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3. Aquí encontrarás un texto sobre el día internacional de la lengua inglesa,

resalta las ideas principales y las ideas secundarias, además, identifica el
vocabulario nuevo o desconocido y agregalo al cuadro de respuesta que
encontrarás debajo del texto

English Language Day

English Language Day is celebrated on 23 April. Read about where English came from, how
it came to be spoken all over the world and how it is changing.

What is English Language Day?

English Language Day was first celebrated in 2010, alongside Arabic Language Day,
Chinese Language Day, French Language Day, Russian Language Day and Spanish
Language Day. These are the six official languages of the United Nations, and each has a
special day, designed to raise awareness of the history, culture and achievements of these

Why is English Language Day celebrated on 23 April?

This day was chosen because it is thought to be Shakespeare's birthday, and the

anniversary of his death. As well as being the English language's most famous playwright,
Shakespeare also had a huge impact on modern-day English. At the time he was writing, in
the 16th and 17th centuries, the English language was going through a lot of changes and
Shakespeare's creativity with language meant he contributed hundreds of new words and
phrases that are still used today. For example, the words 'gossip', 'fashionable' and
'lonely' were all first used by Shakespeare. He also invented phrases like 'break the ice', 'all
our yesterdays', 'faint-hearted' and 'love is blind'. Can you guess what they mean?

The origins of English

The story of the English language began in the fifth century when Germanic tribes invaded
Celtic-speaking Britain and brought their languages with them. Later, Scandinavian Vikings
invaded and settled with their languages too. In 1066 William I, from modern-day France,
became king, and Norman-French became the language of the courts and official activity.
People couldn’t understand each other at first, because the lower classes continued to use
English while the upper classes spoke French, but gradually French began to influence
English. An estimated 45 per cent of all English words have a French origin. By
Shakespeare's time, Modern English had developed, printing had been invented and
people had to start to agree on 'correct' spelling and vocabulary.

The spread of English

The spread of English all over the world has an ugly history but a rich and vibrant present.
During the European colonial period, several European countries, including England,
competed to expand their empires. They stole land, labour and resources from people
across Africa, Asia, the Americas and Oceania. By the time former British colonies began to
gain independence in the mid-20th century, English had become established in their
institutions. Many brilliant writers from diverse places across Africa, the Caribbean and
Asia had started writing in English, telling their stories of oppression. People from all over
the world were using English to talk and write about justice, equality, freedom and
identity from their own perspectives. The different varieties of English created through
this history of migration and colonisation are known as World Englishes.

International English

More than 1.75 billion people speak English worldwide – that's around 1 in 4 people
around the world. English is being used more and more as a way for two speakers with
different first languages to communicate with each other, as a 'lingua franca'. For many
people, the need to communicate is much more important than the need to sound like a
native speaker. As a result, language use is starting to change. For example, speakers
might not use 'a' or 'the' in front of nouns, or they might make uncountable nouns plural
and say 'informations', 'furnitures' or 'co-operations'.

Are these variations mistakes? Or part of the natural evolution of different Englishes?
'International English' refers to the English that is used and developed by everyone in the
world, and doesn't just belong to native speakers. There is a lot of debate about whether
International English should be standardised and, if so, how. What do you think? If you're
reading this, English is your language too.

Aprendiz escribe las ideas principales, secundarias y el vocabulario nuevo aquí.

Principal ideas

-Language day is designed to raise awareness of culture and history.

-An influential person on this day is Shakespeare

-The diffusion of English can have an ugly past but in the present it is brilliant and enriching
Secondary ideas

-Language Day is celebrated on April 23 to commemorate SHAKESPEARE

-They are 6 official languages for the united nations

-Each day of the language is celebrated on different days

New vocabulary

raise - Levantar

awareness - conocimiento

spread - difundirse

debate - discusión

Responde falso o verdadero según el contenido de la lectura anterior:

1. Portuguese is one of the official languages of the United Nations.

True False
2. Shakespeare was born and died on the same day.
True False
3. Shakespeare invented many new words and phrases.
True False
4. In the fifth century, French was the official language in Britain.
True False
5. English came to be spoken in many countries of the world because of migration and
True False
6. People from former British colonies took English and used it to describe their own
True False
7. About a quarter of the people in the world speak English.
True False
8. Everyone agrees that it's a bad thing to have many varieties of English.
True False

Completa las frase usando las palabras dadas.

Awareness, impact, independence, lingua franca, oppression, printing,

tribes, varieties
1. Each official UN language has a special day that aims to raise awareness of its
history, culture and achievements.
2. Shakespeare had a huge impact on modern day English.
3. The English language began to develop in the fifth century when Germanic tribes
invaded Britain.
4. By Shakespeare's time, Modern English had developed, lingua franca had
beeninvented, and people had to start to agree on 'correct' spelling and vocabulary.
5. British colonies began to gain independence in the mid-20th century.
6. Many brilliant writers from all over the world used English to tell their stories of
7. World Englishes are the different varieties of English created through this history of
migration and colonization.
8. When two speakers of other first languages use English to communicate with each
other, they are using English as a printing.

Ahora pon en práctica tus conocimientos y redacta tu opinión en inglés de la siguiente

pregunta, hazlo en el cuadro abajo y da tu opinión en el encuentro sincrónico.
Who do you speak English with? What about? If not, who would you like to speak with?
And why?
Your opinion here!

Who do you speak English with?

I speak a lot in English with my cousin Kevin, because we like to practice the language and
we help each other

who would you like to speak with? And why?

I would like to talk to Selena Gomez, she is an inspiration to me, she is a very hard-working
and collaborative and I would like to ask her many questions

Vas a poner en práctica las habilidades para tomar nota de un discurso, lo invitamos a
escuchar el audio y tomar nota para responder una serie de preguntas. El audio se le
compartirá por WhatsApp o correo.

Link para el audio:

Escribe tus notas en el cuadro las cuales le servirán para responder las preguntas

Presenter: Good morning, everyone. On today's show, we've got Chris Svensson with us, the
author of No more nine to five, the new best-selling book about work – life balance in the
current working world. Good morning, Chris. Thanks for coming.

Chris: Thanks for having me, Anna.

Presenter: So, Chris, tell us about your book and how the concept of a work – life balance has
been changing?

Chris: Well, in the more traditional workplaces, people's working lives and their private lives
are, or were, clearly divided. People often work from nine in the morning until five or six in the
evening. People sometimes stay late in the office and work in the evenings. This is called
working overtime.

Presenter: OK, and what else?

Chris: Well, in these environments it isn't common for people to work at the weekend or while
they're on holiday. They can clearly separate their working lives and their private lives. And the
evenings, weekends and holidays are free to focus on non-work areas of life, such as hobbies,
interests, sports, spending time with the family and friends, and so on. It's important and
healthy not to spend all your time just working, right?

Presenter: Right! So what has changed? How are things different now?

Chris: Well, for a start, most people can now access their work emails from their mobile
phones. So they are more likely to quickly reply to an important mail in the evening or at the
weekend. The same goes for laptops. It's easier to access your work in the evenings from home
or even from your hotel when you're on holiday.

Presenter: That doesn't sound like much of a work – life balance. It sounds like all work.

Chris: Exactly, but this new mobility brings a lot of advantages with it. More people are now
able to work flexibly, so if they need to leave the office early one afternoon to be with their
family, they can catch up on work that evening from home or somewhere else.

Presenter: That sounds good. So, what you're saying is that although traditional divisions
between work and life are fading, many employees now have more freedom to do their work
from different locations and at different times.

Chris: Yes, that's it.

1. How popular is Chris Svensson's book?

Very popular

2. What is the work–life balance like in traditional workplaces?

what you're saying is that although traditional divisions between work and life are fading,
many employees now have more freedom to do their work from different locations and at
different times.
They can clearly separate their working lives and their private lives.

3. How often do people do overtime?

__People do overtime twice a month


4. In traditional workplaces, do people work at weekends or when on holiday?

now access their work emails from their mobile phones. So they are more likely to quickly
reply to an important mail in the evening or at the weekend. The same goes for laptops.
It's easier to access your work in the evenings from home or even from your hotel when
you're on holiday.

5. How has technology helped people work with more flexibility?

They can send and receive emails from their phones from home

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