tdt1 Task 1 Erica Disarno

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Erica DiSarno

Student ID: 001423486

Mentor: Kasey Scott
TDT1- Task 1

Website Design

For my website I chose to use Weebly. I had help from a video on Linkedin, until I got

the hang of how to use it (Quigley, A). The first this I did was choose a theme option. I chose a

business layout out so I could have different pages that would be easy to navigate to. I also felt

like it had a clean look that would not be overwhelming to users. After I choose my theme I

created the home page by clicking on the build tab. I found a cactus banner that matched my

classroom theme online and placed is as the banner image the user will see when they first go to

the website (Konchtis, A). Once I inserted the image, I was able to edit it to place a text over it. I

created two lines of text. The first line of text is a size thirty-three black font that says, Welcome

to.” I chose the font Helvetica because it looks clean and is readable. The second line is also

Helvetica font in black. It is size fifty-one font that says, “Miss DiSarno’s Class.” I made this

bigger, so the user knows it is my website. I centered the font over the picture. I added a

background color to the picture by clicking on edit background color. I inserted the image and

them changed the color background to match the picture.

Once I completed the home page, I worked on the pages by clicking pages at the top of

the screen. I labeled the first page home. This will take users to the home page. This was a

setting already created. The second page I titled as, “Agenda.” I decided to have a page with the

agenda so my students and parents could see what is going on each week. I can also link

homework pages as needed. The third page I titled, “Tech Tips.” Since I am teaching virtually

this year, I thought this page would be great to have so I can push out tip for parents and students
for any issues my students may run into. The last page I titled, “Contact.” This will contain all

ways to contact me. This page will also contact information about ClassDojo rewards. ClassDojo

is a classroom management tool that I use. The number of pages was already created. I changed

the names of them. Once I had the pages I wanted, I clicked on the theme button to edit the font

of the navigation bar that has the page links. Under main navigation I chose the font Folks Light

with the default style. I life the size on auto. The weight I left on regular. I then changed the

letter spacing of two, so the navigation bar had enough space between each word. On each page I

also created a header. The header is a green rectangle to match the home page. The title of the

page is located on each header. Each title has a large white font that is centered. After doing

these steps I previewed my website to see if it worked. I also checked if it worked on my phone.

Both were successful.


Konchtis, A. (2019). Watercolor Seamless Border of Green Cactuses. Endless Header with

Tropical Plants and Pink Flowers. [Electronic]. Adobe Stock.

Quigley, A. (2014, December 22). Create a Quick Class Website. Linkedin.

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