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Polytechnic University of the Philippines GEED 10043: The Contemporary World

Caloracan, Deanna Jeanne L. February 12, 2020

BS CpE 2-7P

Take Home Essay

Interpretations of globalization greatly differs depending on the lens through which

scholars sees it. Globalizers sees globalization as a completely transformative set of processes
that guide our everyday lives. While rejectionists, skeptics and modifiers, sees globalization as

From a rejectionist’s point of view, they suggest that accounts before were imprecise,
inaccurate and exaggerated, making them to rejects its usefulness and to contradict that
globalization is something we can see as an analytical concept. For them globalization is a
vacuous term.

For skeptics, their perspective is that globalization does not progess to our world as we
expect it to be, “...the big puzzle of our time is why globalization isn’t as extensive as it is but why
it is limited as it is.” (Ghemawat, 2012). Skeptics sees globalization more as an economic aspect.
In their perspective other proponents does not see that globalization is not creating a new way
as a whole but just another phenomenon to be able to be one centered nation of which
dominates. In Peter Alfandary's TED talk explained why globalization is myth for him by telling a
story of his experience with other cultures. In the story, he focuses that we are not all the same
even if we are in, in his term, 'global village'. For him there will still be our ‘own village' that is
different from others.

While modifiers are far from globalizers, they also differ from rejectionists and skeptics.
Modifiers acknowledged globalization, but for them globalization is not a new thing but rather a
phenomenon not recognized before. This coining the term globalization is a ridiculous way to
state what is obviously happening.
In my stand I do agree more on scholars categorized as skeptics. As of my observation in
what we call globalization, it only gears toward to dominant economies like Europe and USA. For
example, using English as lingua franca. Making it as the language for communication doesn't
necessarily means that it is the easiest to use but because it is what is dominantly used. For me
globalization is not making us connect as one, but to be one with what is currently leading.
Globalization is not fully integrated, and not “global” as we think it. Globalization can be seen
evidently more economy rather than culture and politics. In my perspective globalization can be
achieved fully only we consider as well the fact that we are in need to understand first different
cultures and political views of other nations.

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Polytechnic University of the Philippines GEED 10043: The Contemporary World

Ghemawat, P. (2012, September 23). Globaloney: Globalization Challenged. (N. Hasting, Interviewer)

Steger, M. B. (2014). Approaches to the Study of Globalization. In The SAGE Handbook of Globalization
(pp. 7-22). London: SAGE Publications Ltd.

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