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Phone phobia (Telephone Phrases)

1. Discuss questions:

 How many phone calls do you make every day? How many of them are in English?
RTA: I make about 10 calls a day but none are in English
 What are the most common reasonspeople call you at work?
RTA: the most common reasons why they call me is to give me instructions, ask me a
question or call from home.
 Do you prefer to make a phone call orwrite an email? Why?
RTA: I prefer to call when matters are very important to have a more effective and real-
time conversation but I also prefer emails or WhatsApp for minor matters
 What is the most annoying thing about using the phone?
RTA: the most annoying thing is to get to the point where it is enslaving to be glued to
the cell phone and have to respond immediately
 What advice would you give to someone who feels nervous about calling someone?
RTA: watch the video of this class. also that accommodates its use according to your
needs and preferences, whether they are calls or emails


2. Complete the phrasal verbs with words given below.

up (x2) down (x3) through

slow _ down_: to reduce the speed at which something happens, e.g. you speak

think _ through_ : to carefully consider the possible results of doing something

hang _up_ : to end a phone conversation

write down_ : to record information on paper

freeze up _: to be unable to think of anything to say, especially because you are


calm _down_ : to begin to feel more relaxed and less emotional

3. Watch the video ( and check your answers

for ex. 2.

4. Discuss questions:

 How often do you feel stressed about having to phone someone?

RTA: I feel stressed about calling someone because of the nerves that give me to do it or
because of the urgency with which I need the person I am calling but it all depends on the cause
for which I should call

 Which pieces of advice mentioned in the video do you sometimes follow?

RTA: I frequently use the advice to breathe and to make cut calls to get used to

 What is stressful about using English on the phone?

RTA: that sometimes I don't understand it and I don't always have the time or patience to
translate or try to understand

 Have you ever had any misunderstanding during a phone call?

RTA: Yes, although most of the time it has been due to a misinterpretation or calls at
inappropriate times


5. Fill in the categories below with phrases (2 for each group). Next, talk to

your partner, compare their groups and add new phrases to your groups:

 Answering the pone

-Hello?. who calls?

-Hello, I'm Rosaura the English teacher.

- How can I help you?....

 Asking and making requests

- Yes, I wanted to ask you about the job you left two days ago,

have you already done it?

- What job teacher?

- The work of the teams theme

Hasn't it?

-Aah, Master I already finished one part I am missing the other. When is it?

- Tomorrow, finish it Nicolas.

Nicolas a question.

- Yes, teacher.

- You can give me the number of your friend Diego.

 Going away from the pone

- Yes teacher, the number is three twenty two zero zero thirty two ...

-Wait Nicolas, I'll have to get away from the phone a bit to get a notebook
-Okay Master

-Yeah, how was it?

 Not understanding what somebody said

-three twenty-two zero zero thirty-two ...

-Nicolas I don't understand

-I repeat it, teacher, three twenty-two zero zero thirty-two zero zero two.

 Ending the call

-Yeah, Nicolas, thank you very much

- You're welcome teacher, see you later.



6. The teacher will give you a role card with some information. Read it and get

ready for roleplaying a telephone conversation! Remember to use the

phrases from the previous exercise.

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