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Epilepsia, 43(2):175–182, 2002

Blackwell Publishing, Inc.

© International League Against Epilepsy

Add-on Phenytoin Fails to Prevent Early Seizures

after Surgery for Supratentorial Brain Tumors:
A Randomized Controlled Study

*Antonio De Santis, *Roberto Villani, *Marco Sinisi, †Nino Stocchetti, and ‡Emilio Perucca

*Institute of Neurosurgery, Policlinico IRCCS, University of Milan; †Neurosciences Intensive Care Division, Policlinico IRCCS,
Milan; and ‡Clinical Pharmacology Unit, Department of Internal Medicine and Therapeutics, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy

Summary: Purpose: To determine the potential effectiveness seizures during the 7-day observation period, compared with 11
of phenytoin (PHT) in preventing early postoperative seizures of 100 patients in the placebo group (p > 0.05). Most seizures
in patients undergoing craniotomy for supratentorial brain tu- occurred in the first day after surgery in both groups. There
mors. were no differences between groups in the proportion of pa-
Methods: Two hundred patients requiring elective cranioto- tients experiencing more than one seizure, but there was a trend
my for supratentorial brain tumors were randomized to two for generalized seizures to be more common in PHT-treated
groups of equal size, with a prospective, open-label, controlled patients than in controls (11 vs. five patients, respectively).
design. One group received PHT (18 mg/kg as an intravenous Status epilepticus occurred in one patient in the PHT group and
intraoperative load, followed by additional daily doses aimed at in two patients in the control group. Of the 13 PHT-treated
maintaining serum PHT concentrations within the 10- to 20- seizure patients, 11 had serum PHT concentrations within the
æg/ml range) for 7 consecutive days. In the other group, PHT target range, and only two had concentrations below range on
was not administered. More than 90% of patients in both the days their seizures occurred.
groups continued to take preexisting anticonvulsant medication Conclusions: PHT, given at dosages producing serum con-
(AEDs) with carbamazepine or phenobarbital throughout the centrations within the target range, failed to prevent early post-
study. The primary efficacy end point was the number of pa- operative seizures in patients treated with concomitant AEDs.
tients remaining free from seizures during the 7-day period Prophylactic administration of PHT cannot be recommended in
after the operation. these patients. Key Words: Phenytoin—Seizures—Prophy-
Results: Of 100 patients allocated to PHT, 13 experienced laxis—Craniotomy—Crain tumors—Randomized controlled trial.

The incidence of seizures in patients who underwent The possible value of pharmacologic prophylaxis in
supratentorial surgery for nontraumatic conditions has preventing early postoperative seizures (i.e., those occur-
been estimated to be ⱖ15–20% (1,2). This has stimu- ring within 7 days of intervention) in these patients has
lated research into the potential usefulness of pharmaco- been less extensively investigated, and available evi-
logic prophylaxis, but despite claims to the contrary from dence is controversial. In one study, a short course of
uncontrolled or retrospective studies (3), prospective intravenous phenytoin (PHT) was associated with a
controlled trials failed to provide any evidence that an- marked reduction in the incidence of seizures during the
ticonvulsants (AEDs) can prevent the onset of postop- first 3 days after the operation, even though the effect
erative epilepsy (4). As a result, the widespread practice failed to reach statistical significance (7). In another
of administering long-term AED prophylaxis after neu- study, North et al. (8) found PHT effective in reducing
rosurgical operations (5) cannot be justified on the basis the risk of early seizures, but only seizures occurring
of available data (6). between 7 and 72 days after surgery were significantly
reduced. In a third, more recent investigation, neither
PHT nor carbamazepine (CBZ) was found to protect
Revision accepted December 11, 2001. against early and late postoperative seizures, even though
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. E. Perucca at dosages might have been suboptimal because of failure
Clinical Pharmacology Unit, Department of Internal Medicine and
Therapeutics, University of Pavia, Piazza Botta 10, 27100 Pavia, Italy. to individualize treatment by monitoring serum drug
E-mail: concentrations (2). Optimization of dosage based on se-


rum drug concentrations may be critical for therapeutic impact on the risk of early postoperative or posttraumatic
success (4,8), as shown in a recent study in which a seizures, and because the potential value of adjunctive
significant reduction in the incidence of early seizures PHT therapy had not been addressed in previous con-
could be found in head trauma patients treated with trolled trials (2,4). The option of evaluating separately a
PHT (9). group of patients not comedicated with other AEDs was
The highest incidence of seizures after brain surgery is ruled out because, among patients referred to the study
observed during the initial 48 h, and these seizures can site, only very few were not pretreated with either CBZ
have serious adverse consequences because they inter- or a barbiturate.
fere with critical postoperative assessment of the pa-
tient’s state of consciousness, and they may carry a Study design and randomization procedures
significant morbidity and an associated risk of progress- The study was carried out according to a prospective
ing to status epilepticus (4,7). Therefore, any treatment open-label randomized controlled design. Patients were
that could protect against early seizures could have a allocated to two groups by using a random number table.
favorable impact on overall clinical outcome. Based on One group was treated with PHT for 7 days according to
these considerations, a prospective trial was designed to the treatment schedule specified later, whereas the other
determine whether PHT, at dosages individualized on the group (controls) did not receive PHT treatment. Patients
basis of serum drug concentrations, prevents seizures oc- already receiving AED therapy before surgery continued
curring in the initial week after neurosurgery. PHT was treatment at unchanged dosages throughout the entire
selected as a study drug for a number of reasons: (a) it is study period (if necessary, part of the daily dosage on the
available as a parenteral formulation; (b) its use in the day of surgery was given by nasogastric tube).
management of acute convulsive disorders is widely es-
tablished with respect to both efficacy and safety (10,11); Phenytoin administration schedule
(c) unlike barbiturates, it does not produce marked inter- Phenytoin (Aurantin; Parke-Davis, U.S.A.) was ad-
ference with the level of consciousness and with evalu- ministered at dosages designed to maintain total serum
ation of the postoperative course (10); (d) it is the only drug concentrations within the optimal range of 10 to 20
AED for which an optimal range of serum concentrations ␮g/ml (15). On day 1 (day of surgery), after stabilization
has been defined clearly (8,12,13); (e) it also is the only of anesthesia, a loading dose of 18 mg/kg was adminis-
AED that has been found to be effective in preventing tered, dissolved in normal saline, at a rate ⱕ50 mg/min,
early seizures after acute traumatic brain injury (9,14). under continuous blood pressure and ECG monitoring. If
To reduce interpretative problems related to heteroge- hypotension or ECG abnormalities or other side effects
neous underlying pathology, the trial was restricted to developed, the infusion rate was reduced or interrupted
patients operated on for supratentorial brain tumors. as appropriate. Subsequent doses of PHT were given
daily and adjusted based on serum PHT concentration,
which was determined on days 2 (24 h after the initial
loading), 3, 5, and 7 before the next PHT dose. PHT
Patients dosage on day 2 was 10 mg/kg intravenously for patients
Patients requiring elective craniotomy for supratento- with a serum drug concentration <10 ␮g/ml, 350 mg
rial brain tumors only at the Institute of Neurosurgery of orally for patients with a concentration between 10 and
the University of Milan were eligible for enrolment ac- 20 ␮g/ml, and 200 mg orally for patients with a concen-
cording to the following inclusion criteria: age between tration between 20 and 30 ␮g/ml (no PHT was given on
15 and 75 years; availability of a reliable medical his- day 2 if its serum concentration exceeded 30 ␮g/ml).
tory; and willingness to provide written informed con- Further dosage adjustments, if required, were made dur-
sent. Criteria for exclusion were pregnancy or lactation; ing the subsequent days based on results of serum con-
occurrence of seizures during the 7 days before surgery; centration measurements. Although the study protocol
recurrent anginal episodes despite adequate therapy; required measurement of unbound PHT concentrations
second- or third-degree heart block or marked bradycar- when a major alteration in PHT plasma protein binding
dia; myocardial infarction in the previous 3 months; se- was anticipated (e.g., in the presence of severe hypoal-
vere hepatic or renal insufficiency; acute intermittent buminemia or intake of displacing agents such as val-
porphyria; a history of allergic or idiosyncratic reactions proic acid), none of the patients fulfilled the criteria for
to hydantoin drugs; a history of drug or alcohol abuse; unbound concentration monitoring.
ongoing PHT treatment with a total serum PHT concen-
tration >5 ␮g/ml (concentrations below this limit were Evaluation procedures
considered to be negligible for the purpose of the study). Before randomization, on the day before surgery (day
Patients receiving other AEDs were not excluded be- 0), each patient underwent a medical history and a physi-
cause such treatments have not been found to have any cal and neurologic examination, including assessment of

Epilepsia, Vol. 43, No. 2, 2002


potential side effects from any ongoing treatment. For RESULTS

patients receiving other AEDs, a blood sample was ob-
tained for the determination of the trough serum concen- Characteristics of patients
tration of these drugs by fluorescence polarization Of the 200 patients randomized in the trial, 100 (46
immunoassay on days 1, 2, and 7. For patients random- male, 54 female) received PHT and 100 (57 male, 43
ized to PHT treatment, additional samples for the deter- female) were assigned to the control group. As shown in
mination of serum PHT concentration were collected as Table 1, the two groups were comparable in demo-
specified in the earlier section. Serum sodium and po- graphic characteristics, type and location of tumor and
tassium were determined on at least days 1 and 2. No baseline clinical characteristics.
other specific laboratory tests in addition to those clini- Of the patients randomised to PHT, 35 had a history of
cally indicated for preoperative and postoperative evalu- seizures preoperatively, compared with 32 in the patients
ation were performed. randomized to the control group. Of these patients, 38
All patients were closely observed throughout the had had only one seizure, 15 had fewer than four seizures
7-day study period, and any adverse events, including in the previous year, and 14 had more than four seizures.
seizures, were recorded in especially designed Case Re- Seizures were classified as partial in 61 cases (with sec-
port Forms. ondary generalization in 23) and as primarily generalized
tonic–clonic in six. Overall, preoperative seizures were
End points and statistical considerations recorded in 36% of patients with meningioma, 38% of
The primary efficacy end point was the incidence those with glioma, and 20% of those with metastatic
of seizures during the 7-day postoperative observa- tumors.
tion period. Incidence of individual seizure types, total AEDs were prescribed at baseline in 90 patients in the
number of seizures, occurrence of status epilepticus, PHT group and in 95 patients in the control group. In the
and incidence of adverse effects were secondary end PHT group, 77 patients received CBZ (mostly 600 mg/
points. day), and 13 received phenobarbital (PB; mostly 150
Assuming an incidence of seizures of 15% in the con- mg/day), with five patients receiving these agents in
trol group (based on historic data from comparable popu- combination. For both of these drugs, mean serum con-
lations operated on at the same study site), an overall centrations on study days 1, 2, and 7 were similar to
sample size of 356 patients was initially targeted, which those found on day 1 (6.1 ± 1.6 and 5.5 ± 1.7 ␮g/ml vs,
would ensure an 80% probability of identifying a reduc- 6.9 ± 2.1 ␮g/ml, respectively, for CBZ, and 20.2 ± 4.7
tion in the incidence of seizures from 15 to 5%, with a p and 21.8 ± 5.3 ␮g/ml vs, 19.6 ± 5.5 ␮g/ml, respectively,
value of 0.05 (16). The study protocol required an in- for PB).
terim analysis to be performed after completion of 200 Background AED medication among controls was
patients to reassess power calculations and to determine similar to that recorded in the PHT group. CBZ (mean
whether the study should be terminated with a smaller serum concentrations, 7.0 ± 2.2, 7.1 ± 2.0, and 6.9 ± 1.7
sample size. Given that the actually observed incidence ␮g/ml on days 1, 2, and 7, respectively) and PB (mean
of events (seizures) after completion of the first 200 pa- serum concentrations, 19.5 ± 4.3, 19.4 ± 3.5, and 19.3 ±
tients was 13% in the treatment group and 11% in the 3.9 ␮g/ml on days 1, 2, and 7, respectively) were pre-
control group, conditional power was subsequently esti- scribed in 79 and 16 patients, respectively, with four
mated to be equal to 0.269 (17). In other words, assum- patients receiving these drugs in combination.
ing that the original hypothesis was true, completing the For none of the distributions listed in Table 1 there
initially planned sample size would involve a <27% was a statistically significant difference between the
probability to detect a significant difference between PHT group and controls.
groups. Based on this analysis, recruitment was stopped
at 200 patients. Surgical intervention and
Comparability in baseline demographic and clinical postoperative complications
characteristics of patients randomized to the two groups Modalities of surgical intervention were almost super-
was assessed by using the Student’s t test for parametric imposable in the two groups. The intervention required
measures and the ␹2 test for rates and distributions. The incision of the cerebral cortex in 115 patients (56 in the
Student’s t test also was used to compare serum PHT PHT group vs. 59 in controls), dissection of the cortex in
concentrations between patients with seizures and pa- 73 (38 vs. 35, respectively), and a transcallous approach
tients without seizures. The ␹2 test was used to assess in 12 (six in each group). Macroscopically, complete
differences in postoperative seizure rates between PHT- removal of the tumor was possible in 155 cases (74 in the
treated patients and controls. Unless indicated otherwise, PHT group vs. 81 in controls), whereas in the remaining
values given in text are means ± SD. cases, removal was subtotal or partial.

Epilepsia, Vol. 43, No. 2, 2002


TABLE 1. Characteristics of the patients randomized in the trial

Phenytoin-treated Controls
group (n ⳱ 100) (n ⳱ 100)
Age (yr, median and range) 59 (18–74) 56 (19–75)
Sex (male/female) 46/54 57/43
Level of consciousness preoperatively (n of patients)
Fully alert 76 80
Psychomotor slowing 22 19
Coma 2 1
Neurologic handicap (n of patients)
Minor (not affecting working activities) 65 64
Moderate (affecting working ability) 32 30
Severe (requiring assistance for daily routines) 3 6
Preoperative CT scan (n of patients)
Enhancement of cerebral mass after injection
of iodinated contrast medium 93 91
Moderate to marked shift of median
brain structures 32 30
Histology of tumor (n of patients)
Glioma 49 46
Meningioma 39 42
Metastatic carcinoma 5 5
Other 7 7
Site of tumor (n of patients)
Frontal 36 34
Temporal 21 26
Parietal 21 20
Sellar 7 10
Occipital lobe 5 2
Deep structures 4 2
Intraventricular 3 3
Tentorial 3 3
History of seizures preoperatively (n of patients) 35 32
Preexisting antiepileptic drug therapy (n of patients) 90 95

CT, computed tomography

Serious postoperative complications, apart from sei- vulsive status developed in one patient in the control
zures, were recorded in 19 patients who received PHT group, whereas partial status with motor symptoms oc-
and in 14 controls. These included hematoma requiring curred in two patients, one in each group. Total number
reintervention (12 patients taking PHT and nine con- of seizures was slightly higher in the PHT group (21
trols), perilesional edema requiring reintervention (two compared with 15 among controls).
patients in each group), and hematoma or edema man- In 17 cases, seizures were terminated by administering
aged conservatively (five patients taking PHT and three intravenous diazepam (DZP). Two patients were admin-
controls). Two patients died, one in the PHT group as a istered intramuscular PB, and four (two in each group)
result of abdominal complications, and one in the control were treated with intravenous PHT.
group of respiratory insufficiency. Mean serum PHT concentrations are summarized in
Table 3. On the assessment days, serum concentrations
Early postoperative seizures in the two study were within the target range (10–20 ␮g/ml) in 65 to 85%
groups and relation to serum drug concentration of patients. Mean PHT concentrations in patients with
Of the 200 patients included in the study, 24 (12%) seizures did not differ from those in patients without
experienced one or more seizures during the 7-day ob- seizures (13.8 ± 3.8 ␮g/ml vs. 12.2 ± 4.1␮g/ml, respec-
servation period. Of these, 13 were treated with PHT, tively). Among the 13 seizure patients in the PHT-treated
and 11 were controls. group, 11 had serum PHT concentrations within the tar-
There were no apparent differences between groups in get range, and only two had concentrations below target
the proportion of patients experiencing more than one on the days when the seizures occurred.
seizure and in time of seizure occurrence, with most AEDs other than PHT were taken by 11 of 13 seizure
patients experiencing seizures within the first 24 h, usu- patients in the PHT group and by each of the 11 seizure
ally during waking from anesthesia ⱖ5 h after termina- patients in the control group. Serum concentrations of
tion of the PHT infusion (Table 2). Generalized seizures associated AEDs did not differ significantly between pa-
tended to be more common in PHT-treated patients than tients with seizures and patients without seizures (data
in controls (11 vs. five, respectively). Generalized con- not shown).

Epilepsia, Vol. 43, No. 2, 2002


TABLE 2. Occurrence of early postoperative seizures in the alert patients (22.0 vs. 9.6%, respectively), and in those
two study groups with contrast medium–associated lesion enhancement at
Phenytoin-treated Controls preoperative computed tomography (CT) scan than in
group (n ⳱ 100) (n ⳱ 100) those without enhancement (19.0 vs. 11.5%). The degree
Number of patients with seizures of neurologic deficits before operation did not appear to
Any number of seizures 13 11 have any impact on risk of early postoperative seizures.
One seizure only 6 5 In the 33 patients with postoperative complications, the
Two seizures 3 2
Three seizures 3 2 incidence of seizures was only slightly higher than that
Status epilepticus 1 2 recorded in patients without complications (15 vs. 11%).
Timing of first postoperative seizure In particular, none of the postoperative findings, with
(n of patients)
Waking from anesthesia 8 6 special reference to CT imaging, appeared to be useful in
Later on day 1 0 3 predicting the risk for seizures. In none of the observed
Days 2 to 7 5 2 seizure events was a clear-cut metabolic precipitant (e.g.,
Type of postoperative seizures
(n of patients) hypoglycemia, major electrolyte disturbances, or admin-
Simple partial 2 6 istration of proconvulsant drugs) identified.
Partial secondarily generalized 4 3
Generalized without apparent Other adverse events
focal onset 7 2 No life-threatening adverse events that could be as-
Total number of seizures
All seizures 21 15 cribed to PHT were observed during the trial. In 14 pa-
Simple partial 4 9 tients, the initial loading dose was associated with
Partial secondarily generalized 6 4 development of hypotension, which in two cases was
Generalized without apparent
focal onset 11 2 sufficiently severe to require a reduction of the admin-
istered dosage. During continuation of treatment on days
1 to 7, a total of 13 additional adverse events was re-
Incidence of seizures in relation to potential corded. These consisted of severe hypotension (two
risk factors events), mild to moderate hypotension (10 events) and
The frequency of postoperative seizures in relation to mild alteration in the level of consciousness (three
a number of potential risk factors is summarized in Table events). All adverse events were reversible without ac-
4. Because of the small number of patients in each sub- tion, except for a reduction in PHT infusion rate (or
group, only a descriptive analysis is presented. The risk discontinuation of infusion) in patients with hypotension.
of early postoperative seizures showed no obvious rela- No adverse effects ascribed to concomitant medication
tion to age or to a history of preoperative seizures, nor were recorded.
did it show major differences between glioma and me-
ningioma patients. There was a tendency for seizures to DISCUSSION
be less common in patients with temporal tumors com-
pared with patients with extratemporal tumors, and in Although the effectiveness of PHT in preventing early
patients whose operation involved cortical dissection posttraumatic seizures has been demonstrated (9), evi-
compared with cortical incision. Four of the 12 patients dence on its potential usefulness as prophylaxis against
who underwent a transcallous approach experienced sei- seizures occurring shortly after craniotomy is unsubstan-
zures. Seizures occurred more frequently in patients with tiated. In particular, each of the four randomized studies
incomplete removal of tumor than in those who under- previously conducted produced somewhat different re-
went complete removal. sults. Because the majority of postoperative seizures are
With respect to potential risk factors not listed in known to occur within 72 h (4), Lee et al. (7) adminis-
Table 4, seizures occurred more frequently in patients tered PHT intravenously for 3 consecutive days to 189
with preoperative psychomotor slowing than in fully patients, the first dose being given before completion of

TABLE 3. Distribution of serum phenytoin concentrations during the study period

Serum phenytoin Percentage of patients with concentration
Day (mean ± SD, ␮g/ml) <10 ␮g/ml 10–20 ␮g/ml >20 ␮g/ml
2 12.3 ± 4.1 23% 72% 5%
3 12.9 ± 3.6 17% 81% 2%
5 13.0 ± 3.7 12% 85% 3%
7 11.6 ± 3.9 31% 65% 4%

Day 1 corresponds to the day of surgery.

Epilepsia, Vol. 43, No. 2, 2002


TABLE 4. Descriptive analysis of the rate of postoperative after surgery, and the probability of developing epilepsy
seizures in relation to potential risk factors in the subsequent 2 years was equally unaffected by
Incidence of postoperative treatment. Although in the latter study, serum drug levels
Variable seizures (%) were not monitored in all patients, the initial dosing
Age (yr) schedule used for PHT (15 mg/kg intravenously for ⱖ24
15–35 18.2 (n ⳱ 22) h before surgery, and 300 mg daily thereafter) would be
36–55 11.1 (n ⳱ 54)
56–75 11.3 (n ⳱ 124) expected to have produced serum concentrations in the
Epileptic seizures before operation optimal range in the majority of patients.
Present 13.4 (n ⳱ 67) In view of the conflicting results reviewed earlier, it is
Absent 11.3 (n ⳱ 133)
Type of tumor no surprise that management practices differ widely in
Glioma 8.6 (n ⳱ 81) craniotomy patients. Many authors advise against pro-
Meningioma 13.7 (n ⳱ 95) phylactic drug treatment (2,6,19,20), others suggest that
Other 16.7 (n ⳱ 24)
Site of tumor (%) PHT may be indicated for the immediate postoperative
Frontal lobe 16.0 (n ⳱ 69) period (7,18,21,22). More remarkably, the practice of
Temporal lobe 4.2 (n ⳱ 42)
Parietal lobe 9.5 (n ⳱ 42)
prescribing long-term AED prophylaxis remains wide-
Other 16.7 (n ⳱ 42) spread, either in all patients at large or in specific patient
Surgical intervention subgroups (23,24), despite lack of adequate evidence that
Cortical incision 13.0 (n ⳱ 115)
Cortical dissection 6.8 (n ⳱ 73)
postoperative and posttraumatic epilepsy can be pre-
Transcallous 33.3 (n ⳱ 12) vented by treatment (4,6,9,14,25). The extent to which
Extent of tumor removal AED prophylaxis is practiced by neurologists and neu-
Complete 10.0 (n ⳱ 155)
Incomplete 17.8 (n ⳱ 45) rosurgeons in Italy is best illustrated by the observation
that >90% of the patients undergoing craniotomy in the
present study had been prescribed long-term treatment
with either CBZ or a barbiturate, although only one third
supratentorial surgery. The indication for surgery was
of these patients had experienced a seizure.
highly heterogeneous in this population, and 87 patients
Our study differs from previous randomized trials in at
had severe traumatic head injury, a relevant observation
least three aspects. First, inclusion was restricted to pa-
in view of the demonstrated effectiveness of PHT in
tients operated on for supratentorial brain tumors. This
preventing seizures after trauma (9). Overall, only three
immediate or early postoperative seizures were recorded eliminated the confounding effect of head trauma and
in these patients compared with 13 seizures in a group of reduced heterogeneity in underlying conditions that char-
185 control patients randomized to placebo, and the acterized most of the studies conducted to date, even
number of patients with seizures also was lower in the though it should be acknowledged that the type and lo-
PHT group (two vs. nine in controls), even though these cation of the tumor, together with the surgical technique,
differences failed to reach statistical significance. A also may significantly affect the risk of postoperative
smaller trial in which 63 patients operated on for tumor seizures (1,2,4,8,26), as confirmed by the descriptive
were randomized to PHT, PB, or no treatment also sug- analysis performed in the overall population. A second
gested that treatment could protect against early-onset feature of our study was the intensive use of drug-level
seizures, by the effect was not statistically significant monitoring, aimed at producing and maintaining serum
(18). Although a statistically significant reduction in the PHT levels within the commonly accepted target range
risk of early postoperative seizures by PHT could be of 10 to 20 ␮g/ml. Although these levels were not
demonstrated by North et al. (8) in a placebo-controlled achieved at all sampling times in all patients, this ap-
trial in a total of 281 patients (including 34 with head proach resulted in average PHT concentrations well
injury), no protective effect could be demonstrated in the within target, and the proportion of patients with PHT
first week of treatment, and only seizures occurring be- concentrations within range on any given day was much
tween 7 and 72 days after surgery were reduced signifi- higher than that recorded in the trial by Lee et al. (7), in
cantly by PHT. Possibly the ineffectiveness of PHT in which only 59.8% of patients had concentrations be-
the first week of therapy in this study could be explained tween 10 and 20 ␮g/ml. A third important aspect in
by the fact that treatment was delayed until the patient which our trial differed from previous studies is that PHT
entered the recovery room, and the loading dosage of was mostly used adjunctively to other AEDs. Although
PHT (250 mg intravenously, twice daily) was probably there is no evidence that pretreatment with CBZ or PB is
insufficient to achieve therapeutic blood levels during effective in preventing early postoperative seizures, and
the first critical days after surgery. In a fourth study in a the incidence of seizures in our control group receiving
total of 276 patients, neither PHT nor CBZ reduced sig- these drugs did not differ from that recorded in other
nificantly the incidence of seizures within the first week series of craniotomy patients receiving no treatment (3),

Epilepsia, Vol. 43, No. 2, 2002


our results may not necessarily be applicable to patients pratentorial tumors (2,19,20), particularly when other
in whom no background medication is present. AEDs have been already prescribed. Whether prophy-
Under these study conditions, PHT was clearly inef- laxis could be indicated in specific subgroups of patients
fective in affording a clinically significant protection at high risk for seizures can be addressed only in a large
against early postoperative seizures. Neither the total multicenter study.
number of patients experiencing seizures during the
7-week treatment, nor the number of patients with im- Acknowledgment: We thank Dr. Erminio Bonizzoni for his
mediate postoperative seizures, nor the total number of valuable assistance in the statistical analysis of data.
seizures recorded during the entire observation period
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