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Gerson Jiménez Cisneros Singing is one of the most amazing and relaxing activities in the world.
Experts say that everybody can sing because we born with the hability,
but just some of us develop it.

I started to sing when I was a child. My family like

to listen to music and sing, that’s why I think I like
too. The first time that I sang was at the age of five
years. I sang a duet with my older sister and
something that I remember of that experience is that
I was very nervous and I forgot the lyrics of the song
but my sister help me until finish the song.
Because I really liked singing, after I finished
my high school’s studies I started to learn to sing
in Luis Duncker Lavalle Conservatory, I studied
for five years, but in that place I just sang
classical music, I mean opera music. At the
beginnig I didn´t like that kind of music but after
a few months and after of hear some opera music
I realized that I couldn’t choice better. While I
was studying, I participated in some choirs in my
city but I left it because I didn’t have enough
time to go to the rehearsals.

For me singing is a special thing and a way to relax me. It doesn´t matter if you sing well
or bad, if you sing solo or in a group, just sing! Because is important for your health and
you can say things that you can’t say in words with a song. And if you have a good voice,
you should train it and improve it because, what would be the world without music?

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