G (12) Ls Life Science 2020-2021 Revision Sheet:2 Proteosythesis Part-1-I

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G(12) LS Life Science 2020-2021

Revision sheet:2 Proteosythesis part-1-

I- Read the following then answer:

Protein synthesis is the process used by the body to make proteins. The first step of protein synthesis is
called Transcription and the second is called translation. During transcription which occurs in the
nucleus, mRNA transcribes (copies) DNA. DNA is “unzipped” and the mRNA strand copies a strand of
DNA. Once it does this, mRNA leaves the nucleus and goes into the cytoplasm. mRNA will then attach
itself to a ribosome (rRNA). The strand of mRNA is then read in order to make protein. They are read
3 bases at a time. These bases are called codons. tRNA brings the amino acids to the ribosome to help
make the protein. The 3 bases on tRNA are called anti-codons. Remember, amino acids are the
building blocks for protein. On the mRNA strand, there are start and stop codons. Your body knows
where to start and stop making certain proteins. Just like when we read a sentence, we know when to
start reading by the capitalized word and when to stop by the period.

1- Pick out from the text:

a- The definition of protein synthesis.

Protein synthesis is the process used by the body to make proteins

b- The two steps of protein synthesis.-Transcription and translation.

2- Where does the first step of protein synthesis occur? In the nucleus.
3- Name the three types of RNA. mRNA, tRNA, rRNA.
4- What do we call the three bases on the tRNA? On the mRNA? Anticodon and codon

II- Read the instructions very well then relate each labeling to its correct letter the document
of proteosynthesis.

-DNA: A double stranded coiled Proteosynthesis

molecule. (M)
-Codon: Three nucleotides on a single
stranded molecule. (Z and X)
-mRNA: A single stranded molecule.
-tRNA: A T shaped molecule. (Q)
-Amino acid: A single molecule
attached to a site of the T shaped
molecule. (P)
-Ribosome: Made up of two subunits,
the small and the large, it’s the place
of binding between the T shaped and
the single stranded molecules. (R)
-transcription: Process of giving birth
of a single stranded molecule from a
double stranded one. (O)
III- Types and roles of the three RNA molecules:

Read the role of each of the RNA molecules then describe the relation between them as shown in
the above document.
During transcription mRNA,a copy of the gene, is formed in the nucleus. It moves towards the
cytoplasm where translation is followed and enters the ribosome which is made up of rRNA . tRNA
,carrying methionine from one site and anti codon UAC on the other site, enters the large subunit of
the ribosome (site P). The anticodon binds to the initiating codon AUG by complementarity.

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