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biological molecules GENERAL BIOLOGY 1 NOTES BY LYNDON BERNARDO @ YouTube: Lyndon Bernardo & Facebook: Lyndon Bernardo @ 1 macromolecules 2 polymers 8 carbohydrates 4lipids 5 proteins 6 nucleic acids 7 enzymes 8 redox reactions PAA eA Te) BIOLOGICAL MOLECULES §§ Lipios we PROTEINS oe” THE MOLECULES oF Lire etl THE Macromolecutes s¥nTHesis 3 BREaKDOWN OF POLYMERS —* In cells, the chemical mechanisme ky which ces make and breakdown polymere are facilitated Macromolecules are polymers, built from monomers. ~* Large carbohydrates, proteins, ond be enzymes, nucleic acids are chain-like molecules Enzymes ore specialized macromolecules that called polymers, speed up chemical reactions > The reaction connechng monomers is a good exonple og © ea eh ceahon Ooo Baus) ecole errr oe +o toch other with he lose of a water molecule. BH POLYMERS > Polymers ore disassembled 4p monomers. by a process that is essentially the > A polymer is a long molecule reverse of dehydration reaction. consisting of many sinilar or identical building blocke linked by covalent bonds, much as a train consists DiVeRSITY of a chain of care. OF POLYMERS © A cell has thousands of different macromolecules; oO monomers Oo ‘he collection varies. from one type ef cell to onether. The inherited differences between close relatives, > The repeating units that serve as Such as human siblings, reflect small variations Idi fi in polymets, particularly ONA ond proteing, The the building taaks of pelyness ore Dy diversity of macromolecules in te living norld is smaller molecules called monomers, testo the ster ey ne, Lon Barnard | MN Ne, S46, , 1. Monosaccharide > 1 sugar unit, the simplest carbohydrate. with bosic Formula (CHs O)n > major cellular nvtrieat => often incorporated into more complex corbohydrotes. EXAMPLES: © Ribose. © A 56 olduse that germ port of the backbone of nucleic acid ® Glucose AGC aldose that ic the. Preduct of photosynthesis © Fructose AGC Ketose that is epten bonded to glucese dlonossacharioe MONOMER OF CARBOHYDRATES Cr ye a ott? of Corton yb Y Notes ty Lyndon Bernardo | 64 IFICATIONG CARBOHYDRATES Carbohydrates serve a fuel and building tal, materia —P Main source of enagy for cell metabolism ~ Made up of carbon, hydrogen and orygen > Composed of simple. repeating unite called ‘Sugore or monecoechorides. ™ Good sources of ron materials gor other organic molecules and energy. 2. Disaccheride —* 1 sugar unite connected via a glycasidic linkage mr Energy source —e Sweetener and dietary 3, Polysaccharide “? mony sugor units linked by glycosidic bonds. Storage material or importont monosaccharide component. Structural material por the cell or the entice: organism. EXAMPLES: Exapues: © Sucrose - table sugar © starch (glucose + gructose) © cellulase © Lactose - sugor in milk © CNTR (glucose + galactose) © Peptidagiycar © Maltoce ~ malt sugar Eeotioaegp Cglucace + glucase) Glycogen crt,or sevceent 0 Lipivs Lipids are a diverse group of hydrophobic molecules. “* Made, up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen but contains very litte © compared to C ond #. —® Hydrophobic, insoluble or barely soluble in water, > > Esters of alco! ond potty acids A closs of large biomolecules that are not permed through pelymeration arr AONE OF LIPIDS ASN 1. Fats 2. Phospholipids 3, Steroids —® Used to store energy * Main component of all => Regulate Fluidity of Compoced of glycerol cell membranes in all cell membranes Gnd three fatty acids. Organisms > Base of sex hormones > Compesed of glycerol, -® Have @ common pour-ring EXAMPLES: two fatty ovide ond structure * Saturated fot © phosphate residue AIL single bonds Examples: Stays solid at Examples: ® cholesterol found in cell room temperature © Phospholipids membranes regulates the S unsaturated pot Selg-ascemtde into rigidity o the cell membrane + With 1 or more C bilayers when surrounded Gnd are the base material double, energy by water and orm or the production = Also called oils the characderishic Sucka Se hormones like estradiol © Neural gat (Triglyceride OF plasma membranes, and progesterone, = Glycerol + % aty acid, GLYCEROL } FATTY ACIOS MONOMERS OF LIPIDS a FATTY AcID 1 gee ¢ ee HEACEa 1c) ¢\— 610 6 tn Structure | arate 6 woe Goa et at ne of [PID ee H-o - in el ta VY 1 ee 4 ster linkage, GevceROL AMINO 7? ACID Enzymatic proteins Seleckve. acceleration gf chemical reactions Hormonal proteins Coordivation of ‘an orgonism's activities of Storage proteins Storage of ‘nino acids Structural 79 6 yu uw re 72 Response of oell to chemical stimu os proteins . 9-G pee o H proteins Proteins include a diversity of structures, resulting ina wide range of functions. The mast diverse biomolecule in terms of Structure ond in terms of function. ~® Composed qf carbon, hydrogen, Oxygen nd nitrogen —* Structured os chains of “omino acids linked by Péptide bonds, folded info unique D shapes, ond held by mony diggerent molecular forces. Contractile and motor proteins — Movement Receptor a proteins ws ojac 9, i 2, Yo, AMINO ACID MONOMER OF PROTEINS 4 2 al g Vv 4 g NS TNC HC CONC rise 7 oe. op Probe mW a Y ti a eens eee THREE AMWNo AciDe wen G NUcLeic ACIDS Nucleic acids store, transmit, and help ms NUCLEOTIDE PeoxyriBonucleiC ACI, 7 Stores hereditary ingormation The genetic material of most organisms in the form of @ double helix. ~~» Has four Kinds of bases: As and T and the sugar aHached @ deoxyribose. Nucceotip€ MONOMER OF NUCLEIC AciD NITROGENOUS BASES express hereditary information. > Carry ond interpret genetic information = Composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus. =e The amino acid sequence of polypeptide is programmed by a discrete unit of inheritance, Koown as gene. Genes consist of DNA, which belongs to the class of compounds called nucleic. acids. 9p, we Y Ke e RiBONUCIE:C ACD.» © Functions in protein synthesis = The genetic material of retroviruses > Single stranded helix with four Kinds of bases: A,G,C, and W (instead of 7) and sugar which is a ribose. ribosomal RNA —* Main translator in protein synthesi¢ messenger RNA > Folds into subunits of the ribosome PYRAMIDINES 9 transfer RNA Rites an ~» Tronsmits the genetic message prom oo t qs the DNA to the ribosomes 5 ° oo NN7 ¢ Carries a Sequence of bases on one e280, Tm (008) end and a corresponding euKaryotes g ®. NH, oa Q, N ¢, ¢, Br ante ety te ae a€ eeOs Natt Nee BASE pains, “TMME “ADENINE CYTOGME-CHAMINE ° 6 yu au © fad abe" by Lyndon Berar PHOSPHATE 4 1 O=P-0-oh 9 Oo “suCAe Enaymes speed up metabolic reactions a a De a ea amy 01 ee eee So a eee te ae ra at mace wD be fertiory ord quaternary structures: Rea ae res CUA OM ae UL ag CT AUC oe PPR LAC eater eres eri LT tei This brings Key atoms together een A) CUS ea ara CTT SOO Se are ee eC KY ote a ror CTT) Cee ara Cory Laser Cee ACCU Ul ra OXIDOREDUCTASE -* catalyzes redox reaction TRANSFERASE -v catalyzes transfer of functicnal groups HYDROLASE — splits chemical bonds by oddition of ater LUASE -* spliis chenical bonds without using vater ISOMERASE ~* rearranges aons within o molecule. LIGASE forms a chemical bond between tno otoms a ca aaa a ACTIVATION EnERoYy aaa eee Ra eer) Swart Ti oe Ge um et a a a is reduced and other is oxidized. De mwrmreet (6/1) a (674) Cerra) ia a awrnlO LS Sarees Oe TT Ca eM me gua cite CAN Teron mae) Cetus) De ce ead Ce a CE a ee eee a A eae LOM aT eS CR eR ead ROC Rena COM gE WA0AwA WA Peete) ee) a I 2 ee Co ne Cn pay ena) Ts SU ee a ed OU a Oe eed Potential of hydrogen (pH) is a numeric la een) Pinks part or i a La basicity of an aqueous solution. awl | ro Enzymes have optimum pH, which is the most fovorable pH value where the enzyme is most effective. Ophimum pH of an enzyme depends on what environment it tends to work in. Extremely high or low pH would i¢ad +o denaturation of aes eae mae re ae references BOOK SOURCE Urry, L. et. al. (2076), Campbel Biology (71th ed). Boston: Pearson Oaveria, F. et. al (2016). Teaching Guide for Senior High Schoo! General Biology 7 Quezon City: Commission on Higher Education ONLINE SOURCE Videos Biomolecules. Biological Molecules,

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