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Erica DiSarno

ID: 011423486
TDT1 Task 2
Mentor: Kasey Scott

Task 2

The original image taken is a student view of Microsoft Teams. My students will be

learning virtually all year long. My third-grade students and their parents are my target audience.

I chose these images for my students and their parents because learning virtually is new this year.

This graphics will be a great way for students and parents to look for help if they get confused or

forget how to do something in Teams. This is the first year they are using their devices and

Microsoft Teams. They images were taken of a student’s view. This is appropriate for them

because the images are what they should see on their devices. The cropped image is the team we

will have our daily class meetings in. I adapted the image by labeling it with “MS Teams Home

Screen.” This is shows my students where they should always start when they log into Teams.

On my original image, I drew arrows pointing to the fine arts teams. This is to help the students

see where to go when they have fine arts.

To get my original image, I had a student log into their Teams account. I took a picture of

the home screen and uploaded it to my computer. I saved the imaged to my desktop. I opened the

image in photos. Next, I right-clicked on the photo and selected resize image. I entered 640 to the

width. The photo automatically changed the height. I then saved a new copy of the photo. To

crop the image to a focal point, I first opened the original image in photos. I then selected the

crop tool. I cropped the image around the focal point I wanted. I then saved the cropped image as

a new photo. To adapt my original image, I opened the original photo with 3D paint. I then

selected the text tool. I changed the text color to red and wrote out, “MS Teams Home Screen.” I
then saved the picture as a new picture. To add an original drawing to the image, I opened the

original image. I selected open with 3D paint. I chose the marker tool and drew an arrow to each

fine arts. To resize the image, I right-clicked on the scan and selected resize image. I entered 640

to the width. The photo automatically changed the height. My scanned image is a student

drawing of the most important rule of taking care of my device. I scanned the work by opening

the notes app in my phone and selecting scan image. I saved the image and as a scan and

uploaded it to my computer. To resize the image, I right-clicked on the scan and selected resize

image. I entered 640 to the width. The photo automatically changed the height. I then saved a

new copy of the scan. My outside image is an image of the Teams desktop icon (Stephenson, B.,


Stephenson, B. (2020). Microsoft Teams Icon. Retrieved from


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