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Guide intrductin This is the guide f the Bastard Girls game, created by

@Lecid2. Yu can find this game n Patren. If yu like the game, please
cnsider t supprt the wrk. In the game unfrtunately there isn t a list abut
the quest, but they are there anyway. Als, the navigatin can be a little bit
weird fr sme f yu at the first times, s this guide fcus n these things.
Disclaimer! I d nt take respnsibility fr any errr r fault regarding this guide. I
try my best t cver everything in the game, but as I m a human I might
make mistakes. Every mistake will be crrected if anyne reprt it t me via
PM here. As I m nt a native English speaker, srry fr any
spelling/language mistake. Gameplay In this game yu have t seduce as
many girl, as pssible. But sme girls will require time and wrk t achieve.
Beside that, yu have t wrk, because yu have t pay smetimes, and
smetimes that wn t be cheap. Als, yu need t g t the schl and study,
because yur schl perfrmance affects n the girls t. And beside everything
else, yu shuld prepare yurself fr the fights If thse will ever cme. Oh, and
mst imprtantly, just enjy the scenes. While yu playing, yu can talk, flirt,
date with sme f the girls wh are available. Als, yu can give them gifts and
sme f them will even study with yu. During these activities, yu ll be able t
get sme affectin pints fr that girl. Als, if yu want t much, yu can lse sme.
Each activities need sme affectin pints, and f curse if yu want t have sex
with them, yu have t achieve high affectin. The game nly display a heart
icn, which shws the affectin, but the full red heart nly mean 100 affectin.
Of curse, sme f the activities need much mre affectin, and yu can get that
t. While the display wn t shws the affectin abve 100, the game will
cntinue t cunt it. In the first times the navigatin and the map system can
be a little bit weird, s there is sme picture and descriptin in this guide
which hpefully can help yu walk thrugh the city and reach yur destinatin.
T check it, g t the Map sectin. Prlgue First yu get a letter, and ask if yu
want t g t the clleges. And f curse yu want t g right? Speak with the
principal and ask everything yu want. Then leave her ffice and meet
Katerina and Sphie. As yu leave the schl yu ll meet Ky t srt f. On the rf
click n Sphie and talk with her. Nw meet Carl, Sasha and Elena. Frm nw
n, it depends n yu what will happen. But I m sure that plenty f things with
happen. 4

GUI The main part f the GUI is always n the tp f the screen. The fllwing
icns are the mst imprtant fr the game: The day f the week, and the day f
the mnth. It s imprtant fr the schl and ther activities. The time f the day.
Can be mrning, nn, afternn and night. The girls list, and the level f
affectin. Item list, that yu can buy frm Karmen s shp. Study pints Mney
As far as I can see, there isn t any use fr this in versin 0.1.1 An average
day In the game a day is split up in 4 part: Mrning, Nn, Afternn, Night
Every day, yu ll wake up in the mrning in yur rm (r in a rm later). Yu can
chse t g t the girls rm (if yu dare), r g t the bathrm (t spy, if yu dare).
Otherwise yu can g t the kitchen t eat yur breakfast. In the kitchen at first,
it s nly Sphie (yu can eat breakfast, d mrning sprt r take a shwer later n,
except fr the mansin, where yu can nly eat fr nw), but later n Miranda can
give yu breakfast t. Yu can t leave the huse withut breakfast! After yur
breakfast, frm Mnday t Friday yu ll be in schl, where ne f the three
teacher will teach yu smething. Occasinally yu ll be assigned t grup wrk
with ne f the students (r later with Olivia), where yu can get sme study
pints. At nn, yu ll be at schl, but yur class finished, s yu can g anywhere
in the schl yu want. Yu can g t the crridr, r t the principal s crridr, but
aside frm the tasks, there are just girls wh will masturbate. Yu can g t the
teacher s rm, t talk with them, r t meet with Olivia later n. Yu can visit 5

the Gym, where there is nt much t see at first, but later n, after Elena s
questline, there will be interesting things. And last but nt least, yu can g t
the cafeteria where Carl, Sasha and (mst f the times) Elena and Karina
and Paula will wait yu t spend a little time with yu, s yu can get sme
affectin. After that yu can cntinue t explre the schl, r yu can g hme. In the
afternn, yu can study n yur PC (yu ll study until night), yu can visit the
girls rm fr sme fun (if yu dare), yu can check if smebdy waits fr yu in the
kitchen, r in the living rm, yu can g t the rf t spend sme time with the girls
there (yu ll spend yur time there until night) and last but nt least, yu can g
t the city t explre it, and such. At night at first yu can t g ut f yur hme, but
later n yu can g t the club, at hme yu can check the girls rm (if yu dare) r
the bathrm fr spying. And f curse, yu can sleep. At the weekend the nly
difference is that after the breakfast yu ll be in the afternn immediately.
Quests Knw the island - G t the beach (check Map), and talk with Lady
Victria until she wn t say any new. - Visit the Temple f Brtherhd, and
enter the temple. - After the scene g back again and talk with Lady
Marian. - G back t Lady Victria and speak with her until she wn t say
anything new. - G t the Servant s Guild and try t enter. - Next day after
schl g t the hallway where the principal s ffice can be fund and fund the
little girl, talk with her. [Frm nw n yu can g t the pizza restaurant t wrk] - G
t the Servant s Guild and talk with her again. Talk with Freyja t. The
Ceremny Requirements: Knw the island - Talk with Astrid in the Servant
s Guild- - Yu have t get $500 fr the ceremnial dress, s yu have t wrk. See
wrk sectin. - G t the Servant s Guild, talk with Astrid and buy the
ceremnial dress. - Enjy the Ceremny f Delivery. Master s checkut
Requirements: Need t start the Lenra s visit quest - Wait fr Sphie t tell yu
abut the club. - Wait fr Sphie t tell yu, that yu have t g t the hspital. - G
there and meet Miranda. - G t the club and use yur charm n Miranda until
yu reach 90 pints with her. - Yu ll meet Miranda after schl. - At the night t
again t the club, and Miranda became yur lver. Help Lilith - Part I
Requirements: The Ceremny 6

7 G t the cemetery and meet Lilith. [Frm nw n, Sphie will ask if she can
sleep with yu.] Meet Lilith again and help the ghst. G back t Lilith again
and talk with her. - Part II Requirements: Favr fr Miranda Part I - Part III
G t the beach and g t the bar terrace and talk with Miranda. G back t the
cemetery. Take Lilith t the hspital. G t Lady Victria and listen their talk.
Requirements: Sleepver event and Lenra s visit (finish Olivia s quest
befre this part) G t the cemetery [after the girls sleepver] and check the
mausleum, yu wn t find Lilith there. G t the secnd part f the cemetery, yu
ll ntice a blue fg there. G back, and get the shvel frm the tree next t the
mausleum. G again back t the secnd part f the cemetery and click n the
grave, and yu ll get the key. G back t the mausleum, click n the tmbstne t
pen it. Fllw the scene until yu fund the puzzle, the anwser will be: treasn
Favr fr Miranda - Part I Requirements: Master s checkut Talk with Alexia
and Miranda at the beach bar terrace. - Part II Requirements: Help Lilith
After yu get the mansin, spend 10 days in the mansin (sleep there). After
yu get the call, g t the TV studi, and d the interview. After a few day,
Miranda and Alexia will arrive. G t their rm (next t the dark red rm n the
map) at night and listen. In the afternn, g t crridr t back entrance (if yu
have the map, it has dark red clr) and talk with her G t the pl Saturday
and Sunday t find Alexia there. Talk with her fr the gd stuff. Lenra s visits
Imprtant: Finish Lilith s questline part II, befre yu finish Lenra s questline.
D NOT finish Lilith s questline part III, until yu finish Olivia s quest!
Requirements: The Ceremny - A few days after the ceremny, Lenra and
Regina will visit yu. - After the visit, yu need t g t schl and attend 14 class
with grup wrk, where Olivia is the teacher. - At the 15 th time, yu ll be in
the grup with Lenra, wh will visit yur hme. - After a few days Sphie will
ask yu t g t the beach with her. G with her and enjy. - After that, g t the
tilet after schl and enjy. - G t Lady Victria and talk with her.

Olivia s sadness Imprtant: Finish Lenra s questline, befre yu d Olivia s

questline. D NOT finish Lilith s questline part III, until yu finish Olivia s
quest! - Pass the exam. - G t the beach and visit the bar, talk with Olivia.
- G t the Temple f Brtherhd and ask abut sending the package. - G t the
Temple f the Servant s Guild and talk with Lady Anais. - G t the pizza
restaurant and talk with Karmen. - When yu get the $2000 g back and
talk with her again, then pay the mney. - G back t the beach bar and talk
with Olivia. - After yu fund the keys, g t Olivia s apartment. - Yu can nw
fun with Olivia during grup wrk (als yu ll get 10 study pints fr it). - After
that, g t the teacher s rm. - G t Olivia s apartment and talk with her. -
Fuck her 5 times in the teacher s rm. - G t the teacher s rm again and
talk with Olivia. - After Oivia cmes t yu, g t the Servant s Guild and talk
with Lady Anais. - G hme and talk with the girls then g with Olivia t Lady
Anais. - After the next class with Olivia, g t the teacher s rm. - Nw at the
afternn if yu g t Olivia s apartment, yu can explre the place. - Stay with
Olivia and enjy. - At the mrning, g t the bathrm and enjy. - G t the kitchen
and enjy (if yu chse t fuck her, yu ll be late frm schl and Katerina will
punish yu). Carnival r funeral - G t the Temple f Brtherhd after yu started
Olivia s quest. - G there again. - G t the Temple after the attack. - Wait fr
the end f the Day f Dead. - G t the schl cafeteria and talk with Marian. - G
hme and wait fr the funeral. Carl s cureness - Wait until Carl ges t the
living rm. - Get 60 affectin pints fr Carl. - G n a date with Carl and pay fr
everything. - Get 65 affectin pints fr Carl. - G t the rf terrace and if yu find
Carl there, have fun. - Talk with Carl in the kitchen and g n a date. Elena
s prblem - Play a basketball with Elena, after yu lse, Sphie will teach yu
(fr $100), after play with Elena again. - Gd way (yu have t finish the
Master s checkut quest): Win the game. G t the city and have sex with
her. G t the Gym and talk with the teacher (yu can g int the lcker rm t). G
t the schl and watch the events. 8

9 When yu see Elena n the cuch at the afternn, g with the t the rehab.
When yu ll find her in the kitchen talk with her and g t camp with her. Buy
the equipment frm Karmen (need $300). G camping with Elena. - Bad
way Win the game. G t the city and have sex with her. G t the Gym and
talk with the teacher. G t the schl and watch the events. Wait tw weeks
and take her t rehab. When yu ll find her in the kitchen talk with her and g
t camp with her. Buy the equipment frm Karmen. G camping with Elena. -
Elena is nw yur girlfriend, yu can g t the city with her if yu find her at the
city center. (Yu need mney fr it.) - After yu see that Elena talks with
Sphie g t Elena s rm. Yu can check multiple times. Help fr Sasha - When
yu find her in the kitchen, talk with her - G t the kitchen, if affectin mre
than 65, and talk with Sasha wh is reading there. - G t the kitchen, if
affectin mre than 80, and talk with Sasha wh is n the flr. - G t the kitchen,
if affectin mre than 85, and talk with Sasha wh is at the table. - G t the
bathrm, if affectin mre than 90, and take a shwer. - G t yur rm, if affectin
mre than 95, MC will autmatically visit Sasha. - After schl g t the little
classrm and help Sasha. - G t the bathrm and take a bath. - G t the
kitchen at night and talk with Sasha. - G t the city and meet with Sasha. -
G t the kitchen and if Sasha is there lking the windw, talk with her. Lucia
s favur - G t the strage rm and talk with Lucia Paula s pht sht - After yu
get the mansin, spend 20 days in the mansin (sleep there). - Then Paula
will cmes searching fr Elena. - G and d the pht sht with her. - Frm nw n
yu can get mre while chse the sprt after class in cafeteria. Als yu can g t
the studi every Tuesday t help her. Day f Dead - Wait until the start f the
event (31 day in the mansin) - G t the dlls' rm and talk with Sphie. - G ut t
the left f the frnt yard. - G t the crridr at the back entrance and talk with
Elena and Paula. - G t the garden and save Perla. - G t the kitchen and
talk with Miranda. - G t the jacuzzi and 'save' Esmeralda. - G ut t the frnt
yard and g left t find the mnster and win the fight.

- G t the garage and 'save' Saphir. - G t Sphie's rm and talk with her.
Events I. Carl, Sasha and Elena talking in the cafeteria II. Melanie,
Tatiana, Megan & Scarlet meeting - Yu can see this after yu talked Lady
Marian until she wn t tell any new t yu. III. Kaira, Crnelia, Clarissa &
Sphie, Osiris fight - This will happen after yu talk with Lady Anais IV. Rsa
and Karmen talk - This will pen Karmen s shp V. Ruby and Carl talk -
Frm nw n, yu ll find Carl in the living rm at the afternn, pen up date with
Carl VI. Sphie and Sasha talk - This will pen future path with Sasha VII.
Sasha, Alexia and Paula talk - Frm nw n, there will be sexism class fr the
girls VIII. Sexism class IX. Sphie s visit at the mrning at the day after the
ceremny - Sphie s new dress X. Paula and Alexia talk - After Alexia was
punished after the first sexism class XI. Regina at the spa - After Lenra s
first visit, g t the spa, pens up spa jb XII. Girls grup talk - After yu wn the
game against Elena, after this yu can see the match between Elena and
Bianca XIII. Attack frm helicpter - Happen after yu and Lenra talk with
Lady Victria, pen up funeral instead f carnival XIV. Carl and Ky cmpetitin
- After yu had sex with Carl Carl event Yu have t gather a lt f affectin
(300+) G t the rf, and if she is alne there yu can have sex with her After
that, when she is in the living rm, bring her a date, and buy her the teddy
bear When yu find her in the kitchen, bring her t the pizza restaurant, and
pay fr it Yu can visit her in her rm, and in the bathrm, als yu can lick her
pussy during study Sleepver event Make Sasha yur girlfriend Get high
affectin with Paula G n the sprt activity with Paula In the afternn meet
Elena and Paula in the kitchen, then g t the park with them Next day g t
the kitchen in the afternn Katerina event If yu are late frm schl, yu ll be in
detentin with Katerina (study pints will greatly suffer) Next time yu are
there alne with Katerina yu can lick her pussy (study pints and affectin
with Sphie will greatly suffer) Karina s mvie night Achieve high affectin G
fr a squash match with Karina After yu get enugh affectin Karina will cme
t yur hme in the afternn (yu can find her in the kitchen) G t see a mvie
that she likes with her (at least 9 times) Next time chse the third mvie,
and pay fr the VIP tickets 10

Pints Affectin pints As yu can read abve, ne f the pints is the affectin
pints. Each girl has their wn affectin level, and yu have g the pints fr each
ne t achieve new thing. There are nly sme f the girls with wh yu can g
further, and thse are the girls wh has the heart icn next t their image in
the menu. Fr Sasha, Carl and Elena, the mst pints yu can get while
meeting them in the cafeteria at schl. Fr Sphie, the events gave the mst
pints, but later n yu can meet her in the club at night, there yu can get
mre pints. Fr Miranda, the club will be the slutin, there yu can get plenty f
pints. Fr Olivia, her event will gives the pints. T detailed descriptin, check
the girls sectin. Study pints The ther pints is the study pints. Yu need
high study pints, because at the end f the mnth yu ll write the exam and if
yu fail, then every girls affectin will greatly suffer. On the ther hand, if yu
pass the exam, a task will pen fr yu, and als the girls affectin will be
increased. Yu can get study pints frm: - Be in study grup in schl (5 pints)
- Be in study grup with Olivia in schl (10 pints) - Study at hme n yur PC (5
pints if yu are fresh, 3 pints if yu are tired) - Study with ne f the girls in the
cafeteria Carl - 6 r 8 pints depends n if yu ll have sex with her during the
study Sasha - 5 pints Elena - Dn t study with her, -8 pints Wrk At first yu
can t wrk, but shrtly after yu have t start wrking, because yu have t spend
sme mney n the dress, the gifts, the dates and items. Yu will have tw ptin
where yu can wrk, ne will pen immediately after yu have t wrk, the ther
will pen later n. Pizza restaurant The pizza restaurant wrk will be
available after yu talk with Lady Anais first (when she asks ne millin
dllar). Yu can wrk here in the afternn t get sme mney. Usually yu ll get
$80 fr ne day, but yu can get sme tips frm the girls. If yu refuse the extra
service fr a cuple f times, they save thse mney, and yu can get it at nce.
S fr example if yu accept it fr the first time, yu ll get $50 tip, but if yu
refuse it 3 times, and the next time yu accept it, yu ll get $200. Yu can
get mre than $200 n matter hw many mre times yu refuse it. Spa The spa
wrk will be available after Lenra visits yu, and then yu visits the spa.
There will be a scene with Regina, after that yu ll be able t wrk at the
spa. There yu can earn $120 fr ne day. 11

Girls In this sectin we ll nly write abut the girls yu can gain affectin fr, and
nly abut the activities that are nt in the tasks. There is a shrt descriptin
abut the girls, and the way yu can increase (r decrease) the affectin and
the sex (tasks nt included). Sphie Overview Sphie is yur persnal maid
and lver wh will d everything fr yu, nt t mentin that she is prtects yu.
Usually yu can find her in the kitchen in the mrning, in her rm in the
afternn and in the club at night. Occasinally she will be n the rf in the
afternn. She will appear in many lcatin during the events. Als ccasinally
she will appear in yur rm and ask yu if she can sleep with yu. Affectin
The exam: If yu fail -> -50 affectin If yu pass -> +10 affectin At the
evening, yu g t the club, then chse Sphie Talk -> +5 affectin Flirt If
affectin < 24 -> -5 affectin If affectin > 24 -> +9 affectin Gift: Balln -> +8
affectin Chclate -> +14 affectin Rse -> +22 affectin Teddy -> +34 affectin
Bear -> +45 affectin Makeup -> +55 affectin Perfume -> +72 affectin
Bracelet -> +89 affectin Necklace -> +100 affectin Mrning: Training -> +5
affectin Bath: If affectin > 14 -> +5 affectin If yu find her n the rf: Spend
the afternn with her -> +3 affectin Learn t drive -> +3 affectin Katerina
event -> -30 affectin Sex After the ceremny f delivery and with mre than
60 affectin yu can have sex with her in her rm (apartment nly) in the
afternn. 12

Carl Overview Carl is a cute, nerdy girl with cute glasses. She is quite
shy, but (as almst all the girls) she is int yu. But why is she n the island?
That s a mystery fr nw. Usually yu can find her in her rm in the mrning, in
the afternn and at night. Occasinally yu can find her in the bathrm and n
the rf in the afternn. Later n, she will be in the living rm and in the kitchen
in the afternn. Als, yu can find her in the cafeteria after yur class. Affectin
The exam: If yu fail -> -90 affectin If yu pass -> +15 affectin G t the
cafeteria in the schl, and chse Carl: Talk -> +5 affectin Flirt If affectin <
24 -> -5 affectin If affectin > 24 -> +9 affectin Study If affectin < 62 -> -5
affectin If affectin > 62 If affectin < 70 -> +16 affectin & +6 study If
affectin > 70 & yu already dated with her in the pizza restautant -> +10
affectin & +8 study G t the schlyard If affectin < 80 -> -5 affectin If affectin
> 80 -> +16 affectin Gift Balln -> +8 affectin Chclate -> +14 affectin Rse
-> +22 affectin Teddy -> +34 affectin Bear -> +45 affectin Makeup -> +55
affectin Perfume -> +72 affectin Bracelet -> +89 affectin Necklace ->
+100 affectin If yu find her n the rf: Spend the afternn with her -> +3
affectin Ask her t shw intimate parts If affectin < 123 -> -15 affectin If
affectin > 123 -> +5 affectin If yu find her in the living rm (after she talked
with Ruby): G n a date (yu need $60 and affectin >60) Dn t buy the bear
-> -30 affectin Buy the bear -> +10 affectin If yu find her in the kitchen
(after yur date): G n a date ($40) Dn t pay the bill -> -30 affectin 13

Pay the bill -> +10 affectin Spy n her: Bedrm: If affectin < 25 -> -15
affectin If affectin > 25 -> +3 affectin Bathrm: If affectin < 25 If yu didn t
see her naked -> -15 affectin If yu did see her naked -> -10 affectin If
affectin > 25 -> +5 affectin Sex If yu have 300 affectin, g t the rf. If she is
alne there, yu can have sex with her. After the sex, and the dates, when
yu study with her at schl library, yu can lick her pussy. Elena Overview
Elena is the sprty girl with big breasts, and if yu play right, maybe she will
be yur girlfriend. Usually yu can find her in her rm in the mrning, in the
afternn and at night. Occasinally yu can find her in the bathrm and n the
rf in the afternn. Later n, she will be in the living rm (fr an event) and in
the kitchen (fr an event) in the afternn. Als, yu can find her in the
cafeteria after yur class. Affectin The exam: If yu fail -> -25 affectin If yu
pass -> +10 affectin G t the cafeteria in the schl, and chse Elena: Talk If
she is nt yur girlfriend -> +5 affectin If she is yur girlfriend -> +20 affectin
Flirt Study If she is nt yur girlfriend If affectin < 24 -> -5 affectin If affectin
> 24 -> +9 affectin If she is yur girlfriend If affectin < 24 -> -20 affectin If
affectin > 24 -> +40 affectin If she is nt yur girlfriend If affectin < 62, then
-5 affectin If affectin > 62, then +16 affectin and -8 study If she is yur
girlfriend If affectin < 62, then -40 affectin If affectin > 62, then +10
affectin and -3 study G t the park If she is nt yur girlfriend If affectin < 90,
then -5 affectin If affectin > 90, then +16 affectin 14

Gift Sprt If she is yur girlfriend If affectin < 90, then -50 affectin If affectin
> 90, then +60 affectin If she is nt yur girlfriend Balln -> +8 affectin
Chclate -> +14 affectin Rse -> +22 affectin Teddy -> +34 affectin Bear ->
+45 affectin Makeup -> +55 affectin Perfume -> +72 affectin Bracelet ->
+89 affectin Necklace -> +100 affectin If she is yur girlfriend Balln -> +8
affectin Chclate -> +14 affectin Rse -> +22 affectin Teddy -> +34 affectin
Bear -> +45 affectin Makeup -> +55 affectin Perfume -> 62 affectin
Bracelet -> +70 affectin Necklace -> +90 affectin If she is nt yur girlfriend
If affectin < 80, then -5 affectin If affectin > If she is yur girlfriend If
affectin < 80, then -5 affectin If yu find her n the rf: Spend the afternn with
her -> +3 affectin Ask her t shw intimate parts If affectin < 123 -> -15
affectin If affectin > 123 If didn t have sex with her -> +5 affectin If
already had sex with her -> +15 affectin If yu meet her in the city If yu dn
t have $100 r yu dn t want t pay -> -30 affectin If yu have $100 and pay
-> +20 affectin If she wants t g t the butique while yu meet with her in the
city If yu dn t have $200 r dn t want t pay -> -60 affectin If yu have $200
and pay -> +20 affectin Spy n her: Bedrm: If affectin < 70 -> -30 affectin
If affectin > 70 -> +15 affectin Bathrm: If affectin < 25 -> -15 affectin If
affectin > 25 -> +5 affectin 15

16 Meet her in the lcker rm If affectin > 80 -> +15 affectin Sex After she
became yur girlfriend, yu can sex with her in the bathrm when yu are
spying and she is there. After she became yur girlfriend, yu can sex with
her in her rm. Multiple sex available depends n the day time. After she
became yur girlfriend, yu can sex with her in the park when yu chse date
in schl. After she became yur girlfriend, yu can have sex with her at the
schlyard, yu ll lse 100 affectin Sasha Overview Sasha is a cute blnde girl,
wh we dn t knw much abut. Hpefully this mystery will be slved in the
future. Usually yu can find her in her rm in the mrning, in the afternn and
at night. Occasinally yu can find her in the bathrm and n the rf in the
afternn. Later n, she will be in the kitchen (fr an event) in the afternn. Als,
yu can find her in the cafeteria after yur class. Affectin The exam: If yu
fail -> -80 affectin If yu pass -> +10 affectin G t the cafeteria in the schl,
and chse Sasha: Talk If she is nt yur girlfriend -> +5 affectin If she is yur
girlfriend -> +20 affectin Flirt Study If she isn t yur girlfriend If affectin <
24 -> -5 affectin If affectin > 24 -> +9 affectin If she is yur girlfriend If
affectin < 24 -> -20 affectin If affectin > 24 -> +40 affectin If she is nt yur
girlfriend If affectin < 62, then -5 affectin If affectin > 62, then +16 affectin
and +5 study If she if yur girlfriend If affectin < 62, then -40 affectin If
affectin > 62, then +16 affectin and +8 study G t the park If she is nt yur
girlfriend If affectin < 80, then -5 affectin If affectin > 80, then +16 affectin
If she is yur girlfriend If affectin < 80, then -50 affectin If affectin > 80,
then +60 affectin Gift

If she is yur girlfriend Balln -> +8 affectin Chclate -> +14 affectin Rse ->
+22 affectin Teddy -> +34 affectin Bear -> +45 affectin Makeup -> +55
affectin Perfume -> +72 affectin Bracelet -> +89 affectin Necklace ->
+100 affectin If she is yur girlfriend Balln -> +8 affectin Chclate -> +14
affectin Rse -> +22 affectin Teddy -> +34 affectin Bear -> +45 affectin
Makeup -> +55 affectin Perfume -> 62 affectin Bracelet -> +70 affectin
Necklace -> +90 affectin If yu find her n the rf: Spend the afternn with her
-> +3 affectin Ask her t shw intimate parts If affectin < 123 -> -15 affectin
If affectin > 123 -> +5 affectin Spy n her: Bedrm: If affectin < 25 -> -15
affectin If affectin > 25 -> +3 affectin Bathrm: If affectin < 25 -> -15
affectin If affectin > 25 -> +5 affectin Sex Yu can bring her t date after
class in the cafeteria where yu can have sex with her after she became
yur girlfriend. Olivia Overview She is ne f the three teachers f the schl.
She seems quite shy at the beginning, and she is ne f thse yu didn t get
used t the islands rules and habits, since she wears quite cnservative
clthes, als she have her fiancé s ring t. S yu have t help her t turn int a gd
slut. Usually yu can find her at the teacher s rm after yur class, als in yur
class when yu have class with her. She appears in ther places in her
task. Affectin The exam: If yu fail -> -90 affectin If yu pass -> +10 affectin
In the schl when yu d grup study with her -> +5/10 affectin 17

If yu visit her after schl and chsed t spend time with her (then randm):
Spend the afternn with her -> +5 affectin Fuck her First time yu g t her
after she became yurs: Put yur ass up n the bed. -> +100 affectin Nt yet.
-> +100 affectin Sex Yu can g t her apartment in the afternn and have
sex with her. Miranda Overview Miranda is the dctr f the island, what s
mre, she is yur and yur family s persnal dctr. Of curse she is nt simply
that, but she is yur lver t. Yu can find her in the club at night, and she will
appear at varius events t. Affectin At the evening, yu g t the club, then
chse Miranda: Talk -> +5 affectin Flirt If affectin < 24 -> -5 affectin If
affectin > 24 -> +9 affectin Gift Balln -> +8 affectin Chclate -> +14 affectin
Rse -> +22 affectin Teddy -> +34 affectin Bear -> +45 affectin Makeup ->
+55 affectin Perfume -> +72 affectin Bracelet -> +89 affectin Necklace ->
+100 affectin Paula Overview Paula is ne f the student in the schl. She is
quite gd at sprt, specially in sccer but she als like t d phts (prbably
mdeling at pht shts t ). Yu can find her in the cafeteria in the schl after
class and ccasinally in the park at the schl after class. Affectin The exam:
If yu fail -> -70 affectin If yu pass -> +10 affectin G t the cafeteria in the
schl, and chse Paula: Talk -> +5 affectin Flirt If affectin < 24 -> -5 affectin
If affectin > 24 -> +9 affectin 18

Sprt -> +15 affectin If yu find her in the schl yard and talk with her -> +10
affectin Karina Overview Karina is ne f the student in the schl. She is
quite int yu, and she like playing squash t She als likes t g t the cinema,
but nt just fr the mvies... Yu can find her in the cafeteria in the schl after
class and ccasinally in the park at the schl after class. Affectin The exam:
If yu fail -> -80 affectin If yu pass -> +10 affectin G t the cafeteria in the
schl, and chse Paula: Talk -> +5 affectin Flirt If affectin < 24 -> -5 affectin
If affectin > 24 -> +9 affectin Sprt -> +15 affectin If yu find her in the schl
yard and talk with her -> +10 affectin G t the cinema with her After mvie
She likes the mvie -> +20 affectin She desn t like the mvie -> -20 affectin
VIP ticket Buy them Have enugh mney -> -30 affectin Dn t have enugh
mney -> +20 affectin Dn t buy them -> -30 affectin Maps There are tw
type f maps in the game, the city map and the map f each buildings and
rm (interir map). There are different icns in the map. The mst imprtant
icns are the arrw icns, with which yu can switch between map parts.
Beside thse, yu can see several icns which lead yu int each part f the
actual map, r int buildings. In the fllwing part, we ll check every part f the
city, hw can yu reach each part, what can yu find there. Interir f the
buildings shuld be quite easy if yu use the help. I use the ingame icns
and links t shw yu where each ne lead. 19

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