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How blockchain

is revolutionizing
supply chain
Paul Brody
EY Global Innovation Leader, Blockchain

1 How blockchain revolutionizes

supply chain management

2 The power of a blockchain-

enabled supply chain

3 Integrating blockchain into

your supply chain doesn’t
need to be complex
How blockchain revolutionizes
supply chain management
Nearly all of the world’s leading companies their own issues, as they are often out of
run computerized enterprise resource sync and move data only one stop down
planning (ERP) and supply chain the supply chain. The result: inventory
management software. From connected that seems to be in two places at once.
manufacturing equipment to digital
These systems were created for an era of
shipping notices and RFID scanning,
big, vertically integrated companies with
products are tracked on computerized
large, but mostly static supply chains.
systems from their earliest origins,
They were very relevant 30 years ago,
often all the way to the recycling bin.
but not so much today.
Yet despite this huge investment in digital
infrastructure, most companies have only The advent of huge,
limited visibility and insight into where all dynamic ecosystems
their products are at any given moment.
Two big transformations have swept
The culprit, in most cases, is the analog through global supply chains recently.
gaps that exist between systems within First, supply chains are no longer
enterprises and across enterprise traditional networks of OEMs and
boundaries. Production may be recorded suppliers. Now they are vast ecosystems,
digitally, but the moment it moves to with many product variants moving
shipping, a PDF document is created for through multiple parties, all trying
the shipping label that is little more than a to coordinate work together. It’s not
software copy of a printout. The shipment uncommon for a single company to
may have its own digital number, but that have multiple contract manufacturers,
number tells you where the box is and who all drawing upon a similar supplier
signed for it, not what is actually in the box. network and feeding a range of
And so on down the road: oceans of digital distribution models, from traditional retail
data but only islands of useful information. stores to online consignment services.
This is not a new problem, and companies Secondly, supply chains and operations
using systems like electronic data have become increasingly dynamic.
interchange (EDI) and XML messaging try Product lifecycles are shorter, and
to maintain information continuity across ramp-up and ramp-down periods
system and enterprise boundaries. But are more intense.
point-to-point messaging systems have

2 | How blockchain is revolutionizing supply chain management

“At its most basic level, the core logic of blockchains
means that no piece of inventory can exist in the
same place twice.”

Paul Brody
EY Global Innovation Blockchain Leader

Even as supply chains have transformed, across the network, and each participant supplier, but what all your partners do as
companies have not updated the verifies the work and calculations of others. well? With a blockchain-based solution,
underlying technology for managing them This enormous amount of redundancy and you can calculate the exact volume
in decades. With blockchain technology, crosschecking is why financial solutions like discount based on total purchasing. You
companies can rebuild their approach bitcoin are so secure and reliable, even as can mathematically prove the calculation
to supply chain management at the they synchronize hundreds of thousands is correct. And you can do so even
ecosystem level and go from islands of of transactions across thousands of while preserving the privacy of each
insight to an integrated global view. network nodes every week. company’s individual volumes.

Trustworthy truth without The core logic of blockchain, Promising pilots

trusted intermediaries applied to the supply chain The added transparency offers proof
Everyone loves to hate middlemen, but Apply that same security and about how goods were sourced and
it turns out they are really useful. Until redundancy to something like inventory, how they comply with regulations. The
the advent of bitcoin and blockchain and substitute supply chain partners physical, financial, and digital information
technology, the only way you could get a for banking nodes, and you have is brought together in one platform
large number of entities to agree upon a the foundation for a radically new to reveal sources of value leakage —
shared, truthful set of data, such as who approach to supply chain management. from everyday inefficiencies to fraud
has what bank balance, was to appoint and abuse — and helps you hone new
The use cases for this new way of working strategies to combat them.
an impartial intermediary to process and
are compelling. At its most basic level,
account for all transactions. Blockchains Blockchains are still new technology,
the core logic of blockchains means that
make it possible for ecosystems of business but the early results EY is seeing in pilots
no piece of inventory can exist in the same
partners to share and agree upon key with clients suggest big benefits and the
place twice. Move a product from finished
pieces of information. But they can do it opportunity to recast how we approach
goods to in-transit, and that transaction
without having to appoint an intermediary these problems, from point-to-point
status will be updated for everyone,
and deal with all the complex negotiations integration to ecosystem-level thinking.
everywhere, within minutes, with full
and power plays that come with setting We expect to see significant strategic
traceability back to the point of origin.
the rules before handing over really transformations and fairly quick tactical
critical business information. Instead of Do you want to negotiate procurement returns as these solutions gain traction.
having a central intermediary, blockchains deals based on total ecosystem I’ll examine both areas in more detail
synchronize all data and transactions volume — not just what you buy from a later in this series.

This article was originally published in Digitalist Magazine on August 23, 2017.

How blockchain is revolutionizing supply chain management | 3

The power of a blockchain-enabled
supply chain
Through blockchains, companies gain a benefits. Large businesses can have
real-time digital ledger of transactions dozens of professionals spending days
and movements for all participants in and nights to audit each one to add
their supply chain network. But don’t let up all the gains they’re supposed to
the simplicity of the tool overshadow how receive. (For example, EY assisted a
transformational it is. The benefits to be large consumer goods company that
gained will save you time, money, and had 60 people devoted to this task.) But
effort on several fronts — and have the blockchains do this work without the staff
potential to redefine how you do business. and without any added time, eliminating
the extra price-verification process.
Procurement: more visibility
and more savings Data and analytics: better data,
Companies negotiate procurement better outcomes
discounts based on the total number The oldest phrase in computing is
of purchases they drive. Your business “garbage in, garbage out” — and
may ask other people to do purchasing nowhere does that apply more
on your behalf, but the consequence is strongly and more expensively than
that it’s hard to keep track of the volume in supply chain management. To
you drive across subsidiaries, business compensate for uncertainty in how
partners, and everyone else in your much product or material is in different
supply chain network. locations — how much actual demand
there has been in a period of time —
Blockchains make that simple. With a
companies put in extra inventory.
constantly refreshed digital ledger that
incorporates data from all your relevant And while that inventory is often
partners, your company can see the cheaper than a lost sale, it’s far from
total volume regardless of who directed free. In the technology industry, it is
the purchase activity — without each often estimated that keeping $1 of
user having to share its operational inventory costs 20 cents to 40 cents
data with the others. per year, when you account for both
the cost of capital and the rapid
Without a blockchain, companies hire
depreciation of technology products.
many people to audit their orders
to capture these volume-purchase

4 | How blockchain is revolutionizing supply chain management

“Through blockchains, companies gain a real-time
digital ledger of transactions and movements for
all participants in their supply chain network. But
don’t let the simplicity of the tool overshadow how
transformational it is.”

Paul Brody
EY Global Innovation Blockchain Leader

With blockchains, through the ability Smart contracts to end costly Putting a stop to the rogues
to track and manage resources at the procure-to-pay gaps Blockchains give these supply chain
ecosystem level, the payoff should networks the chance to create one
The result is a ridiculous and insanely
be much greater accuracy and, from shared truth without one all-powerful,
expensive dance as suppliers politely
there, better forecasts, and the centralized intermediary. Each
call and nudge customers to pay, while
need for less inventory to maintain participant has a copy of the ledger,
customers aim to cash in on the float
the same service level. and all transactions and movements are
by entering and processing invoices
at a snail’s pace and occasionally part of that ledger. If any participant
Digital contracts and payments “losing” them. Blockchains can put tries to game the system or perpetrate
The average U.S. Fortune 100 company an end to that by integrating delivery fraud, that company is manipulating
has more than 60 days of sales and payment in digital contracts that only its ledger and is immediately out
outstanding. That’s how long it takes for flow across enterprises and integrate of sync with the rest of the ecosystem,
companies to get paid after completing with logistics partners and banks. a powerful deterrent to bad behavior.
a task or delivering a product in the real
Using smart contracts, where the terms Sounds good, right? So what’s the catch?
world. What’s odd about this statistic
are payable upon receipt, a proof of You may be thinking that the blockchain
is that nearly all these companies are
delivery from a logistics carrier will is yet another “solution” in a long line
interacting with each other in contracts
immediately trigger automatic digital of others you’ve purchased, and that
that specify payment upon receipt or,
invoicing and payments through the you’re not ready to rip everything up and
at most, within 30 days.
banking system, with no analog gap start again. The good news: you don’t
The gap between contracts and reality between customer and supplier. The have to. I’ll discuss how you can seize
comes because payments, though result has the potential to radically upon the supply chain of the future in
themselves digital, are separated reduce working capital requirements and the last article in this series.
from contact performance by an dramatically simplify finance operations,
“analog gap.” That is, work is done with a direct impact to the bottom line.
and invoices are generated, which
are emailed to customers, who,
in turn, enter them manually and
decide when and how to pay them.

This article was originally published in Digitalist Magazine on August 30, 2017.

How blockchain is revolutionizing supply chain management | 5

Integrating blockchain into your supply chain
doesn’t need to be complex
Better visibility into procurement, more Plugging into your existing
accurate and reliable data for analytics, infrastructure
and increased trust among all participants
The blockchain essentially functions
in your supply chain network are some of
as a layer supplementing your existing
the benefits of adding blockchain to your
enterprise resource planning (ERP)
infrastructure. But how much will it disrupt
software. You can still see your existing
your current way of doing business?
user interface and business process. But
You may be understandably wary about
now, when you look at inventory, you see
the costs and potential turmoil behind
everyone else’s alongside your own. And
yet another piece of technology.
instead of a placeholder of a price, the
It’s important to clarify that the actual price based on the consumption of
blockchain isn’t merely a prerequisite your supply chain network is available.
piece of software to buy. As an
Done properly, a blockchain installation
integrative technology, its underlying
slots into your workflow without
logic and processes force data to become
disruption, so it can feel like you’re not
synchronized — and that allows companies
really leaving your existing infrastructure.
to capture the broad benefits I described
The installation will likely not be as simple
in Part 2 of this series. So don’t think of
as a “one-size-fits-all” approach; it’s
it as a hurdle or just another program
more like three sizes, depending on your
to learn that needs to be integrated
current infrastructure and the smaller
into your current system. It’s actually
partners you may need to set up.
the opposite: a solution to your
current fragmented infrastructure.

6 | How blockchain is revolutionizing supply chain management

“It’s important to clarify that the blockchain isn’t merely
a prerequisite piece of software to buy. It’s actually
the opposite: a solution to your current fragmented

Paul Brody
EY Global Innovation Blockchain Leader

To accommodate your other partners, How blockchain works in real life: under negotiated pricing agreements.
the blockchain can be built into a Web the ROI It’s possible that cost savings just from
interface to use, also relying on electronic
What does adding blockchain capabilities reduced auditing could cover your entire
data interchange (EDI) connectors.
look like in the real world instead of blockchain investment — but you’re also
These connectors take the messages
just the abstract? EY helped a global getting so much more. In an increasingly
from disparate systems — such as when
manufacturer leverage blockchain globalized world, with the speed of
inventory departs one warehouse
technology in its existing environment business accelerating and data swirling
and ends up in another that operates
to solve compliance issues for its all around us, it’s worth exploring your
under a different platform — and
procurement/direct-buy processes. blockchain options with a trusted advisor.
bring them together.
These issues stemmed from third-party,
Professional services firms and software pass-through pricing from its suppliers
companies have made significant to contract manufacturers, in which
investments into developing blockchain audits revealed that the correct
capabilities and resources, with the pricing was not used, requiring
goal of making the process as seamless time-consuming reconciliation efforts.
as possible. For instance, EY recently
We conducted a proof of concept
introduced EY Ops Chain, our in-house
demonstrating the features required to
suite of applications and services built
manage a contract manufacturer supply
on open-source blockchain components.
chain under a blockchain. Then it was
The result is that, as an enterprise
a matter of expanding it across their
IT organization, you increasingly
network, reducing value leakage and
have more options to choose from,
eliminating the costly price verification
with your convenience paramount.
process that was eating into the savings

This article was originally published in Digitalist Magazine on September 6, 2017.

How blockchain is revolutionizing supply chain management | 7

EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory
About EY
EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory
services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build
trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies
the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to
deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing,
we play a critical role in building a better working world for our
people, for our clients and for our communities.
About Paul Brody EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or
Paul Brody is global innovation more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited,
blockchain leader at EY. Paul is each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global
responsible for driving EY’s initiatives Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not
and investments in blockchain, playing a provide services to clients. For more information about our
dual role as global innovation blockchain organization, please visit
leader as well the Americas strategy
© 2017 EYGM Limited.
leader for the technology sector. He
All Rights Reserved.
has extensive experience in the areas
of IoT, supply chain, and operations EYG no. 05344-173Gbl
and business strategy. BMC Agency
GA 1005915
ED None
As published on Digitalist Magazine by SAP
August 23, 2017 — September 6, 2017 In line with EY’s commitment to minimize its impact on the environment,
this document has been printed on paper with a high recycled content.
blockchain-and-supply-chain This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is
not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax or other professional advice.
Please refer to your advisors for specific advice.

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