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Jobs to be done assignment on Orient Refrigerator

The purpose of this project is to find out jobs customer wants to get done by purchasing
orient refrigerator. In this project I have conducted the interview from one of my relatives
who have purchased the refrigerator of orient company before the lockdown by calling him.
Moreover, this project also aims to tell you product market scope, alternatives and substitutes,
and the insights of discovering the jobs to be done.
Introduction of the product
Orient refrigerators have a long-standing industry reputation for offering the highest
efficiency while introducing modern designs that are energy-efficient and eco-friendly. The
Orient refrigerator is equipped with European-grade compressor technology to withstand
extreme local weather and power fluctuations. The Orient fridge is designed to provide
your food with a lasting freshness and help you maintain a safe and happy lifestyle by using
the highest quality components and engineering designs.
Product market scope
Users: households, hotels medical stores. These users are from upper class, middle class and
lower middle classes.
Technology: The inverter compressors are fitted with the new Orient refrigerators. The heart
of the fridge is a compressor and all of the refrigerator's function depends on it and in the
orient refrigerators European-grade compressor technology. It keeps the Orient fridge going
all day long.
Usage: helping to keep all foods fresh and balanced. With Orient inverter refrigerators,
energy conservation is maximised and this helps save a big chunk of the electricity bill.
Jobs to be done
Low voltage: the buyer belongs to the remote area from the city where the voltage is very low
therefore he purchased the orient refrigerator.
To store the food and keep the medicines safe: he explained me that her mother is suffering
from the disease since long time and she has been given more medicines so, in order to keep
these medicines safe he need the fridge.
For cold water: he explained that in remote areas like his village ice sellers are not available
therefore they go to nearby village or town to buy the ice to cold the water therefore, he
purchased the refrigerator because he wanted to save his time from traveling here and there
for ice.
To store the vegetables: He explained that his village is away from the city so he needed the
refrigerator for storing the vegetables at least for 4 to 5 days.

How to discover the jobs to be done

It is very important to know how marketers figure out the jobs-to-be-done segmentation
scheme in order to target customers based on things they get to done. Businesses cannot
know what customers need to be done by using data of the customers available in big data
bases but it can be done by interviewing, mingling with customers, observing, and thinking.
The insights that I have learned to discover the jobs to be done:
Following are insights which I have I learned to discover the jobs to be done

 Interviewing current users of product: When jobs are knowable then interviewing is
effective tool to find the jobs to be done. By interviewing the customer we can find
for what purpose the customer has purchased the product and what jobs he or she
wants to get done from that product. Like in our case I conducted the interview by
calling him to find the jobs to be done. Moreover, In this case understanding the
situation is very important not the customer. As in my case the situation of the
customer was clear for using the refrigerator. He was facing the issues related
electricity, storing the food, medicines, and vegetables in the village which was away
from the city. The first reason of focusing on situation or job instead of needs is that
customer has different needs at different times but jobs are stable and simple. Second
reason to look at the situations is that situation not only tells us the functional aspects
of the job but also the emotional side of the job. As in our case the customer was in
panic because of the issues of storing the vegetables, food, cold water, and food.
 Observing the customers in the situation: Sometimes customers the know what jobs
they want done but products are not developed to help customers to get their jobs, in this case customers involve in the compensating behaviours which means
to do the job with what is available. So, in this situation we can use the observation
tool to identify the compensating behaviours.

Alternatives of orient refrigerator

It is possible to identify alternatives as goods that have the same technology. So, all the other
companies' refrigerator, all of these would be known as orient refrigerator alternatives. There
are a few alternatives of orient refrigerator:
 PEL refrigerator
 Dawlance refrigerator
 Hair refrigerator
Technology produces product substitutes. Technology may create various substitutes that can
be used to satisfy the need. Here are a few substitutes for orient refrigerator:
 LG Mini freezer
 Waves
 Coolers

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