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Please, use for things going up other words and expressions, like rocket, jump, edge up, soar,

creep up, surge.

For things going down: slump, plunge, slip back, slip down, plummet.

Peak – bottom out

Vocabulary Writing Task 1

Types of graphs
the graph
the diagram
the chart
the pie chart
the line chart
the bar chart/the column chart
the table

The table/data provide(s)/give(s) an overview of.....some aspects of....
The graph gives (past and future) data concerning.......
The chart presents an overall view of........
The graph shows a marked rise in/decline in.....compares the number of...and....

It can be seen in the table that......

As can be seen in the chart,......
According to the first pie,.....
The line chart shows........
As shown in the second chart,.......
The survey suggests that........
The bar chart reveals that......

Looking more closely at the trend for...,

Taking a look at the course C,...
Moving onto....,
In terms of...,
If we analyse the data, we can see several trends emerging.

In summary,....
As suggested above,.....
To summarise,.....

increase/rise/growth in
growth rate
improvement in
strengthening of
relaxation of
widening of
upward/downward trend in
progress in
expansion in
building up smth.

decrease/decline/fall/cuts in
deterioration in
weakening of
tightening up of
narrowing of
upward/downward trend in
growth rate/level/number/amount/figure(s)/proportion/quantity/percentage
women/men pattern

ten-fold increase
remaining %
strong/slight fluctuations
wide variation/range in
huge growth
marked rise in
sustained growth
remarkable/ considerable/notable/noticeable increase
overall numbers
clear peaks and throughs
increasing/decreasing trends

just under/over

weaken – strengthen
increase/swell/raise/surge/soar/go up/grow – decrease/fall/drop/go down/decline
narrow – broaden
widen/stretch – shorten
heighten – deepen/lower
enlarge – lessen
extend – shrink
accelerate – slow
vary/show more variation/fluctuate – stay, remain constant, the same/be unchanged
bottom out
flatten out
peak at/drop at
return to
represent/account for
take place
Words expressing a tendency or trend
tend to
an (overall) trend toward
upward/upbeat/downward trend
be (more) likely/unlikely to be
outnumber, surpass, overtake, outweigh
double, triple the amount/figure
accelerate – slow
remain/stay (constant/the same) at that level/below the.....level
continue to be
be unchanged

Words expressing periods of time

during the period year-year/over the period year to year/over the same period/within 20
years/throughout of the first half of the 21st century
in the first/second 10 years from year to year/in the second half/decade of the last century
till year
by year, by the middle/end of this/the century
since then/from then on/from year onwards
50 years earlier
in the following 3 years
the rest of the given period
in the early 2000s
in the year 2010
from the early 2000s/last century to the present
every ten years
the latter/first half/part of 2005
at certain times

Words expressing estimation

be estimated/recorded to be as high/low as
over % higher/lower/more/less than
700 thousand versus (about) 600 thousand
100 thousand more than....
be twice/three times as likely to be
add (another) 2 billion
at least 9 billion
the highest/largest/lowest in 2010
account for % of smth./take up %/amount to %
contribute to the remaining %
having % of smth.
%, smaller/bigger share
drop/down to/to number three
return to low/high level(s) in the early 2000s
compared to
make up a (much) lower/higher proportion
rising to more than
growth of more than
reaching its highest/lowest
the major/minor producer/sector
be in the majority/minority
the highest/lowest amount of
half the figure/half as many
a 100-year high/a record high/the lowest ever recorded
3 out of thousand
1.5/2/3 times larger/smaller/higher/lower than 10 year ago
(much) faster/slower
ten-fold increase/decrease
15% = 5 out of 10/a third of...
the most/the majority of/the highest percentage
the second most/a large number of percentage
the third most
the least/the lowest percentage
slightly ahead of the 2001 figures
very few
hardly any

be the largest/highest...
the second/third largest....
next come(s)...
follow by
followed behind
after this
be on the list as well
be of 10 top....
in the first/second/third category come(s)

In contrast,....
By comparison,...
On the contrary,....
….be compared with....
In comparison with.....
Apart from....
Taking into account....

Talking about future

this pattern is projected to persist.
Be (more) likely to be
be very likely to remain
tend(s) to continue
It is predicted/forecast/estimated be...
Experts/the charts predict/forecast/estimate that....

Using gerund
…, reaching a peak of....
…..hitting/showing....a 20% improvement
fluctuate, being high/low at the beginning f the year and high/low at the end.
Compare the figures given below using the above expressions
Obese people in the USA, aged 16+
2000 – women (7 million), men (4 million)
2013 – women (6 million), men (5,8 million)

World population
1950 – 3 billion
1960 – 3,3 billion
1970 – 4 billion
1980 – 4,2 billion
1990 – 5,2 billion
2000 – 6 billion
2010 – 6,8 billion
2020 – 7,5 billion
2030 – 8 billion
2040 - 8,8 billion
2050 – 9,2 billion

Energy consumption by industry (2000)

Oil – 37%
Coal – 28%
Natural gas – 23%
Nuclear – 6%
Hydro-electric – 6%

Energy consumption by industry (2010)

Oil – 47%
Coal – 26%
Natural gas – 21%
Nuclear – 3%
Hydro-electric – 3%

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