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2, MAY 2013 1245

Determining Optimal Location and Size of

Distributed Generation Resources Considering
Harmonic and Protection Coordination Limits
V. Ravikumar Pandi, Member, IEEE, H. H. Zeineldin, Member, IEEE, and Weidong Xiao, Member, IEEE

Abstract—In this paper, a new optimization problem is proposed determined by an optimization algorithm, however it gives
to determine the maximum distributed generation (DG) pene- the planner an idea of where DG might be the most beneficial
tration level by optimally selecting types, locations and sizes of [13]. In the case of customer owned DG installation, the utility
utility owned DG units. The DG penetration level could be limited
by harmonic distortion because of the nonlinear current injected
planner should conduct a feasibility and assessment study to
by inverter-based DG units and also protection coordination evaluate any technical issues resulting from the new installation
constraints because of the variation in fault current caused by of customer owned DG installation [14].
synchronous-based DG units. Hence the objective of the proposed During the last decade, power electronic converters have un-
problem is to maximize DG penetration level from both types dergone a fast evolution due to the development of fast semi-
of DG units, taking into account power balance constraints, bus conductor switches and also the introduction of real-time con-
voltage limits, total and individual harmonic distortion limits
specified by the IEEE-519 standard, over-current relay operating trollers that can implement advanced and complex control algo-
time limits, and protection coordination constraints. The DG rithms efficiently [15]. DG units of the inverter-based type tend
penetration study is formulated as a nonlinear programming to have more impact on the system harmonic levels than syn-
(NLP) problem and tested on the IEEE-30 bus looped distribution chronous-based DG. The limitations on current and voltage har-
network with ten load and DG scenarios. Similarly, feasibility monics, which can cause undesirable effects on various power
assessment of customer owned DG unit installations considering
power quality and protection coordination is also studied. Sim-
system equipments and the measurement and equipment mod-
ulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach, elling for harmonic analysis have been given in the IEEE-519
which can serve as an efficient planning tool for utility operators. standard [16]. The penetration level of photovoltaic generation
Index Terms—Distributed generation, harmonic distortion, in radial distribution system considering the limits on voltage
harmonic power flow, particle swarm optimization, protection magnitudes and conductor current flow is investigated in [17].
coordination. The maximum DG penetration level based on the individual har-
monic limit is examined for a simple system in [18]. This ap-
proach uses 7th and 9th order individual current harmonic limits
I. INTRODUCTION given by the IEEE-519 standard and proves that 100% DG pen-

R ECENT advancement in research and development on etration is theoretically possible.

distributed generation (DG) technology such as solar, On the other hand, synchronous-based DG units has a much
wind, biomass, fuel cell and micro-turbines has created an more profound effect on protection coordination than inverter-
important role for DG in the future energy supply due to its based DG [19]–[21]. In [22], [23], fault current limiters are im-
improved performance, reliability and flexibility to achieve plemented to mitigate the impact of synchronous-based DG on
higher energy efficiency and reduced emission [1], [2]. The protection coordination. In [24], the maximum DG capacity for
DG units are interconnected with the utility grid as per the radial distribution systems was calculated considering coordi-
IEEE-1547 standard [3], [4]. The location, type, and size of DG nation between recloser and fuse to avoid reliability degrada-
units are the three main factors that can affect the fault current tion. Optimal placement of synchronous-based DG, considering
levels, protection coordination of relays, stability, and power the impact on short circuit index level, is solved using particle
quality [5]–[7] and this can limit the amount of DG penetration. swarm optimization [25]. An analytical approach to minimize
The DG units may be owned either by utility or by customers the system losses by installing various type of DG units (PV,
[8], [9]. In the case of a utility owned DG installation, the utility wind, fuel cell, and micro turbine based on real and reactive
has to optimally plan the location and size of the DG units in power injection only) is discussed in [26]. However a compre-
order to improve network benefits and reliability [10]–[12]. hensive study considering DG type, size, and location simulta-
In practice, one is not always able to site DG at the locations neously for maximizing the DG penetration has not been ad-
dressed in the literature.
In this paper, an optimization framework is proposed to max-
Manuscript received January 23, 2012; revised June 03, 2012; accepted July
15, 2012. Date of publication August 13, 2012; date of current version April 18,
imize the DG penetration level in looped distribution systems
2013. This work was supported and funded by the Masdar Institute of Science taking into account power balance, voltage limits, harmonic
and Technology. Paper no. TPWRS-00068-2012. limits and protection constraints. Since the harmonic distortion
The authors are with the Masdar Institute of Science and Tech-
nology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (e-mail:;
is caused by inverter-based DG units and protection coordina-; tion failure of directional over-current relays (OCR) are due
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2012.2209687 to the synchronous-based DG units, an algorithm that includes

0885-8950/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE


Fig. 1. Framework showing fitness evaluation sequence.

both decoupled harmonic power flow (DHPF) for harmonic es-

timation and short circuit analysis for protection coordination
is embedded within the optimization framework. In the case
of customer owned DG installation, the feasibility assessment
studies are conducted by the utility planner with the support
of the aforementioned optimization tool. The problem is solved
using the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm due to Fig. 2. Flowchart of the decoupled harmonic power flow (Subroutine1).
the nonlinear and nonconvex nature. The problem is tested on
the standard IEEE-30 bus distribution system with ten load and
DG scenarios and the maximum penetration level is determined of conventional power flow, system data and DG type, loca-
considering both types of DG units and compared with the case tion and capacity are inputted to DHPF subroutine. In higher
of optimizing DG penetration with only inverter-based DG. order harmonic frequencies, the transmission lines, shunt ca-
pacitors, synchronous machines, and linear loads are modeled
II. PROBLEM FORMULATION as an equivalent admittances using the results of the conven-
tional power flow and then a new admittance matrix is formu-
The proposed problem is formulated to maximize the overall lated. Inverter-based DG units are modeled as harmonic current
DG penetration level by optimally selecting the location and injecting sources in the DHPF method. On the other hand, the
size of both inverter-based and synchronous-based DG units synchronous-based DG units are modeled as a source behind
using particle swarm optimization (PSO). The constraints of the an impedance. Nodal equations are solved for each individual
proposed problem include fundamental frequency real and re- harmonic order to obtain the harmonic voltage and the result
active power balance, RMS voltage limits, individual and total is used to calculate the harmonic distortion [29], [30]. The har-
voltage harmonic limits at each bus, relay operating time limits monic admittances of various components can be expressed as
and protection coordination constraints. The fitness evaluation follows:
sequence for each PSO candidate solution is shown in Fig. 1.
Initially, the Newton-Raphson based conventional power (1)
flow is conducted at fundamental frequency to calculate the
fundamental voltage components considering both types of DG
units, taking into account the power balance constraints. After (2)
running conventional power flow, the sequence has been di-
vided into two parallel subroutines namely decoupled harmonic
power flow for harmonic analysis and short circuit studies for
protection coordination analysis. In the first subroutine, the where
result of conventional power flow is used by the DHPF algo- fundamental real and reactive power demand
rithm which estimates the higher order harmonic components at bus ;
with inverter-based DG units. In the second subroutine, the
impact of DG units on fault current is considered to optimize magnitude of fundamental voltage at bus ;
the relay settings with protection coordination constraints. The admittance of load connected at bus for th
details of the proposed problem formulation are described in order harmonic;
the following subsections.
fundamental frequency admittance of the
A. Harmonic Power Flow Analysis capacitor connected at bus ;
Harmonic power flow techniques are useful to estimate the shunt capacitor admittance at th order;
system distortion due to the presence of nonlinear devices [27],
admittance of branch connected between buses
[28]. Among various harmonic power flow formulations, the
and at th order.
DHPF method is most commonly used due to its simplicity
[29]. The subroutine steps involving the decoupled harmonic The harmonic admittances of various elements are used to
power flow solution are shown in Fig. 2. Initially, the results formulate harmonic admittance matrix . The fundamental

current injected by inverter-based DG units at bus and

the th harmonic order current are given by



fundamental real and reactive power
generation by inverter-based DG units
connected at bus ;
ratio of th harmonic order current to its Fig. 3. Flowchart of the protection relay coordination (Subroutine 2).
fundamental value.
Finally, a set of nodal equations are solved for estimating the
harmonic voltage profile values using (6) impedance matrix is formulated and three phase short circuit
currents are estimated in presence of DG units. The above
(6) constrained nonlinear optimization problem is solved using
gradient based approaches available in Matlab optimization
toolbox [31]. The optimal settings of TDS and are used for
B. Protection Coordination
calculating the penalty in constraint violations (refer to Fig. 1).
In looped distribution system, the directional over-current
relay (OCR) determines the direction of fault by relating phase C. Objective Function
angle of voltage and current vectors. Since inverter-based DG The objective is to maximize the DG penetration level with
units have less impact on short circuit current levels (short cir- respect to total system capacity. Since DG units deliver only
cuit current levels are approximately 1 p.u.), the short circuit real power as recommended by the IEEE-1547 standard [3], the
contribution of inverter-based DG unit is neglected by model- objective function can be defined as follows:
ling the inverter-based DG as an open circuit in the short circuit
analysis. On the other hand, synchronous-based DG units are
modeled using the subtransient reactance. An inverse time over % (9)
current characteristics is considered for the OCR relays as given
in the following: where

(7) total number of buses in the system;

real power generation from inverter and
synchronous based DG units;
where A and B are constants that depend on the type of OCR
characteristics. is the pickup current of the relay above total system MVA.
which it starts operating and is the short circuit fault cur-
rent flowing through the relay because of fault at location . D. Equality Constraints
is the time dial setting of OCR. The objective is to op- The real and reactive power balance constraints at funda-
timally determine the TDS and of each OCR unit in order mental frequency for each system bus can be given as follows:
to minimize both primary and back-up relay operating times as

(8) (10)

where is the relay index, is the total number of relays, is

the fault location index and is the total number of fault loca-
tion considered in the analysis. The primary and backup relay (11)
operating times are represented by and , respectively.
The optimal relay settings are obtained by minimizing the
total operating time as given in (8) taking into consideration
limits on operating time, time dial setting and pick up current, fundamental real and reactive power generation
which will be discussed in Section II-E4. The solution steps at bus ;
involved in the protection coordination problem is shown in
magnitude of th element of the fundamental
Fig. 3. The conventional power flow results and DG location
bus admittance matrix;
and capacity are considered as input to this subroutine. The bus

angle of th element of the fundamental bus (19)

admittance matrix;
where is the minimum limits on pick up current set point
fundamental voltage angle at bus . chosen using the knowledge of steady state current flowing
through the th relay estimated using conventional load flow
E. Inequality Constraints and is the maximum limit on pick up current set point
chosen based on short circuit currents. and
1) Bus Voltage Limits: The rms voltage magnitude at each are the minimum and maximum limits on time dial set points
bus is bound by a specified lower and upper limit as follows set to 0.1 and 3.0, respectively.
(12) Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population based
stochastic search technique, well known among evolutionary
paradigms, which optimizes a problem iteratively to improve
where are the lower and upper rms voltage limits a candidate solution. It is inspired by social behavior of bird
which are set at 0.9 p.u. and 1.1 p.u., respectively. flocking and fish schooling [33]. Similar to genetic algorithms,
2) Total Harmonic Distortion Limits: The IEEE-519 stan- it starts with a random population matrix in the search space;
dard imposes limits on the total voltage harmonic distortion at however, PSO has no crossover and mutation operators. Each
each bus as follows: candidate solution, called particle, in the population travels
with a velocity and it is bounded by its maximum velocity. At
each time step, velocity of each particle is updated by its own
% (13) flying experience and the best particle’s position in the
swarm and then particle position is also updated [34]:

where is the maximum permissible total voltage har-

monic distortion which is usually set at 5% [16].
3) Individual Harmonic Distortion Limits: The IEEE-519
standard also imposes limits on individual voltage harmonic dis- (21)
tortion at each bus which can be expressed as follows:

% (14) velocity of th particle’s dimension at iteration

position of th particle’s dimension at iteration
where is the maximum allowable voltage harmonic ;
distortion level at harmonic order and is considered to be equal
inertia weight factor;
to 3% [16].
4) Protection Coordination Limits: The penetration of DG cognitive and social coefficients equals to 2.1;
units in the distribution system could affect the short circuit cur- random numbers in the range of [0,1];
rent. It can be noticed from (7) that the relay operating time
is a function of the short circuit current. The magnitude of the best position of th particle at th iteration;
short circuit current will depend on the DG location and capacity global best position of the swarm at th iteration.
which can be represented as follows:
In order to have better balance between global exploration
(15) and local exploitation, the inertia weight is decreased linearly
with the number of iterations [35]. The inertia weight is updated
The coordination time interval (CTI) is the minimum time be- at each iteration as follows:
tween primary and back up relay operating time which must be
maintained to guarantee the protection coordination. The limits (22)
on relay operating time and coordination time is given by
(17) minimum and maximum values of inertia
weight set to be 0.4 and 0.9, respectively;
where is the maximum relay operating time of all relays.
maximum iteration number.
The relay TDS and pickup current settings are limited by min-
imum and maximum limits as given in the following: The implementation of PSO algorithm to the optimal DG pen-
etration problem starts with the proper encoding of optimiza-
(18) tion parameter. The real power generation of inverter-based and

synchronous-based DG units connected to the set of candidate

buses are considered as the parameter to be optimized,
hence the particle structure is defined as


Each candidate solution from PSO is passed to the conven-

tional power flow followed by the DHPF and protection coor-
dination subroutines. The various constraints on RMS voltage,
harmonic distortion, OCR operating time and coordination time
are verified for feasibility and if violation is found, those con-
straints are added to the objective using the penalty function
method. The application of PSO algorithm for finding the op-
timal DG penetration level with harmonics and protection con-
straints is shown in Fig. 4. The overall step-by-step procedure
can also be given as follows.
Step 1) Input system bus and branch data, and DG candidate
Step 2) Randomly initialize population of individuals and
the velocity vector.
Step 3) Run conventional power flow for each individual
to solve real and reactive power balance equations
taking into account both types of DG sources at fun-
damental frequency.
Step 4) Calculate the harmonic admittance matrix for each
harmonic order . Calculate the current injection
matrix taking into account the inverter-based DG
harmonic spectrum.
Step 5) Run DHPF algorithm to estimate the harmonic
voltage components using (6).
Step 6) Run protection coordination subroutine to estimate
the optimal pick-up current and time dial settings as
explained in Section II-B.
Step 7) Evaluate objective function of each individual par-
ticle and add penalty function if there is any con-
straint violation.
Step 8) Find and vectors. Fig. 4. Flowchart of PSO-based optimal DG penetration.
Step 9) If the termination criterion is satisfied, go to step 10.
Step 10) Update the velocity and location of particle using
(20)–(22) and go to step 2. types of DG units are considered and compared with the pene-
Step 11) Output the optimal configuration of DG units and tration level with only inverter-based DG units. In the last case
Stop. study, the impact of customer owned DG unit installations on
the harmonic level and protection coordination is analyzed. It is
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION worthy to note that variations in investment costs for DG instal-
The nonlinear optimization problem for maximizing DG pen- lation are not considered in this paper.
etration level was implemented in Matlab [31] and tested on the
A. System Under Study
IEEE-30 bus system. The constraint values on harmonic distor-
tion are estimated using the DHPF subroutine. The constraints The proposed problem formulation was tested on the 33-kV
on operating time and coordination time of OCR units are es- level IEEE-30 bus meshed distribution system as shown in
timated through conventional protection coordination analysis Fig. 5. The complete system data can be found in [36]. Total real
presented in Section II-B. Three case studies are conducted to and reactive power loads of the test system are 104.7 MW and
show the performance of the proposed optimization problem, 50.8 MVAr, respectively. In order to analyze the impact of DG
out of which the first two studies are carried on by considering penetration with various load levels, ten different load scenarios
utility owned DG units and the last case study focuses on cus- are considered along with the renewable energy availability
tomer owned DG units. In the first case, the maximum DG pen- as given in the Appendix. These scenarios are obtained using
etration level considering only inverter-based DG unit installa- fuzzy c-means clustering of the data given in United Kingdom
tion at all candidate buses are obtained. In the second case, both Generic Distribution System over a one-year period [37] and

Fig. 5. Single line diagram of the IEEE 30-bus distribution system.

Fig. 6. Convergence of the PSO algorithm.

the same percentage is used for the above considered IEEE-30

bus distribution system. The total system rating
is 150 MVA. The distribution side power is fed through three
primary distribution transformers rated for 50 MVA, 10%
reactance, 132/33-kV level located at buses 2, 8, and 12. The
DG surplus power is fed back to the grid in cases where the
generation is more than the system demand. The directional
OCR are placed at both the ends of each feeder for protection.
There are 28 OCR units available in the distribution system and
initially all are coordinated. The number of candidate buses
selected for placing both type of DG is ten (which were chosen
randomly) and the locations include buses 2 to 10 and bus 12.
Three phase to ground fault at midway of each line denoted as
Fig. 7. Minimum and maximum RMS voltage at each bus.
F15 to F30 is considered and the corresponding short circuit
currents and relay operating times are calculated.
All DG units are connected to the system through a step-up
transformer of 480 V/33 kV level with 5% reactance. The in- The convergence of particle swarm optimization algorithm is
verter-based DG units are considered as the source of harmonics shown in Fig. 6 where the population size is set to 20 and the
and used in the DHPF subroutine. The harmonic spectrum of maximum number of iteration is set to 30. The RMS maximum
current injected by PWM inverter is considered to be the upper and minimum voltage obtained at each bus location out of ten
bound of the individual harmonic current limits (only odd order scenarios are shown in Fig. 7. It can be seen that the RMS max-
harmonics without the multiples of 3rd order harmonics) speci- imum and minimum voltage obtained is 1.0768 p.u. at bus 8
fied by IEEE-1547 standard [3] and also given in the Appendix. and 0.9675 p.u. at bus 5. Similarly, the maximum and minimum
The OCR unit has the inverse time current curves with the fol- THD obtained at each bus location are presented in Fig. 8. The
lowing constants 0.14 and 0.02 for A and B, respectively. The maximum total harmonic distortion is 3.6879% at bus 8. It has
coordination time interval (CTI) is assumed to be 0.3 s between been noticed that the 5th order individual harmonic distortion at
each backup and primary relay pair. The maximum operating bus number 8 is reaching the maximum limit of 3%. Thus the
time for each relay is set to 2.5 s. DG penetration level is restricted by harmonic distortion from
inverter-based DG units.
B. Case I
In this case, utility owned inverter-based DG units are con- C. Case II
sidered to find the maximum DG penetration level. Since the in- In this case, the installation of utility owned both inverter-
verter-based DG unit has minimal effect on the short circuit cur- based and synchronous-based DG units is considered in order to
rent, the protection coordination constraints are not considered. estimate the maximum DG penetration level. As mentioned ear-
The capacity of inverter-based DG units is considered as the lier, the inverter-based DG unit causes harmonic distortion and
parameter to be optimized for all ten candidate buses and also synchronous-based DG units affect short circuit current. Thus
specified in (23). An optimal DG penetration level of 26.94% voltage constraints, harmonic distortion constraints and the pro-
is obtained using the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algo- tection coordination constraints are considered in this case. The
rithm by placing six DG units at locations 4 to 9 with a ca- capacity of both types of DG units is the parameter to be opti-
pacity of 7.65 MW, 97.4 kW, 4.61 MW, 9.52 MW, 8.65 MW, mized for all ten candidate buses and also specified in (23). In
and 9.89 MW, respectively. The remaining part of the demand is order to estimate the protection coordination constraint viola-
met by drawing power through three primary distribution trans- tions, three phase to ground fault at locations F15 to F30 is con-
formers. For example, for a peak load scenario, the real and re- sidered and the corresponding short circuit currents and relay
active power drawn are 65.8 MW and 36.2 MVAr, respectively. operating times are calculated using (7).


Fig. 8. Minimum and maximum THD at each bus.


The PSO method is applied to obtain the maximum DG pene-

tration level and the capacity of both types of DG units are given
in Table I. An optimal DG penetration level of 60.0059% is ob-
tained by placing one inverter type DG unit at location 2 and
also placing nine synchronous type DG units at locations 2 to
7, 9, 10, and 12. The penetration level from synchronous-based
DG units is 60.00% and from inverter-based DG units is only
0.059%. The inverter-based DG penetration level is almost zero
compared to the penetration level obtained in case I. It shows
that the effect of synchronous-based DG on protection coordi-
nation is less sensitive than the effect of inverter-based DG units
on harmonic distortions. It has been also noticed that the 5th
order individual harmonic distortion at bus number 8 is reaching
the maximum limit of 3% for the peak load scenario. The RMS
maximum and minimum voltage obtained among all the sce-
narios are 1.0749 p.u. at bus 8 and 0.9821 p.u. at bus 14. The
maximum total harmonic distortion among all ten scenario is
3.5838% at bus 11.
The relay operating time for all fault locations including pri-
mary and backup relay is shown in Table II. The minimum limits
on relay pick up current is set above the largest line flows
among all scenarios. It is worthy to mention, from Table II, that
the coordination constraint given in (17) is binding for few fault primary relay R6 and the backup relay R12 is 0.3 s for a fault at
locations. For example, the operating time difference between F17. The optimal relay settings obtained corresponding to the


In a competitive electricity market environment, the end cus-
tomers are encouraged to install DG to meet their local demand
as well as to improve the performance of the system by selling
the surplus power available back to the network. The changes in
system performance and technical issues involved in connecting
the customer owned DG units with the distribution system is of
great importance to the utility [14]. Feasibility studies are con-
ducted by the utility to determine the technical impacts as well
as the cost associated with such impacts.
In this paper, feasibility studies of installing the customer
owned DG units of known type, size and location on voltage
violation, power quality and protection coordination are consid-
ered. The proposed optimization framework can aid utility plan-
ners in identifying any possible system violations as well as pos-
sible solutions. If the utility identifies violation in power quality
limits then the proposed algorithm can be used to determine the
size and parameters of the passive filter, using IEEE-1531 stan-
dard [38], that needs to be installed at the customer premises.
TABLE IV Another example is, if the utility identifies mismatches in pro-
OPTIMAL DG PENETRATION FOR DIFFERENT MAXIMUM DG CAPACITY tection coordination in the distribution system, modifications re-
quired for the protective relay setting can be determined. The
following step-by-step procedure explains the proposed feasi-
bility study conducted by the utility when they have a request
from end customer to install DG at certain bus location.
1) Perform both the DHPF and short circuit analysis without
connecting DG units, which gives the initial network
voltage, harmonic levels and optimal relay settings.
maximum DG penetration level is given in Table III. In most 2) Customer request for installing “S” MVA DG at bus “i”.
of the relay units, the time dial setting is bounded to the lower 3) Evaluate the values of voltages, harmonics and relay tim-
value of 0.1. Major part of the demand is met by DG installation ings and check for constraint violations.
and the remaining part of the demand is met by drawing power 4) If any violations in harmonic limits are found because of
inverter-based DG installation, then design a passive filter
through the three primary distribution transformers. Thus the
to maintain the power quality levels within the acceptable
simultaneous consideration of both types of DG units increases
the penetration level by 33.06% which is 49.59 MW higher than
5) If any violations in protection relay constraints are found
the penetration studies with only inverter type DG units.
because of synchronous-based DG installation, then
Furthermore, the analysis was extended to consider various
evaluate the new optimal relay settings to maintain the
DG capacity limits. The determination of the maximum pene-
tration level considering DG capacity limits of 1 MVA, 5 MVA,
Two different assessment study scenarios are provided in this
and 10 MVA is presented in Table IV. The results show that, section to demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed method.
for a DG capacity limit of 1 MVA, the optimal solution is to In the first scenario, several customers are requesting permission
install both types of DG at the maximum capacity (1 MVA) to connect their DG units (size and location of DG were chosen
with an overall penetration level of 13.33%. Thus for the ten randomly) at their local premises as shown in Table V. The DG
candidate locations, a 1-MVA inverter-based DG and 1-MVA units are connected as in the sequence shown in Table V. Con-
synchronous-based DG unit can be installed without violating ducting feasibility assessment for as inverter-based DG of size 1
harmonic and protection limits. A total penetration level of MVA at bus 2 results in no constraint violations. With a 1 MVA
38.188% is obtained when considering 5-MVA DG capacity inverter-based DG at bus 2 and the addition of another 1-MVA
limit. This is achieved by installing synchronous-based DG at synchronous-based DG at bus 5, the protection constraints are
all candidate locations (at the maximum capacity of 5 MVA) violated. To accommodate a customer owned DG of size 1 MVA
and inverter-based DG at five locations. Lastly, by considering (synchronous-based) at bus 5, the relay and TDS settings
10-MVA DG capacity limit, the total penetration level is in- would need to be modified at 34 out of 56 locations. Further
creased to 60.059%. It can be noticed that as the DG capacity addition of a 2 MVA inverter-based DG at bus 8 and 5 MVA at
limit increases, the penetration level of synchronous-based DG bus 3 will require no system modifications. Similarly, a 5-MVA
increase. The penetration level of inverter-based DG depends synchronous-based DG at bus 8 will result in protection coordi-
on the DG capacity limit as well as the contribution of the nation violation which can be mitigated by changing the relay
synchronous-based DG units. settings at 35 locations.




dard on harmonics is presented. In this case, the results show

that the maximum DG penetration level is limited by harmonic
distortion level. In the second case, both inverter-based and
synchronous-based DG units are considered simultaneously in
In the second scenario as shown in Table VI, after installing the optimization including harmonic and protection constraints.
customer owned DG at buses 2, 5, 12, and 6, the inverter-based The analysis shows that higher penetration level is achieved
DG installation request at bus 3 violates 5th order individual when compared to the only inverter type DG penetration case. In
harmonic distortion limit at bus 8. In order to mitigate the har- the last case, how the optimization framework feeds knowledge
monic violation, the shunt passive filter design technique is con- to the utility planners to conduct feasibility assessment studies
sidered along with the constraints on the voltage and current for the approval of customer owned DG installation. The pro-
limits in filter components which are set equal to 110% and posed optimization method can serve as a good planning tool for
135%, respectively [38], [39]. The quality factor is fixed to 30 the utility operator to optimally allocate DG of different types
and the rating of the filter is varied in steps of 0.25 MVAr to re- in distribution systems to achieve better penetration level.
move the harmonic violation. It is found that a 5th order single
tuned filter (STF) of 0.5 MVAr rating located at bus 8 is suffi- APPENDIX
cient to remove the harmonic limit violation and leads to the fol-
The current harmonic spectrum of the inverter-based DG
lowing filter components values, capacitance F,
units is given in Table VII. The scenario of different load and
inductance mH, resistance Ohms.
renewable source availability is given in Table VIII.
It can be noticed that further installation of inverter-based DG
at bus 7 will result in no constraint violation. Thus, the proposed
optimization framework can help the utility planners in identi-
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tions between relays in terms of primary and backup. In such [3] IEEE Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources With Elec-
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no. 2, pp. 619–624, Apr. 2003. gree from Madurai Kamaraj University, Tamil Nadu,
[19] S. Brahma and A. Girgis, “Development of adaptive protection scheme India, in 2003, the M.Tech. degree from Annamalai
for distribution systems with high penetration of distributed genera- University, Tamil Nadu, India, in 2005, and the Ph.D.
tion,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 56–63, Jan. 2004. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi,
[20] N. Nimpitiwan, G. T. Heydt, R. Ayyanar, and S. Suryanarayanan, New Delhi, India, in 2010.
“Fault current contribution from synchronous machine and inverter Currently he is working as a Post Doctoral Re-
based distributed generators,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 22, no. 1, searcher with the Masdar Institute of Science and
pp. 634–641, Jan. 2007. Technology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. His
[21] E. Coster, J. Myrzik, B. Kruimer, and W. Kling, “Integration issues of research interest includes power system optimiza-
distributed generation in distribution grids,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 99, no. tion, power quality, protection, transmission pricing,
1, pp. 28–39, Jan. 2011. renewable energy, artificial intelligence, and evolutionary algorithms.
[22] W. El-Khattam and T. Sidhu, “Restoration of directional overcurrent
relay coordination in distributed generation systems utilizing fault cur-
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[23] W. El-Khattam and T. Sidhu, “Resolving the impact of distributed re- H. H. Zeineldin (M’06) received the B.Sc. and M.Sc.
newable generation on directional overcurrent relay coordination: A degrees in electrical engineering from Cairo Univer-
case study,” IET Renew. Power Gen., vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 415–425, Dec. sity, Cairo, Egypt, in 1999 and 2002, respectively.
2009. In 2006, he received the Ph.D. degree in electrical
[24] S. Chaitusaney and A. Yokoyama, “Prevention of reliability degrada- and computer engineering from the University of Wa-
tion from recloser - fuse miscoordination due to distributed genera- terloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada.
tion,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 2545–2554, Oct. He worked for Smith and Andersen Electrical En-
2008. gineering Inc. where he was involved with projects
[25] A. El-Zonkoly, “Optimal placement of multi-distributed generation involving distribution system design, protection,
units including different load models using particle swarm optimi- and distributed generation. He then worked as a
sation,” IET Gen., Transm., Distrib., vol. 5, no. 7, pp. 760–771, Jul. Visiting Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of
2011. Technology (MIT), Cambridge. Currently, he is an Associate Professor with
[26] D. Q. Hung, N. Mithulananthan, and R. C. Bansal, “Analytical expres- the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi, United Arab
sions for DG allocation in primary distribution networks,” IEEE Trans. Emirates. His current interests include power system protection, distributed
Energy Convers., vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 814–820, Sep. 2010. generation, and deregulation.
[27] S. Herraiz, L. Sainz, and J. Clua, “Review of harmonic load flow for-
mulations,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 1079–1087,
Jul. 2003.
[28] E. F. Fuchs and M. A. S. Masoum, Power Quality in Power Systems Weidong Xiao (M’07) received the M.Sc. and Ph.D.
and Electrical Machines. New York: Academic/Elsevier, 2008. degrees from the University of British Columbia,
[29] F. Pamplona and B. Souza, “Harmonic passive filter planning in ra- Vancouver, BC, Canada.
dial distribution systems using genetic algorithms,” in Proc. IEEE/PES He is an Assistant Professor of Electrical Power
Transmission and Distribution Conf. Expo.: Latin America, Nov. 2004, Engineering at Masdar Institute of Science and
pp. 126–131. Technology. Before his academic career, he worked
[30] Y.-Y. Hong and W.-F. Huang, “Interactive multiobjective passive filter with MSR Innovations Incorporation as a R&D
planning with fuzzy parameters in distribution systems using genetic engineering manager focusing on projects related
algorithms,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 1043–1050, to integration, monitoring, evaluation, optimization,
Jul. 2003. and design of photovoltaic power systems. His re-
[31] Matlab, The Language of Technical Computing. [Online]. Available: search area includes power electronics, photovoltaic power systems, digital control techniques, and industrial applications.

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