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a beverage

a mammal

an activity

a dessert

a body part

an occupation

a place where you

spend money

school supplies

a piece of clothing

a beverage

a mammal

an activity

a dessert

a body part

an occupation

a place where you

spend money

school supplies

a piece of clothing
Zadaj tyle pytan ile jest mozliwe:

Zosia starts to school at 7 o’clock on Mondays. (kto/co robi/o ktorej zaczyna/w jakie dni lub Kiedy)

My sister went to the park to walk my dog three days ago.

This skirt belongs to my aunt who lived in Manchester in 1990.

Emilia will buy the One Direction CD because she wants to find the autograph inside.

My parents got to school on foot when they were young.

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