Bubble Break-Up and The Role of Frother and Salt

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Int. J. Miner. Process.

92 (2009) 153–161

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Int. J. Miner. Process.

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / i j m i n p r o

Bubble break-up and the role of frother and salt

W. Kracht a, J.A. Finch b,⁎
Mining Engineering Department, Universidad de Chile, Avda. Tupper 2069, Santiago, Chile
Department of Mining and Materials Engineering, McGill University, 3610 University Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2B2

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Frothers are used in flotation to aid generation of small bubbles, but little is known about the mechanisms
Received 3 February 2009 that take place in the flotation machine to produce such an effect. Coalescence prevention is the common
Received in revised form 23 March 2009 explanation with less attention to a frother effect on bubble break-up. This communication presents a
Accepted 29 March 2009
technique to study bubble coalescence and break-up. The technique is based on the exposure of a mono-size
Available online 7 April 2009
distribution of bubbles to a turbulent field generated by a three-bladed axial flow impeller. Analysis of bubble
size distributions after contact with the turbulent field gives the coalescence and break-up fraction. The
presence of frother shows a significant reduction of coalescence and an effect on break-up that increases the
Break-up fraction of bubbles that are 90% of the original volume. A model relating uneven frother distribution on the
Coalescence stretching bubble prior to rupture is developed to explain the effect of frothers on bubble break-up. The work
Frothers extends to salt (NaCl) which like frother can reduce bubble size.
Salt © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction It is also known that salt solutions can reduce bubble size in flotation
systems (Laskowski et al., 2003; Quinn et al., 2007). Thus, investigation
Frothers are surface-active agents (surfactants) widely used in of the mechanism should consider both frothers and salts.
flotation to aid generation of small bubbles (ca. 0.5–3 mm) and to
help form and stabilize the froth phase. Even though small bubbles 2. Coalescence
are crucial for the flotation performance, little is known about how
frothers act in their formation. Analysis of froth formation empha- Coalescence is the process by which bubbles come together to
sizes mechanisms that retard coalescence (Pugh, 1996; Harris, 1982), generate a new bubble. The most common coalescence act is probably
an explanation extended to bubble generation (Metso Minerals CBT, between two bubbles, known as binary coalescence. Coalescence
2002). This in turn has led to apparent quantification by introducing occurs in three steps: collision, film thinning, and film rupture
the critical coalescence concentration (CCC), which is the frother (Oolman and Blanch, 1986; Prince and Blanch, 1990; Machon et al.,
concentration producing the minimum bubble size in a swarm 1997; Tse et al., 1998). On collision, the opposing bubble surfaces are
(Cho and Laskowski, 2002; Grau and Laskowski, 2006). Nesset et al. flattened, leaving a thin separating film. The initial film thickness is
(2007) and Finch et al. (2008) substitute CCC95, i.e., concentration typically 10− 3 to 10− 4 cm. Collision is controlled by the hydrodynamics
achieving 95% of bubble size reduction compared to water alone, of the bulk liquid phase. In the next step, the film must thin until
as the basis of more systematic measurement. The name infers that approximately 10− 6 cm in thickness when it ruptures. The contact time
the function of the frother is to preserve the size of bubble produced has to exceed the time required for the film to thin to rupture, otherwise
(by whatever mechanism) by preventing coalescence. Laskoswski coalescence does not occur. This second step is controlled by the
(2003) proposed the critical coalescence concentration concept, hydrodynamics of the liquid film and forces associated with surface
together with foaming properties, as a way of characterizing tension gradients or surface visco-elastic effects if surfactants are
flotation frothers. present (Fruhner et al., 1999). Once the film is sufficiently thin it
Studying bubble swarms, as in determining CCC, does not permit ruptures due to instability mechanisms, resulting in bubble coalescence.
coalescence prevention to be separated from the other possibility, This last step is very fast compared to the other two.
namely that frothers may act on break-up (Grau and Laskowski, 2006;
Finch et al., 2006; Acuna et al., 2007). 3. Break-up

Break-up (breakage) refers to bubbles (or an air stream) dispersing

⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 514 398 1452; fax: +1 514 398 4492. into smaller bubbles. The break-up mechanism is modeled consider-
E-mail address: jim.finch@mcgill.ca (J.A. Finch). ing either collision of bubbles with turbulent eddies or bubbles

0301-7516/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
154 W. Kracht, J.A. Finch / Int. J. Miner. Process. 92 (2009) 153–161

interacting with wakes in a swarm. Eddies considered responsible for

break-up are those of comparable size to the bubble. Larger eddies
transport groups of bubbles, while eddies much smaller than the
bubble do not have enough energy to cause break-up (Hinze (1955).
The experimental studies of Stewart (1995) suggest the wake
environment provides the driving force for coalescence and break-up.
Walter and Blanch (1986) observed with high-speed photography
that break-up of a bubble occurred by a dumbbell stretching
mechanism, with break-up time of the order of 25 ms. In the presence
of frother, the dumbbell stretching mechanism will cause uneven
frother distribution, which generates surface instabilities that may
promote or retard break-up (Miller and Neogi, 1985; Dukhin et al.,
Fig. 2. Impeller.
1998; Finch et al., 2008). The same general argument applies to salts,
in this case with water molecules substituting for the frother (Finch
et al., 2008). ments is to study how a mono-size distribution of bubbles, generated
A break-up model must include not only the break-up rate but also at the capillary, changes when exposed to turbulence with and
the daughter size distribution (Wang et al., 2003). Wang et al. list without the presence of frothers or salts. A sleeve is installed to deliver
three characteristics of the daughter bubble size distribution relevant bubbles into the impeller while protecting the capillary from
to the current work: turbulence that tends to alter the bubble size produced. Turbulence
is introduced by the use of a three-bladed axial flow impeller (Fig. 2).
1. A local minimum should exist at equal (50:50) break-up fraction
Fig. 3 shows how the experimental set-up works. In Fig. 3(a) the
because the surface area and therefore surface energy increase is
impeller is off (stationary), so the bubbles are all of the same size. In
the highest of all possible break-up fractions. (The break-up
Fig. 3(b) the impeller is on and the bubbles generated at the capillary
fraction refers to the volume fraction of the mother bubble that
remain the same size before leaving the sleeve, but the distribution
becomes the daughter bubbles.) This local minimum should be
clearly changes in the vicinity of the rotating impeller.
greater than zero because the probability of equal size break-up,
while small, is not zero.
4.2. Procedure
2. The generation of small bubbles requires high energy because of
the high capillary (internal) pressure. Therefore, the daughter
The gas flow rate delivered to the system was kept constant at
bubble size distribution should vanish before approaching zero
11.8 sccm (standard cubic centimeter per minute), the highest gas
flow rate at which coalescence between subsequent bubbles did not
3. The daughter bubble size distribution should not have any
occur. This gas flow rate was determined acoustically (Kracht and
singularity point, i.e., the frequency vs. size plot should be smooth
Finch, 2009). The addition of frother or salt did not alter the bubbling
and well defined.
frequency (also determined acoustically) hence they did not alter the
The daughter bubble size distribution is determined by the break- bubble size being generated at the capillary, which was 2.5 mm
up fraction, so modeling this function is required to complete the volume equivalent diameter. These are the mother bubbles and
physical representation of the process. Luo and Svendsen (1996), for constitute a mono-size distribution. Once the bubbles leave the sleeve,
instance, generated a break-up model without considering the they are exposed to the turbulence induced by the impeller; this
capillary pressure restriction; consequently, their daughter bubble results in coalescence and break-up events that alter the original
size distributions do not vanish for break-up fractions approaching mono-size distribution. The overall result of the coalescence/break-up
zero. events may be inferred from comparing the resulting distribution to
the original one: it can be concluded that all the bubbles larger than
4. Experimental 2.5 mm are associated to coalescence events whereas the bubbles
smaller than 2.5 mm imply break-up events. Repeated coalescence
4.1. Apparatus

The experimental set-up (Fig. 1) comprises a 30 L acrylic tank

where air bubbles are injected through a glass capillary tube of
0.4 mm internal diameter. Gas flow rate is regulated with a mass flow
meter controller (Sierra, model 840DL1V1). The aim of the experi-

Fig. 3. Capillary-sleeve system used to generate mono-size distribution of bubbles:

Fig. 1. Experimental set-up. (a) impeller off, (b) impeller on (420 rpm).
W. Kracht, J.A. Finch / Int. J. Miner. Process. 92 (2009) 153–161 155

Table 1
Summary of reagents used.

Reagent Formula Molecular weight (g/gmol) Supplier

Pentanol CH3(CH2)4OH 88.15 Fisher
MIBC (CH3)2CHCH2CH(OH)CH3 102.18 Dow
Dowfroth 250a CH3(PO)4OH 264.35 Dow
F-150a H(PO)7OH 425 Flottec
Sodium chloride NaCl 58.44 Fisher
PO is propylene oxide (propoxy) [–O–CH2–CH2–CH2–].

and break-up events are possible but do not change this general
Bubble size distributions were measured using image analysis: the
acrylic tank was rear illuminated and the region between the sleeve
and the impeller was imaged with a digital still camera (Digital SLR
Camera Canon EOS30D) of 8.2 mega pixels equipped with a macro Fig. 4. Reliability test for F-150: 0.012 mmol/L, 420 rpm.

lens of 100 mm. Two hundred pictures were taken per test, which
allows for about 3000 bubbles to be sized in order to meet statistic
requirements in determining a reliable bubble size distribution The frother concentrations employed cover the range of interest in
(Hernandez-Aguilar et al., 2004; Hernandez-Aguilar and Finch, flotation and were chosen based on the ability of these reagents to
2005). A special macro code was developed to process the images reduce bubble size in industrial cells (Finch et al., 2008), hence the
off-line with the software ImageJ. concentrations vary from frother to frother.
Table 2 shows typical concentrations expressed in terms of the
4.3. Reagents critical coalescence concentration (CCC). In the table, the number
accompanying CCC corresponds to the percentage bubble size
Table 1 summarizes the reagents used. These represent the four reduction compared to water alone; e.g., CCC95 corresponds to a
classes of frother used in flotation as identified by Moyo et al. (2007): concentration achieving 95% of bubble size reduction. For the case of
Pentanol, MIBC (methyl isobutyl carbinol), Dowfroth 250 (polyglycol sodium chloride, a concentration 0.4 mol/L was tested, based on the
ether), F-150 (polyglycol). In addition, salt (sodium chloride) was equivalence with MIBC observed by Quinn et al. (2007).
tested as high concentrations (for example, above ionic strength ca.
0.4) decrease bubble size similarly to frothers (Quinn et al., 2007). 5. Results
Solutions were made using Montréal tap water and the tempera-
ture was set at 20 °C. Between tests, the tank was emptied and 5.1. Reliability
carefully cleaned.
Full repeat tests were conducted for F-150 at a concentration of
0.012 mmol/L (5 ppm) and an impeller speed of 420 rpm to establish
Table 2 the precision of the technique (Table 3). Fig. 4 plots the mean values
Frother concentrations (mmol/L) expressed on CCC scale (adapted from Nesset et al., with error bars representing the standard deviation. The pooled
relative standard deviation was 0.68%, which shows the technique
Reagent CCC50 CCC75 CCC95 CCC99 gives high precision.
Pentanol 0.077 0.153 0.331 0.509
MIBC 0.026 0.051 0.111 0.171 5.2. Effect of frother type and salt (NaCl) on bubble size distribution
Dowfroth 250 0.009 0.018 0.039 0.091
F-150 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.016
Fig. 5 shows how frother addition (Dowfroth 250, 0.038 mmol/L)
changes the bubble size distribution compared to water alone. The figure
Table 3
includes the line representing the original mono-size distribution
Number frequency vs. bubble size: repeat test results for F-150, 0.012 mmol/L, 420 rpm.

Bubble Number frequency (%)

sizea (mm) Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4
0.3 4.3 4.2 4.0 2.4
0.5 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.9
0.7 1.8 1.7 1.1 1.8
0.9 3.5 4.3 2.9 4.2
1.2 7.7 6.4 6.6 6.7
1.5 7.7 6.4 7.3 8.1
1.7 5.1 4.4 5.1 4.9
1.8 3.4 3.0 3.0 3.4
2.0 2.5 2.3 2.5 2.3
2.1 2.0 1.9 2.1 1.5
2.2 3.1 3.2 2.5 1.8
2.4 27.7 28.1 26.8 27.9
2.5 25.7 29.2 30.6 29.6
2.9 4.0 3.7 3.7 3.5
3.1 0.9 0.6 0.8 0.9
3.6 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Mean bubble size per bin class. Fig. 5. Frother effect (Dowfroth 250) on bubble size distribution, 420 rpm.
156 W. Kracht, J.A. Finch / Int. J. Miner. Process. 92 (2009) 153–161

Fig. 6. Sequence of images (1 ms apart) showing bubble coalescence. Water (no-frother), 420 rpm.

(2.5 mm) as reference. In each bubble size distribution, the sizes larger The simplest approach to modeling the break-up process is to
than 2.5 mm are the result of coalescence events and the sizes smaller assume that each bubble breaks only once and that break-up is binary,
than 2.5 mm are due to break-up events. The shaded region in Fig. 5 i.e., only two bubbles are formed per break-up event. In that case, any
corresponds to the difference between coalescence fractions with and increment in the fraction of bubbles of 2.4 mm should be accompanied
without frother, i.e., the reduction of coalescence in the presence of by an increment in the fraction of bubbles of 1.2 mm, which represents
frother. the size of bubbles 10% of the volume of the 2.5 mm bubble. Fig. 5 does
The action of frother in reducing coalescence is captured in Figs. 6 show an increment in the fraction of bubbles of 1.2 mm in the
and 7. Fig. 6 shows two bubbles coalescing in water; the images in the presence of frother (roughly from 5% to 7%). This difference is too
sequence are 1 ms apart. Note that two bubbles come in contact small compared to the 16% increment in the fraction of bubbles of
between the third and fourth frame in the sequence and have 2.4 mm which means that either a bubble may break more than once
coalesced by the fifth frame, giving a coalescence time of 1 to 2 ms. or more than one bubble may be generated per break-up event.
Fig. 7 shows two bubbles interacting in the presence of frother. The Whatever the case, the result is the same: a mother bubble generating
images in the sequence are 2 ms apart. In this case, bubbles come and more than two daughter bubbles, which complicates the analysis.
stay together for 15 frames (30 ms), between the fifth and nineteenth Figs. 8 and 9, respectively, illustrate the events just described,
frames in the sequence, before bouncing apart without coalescence namely highly asymmetric break-up, and break-up generating three
(last frame). bubbles (two consecutive break-up events).
The presence of frother also affects the output of the break-up Unlike the difference observed in the sequences of images showing
process. Fig. 5 shows a substantial increment in the fraction of bubbles coalescence with and without frother, break-up in the presence of
of 2.4 mm, which increases from 7% to 23% when frother is present. frother (Fig. 10) does not show any clear visual difference compared to
This observation suggests that frother alters the size distribution of bubble break-up in water.
daughter bubbles generated by break-up. Note that a bubble of Figs. 9 and 10 show break-up of bubbles through direct interaction
2.4 mm in diameter has a volume equal to 90% the volume of a 2.5 mm with the impeller. This is not always the situation; Fig. 11 shows a
bubble. bubble breaking-up in the proximity of an impeller blade, but without

Fig. 7. Sequence of images (2 ms apart) showing bubble bouncing. Dowfroth 250, 0.038 mmol/L, 420 rpm.

Fig. 8. Sequence of images (1 ms apart) of bubble break-up in water (no-frother) at 420 rpm showing a break-up event giving one large and one small bubble (frames 9–10).

Fig. 9. Sequence of images (1 ms apart) of bubble break-up in water (no-frother) at 420 rpm showing 3 daughter bubbles (frame 10) being produced from one mother bubble
(frame 1).
W. Kracht, J.A. Finch / Int. J. Miner. Process. 92 (2009) 153–161 157

Fig. 10. Sequence of images (1 ms apart) of bubble break-up. Dowfroth 250, 0.038 mmol/L, 420 rpm.

Fig. 11. Sequence of images (1 ms apart) of bubble break-up in vicinity of blade. Dowfroth 250, 0.038 mmol/L at 420 rpm.

ever touching it. This is an example of bubble break-up by collision (50:50). This is in accord with the conditions listed by Wang et al.
with a turbulent eddy generated by the action of the impeller. (2003) for daughter bubble size distributions generated by break-up.
In the break-up sequences shown, bubbles do appear to break by
the dumbbell stretching mechanism reported by Walter and Blanch 5.3. Effect of frother concentration on bubble size distribution
(1986). The break-up time here ranges between 5 and 10 ms, which is
shorter than the 25 ms reported by those authors. The effect of frother concentration (Dowfroth 250) on bubble size
Fig. 12 shows the effect of different frothers (Pentanol, MIBC, and distribution is shown in Fig. 14. The concentrations range from CCC55
F-150) (concentrations close to the CCC95). All three frothers hinder (0.011 mmol/L) to CCC99.9 (0.095 mmol/L), i.e., from an expected
coalescence, Pentanol being the weakest one as judged by the weak effect on bubble size to a strong effect.
increased fraction of bubbles larger than 2.5 mm. Moyo et al. (2007) No major differences are observed in terms of coalescence
and Azgomi et al. (2007), based on other criteria, also classified prevention (i.e., fraction to right of 2.5 mm) for the concentrations
Pentanol as a weak frother compared to the other surfactants tested. tested; however, from the fraction remaining at 2.5 mm, which
As with Dowfroth 250, these frothers modify the daughter bubble increases with increasing concentration, and that generated at
size distribution, favoring the generation of 2.4 mm bubbles. 0.3 mm, which decreases, the fraction of bubbles created by break-
The effect of 0.4 mol/L NaCl on bubble size distribution is shown up decreases for increasing frother concentration. In terms of volume
Fig. 13 together with the results for MIBC and water for comparison. frequency, the fraction decreases from 47% to 37% over the range of
The figure shows similarity between the bubble size distributions concentration tested. The reduction in break-up causes the Sauter
generated with salt and MIBC. This is consistent with the observations mean diameter (d32) to increase with frother concentration, from
of Quinn et al. (2007) who found that salt solutions of ionic strength 1.9 mm at the lowest concentration to 2.1 mm at the highest. This
ca. 0.4, i.e., 0.4 mol/L NaCl, and ca. 0.10 mmol/L MIBC (10 ppm) give result differs from the observed, and expected, result in studies in
similar bubble size distributions. The similarity implies that whatever flotation machines where bubble size (d32) reduces with increasing
the mechanism(s) affecting the coalescence/break-up processes, they frother concentration. Break-up retardation may be associated with
should apply not only to surfactants but also to salts. the known tendency of surfactant to oppose bubble deformation (in
For all the conditions tested, the output bubble size distribution this case oppose dumbbell formation). The bubble rise time in the
shows a minimum at 2.0 mm, which corresponds to equal break-up experiments here may allow more frother adsorption than is typical

Fig. 12. Frother effect (Pentanol, MIBC, F-150) on bubble size distribution, 420 rpm. Fig. 13. Effect of salt (NaCl) on bubble size distribution, 420 rpm.
158 W. Kracht, J.A. Finch / Int. J. Miner. Process. 92 (2009) 153–161

Fig. 14. Effect of frother (Dowfroth 250) concentration on bubble size distribution, Fig. 16. Effect of impeller speed on bubble size distributions. F-150, 0.012 mmol/L.
420 rpm.

conducted. At low energy (i.e., low impeller speed), the effect of

for bubble generation in a flotation machine thus inducing a re- impeller speed is more obvious than at higher impeller speeds (Grau
tardation effect. and Laskowski, 2006). The practical range is a tip speed of 5–7 m/s
(Nesset et al., 2007) consequently the present results represent low
5.4. Effect of impeller speed on bubble size distribution energy. Another difference from practice is that the impeller here is
‘unconstrained’, i.e., there is no stator as in industrial mechanical
Impeller speed controls both the probability of break-up and machines. The stator will intensify the turbulence (and also aids in
coalescence. The overall result will depend on the relative impact on subsequent bubble distribution (Grainger-Allen, 1970)).
these two events.
Fig. 15 shows the effect of impeller speed on bubble size 6. Discussion
distribution in the absence of frother. The impeller speed was varied
from 380 rpm (impeller tip speed 1.3 m/s) to 500 rpm (1.7 m/s). The 6.1. Qualitative observations
fraction of bubbles generated by coalescence is seen to decrease with
increasing impeller speed with a corresponding increase in the The experiments have shown that the turbulence surrounding the
fraction generated by break-up (fraction to the left of 2.5 mm), from impeller creates an environment favoring both coalescence and break-
42% at 380 rpm (15% by volume) to 60% at 500 rpm (25% by volume). up. In water only, coalescence dominates with more than half the
The overall impression, therefore, is that break-up is favored over volume of output bubble size distribution being larger than the input
coalescence as impeller speed is increased. size (2.5 mm diameter). Nevertheless there is size reduction with a
Fig. 16 shows the effect of impeller speed on bubble size daughter population extending down to b0.3 mm.
distribution in the presence of frother (F-150). Here the fraction of The presence of frother significantly alters the daughter bubble
bubbles generated by coalescence is not significantly affected by the size distribution. The most evident effect is to block coalescence, with
impeller speed. There is a diminishing fraction of bubbles of the sufficient frother effectively eliminating it altogether. This corre-
original size (2.5 mm) with increasing impeller speed and an sponds to the common explanation for the role of frothers (Metso
increasing fraction of the smallest bubbles (b0.3 mm), suggesting Minerals CBT, 2002; Cho and Laskowski, 2002).
again that break-up is favored as impeller speed is increased. There is also an effect on the break-up process. Compared to water
This decrease in bubble size with increasing impeller speed only, the fraction of bubbles of 2.4 mm (i.e., 90% the volume of the
accords with the results of Gorain et al. (1995); but apparently not mother bubble) increases with a corresponding increase in bubbles
with those of Finch et al. (2008) who found bubble size was less than ca. 1.2 mm (i.e., 10% the volume of the mother bubble).
independent of impeller speed. The reconciliation is to consider the Otherwise, there is broad similarity with the break-up fraction
energy range (impeller speed) over which the experiments were distribution given in water only. Thus overall, frother damps
coalescence and modifies breakage to favor ≤10% volume fraction
The set-up was designed to try to access the process(es) occurring
in mechanical flotation machines. The experiment considers a single
bubble, rather than dispersion of the air stream introduced into the
flotation machine. Bubbles generated from the air stream are
subsequently exposed to coalescence/break-up events, however, due
to recycle of the pulp through the mechanism, more or less
emphasized according to machine design. The apparent artifact in

Fig. 15. Effect of impeller speed on bubble size distributions. Water only. Fig. 17. Stretched bubble before break-up.
W. Kracht, J.A. Finch / Int. J. Miner. Process. 92 (2009) 153–161 159

The bubbles generated after break-up (bubbles 1 and 2 in Fig. 18)

have volumes of:

4 3
V1 = πr ð7Þ
3 1

4 3
V2 = πr ð8Þ
3 2

Fig. 18. Schematic of bubble break-up. where r1 and r2 are the radii of bubble 1 and 2, respectively. These
radii may be calculated by equating to Eqs. (5) and (6):
  1 = 3
the experiment as conducted, namely the bubble being allowed to rise 3 2 1
r1 = h r0 − h ð9Þ
into the impeller region during which time frother can adsorb and 4 3
create a tension gradient opposing break-up, may be relevant to these   1 = 3
circulating bubbles. 3 2 1
r2 = ð2r0 −hÞ r0 − ð2r0 − hÞ : ð10Þ
4 3
6.2. Quantitative examination of break-up
The area ratios between the newly generated bubbles and the
It is proposed that the change in break-up bubble size distributions original bubble (spherical) caps are:
generated when frother is present is due to differences in surface
tension associated with the dumbbell break-up mechanism. Fig. 17 A1 2r12
= ð11Þ
shows a stretched bubble before rupture which will generate daughter ACap 1 hr0
bubbles 1 and 2. Since stretching is not uniform, the surface
surrounding bubbles 1 and 2 will have different frother concentration A2 2r2
= : ð12Þ
and thus different surface tension. The same argument for a difference ACap 2 r0 ð2r0 − hÞ
in surface tension for bubbles 1 and 2 can be extended to salt solutions.
According to the Laplace equation, the pressure inside each bubble Eqs. (11) and (12) represent the relative change in area with
(assumed spherical) immediately after break-up is: respect to the original bubble caps.
Since the break-up process occurs over a very short period of time,
P1 = 2 ð1Þ b10 ms, it is unlikely that the new area generated will be replenished
with frother, thus the two ends of the dumbbell, and the daughter
σ2 bubbles immediately after break-up, have different surface concentra-
P2 = 2 ð2Þ tion of frother and different surface tensions. For the analysis, therefore,
adsorption of fresh frother molecules on the dumbbell will be neglected
where r1 and r2 are the radii of bubbles 1 and 2 after break-up, and σ1 and the dumbbell will be assumed to share the same frother load as the
and σ2 correspond to the surface tension of bubbles 1 and 2. mother bubble. Based on this, it is possible to evaluate the difference in
Eqs. (1) and (2) represent the pressure inside each end of the pressure inside the daughter bubbles immediately after break-up, for
stretched bubble just prior to break-up. Generating a pressure both cases with and without frother or salt.
difference inside a bubble costs energy, and the higher the pressure The general expression for the difference in pressure is:
difference the higher the energy needed to generate that difference.  
σ σ
From geometry, when a bubble breaks into two daughter bubbles the ΔP = 2 1 − 2 : ð13Þ
r1 r2
total bubble surface area increases. Unless the original bubble breaks
into two equal size bubbles (break-up fraction equal to 50%), the
increase in surface area contributed by both daughter bubbles is not If the surface tension is assumed to be linearly proportional to the
the same and depends on the relative size of the daughter bubbles. surface loading (adsorption density) Γ (mol∙m− 2) (Comley et al.,
Fig. 18 represents an original (mother) bubble divided by a plane 2002), the surface tension may be written as:
into two regions (two spherical caps) that will generate the two
daughter bubbles after break-up. It will be assumed that the break-up σ = σ 0 − ky Γ ð14Þ
occurred by the dumbbell mechanism (Fig. 17), and that Eqs. (1)
and (2) represent the pressures inside bubbles 1 and 2 in Fig. 18. where σ0 corresponds to the surface tension of (uncontaminated)
If the original bubble has a radius equal to r0, the area corres- water and ky (mN∙m∙mol− 1) is the change in surface tension with
ponding to spherical caps 1 and 2 are: loading. Eq. (13) may be re-written as:
σ 0 − ky Γ 1 σ 0 − ky Γ 2
ACap 1 = 2πhr0 ð3Þ ΔP = 2 − : ð15Þ
r1 r2

ACap 2 = 2πð2r0 − hÞr0 : ð4Þ

But, following the assumption made, Γ1 and Γ2 may be expressed as:

The volumes associated to caps 1 and 2 correspond to the volumes ACap 1

Γ1 = Γ4 ð16Þ
of the daughter bubbles 1 and 2, and may be expressed as: A1
2 1 ACap 2
V1 = πh r0 − h ð5Þ Γ2 = Γ4 ð17Þ
3 A2
2 1 where Γ ⁎ represents the surface loading of the mother bubble,
V2 = πð2r0 −hÞ r0 − ð2r0 − hÞ : ð6Þ
3 immediately prior to break-up.
160 W. Kracht, J.A. Finch / Int. J. Miner. Process. 92 (2009) 153–161

favoring an asymmetric 90:10 volume division or higher in the

presence of frothers and salt; i.e., for the starting bubble size of 2.5 mm
diameter, the output size is dominated by 2.4 mm diameter bubbles.
An analysis of the break-up event is presented based on the
dumbbell model. It is determined that less energy is needed in the
presence of frother to generate strongly asymmetric break-up which
corresponds to the observation.


Funding is under the Chair in Mineral Processing sponsored by

Vale Inco, Teck Cominco, Xstrata Process Support, Agnico-Eagle,
Barrick Gold, Shell Canada, SGS Lakefield, COREM and Flottec, through
the NSERC (Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of
Canada) CRD (Collaborative Research and Development) program.
Fig. 19. Evaluation of parenthesis in Eq. (20).
W. Kracht would also like to thank the Chilean Government for the
Chilean National Scholarship (Beca Presidente de la República) and
Combining Eqs. (15), (16), and (17) yields: Universidad de Chile for granting a leave and financial support.
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