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To calculate the thickness of shell, when given Inside Daimeter

(UG 27)
Pressure (P) (psi) 8.5
Stress (S) 13800
Effecincy (E) 0.85
Radius (R) (inches) 39.3
Thikness (t) 0.028490648107873

To calculate for Pressure of shell, when given Inside Daimeter

(UG 27)

Thikness (t) 0.389013605

Stress (S) 15000
Effecincy (E) 1
Radius (R) 11.437
Pressure (P) 499.999999443036

To calculate for Thickness of shell, when given Outside Daimeter

(Appendix 1)

Pressure (P) 600

Stress (S) 15000
Effecincy (E) 0.8
Radius (R) 11.437
Thikness (t)

To calculate for Pressure of shell, when given Outside Daimeter

(Appendix 1)

Thickness (t) 0.5605

Stress (S) 15000
Effeceincy (E) 0.8
Radius 11.437

???E 2

Pressure (P)

To calculate for Thickness of Elipsoidal head , when given Minor Axis

equals One-fourth of the inside diameter of the head skirt (UG 32 d)

(P) =Internal Design Pressure. 8

(D) =Inside Diameter of the head skirt. 39.3
(S) =Stress. 13800
(E) =Lowest Efficiency of any joint in the head 0.85
(t) =Minimum required thickness of head

To calculate for Pressure of Elipsoidal head , when given Minor Axis

equals One-fourth of the inside diameter of the head skirt (UG 32 d)

(t) =Minimum required thickness of head 0.385

(D) =Inside Diameter of the head skirt. 23
(S) =Stress. 15000
(E) =Lowest Efficiency of any joint in the head 1
(P) =Internal Design Pressure.

To calculate for Thickness of Torispherical head , when given Knuckle

Radius is >6% of the inside crown radius & the inside radius > the OD
of the skirt (UG 32 e).

(P) = Internal design pressure 500

(L) = Inside spherical or crown radius 12.125
(M)= L/r, A factor in the formulas for
Toresphericals (or from table 1-4.2) 1.43
(S) =Stress. 15000
(E) =Lowest Efficiency of any joint in the head 1
(r) = Inside Knuckle radius 1.625
(t) =Minimum required thickness of head
L/r 7.46153846153846
M from table 1-4.2 is 1.43 1.43

???E 3

To calculate the thickness of shell, when given

Inside Daimeter (UG 27)

PxR 334.05
SE-Px0.6 11724.9
PR/SE-0.6P = (thickness mm) 0.7250869943454

To calculate for Pressure of shell, when given

Inside Daimeter (UG 27)

SxExt 5835.204075
R + t x 0.6 11.670408163
SEt/R+tx0.6 (psi) 499.99999944304

To calculate for Thickness of shell, when given

Outside Daimeter (Appendix 1)

P x R 6862.2
SxE 12000
0.4P 240
SE + 0.4P 12240
PR/SE+0.4P (mm) 14.268218137255

To calculate for Pressure of shell, when given

Outside Daimeter (Appendix 1)

SxE x t 6726

???E 4

0.4t 0.2242
R - 0.4t 11.2128
SEt/R-0.4P (Pressure psi) 599.85017123288

To calculate for Thickness of Elipsoidal head , when given Minor Axis

equals One-fourth of the inside diameter of the head skirt (UG 32 d)

PxD 314.4
2 SE-0.2P 23452.14
PD/2SE-0.2P (mm) 0.341183363224

To calculate for Pressure of Elipsoidal head , when given Minor Axis

equals One-fourth of the inside diameter of the head skirt (UG 32 d)

2SEt 11550
D + 0.2t 23.077
2SEt/D+0.2t (psi) 500.49833167223

To calculate for Thickness of Torispherical head , when given Knuckle

Radius is 6% of the inside crown radius & the inside radius equals the
OD of the skirt (UG 32 e).

PLM 8669.375
2SE-0.2P 29900
PLM/2SE-0.2P (mm) 7.0891711956522

???E 5

inches mm
1 inch 25.45
1/2 12.73
1/4 6.36
1/8 3.18
1/16 1.59
1/32 0.80
1/64 0.40

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