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3, AUGUST 2013 2679

Coordinated Optimal Design of Inverter Controllers

in a Micro-Grid With Multiple Distributed
Generation Units
Chengshan Wang, Yan Li, Student Member, IEEE, Ke Peng, Bowen Hong, Zhen Wu, and Chongbo Sun

Abstract—For a droop-controlled micro-grid, it is essential to de- Coefficient of th droop control.

sign the droop coefficients for the inverter controllers in a rational
way since they have great influences on the operation characteris- Numbers of , .
tics of the system. In this paper, a novel approach based on matrix
perturbation theory is proposed for the coordinated optimization Constant matrices only related to .
of the droop coefficients in inverter controllers. Rigorous pertur-
bation analysis is applied to the droop coefficients to identify their Constant matrices only related to .
influence on the system state matrix. Furthermore, the increments
of the eigensolutions are obtained based on the matrix perturba-
Constant matrices uncorrelated with any
tion theory and are then utilized in the iterative parameter-opti- droop coefficient.
mization process. An eigenvalue-based objective function is pro-
posed, aimed at ensuring the stability of the system, enhancing the
damping characteristics, and maintaining the stability margin for Constant matrices uncorrelated with any
a wide range of operating conditions. Finally, the effectiveness and droop coefficient.
robustness of the proposed approach are tested via a low-voltage
micro-grid prototype. Objective function.
Index Terms—Distributed generation (DG), droop control, ma- Number of operation scenarios.
trix perturbation, micro-grid, optimal design.
Weight coefficient of the th operation
NOMENCLATURE Real and imaginary parts of the th
eigenvalue in the th operation scenario.
Real asymmetric matrix.
Damping ratio of the th eigenvalue in the
Positive definite matrix.
th operation scenario.
th generalized eigenvalue. Given damping ratio threshold.
th generalized right eigenvector.
Given real part threshold of eigenvalue.
Transpose of the th generalized left Weight coefficients of different parts in the
objective function for the th operation
Kronecker sign. scenario.
State variables. Positive constants.
Algebraic variables.
Control variables.
Coefficient of th droop control.
M ICRO-GRID has attracted increasing attention as an
effective means of integrating distributed generation
(DG) units into the power systems [1]–[5]. A micro-grid is
defined as an independent low- or medium-voltage distribution
Manuscript received May 12, 2012; revised October 15, 2012 and January network comprising various DG units, energy-storage units,
02, 2013; accepted February 02, 2013. Date of publication March 06, 2013; power-electronic interfaces, controllable loads, and monitoring
date of current version July 18, 2013. This work was supported in part by
the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) under Grant and protection devices [1], [2].
2009CB219700 and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under A micro-grid can be operated in either grid-connected or
Grant 51261130473. Paper no. TPWRS-00492-2012. islanded mode [1], [2]. In grid-connected mode, the control
The authors are with the Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Edu-
cation, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072 China (e-mail:; objective is to achieve power-flow regulation at the point of;;; wuzhen@tju. common coupling (PCC), which can be realized by the power; control of DG inverters [3], [6]. In islanded mode, the control
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at objective is to maintain the voltage amplitude and frequency of
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2013.2245922 the micro-grid at acceptable levels while achieving reasonable

0885-8950/$31.00 © 2013 IEEE


power sharing. The control schemes for islanded operation coordinated optimization of droop coefficients. As an efficient
can be classified into two main groups with regard to the method for the calculation and reanalysis of eigensolutions,
use of intercommunication wires [3], [6]–[8]. The first one is matrix perturbation theory aims to describe variations of a
based on active load-sharing technique, such as centralized, system’s characteristics in small-signal stability under pertur-
master–slave, average load sharing, and circular chain control bations of structure parameters. Nowadays, it is widely used
[6]–[8]. For these control schemes, critical intercommunication in electromagnetic problems, structure dynamics, automation
wires are needed among modules. The second one is mainly control, and vibration problems [14]–[17]. Compared with
based on the droop method, in which intercommunication other methods of solving eigenvalue problems, such as the
links are not required. Droop controllers, which emulate the QR algorithm, the matrix perturbation technique adopted in
conventional parallel operation characteristics of synchronous this paper possesses the following many advantages [14]–[17].
generators, are adopted as power sharing controllers for dis- First, the eigensolutions can be easily obtained with satisfactory
patchable DG units [5]. The droop strategy has attracted great accuracy under a perturbation of control parameters. Therefore,
attention in micro-grid operation because of its advantages. there is no need to repeatedly solve the eigenvalue problem
Considering that droop control strategy can be used in either of the modified system. Second, the manner and degree of the
grid-connected or islanded mode, transitions of control strate- droop coefficients’ influence on the structure characteristics
gies for DG units are not needed when the operation mode of of the micro-grid can be investigated in detail through param-
a micro-grid changes. In addition, not only the power between eter perturbation analysis. Third, the modifications of critical
dispatchable DG units can be adjusted efficiently [5], but also eigenvalues can be analyzed intuitively, simplifying analysis
DG units can be located far away from each other to improve on parameter changes in parameter-optimization process. Last
the geographic coverage of a micro-grid [3], [9]. but not least, approximated sensitivities of eigensolutions can
Although the fast response of power electronic devices be provided as by products, enabling analysis on sensitivity
enables flexible micro-grid control, their low-inertia interfaces and mode.
make the micro-grid sensitive to disturbances [10]. Therefore, The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section II
it is necessary to investigate the stability of inverter-dominated introduces the basic first-order perturbation theory of eigenso-
micro-grid [10]–[13]. Previous research in [4] and [7] have lutions.Section III describes a perturbation analysis of droop
shown that a large range of dynamic modes can be observed coefficients in DG inverters. Section IV presents the objective
in a micro-grid. The reason for this is the timescale separation function and calculation flowchart for the coordinated optimiza-
between different inverter control loops. These researches have tion process. Numerical examples are provided in Section V,
also indicated that high-frequency modes are dominated by which verify the proposed approach. Conclusions are drawn in
the current controllers and LCL filters, whereas low-frequency Section VI.
modes are dominated by the power controllers. Further anal-
ysis of participation factors has indicated that the dominant II. MATRIX PERTURBATION THEORY
low-frequency modes are influenced primarily by the active Consider the finite-dimensional matrix pair , assume
power controller, particularly by the droop coefficient. that the generalized eigenvalue problem of complex modes is
In [10]–[13], the impacts of droop coefficients on micro-grid described as follows [15]–[17]:
stability were studied extensively from the viewpoints of limit
cases, root locus, sensitivity analysis, and bifurcation theory. (1)
Previous works have demonstrated that, with relatively larger
droop coefficients, the output power of droop-controlled DG
units will be more sensitive to fluctuations of frequency or where and satisfy the orthogonal normalization
voltage in a micro-grid. This contributes to a fast transient conditions:
response and small frequency/voltage deviations. However,
overlarge droop coefficients may cause overlimit power output (2)
or eventually lead to system instability. On the other hand, with
relatively smaller droop coefficients, the output power of the Theorem 1: If is an eigenvalue of with the mul-
DG units will be less sensitive to fluctuations in frequency or tiplicity , the eigensolutions of the perturbed system
voltage. It will worsen the transient response and will cause are given in the following form [15],
larger frequency/voltage deviations, which may exceed the [17]:
regulated range. Therefore, it is essential to select proper droop
coefficients to maintain system performance in disturbances. (3)
In previous work, the coordinated optimization process for (4)
droop coefficients requires to solve an eigenvalue problem (5)
repeatedly, which is extremely tedious and time-consuming.
Furthermore, such a method poses difficulties in studying the where , , and are the eigensolutions of the original
manner and degree of the parameters’ influence on system system, , , and are the first-order perturbations of
dynamics [14], [15]. To overcome these limitations, a novel ap- eigensolutions, , , are the second-order perturbations
proach based on matrix perturbation theory is proposed for the of eigensolutions, and so on. Matrix perturbation analysis for

distinct eigenvalues and for multiple eigenvalues has been in- under perturbations of the droop coefficients. Note that all of the
troduced in detail in [15]–[17]. Since the eigensolutions can be changed elements are linear functions of the droop coefficients.
obtained with satisfactory accuracy by using the first-order per- Therefore, , , and can be generally represented as
turbations in this paper, the second-order and higher order per-
turbations items in (3)–(5) can be omitted. Only distinct eigen-
values will be analyzed in the following numerical examples,
so the perturbation theory for multiple eigenvalues is not intro- (11)
duced here. For further details, please refer to [15]–[17].
According to Theorem 1, substituting the eigensolutions of
the perturbed system into (1), equating coefficients of the same (12)
power of , and combining with (2), the first-order perturbations
of distinct eigensolutions can be described as follows [15]–[17]:

Using (11)–(13), can be expressed as


(8) (14)

where in (6)–(8). where , , , , , and are given by

In a micro-grid, the comprehensive analysis on DG units, in- (17)
verters, load and network has shown that their mathematical
models can be generally expressed in state equations and alge-
braic equations [18]–[20]. Therefore, a micro-grid with multiple (19)
DG units can be described by a set of differential and algebraic (20)
equations [18]–[20]

In (14), it can be clearly observed that the state matrix is con-

(9) structed in the form of a combination of droop coefficients, in-
cluding its first-order items, its second-order items, and the cross
Rigorous physical analysis shows that is nonsingular. The product items, excluding any other forms. This matrix structure
small-signal stability feature of a micro-grid is governed by the is determined by the characteristics of the droop control system
eigenvalues of the state matrix for DG inverters.
In (14), when a perturbation is introduced in the droop coeffi-
(10) cients, , will change from , to and
, respectively. Accordingly, the state matrix will change
where and are matrices of partial derivatives of state from to . Then, according to Theorem
variables, and and are matrices of partial derivatives of 1, the increments of eigenvalues and eigenvectors can be calcu-
algebraic variables. lated by the first-order perturbations , , .
In order to study the small-signal stability feature of a micro- The above analysis gives a fast direct solution for eigenso-
grid and to further reveal the manner and degree of the droop lutions under perturbations in the droop coefficients. The ap-
coefficients’ influence on the state matrix, it is necessary to an- proximated solutions to the perturbed eigenvalue problem can
alyze the construction characteristics of the state matrix . be computationally attractive, since the eigensolutions will be
Detailed analysis shows that the elements of , , and in obtained with much less effort than that based on the conven-
are implicit functions of the droop coefficients, whereas tional eigensolution methods such as QR algorithm. In addi-
is uncorrelated with any droop coefficient [20]. Expressions tion to the fast computation characteristics, this approach can be
of matrix elements indicate that only a few elements will change easily combined with coordinated optimization of parameters.


A. Objective Function in Coordinated Optimization

The eigenvalue-based objective function in

Fig. 1. Flowchart of the proposed parameter-optimization algorithm.

(21) the State Matrix according to (14). Subsequently, Eigensolu-

is proposed to optimize the droop coefficients in the terms of tions in the initial condition are solved by the QR algorithm,
small signal stability of a micro-grid under various operating and the initial value of the Objective Function is calculated.
conditions. In (21), the weight coefficient of operation sce- Parameter-variation Threshold Settings is used to set the
nario will increase if the probability of the operation sce- maximum variations of parameters in each iterative step. The
nario is increased. consists of the following three parts. method will be presented in Section V. Parameter Optimization
1) represents the terms consisting of eigenvalues with a solves the minimization problem with constraints by sequential
positive real part when the system is unstable. is given quadratic programming (SQP) [21]. In order to use the SQP
as follows: algorithm, the objective function is expanded as Taylor series
at the previous step, which is shown as follows:

In (22), is a quadratic function of , which ensures

that the influence of an eigenvalue with positive real part on
is positively correlated with its real part. , an empirical
parameter, has a relatively larger value, making play a (25)
more important role in than and .
2) represents the terms consisting of eigenvalues whose where and are Jacobin and Hessian
damping ratios are less than . is given as follows: matrices of the droop coefficients at the previous step. The ele-
ments of the above matrices are all calculated based on the in-
crements of eigensolutions obtained in Section III. Taking the
element in as an example, its expres-
sion is given in
In (23), is a quadratic function of , which ensures
that the smaller damping ratio the eigenvalue has, the more
critical role it plays in . is also an empirical parameter
and is generally much smaller than in (22).
3) represents the terms consisting of eigenvalues with a
real part larger than . is given as follows:


In (24), is a quadratic function of , which ensures

that the smaller real part the eigenvalue has, the less im-
portant effect it has on . is similar to in (23).
Note that the parameters , , and and the weight co-
B. Parameter-Optimization Process efficients are all functions of the droop coeffi-
The computational flowchart of the coordinated optimization cients.
of droop coefficients is shown in Fig. 1. Based on the Jacobin matrix obtained by the first-order per-
In Fig. 1, Modeling and Initialization includes micro-grid turbations, the Hessian matrix can be calculated subsequently,
components modeling, power-flow calculation, state variables and the SQP algorithm can be employed to seek the minimum
initialization, and determination of optimization iteration value of the objective function. Then, with the optimized in-
number. Matrix Perturbation Component Construction obtains crements and , Parameter Updating and Objective
the matrices according to (15)–(20), which are used to obtain Value Updating are carried out.

Fig. 3. Comparison of eigenvalues near the imaginary axis for the micro-grid.

Fig. 2. Benchmark low-voltage micro-grid network.

Fig. 4. Changes of the critical eigenvalues during optimization.

The optimization process will be terminated when the value

of the objective function is zero or the iteration number reaches
the maximum allowable value. If one of these criteria is sat-
isfied, then stop, or else go to Parameter-variation Threshold

The 0.4-kV, 50-Hz micro-grid prototype shown in Fig. 2
is used to test and verify the proposed approach. Parameters
of this micro-grid are provided in [22]. The testing system
includes three categories of DG units, namely nondispatchable
DG (Photovoltaic (PV) [23]), dispatchable DG (Micro-turbine Fig. 5. Objective value in the parameter optimization process.
(MT) [24]), and dispatchable distributed energy storage (Bat-
tery [25]). Among these DG units, all five dispatchable units in this case as the parameter-variation threshold in each iterative
are operated with droop control as shown in the Appendix, step.
whereas the three PV units are controlled via a maximum power There are 135 state variables in the system. During the itera-
point tracking strategy [23]. These DG units are integrated into tive process, only those eigenvalues which are dominated re-
the system through voltage source inverters. In this case, three markably by the droop coefficients, i.e., the lower frequency
typical operation scenarios are considered in the parameter-op- modes need to be recalculated. Under the perturbation condi-
timization process. Parameters for the inverter control loops, tions discussed above, eigenvalues near the imaginary axis be-
the objective function, and the three operation scenarios are fore and after optimization are shown in Fig. 3.
presented in the Appendix. Fig. 3 shows that, after optimization, the system becomes
stable with the least damping ratio 0.1502 (larger than the
A. Analysis of Parameter Optimization
given value ) and the largest real part of eigenvalue 0.1010
1) Analysis of the Optimization Process: According to the (smaller than the given value ). The most sensitive four
calculation flowchart in Fig. 1, it is necessary to select a proper eigenvalues during optimization are depicted in Fig. 4. It shows
range for parameter perturbations initially. The comparison be- that great changes have taken place in eigenvalues , , ,
tween exact and perturbation solutions under different condi- and during optimization.
tions of perturbation shows that approximate eigenvalues will Fig. 5 depicts the change in the objective function. For a better
be obtained within a 10% relative error if the parameter per- expression, logarithm values are adopted for the axis, with the
turbation is not larger than 10% [15]. Taking into account the objective value at iteration 7 selected as the base of the loga-
calculation accuracy in the optimization process, 10% is chosen rithm function.


Fig. 6. Solutions comparison between matrix perturbation and QR algorithm.

Fig. 7. Output power of the DG units during mode transitions. (a) Active power
It can be seen that the objective values are relatively larger response of the DG units. (b) Reactive power response of the DG units.
at the first seven iterations. It is caused by the instability of the
system. When the system is unstable, will not be equal to
zero, leading to a large value of due to the relatively larger Simulation results show that, when the micro-grid is discon-
value of . This result validates the iterative process shown in nected from the main grid at 1 s, the droop-controlled DG units
Fig. 4 as well. With parameter optimization process, the testing adjust their output power in proportion to the optimized droop
system is stable. In this case, is equal to zero automatically, coefficients. In addition, the system gets to a steady state rapidly,
and the objective value is relatively smaller due to the smaller within 0.3 s, realizing a seamless transition. Simulation results
values of and . At the end of the optimization process, also show that there is redundant power in Microgrid1 when Cir-
the objective value reaches zero which means that the system cuit Breaker 2 is opened at 3 s. Therefore, Battery1 and MT1 in
is stable, with the damping ratio and the stability margin satis- Microgrid1 will reduce their power output proportionally. And
fying the given requirements. Since the logarithm value of zero Battery2, Battery3, and MT2 in Microgrid2 will increase their
is negative infinity which is difficult to express, a smaller value power output due to the power shortage in the system. In Case1,
is used to replace the objective value in the end. The op- the maximum of % overshoot in the transient response of bus
timized droop coefficients are given in Table I. voltage is 3.5900%, and the maximum of % overshoot in system
2) Comparison Between Perturbed and Exact Eigensolu- frequency is 0.0837%.
tions: The solutions comparison between matrix perturbation 2) Case2. Disturbances in the DG Units’ Output and Load
and QR algorithm are shown in Fig. 6, which compares the Power: In islanded mode, the droop-controlled DG units bal-
values of during optimization process. It indicates that ance the power in the micro-grid. The base case for this testing
the perturbed solutions are approximately equal to the corre- is same as that in Case 1. Here assume that the value of irradi-
sponding exact ones within accuracy limits. ance is increased by 15% at 6 s and the active and reactive power
of Load1 and Load2 are increased by 20% at 8 s. Fig. 8 shows
B. Simulation Verification for Coordinated Optimization
the output power of the DG units during these disturbances.
Two typical simulation cases are provided to confirm the ef- Fig. 8 shows that stable power sharing performance can be
fectiveness and robustness of the proposed approach. The sim- obtained under various disturbances, regardless of whether the
ulations are carried out in DIgSILENT/PowerFactory [26]. disturbance occurs in the outputs of the DG units or in the loads.
1) Case1: Transition From Grid-Connected to Islanded Previous researches in [4], [27] have shown that a considerable
Mode: The micro-grid will transit from grid-connected mode amount of reactive power may be exchanged between DG units
to islanded mode if any fault occurs in the main grid. In Case1, even though some changes occurred only in the active power.
the simulation process is settled as follows. Circuit Breaker 1 This was because of the presence of significant resistance in
in Fig. 2 is opened at 1 s, making the micro-grid transit from the lines, and the selection of relatively small coefficients in the
grid-connection mode to islanded mode. Then, Circuit Breaker – droop controller. In this case, the problem is solved effec-
2 is opened at 3 s, leading to two submicrogrids. Fig. 7 shows tively by the proper selection of droop coefficients. In Case2,
the responses during these transitions. the maximum of % overshoot in the transient response of bus

Fig. 8. Output power of the DG units during disturbances. (a) Active power
response of the DG units. (b) Reactive power response of the DG units.
Fig. 9. Frequency and voltage under various power conditions at the PCC.
(a) Frequency of the micro-grid under various power conditions at the PCC.
voltage is 1.7089%, and the maximum of % overshoot in system (b) Voltage of the micro-grid under various power conditions at the PCC.
frequency is 0.0382%.
When the micro-grid offers power to the main grid, the same
conclusions can be drawn from simulation results. VI. CONCLUSION
An approach based on matrix perturbation for the coordinated
C. Robustness Verification of Optimized Droop Coefficients optimization of droop coefficients in a micro-grid has been pro-
To verify the applicability of the optimized droop coeffi- posed in this paper. Parameter perturbation analysis is made on
cients, some operation tests are carried out in various operation the droop coefficients to identify the manner and degree of pa-
scenarios of power exchanging at the PCC. The test process rameters’ influence on the state matrix. The increments of eigen-
is same as Case1. Fig. 9 depicts the system frequency and the solutions are then obtained based on the first-order perturbation
maximum/minimum voltage amplitude at the steady state after items. In the optimization process, a comprehensive objective
mode transition. function is proposed to ensure the stability of the system, to en-
Fig. 9 shows that, when the power is delivered from the main hance the damping characteristics, and to maintain a stability
grid to the micro-grid, both the frequency and the minimum margin for a wide range of operating conditions. The computa-
voltage amplitude at steady state will decrease as the delivered tional flowchart is presented for the proposed optimization al-
power is increased. On the other hand, when the power is deliv- gorithm based on matrix perturbation. Numerical examples are
ered to the main grid, the frequency and the maximum voltage performed using a benchmark low-voltage micro-grid. In the ex-
amplitude will increase as the power is increased. The deliv- amples, the parameter-optimization process is analyzed in de-
ered power will reach a limit when the deviations in frequency tail. And the time-domain simulations are carried out to illus-
and voltage exceed the allowed range after mode transition [28]. trate the responses of the DG units during mode transitions and
The operation scenario is an example of operation limit, in under disturbances. The robustness analysis of the optimized
which the voltage will exceed its deviation range if the delivered coefficients to the change of the exchanging power between the
power keeps increasing. Additionally, increased power will ag- micro-grid and the main grid is presented as well. Theoretical
gravate the transient response, leading to the failure of seamless analysis and evaluation results have confirmed the effectiveness
transition. With the optimized droop coefficients in this case, of the optimization approach, the feasibility of the objective
when the ratio of the active delivered power to the overall load function, and the robustness of the optimized parameters.
is within the range ( 66.27%, 47.63%), and that of the reactive
power to load is within ( 44.24%, 74.78%), seamless transition APPENDIX
and stable operation of the micro-grid can be guaranteed. Such a The droop control system for inverters adopted in this paper
result verifies the robustness of the optimized droop coefficients is shown in Fig. 10 [18], [20]. Parameters for the inverter control
to the change of the exchanging power between the micro-grid loops, the objective function, and the operation scenarios used in
and the main grid. the numerical examples are given in Tables II–IV, respectively.

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model for the dynamic simulation of hybrid electric vehicles,” in Proc. toward the Ph.D. degree at Tianjin University, Tianjin, China.
IEEE Veh. Power Propulsion Conf., 2007, pp. 284–289. His research is in the area of stability simulation for distributed generation
[26] “DIgSILENT GmbH Manuals,” ver. 14.0, DIgSILENT PowerFactory, system and wind power generation.
[27] A. Tuladhar, H. Jin, T. Unger, and K. Mauch, “Control of parallel
inverters in distributed ac power systems with consideration of line
impedance effect,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 131–138, Bowen Hong received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Sichuan
Jan./Feb. 2000. University, Sichuan, China, in 2008. He is currently working toward the Ph.D.
[28] IEEE Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric degree at Tianjin University, Tianjin, China.
His research is in the area of distributed generation and micro-grid energy
Power Systems, IEEE Standard 1547-2003, Jul. 2003.
management system.

Zhen Wu received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Tianjin Uni-
versity, Tianjin, China, in 2009, where he is currently working toward the Ph.D.
His research is in the area of stability simulation and micro-grid laboratory
test system.

Chengshan Wang received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from

Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, in 1991. Chongbo Sun received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Tianjin
He is now a Professor with the School of Electrical Engineering and Automa- University, Tianjin, China, in 2010, where he is currently working toward the
tion, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China. His research is in the area of distribu- Ph.D. degree.
tion system planning, distributed generation system analysis and simulation, and His research is in the area of photovoltaic technology and steady-state anal-
power system security analysis. ysis of distribution system.

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