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British Council Learn English

The best roommates

Comprehension Task Read the sentences and decide if they are true or false
according to the listening.

Fadi Olivia Johnny Magda Sarah

1. Fadi was born 1. Olivia comes 1. Johnny came 1. Magda has 1. Sarah never
in London. from Italy. to Britain two been in London eats English
FALSE years ago. for two months. food.

2. Fadi feels like 2. Olivia doesn’t 2. Johnny came 2. Magda 2. All of Sarah’s
he doesn't fit in in want to live to Britain to already has a friends come
London. FALSE anywhere apart work. FALSE degree. from China.
from London.
3. Fadi would like 3. Olivia is older 3. Johnny works 3. Magda has 3. Sarah studied
a better job. than most of her really hard. travelled all fine-art in
FALSE friends. TRUE around the Shanghai.
4. Fadi wouldn't 4. Olivia’s friends 4. Johnny 4. Magda has 4. Sarah came
like an office job. are always helping sometimes lots of money. to London to
TRUE her. works at the work.
5. Fadi's mum 5. Olivia runs a 5. Johnny earns 5. Money is not 5. At first, Sarah
wants Fadi to get small business. lots of money. very important found living in
married. TRUE for Magda. London difficult.
6. Fadi has lots of 6. The shoe shop 6. Johnny 6. Magda is sad 6. Sarah likes
girlfriends sells shoes for doesn’t like because she the museums
FALSE craftsmen. sports. FALSE misses her and galleries in
family. London.
7. Olivia would like 7. Johnny’s 7. Magda likes 7. Sarah met her
to spend less time favourite football going to friend Olivia in
in her shop. team is from museums with Tony’s Café.
Manchester. Olivia.
8. Olivia likes 8. Johnny would 8. Magda likes 8. Sarah writes
reading, going to like to go back the weather in pieces for a
the cinema and to China in ten London. magazine about
playing tennis in years. Chinese life in
the park. FALSE the UK.

9. Olivia’s nephew
Joe is polite and
well behaved.

Comprehension Task Multiple Choice - Harry

1. Where was Harry born? a. Kingston, Jamaica. b. London, England. c. Paris, France.

2. How old is Harry? a. 23 b. 24 c. 25

3. What is Harry’s job? a. Computer programmer b. Computer salesman c. IT Systems


4. Why does Harry like his job? a. It is very well paid. b. It never gets boring. c. It is very

5. What does Harry like doing in his free time? a. Going to the gym / Going to the cinema /
Playing football b. Going to the gym / Playing football / Listening to music c. Playing
football / Going to the pub / Listening to music

6. How does Harry get to work? a. By car b. On foot c. By bike

7. What sorts of music does Harry like? a. Hip Hop and R’n’B b. Rap and Metal c. Dance
and Garage

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