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Inversion = обратный порядок слов (как в вопросительных предложениях)

After such expressions, when they are at the beginning:

1. Seldom
2. Rarely
3. Little
4. Barely
5. Scarcely
6. Not (even) once
7. On no account
8. Nowhere else
9. Never (before)
10. Only by
11. Only after
12. Only when
13. Only in this way
14. Hardly (ever)... when
15. No sooner... than
16. Not only... but (also)
17. Not until/till
18. In no way
19. At no time
20. In/under no circumstances
21. Not since

Never before have I seen such a beautiful woman.

Seldom do we go out since the baby was born.
Not only did he spill coffee everywhere, but he also broke my favorite vase. 
Not until much later did I understand the significance of that event. 
No sooner had she put down the phone than it started to ring again.
Under no circumstances can she be held responsible for his actions.
Rarely have I seen such a magnificent view.
Little did he know what his fate had in store for him.
Hardly had I stepped into the house when the light went out.
Only after my guest left did I remember his name. 
Only when I arrived at the hotel did I notice that my travel bag was missing.
Scarcely had he said it when the magician appeared. 
At no time should you let him out of your sight.
In no way should we accept their offer.
Only by researching can you solve this problem.

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