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Erik Erikson

Erik Erikson envisions life as a sequence of levels of achievement. Each

stage signals a task that must be achieved. The resolution of the task can be
complete, partial or unsuccessful. Erikson believes that the greater the task
achievement, the healthier the personality of the person; failure to achieve a task
influences the person’s ability to achieve the next task. These devlopmental tasks
can be viewed as a series of crisis and succesful resolution of these crises is
suportive to the peson’s ego. Our patient is at the stage of adulthod with a central
task of generativity vs. stagnation.

Generativity is manifested by creativity, productivity and concern for others

while stagnation is represened by self-indlgence, self-concern, lack of interests an

Our patient was able to achieved her task of generativity against stagnation
because other than establishing a family and being a businesswoman, she was able
to perform her responsibilities as a moher to her children and a wife to her husband.
She attends to her children’s needs especially in waking them up and preparing their
their things for school. She also finds time to shop and unwind with her family by
going to the park at least twice a month. According to her, working with different
types of people in their tailoring business awakens her patience, concern and ability
to build a good relationship with others.

Robert Havighurst

Robert Havighurst believed that learning is basic to life and that people continue
to learn throughout life. He defines a developmental task as a task which arises at or
about a certain period in the life of an individual, successful achievement of these
tasks leads to his happiness and to success and later tasks, while failure leads to
unhappiness in the individual, disapproval by society and difficulty in later tasks.

Mrs. MTB, a 44 year old female, belongs to the Middle Age stage of
Havighurst’s developmental task theory. According to this theory, the following task
must be achieved to attain happiness and success of later tasks.
Achieving civic and Our client has achieved her civic
social responsibility resposibility by practicing her right to
vote and abiding to the city
governance rules and regulations.
She also pays their business tax
regularly. Although she is not active
on the activities in their community
such as GKK, she was able to give
contribution or donation needed for
those activities.
Establishing and Our client and her husband has a
monitoring economic tailoring business with an estimated
status income of 150,000-200,000 annually
which is enough for their family
expenses including the education of
their children. They make sure that
they spend their money according to
their priorities such as food, and
other expenses for living.
Assisting teenage Our patient has not yet achhieved
children to become this task since her eldest child is just
responsible and happy 11 years old. Although her daughter
adults is not considered a teen, she orients
her on what to expect and on what
behaviors and attitudes to adjust as
she enters adolescence.
Adult leisure time Mrs. MTB spends her leisure time in
watching films, buying groceries and
shopping. She also alot her vacant
time for family affairs such as going
to the park or shopping with the
family at least twice a month.
Relates oneself to one’s According to her, she and her
spouse as a person husband help each other in their
business. Although there are some
problems, she would always
confront his husband on that
matters. She also respects her
husbands decisions as long as it is
for the good of their family.
Accepting and adjusting At the age of 44, our client was
to the physiologic somewhat aware of the physiologic
changes changes that would happen as age
advances. Unlike before, she can
bear standing and walking for a long
period of time but now she always
prefer sitting or staying at one place.
She also observed that she feels
tired more often than beforewen she
was at late 20’s.
Adjusting to aging According to her, her parents are
parents situated somewhere in Albay. She
and her husband provides financial
support to them when they needed
so. What they would suakyy ask
from them is to see their
grandchildren that’s why they visit
them at least twice a year.

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