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No: ______
Name: Gianna Delos Reyes Date:
Grade level/Section: 12- discipline Topic:

Practice Exercise 1
A. Directions: Read the two paraphrases of the original text below. Select the most appropriate paraphrase then explain
your answer.

Paraphrase 1

The United States, Germany, Japan and other economies are being dramatically changed from industrial
economies to knowledge and information-based service economies as manufacturing shifts to countries where
the wages are low cost. In a knowledge and information-based economies, knowledge and information are the
focus in economic growth (Laudon & Laudon 2002).

Paraphrase 2

There has been a dramatic change in economies such as the United States, Japan and Germany from industrial
to service economies involved in knowledge and information. As manufacturing shifts to countries where wages
are low, economic growth and information economies must focus on knowledge and information production
(Laudon & Laudon 2002).

I choose the Paraphrase 2 because this is the better paraphrase. The keywords and the sentence
structure have been changed in a write way and it still provides the main idea.

Paraphrase 1

There is little agreement on the effect of advertising on children, though it is undoubtedly a concern, especially
for parents. When Sweden banned children’s TV adverts in 1991, 88% of the population supported the decision
(Willows, 2009), while in the UK, over a third of adults thought advertising could damage their children (Sidle,

Paraphrase 2

Views vary on what possible effect advertising can have on the young. What is without doubt is that most
people, especially parents, are concerned about the impact. 88% of Swedish people were in favor of their
government’s ban on advertising on children’s television (Willows, 2009), and in the UK, 36% of adults
believed adverts were harmful to their offspring (Sidle, 2011).

I choose paraphrase 1 because it paraphrases a lot of words than paraphrase 2. It paraphrases some
words but it doesn’t change enough words even though there are some references so the better
paraphrase for this statement is the Paraphrase 1.

B. Directions: Make your own paraphrase. Read the original text below and build a paraphrase from the
selection of phrases provided on the next page.

1. Information systems make it possible for business to adopt flatter, more decentralized structures and more
flexible arrangements for employees and management. Organizations are trying to become more competitive
and efficient by transforming themselves intro digital firms where nearly all core business process and
relationships with customers, suppliers and employees are digitally managed (Laudon & Laudon 2002).

Business can create compliment, less brought together structures, just as game plans which permit
for greater flexibility, through the application of information systems. The pressures of competition
and efficiency require associations to become computerized organizations where center dealings
with clients, providers and workers are encouraged electronically.

2. In the 1920s, an American academic, Elton Mayo, researched the effects of the physical environment on the
productivity of workers. The result, known as the Hawthorne Studies, named after the electrics company where
it took place, showed that workers could be motivated to work harder by making small changes to the
workplace, such as altering the lighting or the layout of a room.

Just about a hundred years prior, Elton Mayo, a US scholarly concentrated how laborers could be
affected by their condition, and in his report, the Hawthorne Studies, he demonstrated that by
changing minor parts of the working environment, for example lighting, laborers could be
encouraged to work harder. The Hawthorne Studies embraced by an American academic in the
early 20th century, investigated links between environment and productivity and demonstrated that
the latter could be increased by making small physical changes to the workplace, for example
altering a room’s layout.

C. Finish these paraphrased sentences by changing the word/word type and grammar.
Example: We studied the statistics then applied for funding.
- After _________ the statistics, we made an _________ for funding.
- After studying the statistics, we made an application for funding.
1. We were concerned about her health.
We had some concerns about her health.
2. The council cut funding so we could not provide free parking.
Because of council funding cuts, there was no provision for free parking.
3. His proposal was a failure as it was too theoretical.
His proposal failed because it relied too much on theory.
4. As the emphasis was only on the UK, there were weaknesses in the evidence.
By emphasizing the UK only, the evidence was weak.
5. As the emphasis was only on the UK, there were weaknesses in the evidence.
As the emphasis was only on the UK, the evidence was not strong.

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