 Rahu : 14/ 9/36
Mars : 30/ 1/35 Rahu : 18/11/35 Jupiter : 30/10/36

Sun - Mercury Sun - Ketu Sun - Venus

30/10/36 - 6/ 9/37 6/ 9/37 - 12/ 1/38 12/ 1/38 - 12/ 1/39
Mercury : 13/12/36 Ketu : 13/ 9/37 Venus : 12/ 3/38
Ketu : 1/ 1/37 Venus : 4/10/37 Sun : 30/ 3/38
Venus : 22/ 2/37 Sun : 11/10/37 Moon : 30/ 4/38
Sun : 8/ 3/37 Moon : 21/10/37 Mars : 21/ 5/38
Moon : 3/ 4/37 Mars : 29/10/37 Rahu : 15/ 7/38
Mars : 21/ 4/37 Rahu : 17/11/37 Jupiter : 3/ 9/38
Rahu : 7/ 6/37 Jupiter : 4/12/37 Saturn : 30/10/38
Jupiter : 18/ 7/37 Saturn : 24/12/37 Mercury : 21/12/38
Saturn : 6/ 9/37 Mercury : 12/ 1/38 Ketu : 12/ 1/39

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Moon - Moon Moon - Mars Moon - Rahu

12/ 1/39 - 12/11/39 12/11/39 - 12/ 6/40 12/ 6/40 - 12/12/41
Moon : 7/ 2/39 Mars : 24/11/39 Rahu : 3/ 9/40
Mars : 25/ 2/39 Rahu : 26/12/39 Jupiter : 15/11/40
Rahu : 10/ 4/39 Jupiter : 24/ 1/40 Saturn : 11/ 2/41
Jupiter : 20/ 5/39 Saturn : 27/ 2/40 Mercury : 27/ 4/41
Saturn : 7/ 7/39 Mercury : 27/ 3/40 Ketu : 29/ 5/41
Mercury : 20/ 8/39 Ketu : 9/ 4/40 Venus : 29/ 8/41
Ketu : 7/ 9/39 Venus : 14/ 5/40 Sun : 26/ 9/41
Venus : 27/10/39 Sun : 25/ 5/40 Moon : 11/11/41
Sun : 12/11/39 Moon : 12/ 6/40 Mars : 12/12/41

Moon - Jupiter Moon - Saturn Moon - Mercury

12/12/41 - 12/ 4/43 12/ 4/43 - 12/11/44 12/11/44 - 12/ 4/46
Jupiter : 16/ 2/42 Saturn : 12/ 7/43 Mercury : 24/ 1/45
Saturn : 2/ 5/42 Mercury : 3/10/43 Ketu : 24/ 2/45
Mercury : 10/ 7/42 Ketu : 6/11/43 Venus : 19/ 5/45
Ketu : 8/ 8/42 Venus : 11/ 2/44 Sun : 15/ 6/45
Venus : 28/10/42 Sun : 10/ 3/44 Moon : 27/ 7/45
Sun : 22/11/42 Moon : 27/ 4/44 Mars : 27/ 8/45
Moon : 2/ 1/43 Mars : 1/ 6/44 Rahu : 13/11/45
Mars : 30/ 1/43 Rahu : 26/ 8/44 Jupiter : 21/ 1/46
Rahu : 12/ 4/43 Jupiter : 12/11/44 Saturn : 12/ 4/46

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Moon - Ketu Moon - Venus Moon - Sun

12/ 4/46 - 12/11/46 12/11/46 - 12/ 7/48 12/ 7/48 - 12/ 1/49
Ketu : 24/ 4/46 Venus : 22/ 2/47 Sun : 21/ 7/48
Venus : 29/ 5/46 Sun : 22/ 3/47 Moon : 6/ 8/48
Sun : 10/ 6/46 Moon : 12/ 5/47 Mars : 17/ 8/48
Moon : 27/ 6/46 Mars : 17/ 6/47 Rahu : 14/ 9/48
Mars : 10/ 7/46 Rahu : 17/ 9/47 Jupiter : 8/10/48
Rahu : 11/ 8/46 Jupiter : 7/12/47 Saturn : 6/11/48
Jupiter : 9/ 9/46 Saturn : 12/ 3/48 Mercury : 2/12/48
Saturn : 12/10/46 Mercury : 7/ 6/48 Ketu : 12/12/48
Mercury : 12/11/46 Ketu : 12/ 7/48 Venus : 12/ 1/49

Mars - Mars Mars - Rahu Mars - Jupiter

12/ 1/49 - 9/ 6/49 9/ 6/49 - 27/ 6/50 27/ 6/50 - 3/ 6/51
Mars : 21/ 1/49 Rahu : 6/ 8/49 Jupiter : 12/ 8/50
Rahu : 13/ 2/49 Jupiter : 26/ 9/49 Saturn : 5/10/50
Jupiter : 2/ 3/49 Saturn : 26/11/49 Mercury : 23/11/50
Saturn : 26/ 3/49 Mercury : 20/ 1/50 Ketu : 12/12/50
Mercury : 16/ 4/49 Ketu : 12/ 2/50 Venus : 8/ 2/51
Ketu : 25/ 4/49 Venus : 15/ 4/50 Sun : 25/ 2/51
Venus : 19/ 5/49 Sun : 3/ 5/50 Moon : 23/ 3/51
Sun : 27/ 5/49 Moon : 5/ 6/50 Mars : 13/ 4/51
Moon : 9/ 6/49 Mars : 27/ 6/50 Rahu : 3/ 6/51

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Mars - Saturn Mars - Mercury Mars - Ketu

3/ 6/51 - 12/ 7/52 12/ 7/52 - 9/ 7/53 9/ 7/53 - 6/12/53
Saturn : 6/ 8/51 Mercury : 3/ 9/52 Ketu : 18/ 7/53
Mercury : 3/10/51 Ketu : 23/ 9/52 Venus : 12/ 8/53
Ketu : 26/10/51 Venus : 23/11/52 Sun : 19/ 8/53
Venus : 2/ 1/52 Sun : 11/12/52 Moon : 2/ 9/53
Sun : 22/ 1/52 Moon : 11/ 1/53 Mars : 10/ 9/53
Moon : 26/ 2/52 Mars : 1/ 2/53 Rahu : 2/10/53
Mars : 19/ 3/52 Rahu : 25/ 3/53 Jupiter : 22/10/53
Rahu : 19/ 5/52 Jupiter : 12/ 5/53 Saturn : 15/11/53
Jupiter : 12/ 7/52 Saturn : 9/ 7/53 Mercury : 6/12/53

Mars - Venus Mars - Sun Mars - Moon

6/12/53 - 6/ 2/55 6/ 2/55 - 12/ 6/55 12/ 6/55 - 12/ 1/56
Venus : 16/ 2/54 Sun : 12/ 2/55 Moon : 30/ 6/55
Sun : 7/ 3/54 Moon : 23/ 2/55 Mars : 12/ 7/55
Moon : 12/ 4/54 Mars : 2/ 3/55 Rahu : 13/ 8/55
Mars : 7/ 5/54 Rahu : 19/ 3/55 Jupiter : 11/ 9/55
Rahu : 10/ 7/54 Jupiter : 6/ 4/55 Saturn : 15/10/55
Jupiter : 6/ 9/54 Saturn : 26/ 4/55 Mercury : 14/11/55
Saturn : 12/11/54 Mercury : 14/ 5/55 Ketu : 27/11/55
Mercury : 12/ 1/55 Ketu : 21/ 5/55 Venus : 2/ 1/56
Ketu : 6/ 2/55 Venus : 12/ 6/55 Sun : 12/ 1/56

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Yogini Dasha
Note :- Dates shown are dasha ending dates.

Dhanya : 3 Years Bhramari : 4 Years Bhadrika : 5 Years

16/12/76 - 17/10/79 17/10/79 - 17/10/83 17/10/83 - 17/10/88
Dhanya : 16/12/76 Bhramari : 26/ 2/80 Bhadrika : 24/ 5/84
Bhramari : 16/ 4/77 Bhadrika : 15/ 9/80 Ulka : 24/ 3/85
Bhadrika : 16/ 9/77 Ulka : 15/ 5/81 Siddha : 16/ 3/86
Ulka : 16/ 3/78 Siddha : 25/ 2/82 Sankata : 26/ 4/87
Siddha : 16/10/78 Sankata : 14/ 1/83 Mangala : 15/ 6/87
Sankata : 16/ 6/79 Mangala : 24/ 2/83 Pingala : 25/ 9/87
Mangala : 16/ 7/79 Pingala : 14/ 5/83 Dhanya : 25/ 2/88
Pingala : 17/10/79 Dhanya : 17/10/83 Bhramari : 17/10/88

Ulka : 6 Years Siddha : 7 Years Sankata : 8 Years

17/10/88 - 17/10/94 17/10/94 - 17/10/01 17/10/01 - 17/10/09
Ulka : 14/ 9/89 Siddha : 24/ 1/96 Sankata : 25/ 6/03
Siddha : 13/11/90 Sankata : 13/ 8/97 Mangala : 14/ 9/03
Sankata : 14/ 3/92 Mangala : 23/10/97 Pingala : 24/ 2/04
Mangala : 14/ 5/92 Pingala : 15/ 3/98 Dhanya : 24/10/04
Pingala : 14/ 9/92 Dhanya : 15/10/98 Bhramari : 13/ 9/05
Dhanya : 14/ 3/93 Bhramari : 25/ 7/99 Bhadrika : 23/10/06
Bhramari : 14/11/93 Bhadrika : 15/ 7/00 Ulka : 22/ 2/08
Bhadrika : 17/10/94 Ulka : 17/10/01 Siddha : 17/10/09

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Mangala : 1 Years Pingala : 2 Years Dhanya : 3 Years

17/10/09 - 17/10/10 17/10/10 - 17/10/12 17/10/12 - 17/10/15
Mangala : 21/ 9/09 Pingala : 19/10/10 Dhanya : 11/12/12
Pingala : 11/10/09 Dhanya : 19/12/10 Bhramari : 11/ 4/13
Dhanya : 11/11/09 Bhramari : 11/ 3/11 Bhadrika : 11/ 9/13
Bhramari : 21/12/09 Bhadrika : 21/ 6/11 Ulka : 11/ 3/14
Bhadrika : 10/ 2/10 Ulka : 21/10/11 Siddha : 11/10/14
Ulka : 10/ 4/10 Siddha : 12/ 3/12 Sankata : 11/ 6/15
Siddha : 20/ 6/10 Sankata : 22/ 8/12 Mangala : 11/ 7/15
Sankata : 17/10/10 Mangala : 17/10/12 Pingala : 17/10/15

Bhramari : 4 Years Bhadrika : 5 Years Ulka : 6 Years

17/10/15 - 17/10/19 17/10/19 - 17/10/24 17/10/24 - 17/10/30
Bhramari : 21/ 2/16 Bhadrika : 19/ 5/20 Ulka : 9/ 9/25
Bhadrika : 10/ 9/16 Ulka : 19/ 3/21 Siddha : 8/11/26
Ulka : 10/ 5/17 Siddha : 11/ 3/22 Sankata : 9/ 3/28
Siddha : 20/ 2/18 Sankata : 21/ 4/23 Mangala : 9/ 5/28
Sankata : 9/ 1/19 Mangala : 10/ 6/23 Pingala : 9/ 9/28
Mangala : 19/ 2/19 Pingala : 20/ 9/23 Dhanya : 9/ 3/29
Pingala : 9/ 5/19 Dhanya : 20/ 2/24 Bhramari : 9/11/29
Dhanya : 17/10/19 Bhramari : 17/10/24 Bhadrika : 17/10/30

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Siddha : 7 Years Sankata : 8 Years Mangala : 1 Years

17/10/30 - 17/10/37 17/10/37 - 17/10/45 17/10/45 - 17/10/46
Siddha : 19/ 1/32 Sankata : 20/ 6/39 Mangala : 16/ 9/45
Sankata : 8/ 8/33 Mangala : 9/ 9/39 Pingala : 6/10/45
Mangala : 18/10/33 Pingala : 19/ 2/40 Dhanya : 6/11/45
Pingala : 10/ 3/34 Dhanya : 19/10/40 Bhramari : 16/12/45
Dhanya : 10/10/34 Bhramari : 8/ 9/41 Bhadrika : 5/ 2/46
Bhramari : 20/ 7/35 Bhadrika : 18/10/42 Ulka : 5/ 4/46
Bhadrika : 10/ 7/36 Ulka : 17/ 2/44 Siddha : 15/ 6/46
Ulka : 17/10/37 Siddha : 17/10/45 Sankata : 17/10/46

Pingala : 2 Years Dhanya : 3 Years Bhramari : 4 Years

17/10/46 - 17/10/48 17/10/48 - 17/10/51 17/10/51 - 17/10/55
Pingala : 14/10/46 Dhanya : 6/12/48 Bhramari : 16/ 2/52
Dhanya : 14/12/46 Bhramari : 6/ 4/49 Bhadrika : 5/ 9/52
Bhramari : 6/ 3/47 Bhadrika : 6/ 9/49 Ulka : 5/ 5/53
Bhadrika : 16/ 6/47 Ulka : 6/ 3/50 Siddha : 15/ 2/54
Ulka : 16/10/47 Siddha : 6/10/50 Sankata : 4/ 1/55
Siddha : 7/ 3/48 Sankata : 6/ 6/51 Mangala : 14/ 2/55
Sankata : 17/ 8/48 Mangala : 6/ 7/51 Pingala : 4/ 5/55
Mangala : 17/10/48 Pingala : 17/10/51 Dhanya : 17/10/55

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Bhadrika : 5 Years Ulka : 6 Years Siddha : 7 Years

17/10/55 - 17/10/60 17/10/60 - 17/10/66 17/10/66 - 17/10/73
Bhadrika : 14/ 5/56 Ulka : 4/ 9/61 Siddha : 14/ 1/68
Ulka : 14/ 3/57 Siddha : 3/11/62 Sankata : 3/ 8/69
Siddha : 6/ 3/58 Sankata : 4/ 3/64 Mangala : 13/10/69
Sankata : 16/ 4/59 Mangala : 4/ 5/64 Pingala : 5/ 3/70
Mangala : 5/ 6/59 Pingala : 4/ 9/64 Dhanya : 5/10/70
Pingala : 15/ 9/59 Dhanya : 4/ 3/65 Bhramari : 15/ 7/71
Dhanya : 15/ 2/60 Bhramari : 4/11/65 Bhadrika : 5/ 7/72
Bhramari : 17/10/60 Bhadrika : 17/10/66 Ulka : 17/10/73

Sankata : 8 Years Mangala : 1 Years Pingala : 2 Years

17/10/73 - 17/10/81 17/10/81 - 17/10/82 17/10/82 - 17/10/84
Sankata : 15/ 6/75 Mangala : 11/ 9/81 Pingala : 10/10/82
Mangala : 4/ 9/75 Pingala : 1/10/81 Dhanya : 10/12/82
Pingala : 14/ 2/76 Dhanya : 1/11/81 Bhramari : 2/ 3/83
Dhanya : 14/10/76 Bhramari : 11/12/81 Bhadrika : 12/ 6/83
Bhramari : 3/ 9/77 Bhadrika : 31/ 1/82 Ulka : 12/10/83
Bhadrika : 13/10/78 Ulka : 31/ 3/82 Siddha : 3/ 3/84
Ulka : 12/ 2/80 Siddha : 10/ 6/82 Sankata : 13/ 8/84
Siddha : 17/10/81 Sankata : 17/10/82 Mangala : 17/10/84

S. No. Mangala Pingala Dhanya Bhramari Bhadrika Ulka Siddha Sankata

Lord Moon Sun Jupiter Mars Mercury Saturn Venus Rahu

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Yogini Dasha Predictions

In the eld of Vedic Astrology, where Vimshottari Dasha is considered to be most signi cant, there Yogini Dasha
also has its particular relevance. Many learned astrologers make use of Yogini Dasha in addition to Vimshottari
Dasha because doing so brings forward better results and it helps in predictions as well. The Vimshottari Dashas
are of the nine planets (navagraha), and their duration is of 120 years. On the other hand, there are a total of eight
Yogini Dashas, and they span a length of 36 years, after which they restart. Each Yogini Dasha has a lord planet,

Mangala (Moon) Pingala (Sun) Dhanya (Jupiter)

Total duration of 1 year Total duration of 2 years Total duration of 3 years

Bhramari (Mars) Bhadrika (Mercury) Ulka (Saturn)

Total duration of 4 years Total duration of 5 years Total duration of 6 years

Siddha (Venus) Sankata (Rahu)

Total duration of 7 years Total duration of 8 years

Thus, beginning with the birth of a native, each of these 8 Yogini Dashas in uences the person for a total of 36
years. Once this duration is complete, the Yogini Dasha from their birth emerges again, and once more, this
process is repeated.
As each of these Dashas and their duration di ers, thus, their results vary too. Let us discover the e ects of a
Yogini Dasha on you:

Mangala (Moon) Yogini Dasha

During this Dasha, you will have the privilege of participating in many religious programs
and your mind will move towards purity. You will attain prosperity and a uence will
become an integral part of your life. Various yogas indicating attainment of clothes,
jewellery, comforts, facilities, fame, and honour will be formed.

Moreover, you can also organise an auspicious function at home in this duration.
Auspiciousness will become a part of you in this Dasha, and all your problems will be
resolved. Not only will your health improve, but there will also be an increase in your name
and fame. You can also nd a loyal and courteous life partner or become a parent to
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obedient and fortunate children.

Pingala (Sun) Yogini Dasha

Some problems may arise during this Dasha, for natives. You will be prone to mental stress
and physical su erings. If other yogas are present in the kundali, then there are possibilities
of heart disease during this time. Simultaneously, health problems due to heat or accidents
and re-related problems may also trouble you. However, with the help of an elder or a
senior, you will attain success in your work. Keeping the wrong company at this time can
result in a loss of your honour and fame. Yet, on the other hand, you will get skilled in
business and attain relief from troubles and tribulations. The pleasure of power may also be
on the cards for some. Thus, on the whole, this Dasha will bring mixed results for you.

Dhanya (Jupiter) Yogini Dasha

During this Dasha, you can attain happiness in various forms, su cient wealth, and good
health. Moreover, there will be an increase in your prosperity, and you may also earn more
fame. Married people will lead a happier married life, while unmarried natives may get
proposals for marriage. Awards and glory from the government are probable, so are the
chances of going on a pilgrimage. You will become more inclined towards religion, and
during this time, wealth and fortune in your life will increase.

Bhramari (Mars) Yogini Dasha

During this Dasha, you may have to face some troubles or di culties. There will be yogas
indicating travelling from one place to another. Not only will these trips be numerous, but
some may even be unnecessary. The latter will not bring any exclusive bene ts for you,
and you may even lose money as a result of them. Urgent work can take you far from your
home, and there can also be a decrease in your name and fame at this time. Therefore, you
need to pay special attention to your work and ensure that they do not bring any problems
for you.

Bhadrika (Mercury) Yogini Dasha

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During this Dasha, prosperity will be a part of your life, and you will also spend your family
life in a much better way. Your friend circle will grow, and you will get a chance to spend
time with them. Business people will attain tremendous pro ts and will also receive many
comforts and amenities.

Ulka (Saturn) Yogini Dasha

During this Dasha, predictions indicate possibilities of an accident (transport) or loss of

money. One of your vehicles can get stolen, or your child may face some problems. If you
did something unlawful in the past, then troubles, punishment, and/or a penalty from the
government sector may nd you during this time. There is a possibility of some stress in
your family life. Moreover, you will also be prone to ear, tooth, foot, heart, and abdominal
diseases in this period. Therefore, you need to stay alert towards your health and not do
anything that may lead to defamation or loss of money.

Siddha (Venus) Yogini Dasha

During this Dasha, you will receive numerous good news, and your desires will be ful lled.
Monetary pro ts and good luck will be a part of your life. Not only will you attain a uence
and fame, but you will also be very fortunate in terms of wealth, learning, and prosperity.
Your health will favour you during this time, and there are high chances of you buying
di erent types of gems, jewellery, and other expensive items. On the whole, you will be
delighted during this Dasha.

Sankata (Rahu) Yogini Dasha

During this Dasha, you will have to remain cautious, because you may have to face some
trouble or crisis at this time. Essential tasks may get interrupted, and there will also be
possibilities of monetary loss. In addition to this, some of your signi cant schemes may also
get disrupted. Along with that, this Dasha also brings the probability of health problems for
you. If you are already running sick, then you especially need to pay attention to your
wellbeing at this time.

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Jamini System: Karakamsa & Swamsa Kundli

Karak Avastha
Karak Sthir Chara Planets Jagrat Baladi Deeptadi
Atma Sun Mercury Sun Swapna Vradha Muditha
Amatya Mercury Venus Moon Susupta Vradha Swatha
Bhratru Mars Sun Mars Susupta Vradha Muditha
Matrua Moon Moon Mercury Swapna Vradha Swatha
Putra Jupiter Mars Jupiter Jaagrat Bala Khal
Gnati Saturn Saturn Venus Swapna Vradha Deena
Dara Venus Jupiter Saturn Jaagrat Bala Muditha

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Arudha Chart
Arudha Chart is an important chart in astrology. Sage Parashar has given much importance to Arudha Chart and
also Astrolgers who use Jaimini Astrology, also believe in Arudha Chart, thus, it is a very important chart as like
Birth chart. The di erence between the two is Birth Chart shows our self and Arudha Chart shows our image in
the society. So to read Arudha Chart before giving predictions, is using a better technique of predictions which
gives accurate readings.

1. We are not considering Rahu and Ketu strength for Arudha Pada calculation.
2. We are using exceptions while calculating Arudha pada.

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Char Dasha
Note :- Dates shown are dasha ending dates.

Leo 07 Year 23/ 1/78 - 23/ 1/85 Scorpion 08 Year 23/ 1/97 - 23/ 1/05
Virgo 09 Year 23/ 1/85 - 23/ 1/94 Sagittarius 06 Year 23/ 1/05 - 23/ 1/11
Libra 03 Year 23/ 1/94 - 23/ 1/97 Capricorn 05 Year 23/ 1/11 - 23/ 1/16

Aquarius 05 Year 23/ 1/16 - 23/ 1/21 Taurus 08 Year 23/ 1/33 - 23/ 1/41
Pisces 09 Year 23/ 1/21 - 23/ 1/30 Gemini 06 Year 23/ 1/41 - 23/ 1/47
Aries 03 Year 23/ 1/30 - 23/ 1/33 Cancer 12 Year 23/ 1/47 - 23/ 1/59

Leo 7 Years Virgo 9 Years Libra 3 Years

Virgo 23/ 1/78 - 23/ 8/78 Libra 23/ 1/85 - 23/10/85 Scorpion 23/ 1/94 - 23/ 4/94
Libra 23/ 8/78 - 23/ 3/79 Scorpion 23/10/85 - 23/ 7/86 Sagittarius 23/ 4/94 - 23/ 7/94
Scorpion 23/ 3/79 - 23/10/79 Sagittarius 23/ 7/86 - 23/ 4/87 Capricorn 23/ 7/94 - 23/10/94
Sagittarius 23/10/79 - 23/ 5/80 Capricorn 23/ 4/87 - 23/ 1/88 Aquarius 23/10/94 - 23/ 1/95
Capricorn 23/ 5/80 - 23/12/80 Aquarius 23/ 1/88 - 23/10/88 Pisces 23/ 1/95 - 23/ 4/95
Aquarius 23/12/80 - 23/ 7/81 Pisces 23/10/88 - 23/ 7/89 Aries 23/ 4/95 - 23/ 7/95
Pisces 23/ 7/81 - 23/ 2/82 Aries 23/ 7/89 - 23/ 4/90 Taurus 23/ 7/95 - 23/10/95
Aries 23/ 2/82 - 23/ 9/82 Gemini 23/10/95 - 23/ 1/96
Taurus 23/ 4/90 - 23/ 1/91
Taurus 23/ 9/82 - 23/ 4/83 Cancer 23/ 1/96 - 23/ 4/96
Gemini 23/ 1/91 - 23/10/91
Gemini 23/ 4/83 - 23/11/83 Leo 23/ 4/96 - 23/ 7/96
Cancer 23/10/91 - 23/ 7/92
Cancer 23/11/83 - 23/ 6/84 Virgo 23/ 7/96 - 23/10/96
Leo 23/ 7/92 - 23/ 4/93
Leo 23/ 6/84 - 23/ 1/85 Libra 23/10/96 - 23/ 1/97
Virgo 23/ 4/93 - 23/ 1/94

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Scorpion 8 Years Sagittarius 6 Years Capricorn 5 Years

Libra 23/ 1/97 - 23/ 9/97 Scorpion 23/ 1/05 - 23/ 7/05 Sagittarius 23/ 1/11 - 23/ 6/11
Virgo 23/ 9/97 - 23/ 5/98 Libra 23/ 7/05 - 23/ 1/06 Scorpion 23/ 6/11 - 23/11/11
Leo 23/ 5/98 - 23/ 1/99 Virgo 23/ 1/06 - 23/ 7/06 Libra 23/11/11 - 23/ 4/12
Cancer 23/ 1/99 - 23/ 9/99 Leo 23/ 7/06 - 23/ 1/07 Virgo 23/ 4/12 - 23/ 9/12
Gemini 23/ 9/99 - 23/ 5/00 Cancer 23/ 1/07 - 23/ 7/07 Leo 23/ 9/12 - 23/ 2/13
Taurus 23/ 5/00 - 23/ 1/01 Gemini 23/ 7/07 - 23/ 1/08 Cancer 23/ 2/13 - 23/ 7/13
Aries 23/ 1/01 - 23/ 9/01 Taurus 23/ 1/08 - 23/ 7/08 Gemini 23/ 7/13 - 23/12/13
Pisces 23/ 9/01 - 23/ 5/02 Aries 23/ 7/08 - 23/ 1/09 Taurus 23/12/13 - 23/ 5/14
Aquarius 23/ 5/02 - 23/ 1/03 Pisces 23/ 1/09 - 23/ 7/09 Aries 23/ 5/14 - 23/10/14
Capricorn 23/ 1/03 - 23/ 9/03 Aquarius 23/ 7/09 - 23/ 1/10 Pisces 23/10/14 - 23/ 3/15
Sagittarius 23/ 9/03 - 23/ 5/04 Capricorn 23/ 1/10 - 23/ 7/10 Aquarius 23/ 3/15 - 23/ 8/15
Scorpion 23/ 5/04 - 23/ 1/05 Sagittarius 23/ 7/10 - 23/ 1/11 Capricorn 23/ 8/15 - 23/ 1/16

Aquarius 5 Years Pisces 9 Years Aries 3 Years

Pisces 23/ 1/16 - 23/ 6/16 Aries 23/ 1/21 - 23/10/21 Taurus 23/ 1/30 - 23/ 4/30
Aries 23/ 6/16 - 23/11/16 Taurus 23/10/21 - 23/ 7/22 Gemini 23/ 4/30 - 23/ 7/30
Taurus 23/11/16 - 23/ 4/17 Gemini 23/ 7/22 - 23/ 4/23 Cancer 23/ 7/30 - 23/10/30
Gemini 23/ 4/17 - 23/ 9/17 Cancer 23/ 4/23 - 23/ 1/24 Leo 23/10/30 - 23/ 1/31
Cancer 23/ 9/17 - 23/ 2/18 Leo 23/ 1/24 - 23/10/24 Virgo 23/ 1/31 - 23/ 4/31
Leo 23/ 2/18 - 23/ 7/18 Virgo 23/10/24 - 23/ 7/25 Libra 23/ 4/31 - 23/ 7/31
Virgo 23/ 7/18 - 23/12/18 Libra 23/ 7/25 - 23/ 4/26 Scorpion 23/ 7/31 - 23/10/31
Libra 23/12/18 - 23/ 5/19 Scorpion 23/ 4/26 - 23/ 1/27 Sagittarius 23/10/31 - 23/ 1/32
Scorpion 23/ 5/19 - 23/10/19 Sagittarius 23/ 1/27 - 23/10/27 Capricorn 23/ 1/32 - 23/ 4/32
Sagittarius 23/10/19 - 23/ 3/20 Capricorn 23/10/27 - 23/ 7/28 Aquarius 23/ 4/32 - 23/ 7/32
Capricorn 23/ 3/20 - 23/ 8/20 Aquarius 23/ 7/28 - 23/ 4/29 Pisces 23/ 7/32 - 23/10/32
Aquarius 23/ 8/20 - 23/ 1/21 Pisces 23/ 4/29 - 23/ 1/30 Aries 23/10/32 - 23/ 1/33

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Taurus 8 Years Gemini 6 Years Cancer 12 Years

Aries 23/ 1/33 - 23/ 9/33 Taurus 23/ 1/41 - 23/ 7/41 Gemini 23/ 1/47 - 23/ 1/48
Pisces 23/ 9/33 - 23/ 5/34 Aries 23/ 7/41 - 23/ 1/42 Taurus 23/ 1/48 - 23/ 1/49
Aquarius 23/ 5/34 - 23/ 1/35 Pisces 23/ 1/42 - 23/ 7/42 Aries 23/ 1/49 - 23/ 1/50
Capricorn 23/ 1/35 - 23/ 9/35 Aquarius 23/ 7/42 - 23/ 1/43 Pisces 23/ 1/50 - 23/ 1/51
Sagittarius 23/ 9/35 - 23/ 5/36 Capricorn 23/ 1/43 - 23/ 7/43 Aquarius 23/ 1/51 - 23/ 1/52
Scorpion 23/ 5/36 - 23/ 1/37 Sagittarius 23/ 7/43 - 23/ 1/44 Capricorn 23/ 1/52 - 23/ 1/53
Libra 23/ 1/37 - 23/ 9/37 Scorpion 23/ 1/44 - 23/ 7/44 Sagittarius 23/ 1/53 - 23/ 1/54
Virgo 23/ 9/37 - 23/ 5/38 Libra 23/ 7/44 - 23/ 1/45 Scorpion 23/ 1/54 - 23/ 1/55
Leo 23/ 5/38 - 23/ 1/39 Virgo 23/ 1/45 - 23/ 7/45 Libra 23/ 1/55 - 23/ 1/56
Cancer 23/ 1/39 - 23/ 9/39 Leo 23/ 7/45 - 23/ 1/46 Virgo 23/ 1/56 - 23/ 1/57
Gemini 23/ 9/39 - 23/ 5/40 Cancer 23/ 1/46 - 23/ 7/46 Leo 23/ 1/57 - 23/ 1/58
Taurus 23/ 5/40 - 23/ 1/41 Gemini 23/ 7/46 - 23/ 1/47 Cancer 23/ 1/58 - 23/ 1/59

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Jaimini Chara Dasha Predictions

Much like Vedic Astrology, the predictions by Jaimini astrology system are also considerably accurate. Where
on the one hand, Vimshottari Dasha is the Dasha of planets, similarly Jaimini Char Dasha is the Dasha of Zodiac
signs. Just as there are 12 Zodiac signs, from Aries to Pisces, in the same vein, there are 12 Jaimini Char Dasha of
each of these signs.
All zodiac signs have individual nature, based on which they offer different results and predictions:

Aries Jaimini Chara Dasha

During this Dasha, many guests will visit your home, and an environment of excitement and
happiness will prevail. This time will also bring an uproar of little kids. You will become
ambitious, and there may even be some aggressiveness in your nature. While you make
efforts to fulfil your ambitions, you should also ensure that you keep your aggressiveness in
control. There are possibilities of you hurting an animal during this Dasha, especially a
rat/mice, cats, dogs, etc. and thus, have to remain cautious. Avoid your habit of doing
everything in a hurry.

Taurus Chara Dasha

Happiness will be a part of your family during this Dasha, and there are also strong
possibilities of monetary pro ts for you. If you have been thinking about it, then natives can
buy a vehicle at this time. You will experience many comforts during this Dasha period.
However, you need to drive very carefully, because a small accident due to a vehicle or
four-legged animal is possible.

Gemini Jaimini Chara Dasha

During the Dasha of this zodiac sign, your thinking abilities will improve, and you will begin
thinking in the right direction. The bene ts of this will be visible to you in di erent walks of
life. Those who are still studying will attain success in their eld of education, while
business people will also progress in this duration. However, there are chances of week
health for the natives during this Dasha. In particular, there may be some skin related
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problems, allergies, or diseases related to veins and nerves, due to which one needs to be

Cancer Jaimini Chara Dasha

This Dasha will prove to be quite progressive for the natives. Business pertaining to
precious gems, or any enterprise involving foreign trade will bring you tremendous success.
However, water-related diseases like jaundice, cholera, etc. are also probable, which is why
you should be cautious, especially while bathing in deep waters. You will be quite
emotional at this time, will think about your family, and thus will also remain busy in
household chores.

Leo Jaimini Chara Dasha

During the Dasha of this zodiac sign, you will see an increase in spirituality within you, and
you will become more inclined towards religious works. Some of you can go on a trip to a
hill station or a forest, etc., however, you should avoid going to too high places at this time.
Predictions indicate that accidents are probable due to falling from there. In addition to this,
you also need to pay better attention to your workplace as a demotion may be on the cards
for some. Conversely, if you do a good job, you can also get promoted. There are also
chances of an animal, like a dog, biting you or some other mishap.

Virgo Jaimini Chara Dasha

During the Dasha of this zodiac sign, you will get favourable results in your eld of
education, and you will also perform well. Business people will gain good pro t at this time,
and there may even be an expansion in their trade, in this duration. There will be an increase
in your logical abilities. On the other hand, there will be possibilities of an accident related to
fire, or skin related diseases like itching, allergies, shingles, etc.

Libra Jaimini Chara Dasha

During the Dasha of this zodiac sign, you will attain all kinds of good results. Happiness and
prosperity will be a part of your life, and you will gain name and fame. There will be an
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increase in the attraction towards you in the minds of people surrounding you. Positivity will
ll your thinking, and you will be more interested in performing auspicious tasks. Apart from
this, you can also get di erent types of comforts during this dasha, like vehicles or property.
Moreover, love will grow in your life.

Scorpio Jaimini Chara Dasha

This Dasha can bring signi cant changes in your life. Natives associated with research work
or in-depth studies, or those who meditate spiritually, will receive excellent results during
the Dasha of this zodiac sign. However, this duration will not be suitable for your health. You
can particularly su er due to side e ects of medicines or food poisoning. In addition,
injections can also cause an infection or damage by an aquatic animal is also probable.

Sagittarius Jaimini Chara Dasha

Many ups and downs will be a part of your life, during the Sagittarius Jaimini Chara Dasha,
because this is a very mysterious Dasha. While on the one hand, this duration can take you
to great heights of success as well as help you attain high posts. However, on the other,
health-related problems or accidents are also possible at this time. You can fall from a high
place, or some immoral work can harm your position. You will also need to be careful from
your enemies at this time as they can try to hurt you.

Capricorn Jaimini Chara Dasha

This Dasha can become the reason for specific changes in your life. Changes, whether big or
small, will make a notable impact on your life. During this time, you can change your place
of residence or your workplace. Moreover, substantial life-related changes, such as getting
married or having a child, can also occur during this Dasha. Another such signi cant change
can be having feeble health; therefore, you need to be cautious.

Aquarius Jaimini Chara Dasha

During this Dasha, you will step forward and do ample donations, charity, and religious work.
You will also do philanthropic deeds in the interest of society, which will cause an increase
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in your honour and respect. People will come to you for advice or someone in need may
approach you for help, and you will help them. This will help you earn more fame in society,
and the people will appreciate you.

Pisces Jaimini Chara Dasha

During the Dasha of this zodiac sign, you will be very sentimental and can also make some
wrong decisions as you get emotional. Therefore, it is better to consult an elder or a senior
before finalizing anything. However, you will also attain some very significant experiences of
life during this Dasha, which will be useful for you in the future. Not only this, but you will
also perform well in the field of profound spirituality. This Dasha is crucial in making your life
spiritually rich.

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Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details 2020

Janam (Birth) Head Varsha (Year)
Female Sex Female
23/1/1978 Date of Birth 24/1/2020
21:3:6 Time of Birth 15:28:6
Monday Day of Birth Friday
New Westminster Place of Birth New Westminster
49 Latitude 49
122 Longitude 122
00:11:36 Local Time Correction 00:11:36
00:00:00 War Time Correction 00:00:00
20:51:29 LMT at Birth 15:16:30
07:53:40 Sunrise 07:52:41
16:53:23 Sunset 16:54:35
Leo Lagna Gemini
Sun Lagna Lord Mercury
Cancer Rasi Capricorn
Moon Rasi Lord Saturn
Pashyami Nakshatra Sravana
Saturn Nakshatra Lord Moon

Priti Yoga Siddhi

Bav Karan Kintudhhana
Aquarius Sun Sign (Western) Aquarius
023-33-00 Ayanamsa 024-08-12
Lahiri Ayanamsa Name Lahiri

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Varshphal Chart (Solar Return Chart) - 2020

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Varshphal Table
Planets Rashi Longitude
Lagna Gemini 25-08-11
Sun Capricorn 10-18-33
Moon Capricorn 11-08-27
Mars Scorpion 20-30-18
Mercury Capricorn 19-53-37
Jupiter Sagittarius 18-02-14
Venus Aquarius 19-23-59
Saturn Capricorn 00-04-57
Rahu Gemini 12-49-54
Ketu Sagittarius 12-49-54
Uranus Aries 08-42-18
Neptune Aquarius 22-41-20
Pluto Sagittarius 28-54-02

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Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details 2020 - 2021

Year Summary
There is an important point in Tajik Varshfal Astrology, which is called Muntha. Your Muntha for this year is in
Ninth House.
You are learning new ways of maintaining harmony in your individuality at work and around friends and
family. You will be bene tted by friends and your brother. You gain from royal favors or favors from higher
authorities. Changes you experience in your life will be deeply felt and lasting. You will maintain sound
health. Your wishes will be fulfilled.

January 24, 2020 - February 14, 2020 Dasha Mars

Mars is in Bhav Number 6

This is a uorescent period for you so, try to have the bene t of it. You will get relieved of
all your stress and troubles. Family and professional atmosphere will be very supportive to
you. You should be a bit conscious while driving. Your enemies will not dare to face you as
you will be full frame of mind to crush them. You will come out courageous and get
professional distinction.

February 14, 2020 - April 09, 2020 Dasha Rahu

Rahu is in Bhav Number 1

New areas you explore this period could be loss generating as there could be steady rise in
expenses which might not yield direct gains or any long term position. There may be trouble
from the enemies and legal problems. You will be able to continue with existing line of
work & remain low pro le and stable in your outlook. The outlook for gain should be short
term only. Medium & long term projects are better started. There may be problem s related
to your eyes. Your friendship with the opposite sex will not be cordial plans of making quick
money should be scrutinized first. There can be problem to your girl friend/ boy friend.
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April 09, 2020 - May 28, 2020 Dasha Jupiter

Jupiter is in Bhav Number 7

Your deep awareness of keeping track of your health and taking better care of yourself and
your own needs will help you harness some of your active energy, possibly participating in
physical sports as a good outlet. The great energy you radiate will de nitely attract lots of
supportive people in your life. Your life-partner will contribute to your happiness and
success. You may be called upon you to give more time and energy in a leadership
position at work. You will be highly respected and will become more famous.

May 28, 2020 - July 25, 2020 Dasha Saturn

Saturn is in Bhav Number 8

The period opens with a di cult phase in career. A dip in activity & opportunity will be
experienced, although there could be rise in irrelevant activity in career. New investments
or risky deals should be avoided as there could be chances of losses. It will not be
advisable to commence new project or make new investments. You should avoid getting
aggressive with your superiors. It would be better to use your own skill and caliber other
than thinking of taking help from others. Possiblity of theft or loss of money due to some
other means is also there. Take proper care of yourself and your family members. You may
also receive bad news regarding some one's demise.

September 13, 2020 - September 14, 2020 Dasha Mercury

Mercury is in Bhav Number 8

However, you should avoid stretching your luck too far. There could be some cash
crunch due to your locking money in various channels. Health problem may also disturb
you. Especially you will be troubled by cough, phlegmatic problems, eye-sour and viral
fever. Be careful while dealing with friends, relatives or associates. Travel may be fruitless
and therefore should be avoided. Dispute over small issues is also on the cards. This is also
a period which can create troubles or messy situations due to carelessness or negligence.
Journeys should be avoided.
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September 14, 2020 - October 06, 2020 Dasha Ketu

Ketu is in Bhav Number 7

This is a period of mixed results for you. In this period you will su er due to mental stress
and strain. You may face problem in your business partnerships. Financially the period is not
so good. Journeys will not be fruitful. Risk taking tendencies could be curbed totally. You
can get into con icts with your dear ones so better try to avoid these kinds of situations.
However, this is not a good period for love and romance. You should be very careful in love
and relationship as it can bring disrespect and loss of honor to you.

October 06, 2020 - December 06, 2020 Dasha Venus

Venus is in Bhav Number 9

A visit to a holy place of your interest is on the charts. You will, however, have a romantic
and charismatic attitude, and this will help you maintain cordial relations with the ones you
know and establish contacts with the ones you don't. There is certain amount of wish
ful llment which generally means gains in dealings or promotions in the hierarchy of the
organization you work for. Acqusition of a new vehicle or buying new land is on the cards.
Overall, the period is very good.

December 06, 2020 - December 24, 2020 Dasha Sun

Sun is in Bhav Number 8

There may be unexpected problems. It would be advisable to maintain cordial relations

with relatives. A health check is necessary. A prolonged illness is speculated. Helth of life
partner and children should also be kept in check. Under hand dealings must be avoided.
Business matters must be dealt with after ascertaining all the facts. You may su er from

December 24, 2020 - January 23, 2021 Dasha Moon

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Moon is in Bhav Number 8

There may be some bad news regarding business or new venture. Don't get indulge in
taking risks as it is not a very favorable period for you. Family member's health may cause
anxiety. Speculation must be avoided or else they may cause nancial losses. Opponents
will try to create problems on your personal as well as professional front. Stay away from
water as there is fear from drowning. Fever and cold will give some health problems.

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Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details 2021

Janam (Birth) Head Varsha (Year)
Female Sex Female
23/1/1978 Date of Birth 23/1/2021
21:3:6 Time of Birth 21:37:16
Monday Day of Birth Saturday
New Westminster Place of Birth New Westminster
49 Latitude 49
122 Longitude 122
00:11:36 Local Time Correction 00:11:36
00:00:00 War Time Correction 00:00:00
20:51:29 LMT at Birth 21:25:39
07:53:40 Sunrise 07:52:56
16:53:23 Sunset 16:54:12
Leo Lagna Virgo
Sun Lagna Lord Mercury
Cancer Rasi Taurus
Moon Rasi Lord Venus
Pashyami Nakshatra Rohini
Saturn Nakshatra Lord Moon

Priti Yoga Brahma

Bav Karan Visit
Aquarius Sun Sign (Western) Aquarius
023-33-00 Ayanamsa 024-09-03
Lahiri Ayanamsa Name Lahiri

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Varshphal Chart (Solar Return Chart) - 2021

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Varshphal Table
Planets Rashi Longitude
Lagna Virgo 02-21-09
Sun Capricorn 10-18-33
Moon Taurus 16-48-22
Mars Aries 14-18-17
Mercury Capricorn 28-52-20
Jupiter Capricorn 14-07-07
Venus Sagittarius 25-23-42
Saturn Capricorn 10-11-32
Rahu Taurus 23-28-33
Ketu Scorpion 23-28-33
Uranus Aries 12-43-07
Neptune Aquarius 24-50-38
Pluto Capricorn 00-38-57

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Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details 2021 - 2022

Year Summary
There is an important point in Tajik Varshfal Astrology, which is called Muntha. Your Muntha for this year is in
Seventh House.
You may get indulge into sudden losses nancially. Failure in attempts will make you feel frustrated. You
will have to slog as the work burden will be too much. There is displacement, transfer and trouble in foreign
lands. There are chances of falling into bad companies so, better aware of that. Your health will be weak
and you will be caught by many diseases. Your social reputation can also be hampered. There will be
disputes with good people in the society.

January 23, 2021 - March 19, 2021 Dasha Rahu

Rahu is in Bhav Number 9

This is a period of mixed results for you. You will put your best in professional eld. Your
xity of purpose will remain intact and you will not abandon work once undertaken or lose
determination. There is danger of developing egoistic temperament in your personality. This
attitude of yours can lead you towards unpopularity. Try to be more exible and gentle
while dealing with people. You will support your brothers and sisters. There will be
problems to your relatives.

March 19, 2021 - May 07, 2021 Dasha Jupiter

Jupiter is in Bhav Number 5

You are learning new ways of maintaining harmony in your individuality at work and around
friends and family. You will reap great rewards as you learn to expand your communication
skills and be true to your inner self and your own personal needs. Changes you experience
in your life will be deeply felt and lasting. People that you thought overlooked your good
e orts will be your greatest and most supportive allies. An auspicious ceremony in the
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family is likely to take place. This period will also bring prosperity, happiness and success to
your children.

May 07, 2021 - July 04, 2021 Dasha Saturn

Saturn is in Bhav Number 5

Job matters will remain mostly below average and not entirely satisfactory. Work
environment will remain disturbed and under pressure during this period. Risk taking
tendencies should be curbed totally. You should avoid major activity during this period. If
working as a professional, this period will experience hurdles and some challenges. There
will be uncertainty and some confusion. You will lack full support from your own people.
Possiblity of some legal action against you is also there. The health of your dear ones may
create anxiety for you. There will be problem in the progeny during this period. You should
keep a low profile during this time and avoid changes.

July 04, 2021 - August 24, 2021 Dasha Mercury

Mercury is in Bhav Number 5

The people around you will realize your true worth and this will be gladdening to you and
will be a strong motivating factor for you to keep giving your best consistently. This is the
best period for you to travel. Just let go and enjoy the happiness that comes your way. At
last you can relax and enjoy the success and the results of the hard work you had been
doing for a long time. This period will also bring you in the midst of famous people. Your
desire of getting a kid will be fulfilled. Your creativity will be appreciated by others.

August 24, 2021 - September 15, 2021 Dasha Ketu

Ketu is in Bhav Number 3

You should work on keeping a stable and steady nature for better results. There will be
dynamism & growth. You will share good rapport with your colleagues and seniors. Income
sources are very ne for you and you will enjoy your family life. Spiritually, you will be very

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sound. If you are looking for promotion you will de nitely going to get it. Your friend circle
will also increase. Sudden travel will also bring good luck for you. You will donate for
charitable deeds and will prosper during this period.

September 15, 2021 - November 14, 2021 Dasha Venus

Venus is in Bhav Number 4

You will yield a lot of power, the likes of which you have probably not experienced before.
On the personal front, your loved ones will rely on you for providing them and comforting
them. You will earn a lot of fame and recognition. Your mental energy will be great. Most
importantly, things between you and your spouse will be at their sweetest. Birth of a child is
on the cards. Your subordinate shall extend their full support towards you. Overall this
period will be very pleasant.

November 14, 2021 - December 03, 2021 Dasha Sun

Sun is in Bhav Number 5

You will be enthusiastic towards life. You'll be courageous and have a violent temper.
There will be lack of mental control and loos of discremination. Your popularity with public
will decrease and there can be trouble due to disputes. This period is unfavorable for love
and romance. Children and life partner may su er from ill health. In case of bene c aspects,
this period may result in child birth and gain from higher authorities.

December 03, 2021 - January 02, 2022 Dasha Moon

Moon is in Bhav Number 9

Good harmony and understanding is indicated in family life. This is a good time to expand
your knowledge, learn something from colleagues. Good relations with friends or foreigners
will be fruitful. The will be gain of land. You will do charitable deeds. Your children will also
be successful and bring happiness to you. A wonderful life is waiting ahead for you.

January 02, 2022 - January 23, 2022 Dasha Mars

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January 02, 2022 - January 23, 2022 Dasha Mars

Mars is in Bhav Number 8

You should learn to relax to avoid unnecessary mental stress when things seem to be
stagnating at the professional front. Resist the urge to change jobs on an impulse driven by
feelings of disappointment or frustration. This is also a period which can create troubles or
messy situations due to carelessness or negligence creating worries and unnecessary
troubles. Health requires immediate attention as injuries and accidents and on the card.
There will be disturbance in the family life and also you should be careful of the sex

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Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details 2022

Janam (Birth) Head Varsha (Year)
Female Sex Female
23/1/1978 Date of Birth 24/1/2022
21:3:6 Time of Birth 3:46:26
Monday Day of Birth Sunday
New Westminster Place of Birth New Westminster
49 Latitude 49
122 Longitude 122
00:11:36 Local Time Correction 00:11:36
00:00:00 War Time Correction 00:00:00
20:51:29 LMT at Birth 03:34:49
07:53:40 Sunrise 07:52:06
16:53:23 Sunset 16:55:24
Leo Lagna Scorpion
Sun Lagna Lord Mars
Cancer Rasi Virgo
Moon Rasi Lord Mercury
Pashyami Nakshatra Chitra
Saturn Nakshatra Lord Mars

Priti Yoga Dhriti

Bav Karan Visit
Aquarius Sun Sign (Western) Aquarius
023-33-00 Ayanamsa 024-09-53
Lahiri Ayanamsa Name Lahiri

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Varshphal Chart (Solar Return Chart) - 2022

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Varshphal Table
Planets Rashi Longitude
Lagna Scorpion 09-12-04
Sun Capricorn 10-18-32
Moon Virgo 26-41-55
Mars Sagittarius 05-50-19
Mercury Capricorn 07-53-02
Jupiter Aquarius 11-23-29
Venus Sagittarius 17-26-22
Saturn Capricorn 20-25-24
Rahu Taurus 04-07-13
Ketu Scorpion 04-07-13
Uranus Aries 16-45-59
Neptune Aquarius 27-00-08
Pluto Capricorn 02-22-27

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Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details 2022 - 2023

Year Summary
There is an important point in Tajik Varshfal Astrology, which is called Muntha. Your Muntha for this year is in
Sixth House.
This is a time of action for you. Unexpected gifts and gains will pour in from di erent sectors for you. It gives
the native career betterment and all round prosperity. Your opponents will not dare to interrupt your way
and you will get your share of attraction and reputation. You will get favor from rules, superiors and higher
authorities. You will have a sound health and physique. This year also indicates gain of vehicle.

January 24, 2022 - March 13, 2022 Dasha Jupiter

Jupiter is in Bhav Number 4

You desire a deeper connection and emotional bonding with your family, exploring the
ideas you have learned from your parents. Harmony in family life is assured. Having high
personal values, and being very idealistic, are just some of the reasons why you attract so
many gifts and blessing from others. So much of your energy will be giving more to your
personal relationships and partnerships. The changes you experience in your life will be
deeply felt and lasting. You will come into contact with higher o cials and authorities. Your
fame and reputation will be on an increase. You may trade your vehicle for a better one or
for the profit.

March 13, 2022 - May 10, 2022 Dasha Saturn

Saturn is in Bhav Number 3

There will be good luck and good stability of the mind which would help live a positive and
easy life at home. Good level of gains could come from spouse. It's an excellent period for
travel, higher education, communications, venturing into new enterprises; profession etc.
synchronization in family life is secure. This period may bring disagreements and even
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enemity with hith and kins and relatives. You will get good results professionally. Overall the
period will be good.

May 10, 2022 - July 01, 2022 Dasha Mercury

Mercury is in Bhav Number 3

Travels will prove interesting and may pave the way for exciting interactions with
compatible persons. You will be able to balance professional and domestic commitments
intelligently and give your best to both these vital aspects of life. Your cherished desires
will be ful lled with di culty but will ultimately bring you prosperity fame and good
income or pro ts. Meeting with old friends is also indicated. You will get company of
opposite sex. You will get some help from superiors or people in responsible or in uential

July 01, 2022 - July 22, 2022 Dasha Ketu

Ketu is in Bhav Number 1

A phase of confusion in strategy & misunderstandings with business partners or associates

is possible. Major expansion & long term plans should be put on hold. Focus should be on
gains from existing sources, throughout the period. It is better to avoid travel as far as
possible. Your enemies will put their best e orts to harm you. Even you should be careful
about your friends as there are indications of cheating. Take good care of yourself as it may
become the reason of anxiety. Health requires special attention as there are possibilities of
chonic diseases. Try to be practical in this period. As a matter o act you will be inclined
towards unproductive pursuits. Loss of money is on the cards. There can be disputes with
the characterless persons.

July 22, 2022 - September 21, 2022 Dasha Venus

Venus is in Bhav Number 2

Luck will be on your side in case you are thinking about a rolling your dice on some project

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or speculation. There are chances of good career progress. This could be an excellent
period promising much success provided you are willing to work on it. You will acquire new
assests and make some wise investments. You will enjoy the company of the opposite sex.
Increased corporation from the family is seen. You will develop the taste for rich and
delicious food. A get together at home is on the cards.

September 21, 2022 - October 09, 2022 Dasha Sun

Sun is in Bhav Number 3

This is a relaxing period for you. Your outlook will be con dent and you will feel positive. On
the domestic front you will be happy and your desires will be ful lled. Though there is
possibility of problems to your borther. Traveling is on cards. Short distance journeys will be
fruitful and bring luck. Monetary gains are likely to happen. You will socialize with family and
friends. You are blessed with good health. There will be victory over enemies.

October 09, 2022 - November 09, 2022 Dasha Moon

Moon is in Bhav Number 11

This is a period of financial stability for you. During this period you can work over your hopes
and ambitions and give them a better shape. This is a favorable time for love and romance.
You will develop new friendship which will be very rewarding and helpful. You will enjoy
respect and honor from learned people and will be quite popular with the opposite sex.
Long distance travel is also indicated.

November 09, 2022 - November 30, 2022 Dasha Mars

Mars is in Bhav Number 2

This is not a favorable time for nancial gains. There can be a bad news in your family.
Family disputes may also disturb your peace of mind. You may get in trouble because of
your own harsh words or speech. There may be some bad news regarding business. Heavy
losses are indicated. Health problem may disturb you.

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195 © Dhruv Astro Software

November 30, 2022 - January 24, 2023 Dasha Rahu

Rahu is in Bhav Number 7

Though you will try a lot to maintain good relation with your partners or associates but all in
ruin. Growth & new areas might not come as easily. This period will begin with challenges
and di culties. There could be controversy & unnecessary aggression. Sudden losses are
also possible. Health problems might disturb you. You may have to be involved in
unpro table deeds. Try to develop resistance towards odds. A tendency of taking risk
should be curbed and all kinds of speculations must be avoided.

Civil lines, Jhansi Orcha
196 © Dhruv Astro Software

Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details 2023

Janam (Birth) Head Varsha (Year)
Female Sex Female
23/1/1978 Date of Birth 24/1/2023
21:3:6 Time of Birth 9:55:36
Monday Day of Birth Tuesday
New Westminster Place of Birth New Westminster
49 Latitude 49
122 Longitude 122
00:11:36 Local Time Correction 00:11:36
00:00:00 War Time Correction 00:00:00
20:51:29 LMT at Birth 09:43:59
07:53:40 Sunrise 07:52:22
16:53:23 Sunset 16:55:00
Leo Lagna Pisces
Sun Lagna Lord Jupiter
Cancer Rasi Aquarius
Moon Rasi Lord Saturn
Pashyami Nakshatra Purvabhadra
Saturn Nakshatra Lord Jupiter

Priti Yoga Parigha

Bav Karan Vanij
Aquarius Sun Sign (Western) Aquarius
023-33-00 Ayanamsa 024-10-43
Lahiri Ayanamsa Name Lahiri

Civil lines, Jhansi Orcha
197 © Dhruv Astro Software

Varshphal Chart (Solar Return Chart) - 2023

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198 © Dhruv Astro Software

Varshphal Table
Planets Rashi Longitude
Lagna Pisces 05-21-52
Sun Capricorn 10-18-32
Moon Aquarius 20-52-58
Mars Taurus 14-46-43
Mercury Sagittarius 16-14-43
Jupiter Pisces 10-35-20
Venus Aquarius 02-54-05
Saturn Aquarius 00-49-44
Rahu Aries 14-45-52
Ketu Libra 14-45-52
Uranus Aries 20-51-01
Neptune Aquarius 29-09-50
Pluto Capricorn 04-04-34

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Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details 2023 - 2024

Year Summary
There is an important point in Tajik Varshfal Astrology, which is called Muntha. Your Muntha for this year is in
Third House.
The native gets exceptional gains and wealth from the very beginning. This may be by the way of lottery,
speculation, and in shares etc. Friends and well-wishers might support and cooperate with you in all your
dealings. You will earn good money through business dealings. You will gain position and status. You will be
well respected and enjoys good meals.

January 24, 2023 - March 23, 2023 Dasha Saturn

Saturn is in Bhav Number 12

This is not a very satisfactory period for you. You may get indulge into sudden losses
nancially. Loss of money due to litigation and disputes is also possible. Failure in attempts
will make you feel frustrated. You will have to slog as the work burden will be too much.
Family life will also create tensions. Don't try to take risks in business matters as period is
not very harmonious to you. Your enemies will try to tarnish your image. Loss of money will
be quite evident.

March 23, 2023 - May 13, 2023 Dasha Mercury

Mercury is in Bhav Number 10

You are an eternal optimist, and events of the period will further strengthen your optimistic
instincts. You can do reasonably well if you time your investments intelligently based on the
best periods hinted for your sign. All round cooperation and happiness can be the reward
from your loved ones and associates, victory over opponents and pleasant functions such
as marriage or romantic situations parties are also the likely outcomes. Family atmosphere
will be quite satisfactory.
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May 13, 2023 - June 04, 2023 Dasha Ketu

Ketu is in Bhav Number 8

You will perform good and pious deeds your conduct will be good. You will suddenly get
interested in religion or spirituality. Partnerships are good for you this period, in both the
professional and personal sphere. However, the most important thing is that you might just
have that overwhelming, life-changing experience that you were waiting for so long. This
period is surely going to bring all the authority. You are learning new ways of maintaining
harmony in your individuality at work and around friends and family. Family atmosphere will
be very good.

June 04, 2023 - August 04, 2023 Dasha Venus

Venus is in Bhav Number 12

In this period you will spend more on luxuries and comforts but it would be better if it is
checked out. You may face disappointments in love a airs and trouble in family life. Your
rivals will try to harm you in each and every possible way so try to be more concerned
when dealing with any kind of personal or professional matters. A worry related to health of
your family members is on the cards. Though nancially, it is not a bad period but still you
should put hold on over expanses. Get proper care of your own health.

August 04, 2023 - August 22, 2023 Dasha Sun

Sun is in Bhav Number 11

This is the period for you to add some spice into your romance life. This is an excellent
period for you to get profits from your contracts and agreements. This is the perfect time for
you to enter into deals that will surely work in your favor. There will be increase in income
from business and other ventures and ries in position and status. Now you have enough
prerequisites in order to fully harmonize this area of your personal life. You will aquire
vehicles and other comforts. This is the time for you to add status and position to your
family life. A marked increase in your income is indicated.

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August 22, 2023 - September 21, 2023 Dasha Moon

Moon is in Bhav Number 12

You may get indulge into unwanted expenditure. Approach towards love, romance and life
in general is not encouraging. You are advised to be very calm and balanced in your
approach towards di erent situations in life. Guesswork is not going to help you in any eld
so it should be avoided. There will be health problems related to eyes, phlegmatic
complaints and spleen. You will create problems for yourself by uttering falsehood.

September 21, 2023 - October 13, 2023 Dasha Mars

Mars is in Bhav Number 3

Physically as well as mentally you will be very courageous during this period. This is a good
phase for your relatives especially your brothers will grow. Go for attempts in your career
life as the success is assured. Gain of material things is also indicated. Your enemies will not
be able to plunk before you. Your desired will be ful lled during this period. You will come
out as a winner.

October 13, 2023 - December 06, 2023 Dasha Rahu

Rahu is in Bhav Number 2

New projects or higher level of investment should be avoided. If working as a professional,

the period will be average mostly. There will be routine hurdles as well as average growth.
You will have to wait for real progress. A phase of doubt & uncertainty could come your
way. Making a change is not advised at all & is detrimental to your interest. A gradual loss of
status could be experienced during this period. A sense of insecurity will prevail as far as
home affairs are concerned.

December 06, 2023 - January 24, 2024 Dasha Jupiter

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Jupiter is in Bhav Number 1

Your personal needs will be met the more you tune into your spiritual side, and your growth
will be directly connected with your ability to accept your deep philosophical
transformation. You could greatly bene t by nishing that degree or get that certi cate
you've been working on. This is a good time to follow that urge to express your deep inner
changes in your personal growth. You can be very successful in expressing your higher
principles, whether it is work related or community oriented. Your outlook will be optimistic
and your enemies will be in touble during this period. Expect monetary returns when you
put your ideas into practice. You will gain from government and mistry and may work
together with them for the success. There will be expansion in the trade or will get job
promotions. Family happiness is assured for you.

Civil lines, Jhansi Orcha
203 © Dhruv Astro Software

Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details 2024

Janam (Birth) Head Varsha (Year)
Female Sex Female
23/1/1978 Date of Birth 24/1/2024
21:3:6 Time of Birth 16:4:46
Monday Day of Birth Wednesday
New Westminster Place of Birth New Westminster
49 Latitude 49
122 Longitude 122
00:11:36 Local Time Correction 00:11:36
00:00:00 War Time Correction 00:00:00
20:51:29 LMT at Birth 15:53:09
07:53:40 Sunrise 07:52:38
16:53:23 Sunset 16:54:37
Leo Lagna Cancer
Sun Lagna Lord Moon
Cancer Rasi Cancer
Moon Rasi Lord Moon
Pashyami Nakshatra Punarvasu
Saturn Nakshatra Lord Jupiter

Priti Yoga Viskumbh

Bav Karan Visit
Aquarius Sun Sign (Western) Aquarius
023-33-00 Ayanamsa 024-11-33
Lahiri Ayanamsa Name Lahiri

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204 © Dhruv Astro Software

Varshphal Chart (Solar Return Chart) - 2024

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205 © Dhruv Astro Software

Varshphal Table
Planets Rashi Longitude
Lagna Cancer 02-07-40
Sun Capricorn 10-18-31
Moon Cancer 01-56-32
Mars Sagittarius 21-08-11
Mercury Sagittarius 19-27-07
Jupiter Aries 12-25-38
Venus Sagittarius 07-49-56
Saturn Aquarius 11-27-50
Rahu Pisces 25-24-31
Ketu Virgo 25-24-31
Uranus Aries 24-58-19
Neptune Pisces 01-19-43
Pluto Capricorn 05-45-21

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Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details 2024 - 2025

Year Summary
There is an important point in Tajik Varshfal Astrology, which is called Muntha. Your Muntha for this year is in
Twelfth House.
The rivals and opponents will not dare to face the native. Legal battles will be in your favor. You will enjoy
name, fame, money and success in nancial matters. Good support from brothers and relatives is on the
cards. You will be visiting religious places and get help from people. You will get success for your
endeavors and efforts.

January 24, 2024 - March 16, 2024 Dasha Mercury

Mercury is in Bhav Number 6

You may su er due to health complications. You will nd it di cult to retain money as you
will have tendency towards spending on luxuries and pleasures. This is not a good period
for indulging in rash speculative activities. Silly quarrels, misunderstanding and arguments
can a ect family's peace and serenity. People jealous of you can cause problems, thus
may get un-based accusations and create unhappiness in the family beware of them. You
may have trouble from opposite gender so you need to be careful of them.

March 16, 2024 - April 06, 2024 Dasha Ketu

Ketu is in Bhav Number 3

You should work on keeping a stable and steady nature for better results. There will be
dynamism & growth. You will share good rapport with your colleagues and seniors. Income
sources are very ne for you and you will enjoy your family life. Spiritually, you will be very
sound. If you are looking for promotion you will de nitely going to get it. Your friend circle
will also increase. Sudden travel will also bring good luck for you. You will donate for
charitable deeds and will prosper during this period.
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April 06, 2024 - June 06, 2024 Dasha Venus

Venus is in Bhav Number 6

Those very personal relations that you worked on, won't work out well, and cause
disturbance in your household and o ce. Take care of your health and try to re ne you
image. Sensual thoughts not only depress you but may even cause you some humiliation in
this period. Harmonious relationship with the opposite sex may get disturbed. Health
problems will create disturbances in your life. There are chances of getting indulge into
unnecessary expenses. Overall, not a very pleasing period for you. You will feel yourself
physically weak and dejected.

June 06, 2024 - June 24, 2024 Dasha Sun

Sun is in Bhav Number 7

This will be a di cult period. Your luck seems against you. Your business associates may
create hassles for you. Business trips may not be fruitful. On the domestic front, keep your
temper in check from getting into embarrassing situations. Partner's ill health may cause
worries. You too, may su er sickness and mental tension. You may also have trouble in
head, eye, feet and arm.

June 24, 2024 - July 25, 2024 Dasha Moon

Moon is in Bhav Number 1

You will not be able to grab the chances coming your way though you will have a lot of
opportunities but all in ruin. You may face problems related to your health or your parents
so get good care of them as well as yours. Long distance travel is on your cards but would
not be very bene cial and should be avoided. This is a period of mixed results for you.
There can be dispute with the public and your colleagues. You will be prone to diseases
like cold and fever. There will be mental worry without any visible causes.

July 25, 2024 - August 15, 2024 Dasha Mars

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Mars is in Bhav Number 6

This is a uorescent period for you so, try to have the bene t of it. You will get relieved of
all your stress and troubles. Family and professional atmosphere will be very supportive to
you. You should be a bit conscious while driving. Your enemies will not dare to face you as
you will be full frame of mind to crush them. You will come out courageous and get
professional distinction.

August 15, 2024 - October 09, 2024 Dasha Rahu

Rahu is in Bhav Number 9

This is a period of mixed results for you. You will put your best in professional eld. Your
xity of purpose will remain intact and you will not abandon work once undertaken or lose
determination. There is danger of developing egoistic temperament in your personality. This
attitude of yours can lead you towards unpopularity. Try to be more exible and gentle
while dealing with people. You will support your brothers and sisters. There will be
problems to your relatives.

October 09, 2024 - November 26, 2024 Dasha Jupiter

Jupiter is in Bhav Number 10

Partnerships are good for you this period, in both the professional and personal sphere.
However, the most important thing is that you might just have that overwhelming, life-
changing experience that you were waiting for so long. You will be able to carry out your
responsibilities and maintain the same closeness with your parents, sibling and relatives.
Communications and negotiations will click for you and bring in new opportunities. There
will be frequent travels regarding business/job etc. You may purchase precious metals,
gems and jewelry.

November 26, 2024 - January 23, 2025 Dasha Saturn

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Saturn is in Bhav Number 8

The period opens with a di cult phase in career. A dip in activity & opportunity will be
experienced, although there could be rise in irrelevant activity in career. New investments
or risky deals should be avoided as there could be chances of losses. It will not be
advisable to commence new project or make new investments. You should avoid getting
aggressive with your superiors. It would be better to use your own skill and caliber other
than thinking of taking help from others. Possiblity of theft or loss of money due to some
other means is also there. Take proper care of yourself and your family members. You may
also receive bad news regarding some one's demise.

Civil lines, Jhansi Orcha
210 © Dhruv Astro Software

Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details 2025

Janam (Birth) Head Varsha (Year)
Female Sex Female
23/1/1978 Date of Birth 23/1/2025
21:3:6 Time of Birth 22:13:56
Monday Day of Birth Thursday
New Westminster Place of Birth New Westminster
49 Latitude 49
122 Longitude 122
00:11:36 Local Time Correction 00:11:36
00:00:00 War Time Correction 00:00:00
20:51:29 LMT at Birth 22:02:19
07:53:40 Sunrise 07:52:54
16:53:23 Sunset 16:54:14
Leo Lagna Virgo
Sun Lagna Lord Mercury
Cancer Rasi Scorpion
Moon Rasi Lord Mars
Pashyami Nakshatra Anuradha
Saturn Nakshatra Lord Saturn

Priti Yoga Vriddhi

Bav Karan Visit
Aquarius Sun Sign (Western) Aquarius
023-33-00 Ayanamsa 024-12-24
Lahiri Ayanamsa Name Lahiri

Civil lines, Jhansi Orcha
211 © Dhruv Astro Software

Varshphal Chart (Solar Return Chart) - 2025

Civil lines, Jhansi Orcha
212 © Dhruv Astro Software

Varshphal Table
Planets Rashi Longitude
Lagna Virgo 08-59-15
Sun Capricorn 10-18-31
Moon Scorpion 06-40-44
Mars Gemini 28-48-44
Mercury Sagittarius 29-37-29
Jupiter Taurus 17-13-50
Venus Aquarius 26-41-32
Saturn Aquarius 22-23-49
Rahu Pisces 06-03-11
Ketu Virgo 06-03-11
Uranus Aries 29-07-59
Neptune Pisces 03-29-49
Pluto Capricorn 07-24-49

Civil lines, Jhansi Orcha
213 © Dhruv Astro Software

Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details 2025 - 2026

Year Summary
There is an important point in Tajik Varshfal Astrology, which is called Muntha. Your Muntha for this year is in
Eleventh House.
Some ups and downs in money matters and position are on the cards for Muntha. There may be heavy
nancial losses and loss of property. Money matters should be taken care of. Keep your temper in check
from getting into embarrassing situations as there are chances of disputes with close associates and
relatives. You need to keep a check on your health because sickness in on the card.

January 23, 2025 - February 14, 2025 Dasha Ketu

Ketu is in Bhav Number 1

A phase of confusion in strategy & misunderstandings with business partners or associates

is possible. Major expansion & long term plans should be put on hold. Focus should be on
gains from existing sources, throughout the period. It is better to avoid travel as far as
possible. Your enemies will put their best e orts to harm you. Even you should be careful
about your friends as there are indications of cheating. Take good care of yourself as it may
become the reason of anxiety. Health requires special attention as there are possibilities of
chonic diseases. Try to be practical in this period. As a matter o act you will be inclined
towards unproductive pursuits. Loss of money is on the cards. There can be disputes with
the characterless persons.

February 14, 2025 - April 16, 2025 Dasha Venus

Venus is in Bhav Number 6

Those very personal relations that you worked on, won't work out well, and cause
disturbance in your household and o ce. Take care of your health and try to re ne you
image. Sensual thoughts not only depress you but may even cause you some humiliation in
Civil lines, Jhansi Orcha
214 © Dhruv Astro Software

this period. Harmonious relationship with the opposite sex may get disturbed. Health
problems will create disturbances in your life. There are chances of getting indulge into
unnecessary expenses. Overall, not a very pleasing period for you. You will feel yourself
physically weak and dejected.

April 16, 2025 - May 04, 2025 Dasha Sun

Sun is in Bhav Number 5

You will be enthusiastic towards life. You'll be courageous and have a violent temper.
There will be lack of mental control and loos of discremination. Your popularity with public
will decrease and there can be trouble due to disputes. This period is unfavorable for love
and romance. Children and life partner may su er from ill health. In case of bene c aspects,
this period may result in child birth and gain from higher authorities.

May 04, 2025 - June 03, 2025 Dasha Moon

Moon is in Bhav Number 3

This will prove to be a fantastic period for you. You will be very con dent with your
thoughts and chance of getting promotion is highly recommended. There are chances of
sudden travel which seems to be very fruitful. There will be happiness from siblings and
from the opposite sex. This is also a good period for your borthers. Thought of changing
place or profession should be avoided.

June 03, 2025 - June 25, 2025 Dasha Mars

Mars is in Bhav Number 10

Success in examinations, or promotion, or increased recognition in occupation is assured.

Increased corporation from the family is seen. Help from people who live in faraway places
or foreign associates. You may get a new assignment which will be very bene cial to you.
You will have tremendous confidence to handle any kind of adverse situation.

June 25, 2025 - August Vedic_Astrologer108

18, 2025 Dasha Rahu
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June 25, 2025 - August 18, 2025 Dasha Rahu

Rahu is in Bhav Number 7

Though you will try a lot to maintain good relation with your partners or associates but all in
ruin. Growth & new areas might not come as easily. This period will begin with challenges
and di culties. There could be controversy & unnecessary aggression. Sudden losses are
also possible. Health problems might disturb you. You may have to be involved in
unpro table deeds. Try to develop resistance towards odds. A tendency of taking risk
should be curbed and all kinds of speculations must be avoided.

August 18, 2025 - October 06, 2025 Dasha Jupiter

Jupiter is in Bhav Number 9

This period is surely going to bring all the authority. A foreign connection will serve you well
for a considerable duration, and they might just be the source of the extra unexpected
income on the cards for you and power that you strive for. Keep up the tempo and believe
in your abilities, the period will see you o in a completely new position. Family
atmosphere will be very supporting. A long distance travel will be rewarding. You will take
interest in religion and perform charitable deeds.

October 06, 2025 - December 03, 2025 Dasha Saturn

Saturn is in Bhav Number 6

The great energy you radiate will de nitely attract lots of supportive people in your life.
Your rivals will not dare to face you. Financially' it is a wonderful period for you. You are
learning new ways of maintaining harmony in your individuality at work and around friends
and family. You will reap great rewards as you learn to expand your communication skills
and be true to your inner self and your own personal needs. Your service/job conditions will
de nitely improve. You will get all kind of support from your coworkers and subordinates.
You may purchase some land or machinery in this period. Little care regarding your health is

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216 © Dhruv Astro Software

December 03, 2025 - January 23, 2026 Dasha Mercury

Mercury is in Bhav Number 4

During this period there can be good gains from property transactions. Financial disputes
can get decided in your favor. You will be able identify new sources of income. Long-
awaited pay raises will materialize. Business journeys will be successful and productive.
The most important feature of this period is that you can experience a positive increase in
the level of respect that you enjoy - whatever be your station in life. You will be inclined to
spend on luxuries and buy a new vehicle.

Civil lines, Jhansi Orcha
217 © Dhruv Astro Software

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