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Ok. Now let's get more into it. In this activity you have two options:

1) Remember last week you recorded an audio on our Telegram group?

You will now listen to your own audio and try to transcribe its first 20 seconds.
You can do it on paper or online, using a phonemic keyboard.

2) If you did not do this activity, you will have to choose any 20sec of the
video #1 professor Newton shot to our Learning Script 2 to transcribe.

The first thing you do is: write your words in English and then proceed to
the transcription. Again, you can do it on paper or online, using a phonemic

At this stage, do not look it up! Do not check your answers. Do it the way
you think the words should be transcribed. When you finish, take a picture or a
print screen of your effort and send it here.

Only after you do this, check your answers in a dictionary for yourself.
Important: I am not concerned at this point if you are making mistakes or not, I
am not expecting for the right answers, so be honest and don't cheat. What I
want you to have is an opportunity to practice and grow! What I do expect is to
see your attempt and effort.

Transcription of the first 20 seconds of my audio:

Hi, everyone! What’s up? It’s Paola here. Well… there are many, many
good moments and good memories that I carry with me from our face to face
classes. But when it comes to Ceoli one stands out: learning how to keep a
personal dictionary.

Phonetic Transcription

haɪ ‘evəriwən! wəts ʌp? ɪts pæɒlæ ‘hɪər. wel… ðer ɑr ‘məni, məni gʊd
‘mɒmənts ənd ‘məmɒris ðʌt aɪ kɛri wiθ mi frɒm ʊər feɪs tʊ feɪs klɛsəz. bʌt wən ɪt
‘kəmɪz to tʊ Seɑli wən s’tɛndz aʊt: ‘lɜrnɪŋ haʊ tʊ kip a ‘pɜrsənɑl ‘dɪkʧɪɒnəri.

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