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Bonobo Sex and Society

The behavior of a close relative

challenges assumptions about male
supremacy in human evolution

by Frans B. M. de Waal

t a juncture in history during The species is best characterized as logical continuity is true, the bonobo
which women are seeking equal- female-centered and egalitarian and as may have undergone less transforma-
ity with men, science arrives with one that substitutes sex for aggression. tion than either humans or chimpan-
a belated gift to the feminist movement. Whereas in most other species sexual zees. It could most closely resemble the
Male-biased evolutionary scenariosÑ behavior is a fairly distinct category, in common ancestor of all three modern
Man the Hunter, Man the Toolmaker the bonobo it is part and parcel of social species. Indeed, in the 1930s Harold J.
and so onÑare being challenged by the relationsÑand not just between males CoolidgeÑthe American anatomist who
discovery that females play a central, and females. Bonobos engage in sex in gave the bonobo its eventual taxonom-
perhaps even dominant, role in the so- virtually every partner combination (al- ic statusÑsuggested that the animal
cial life of one of our nearest relatives. though such contact among close fami- might be most similar to the primogen-
In the past few years many strands of ly members may be suppressed ). And itor, since its anatomy is less specialized
knowledge have come together con- sexual interactions occur more often than is the chimpanzeeÕs. Bonobo body
cerning a relatively unknown ape with among bonobos than among other pri- proportions have been compared with
an unorthodox repertoire of behavior: mates. Despite the frequency of sex, the those of the australopithecines, a form
the bonobo. bonoboÕs rate of reproduction in the of prehuman. When the apes stand or
The bonobo is one of the last large wild is about the same as that of the walk upright, they look as if they
mammals to be found by science. The chimpanzee. A female gives birth to a stepped straight out of an artistÕs im-
creature was discovered in 1929 in a single infant at intervals of between Þve pression of early hominids.
Belgian colonial museum, far from its and six years. So bonobos share at least Not too long ago the savanna baboon
lush African habitat. A German anato- one very important characteristic with was regarded as the best living model
mist, Ernst Schwarz, was scrutinizing a our own species, namely, a partial sep- of the human ancestor. That primate is
skull that had been ascribed to a juve- aration between sex and reproduction. adapted to the kinds of ecological con-
nile chimpanzee because of its small ditions that prehumans may have faced
size, when he realized that it belonged A Near Relative after descending from the trees. But in
to an adult. Schwarz declared that he the late 1970s, chimpanzees, which are
had stumbled on a new subspecies of
chimpanzee. But soon the animal was
assigned the status of an entirely dis-
T his Þnding commands attention be-
cause the bonobo shares more than
98 percent of our genetic proÞle, mak-
much more closely related to humans,
became the model of choice. Traits that
are observed in chimpanzeesÑinclud-
tinct species within the same genus as ing it as close to a human as, say, a fox ing cooperative hunting, food sharing,
the chimpanzee, Pan. is to a dog. The split between the hu- tool use, power politics and primitive
The bonobo was oÛcially classiÞed man line of ancestry and the line of the warfareÑwere absent or not as devel-
as Pan paniscus, or the diminutive Pan. chimpanzee and the bonobo is believed oped in baboons. In the laboratory the
But I believe a diÝerent label might to have occurred a mere eight million apes have been able to learn sign lan-
have been selected had the discoverers years ago. The subsequent divergence guage and to recognize themselves in a
known then what we know now. The old of the chimpanzee and the bonobo lines mirror, a sign of self-awareness not yet
taxonomic name of the chimpanzee, P. came much later, perhaps prompted by demonstrated in monkeys.
satyrusÑwhich refers to the myth of the chimpanzeeÕs need to adapt to rela- Although selecting the chimpanzee
apes as lustful satyrsÑwould have been tively open, dry habitats [see ÒEast Side as the touchstone of hominid evolution
perfect for the bonobo. Story: The Origin of Humankind,Ó by represented a great improvement, at
Yves Coppens; SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, least one aspect of the former model
May 1994] . did not need to be revised: male supe-
FRANS B. M. DE WAAL was trained as In contrast, bonobos probably nev- riority remained the natural state of af-
an ethologist in the European tradition, er left the protection of the trees. Their fairs. In both baboons and chimpan-
receiving his Ph.D. from the University present range lies in humid forests zees, males are conspicuously dominant
of Utrecht in 1977. After a six-year study south of the Zaire River, where perhaps over females; they reign supremely and
of the chimpanzee colony at the Arn- fewer than 10,000 bonobos survive. often brutally. It is highly unusual for a
hem Zoo, he moved to the U.S. in 1981 to ( Given the speciesÕ slow rate of repro- fully grown male chimpanzee to be
work on other primate species, includ- duction, the rapid destruction of its dominated by any female.
ing bonobos. He is now a research pro-
tropical habitat and the political insta- Enter the bonobo. Despite their com-
fessor at the Yerkes Regional Primate Re-
search Center in Atlanta and professor bility of central Africa, there is reason mon nameÑthe pygmy chimpanzeeÑ
of psychology at Emory University. for much concern about its future. ) bonobos cannot be distinguished from
If this evolutionary scenario of eco- the chimpanzee by size. Adult males of

82 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1995 Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc.

FRANS LANTING Minden Pictures

BONOBO FEMALE interacts with an infant. Juvenile bonobos years. They are extremely well tolerated by adults, who have
depend on their mothers for milk and transport for up to Þve rarely been seen to attack or threaten them.

the smallest subspecies of chimpanzee zee it may be older than 40 in the wild ers or almost falling. She seems to be
weigh some 43 kilograms (95 pounds ) and close to 60 in captivity. imposing a rule on herself: ÒI cannot
and females 33 kilograms (73 pounds), Fruit is central to the diets of both look until I lose my balance.Ó Other apes
about the same as bonobos. Although wild bonobos and chimpanzees. The and monkeys also indulge in this game,
female bonobos are much smaller than former supplement with more pith but I have never seen it performed with
the males, they seem to rule. from herbaceous plants, and the latter such dedication and concentration as
add meat. Although bonobos do eat in- by bonobos.
Graceful Apes vertebrates and occasionally capture Juvenile bonobos are incurably play-
and eat small vertebrates, including ful and like to make funny faces, some-

I n physique, a bonobo is as diÝerent

from a chimpanzee as a Concorde is
from a Boeing 747. I do not wish to of-
mammals, their diet seems to contain
relatively little animal protein. Unlike
chimpanzees, they have not been ob-
times in long solitary pantomimes and
at other times while tickling one anoth-
er. Bonobos are, however, more con-
fend any chimpanzees, but bonobos served to hunt monkeys. trolled in expressing their emotionsÑ
have more style. The bonobo, with its Whereas chimpanzees use a rich array whether it be joy, sorrow, excitement or
long legs and small head atop narrow of strategies to obtain foodsÑfrom angerÑthan are the extroverted chim-
shoulders, has a more gracile build than cracking nuts with stone tools to Þsh- panzees. Male chimpanzees often en-
does a chimpanzee. Bonobo lips are red- ing for ants and termites with sticksÑ gage in spectacular charging displays in
dish in a black face, the ears small and tool use in wild bonobos seems unde- which they show oÝ their strength:
the nostrils almost as wide as a goril- veloped. ( Captive bonobos use tools throwing rocks, breaking branches and
laÕs. These primates also have a ßatter, skillfully. ) Apparently as intelligent as uprooting small trees in the process.
more open face with a higher forehead chimpanzees, bonobos have, however, They keep up these noisy performances
than the chimpanzeeÕs andÑto top it a far more sensitive temperament. Dur- for many minutes, during which most
all oÝÑan attractive coiÝure with long, ing World War II bombing of Hellabrun, other members of the group wisely stay
Þne, black hair neatly parted in the Germany, the bonobos in a nearby zoo out of their way. Male bonobos, on the
middle. all died of fright from the noise; the other hand, usually limit displays to a
Like chimpanzees, female bonobos chimpanzees were unaÝected. brief run while dragging a few branch-
nurse and carry around their young for Bonobos are also imaginative in play. es behind them.
up to Þve years. By the age of seven the I have watched captive bonobos engage Both primates signal emotions and
oÝspring reach adolescence. Wild fe- in ÒblindmanÕs buÝ.Ó A bonobo covers intentions through facial expressions
males give birth for the Þrst time at 13 her eyes with a banana leaf or an arm and hand gestures, many of which are
or 14 years of age, becoming full grown or by sticking two Þngers in her eyes. also present in the nonverbal commu-
by about 15. A bonoboÕs longevity is Thus handicapped, she stumbles around nication of humans. For example, bono-
unknown, but judging by the chimpan- on a climbing frame, bumping into oth- bos will beg by stretching out an open

Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1995 83

GORILLA CHIMP BONOBO HUMAN BABOON MACAQUE creased female sexual receptivity. The
tumescent phase of the femaleÕs geni-
tals, resulting in a pink swelling that
3 signals willingness to mate, covers a
much longer part of estrus in bonobos
8 than in chimpanzees. Instead of a few
days out of her cycle, the female bono-
10 bo is almost continuously sexually at-
GIBBON tractive and active [ see illustration on
page 86 ] .
Perhaps the bonoboÕs most typical
16 sexual pattern, undocumented in any
other primate, is genito-genital rubbing
(or GG rubbing) between adult females.
One female facing another clings with
22 arms and legs to a partner that, stand-
MILLIONS ing on both hands and feet, lifts her oÝ
OF YEARS the ground. The two females then rub

AGO their genital swellings laterally together,
HUMANS OLD WORLD emitting grins and squeals that proba-
AND APES MONKEYS bly reßect orgasmic experiences. ( Labo-
ratory experiments on stump-tailed ma-
EVOLUTIONARY TREE of primates, based on DNA analysis, shows that humans di- caques have demonstrated that women
verged from bonobos and chimpanzees a mere eight million years ago. The three are not the only female primates capa-
species share more than 98 percent of their genetic makeup. ble of physiological orgasm. )
Male bonobos, too, may engage in
pseudocopulation but generally per-
hand (or, sometimes, a foot ) to a pos- time. As soon as a caretaker approached form a variation. Standing back to back,
sessor of food and will pout their lips the enclosure with food, the males one male brießy rubs his scrotum
and make whimpering sounds if the ef- would develop erections. Even before against the buttocks of another. They
fort is unsuccessful. But bonobos make the food was thrown into the area, the also practice so-called penis-fencing, in
diÝerent sounds than chimpanzees do. bonobos would be inviting each other which two males hang face to face from
The renowned low-pitched, extended for sex: males would invite females, a branch while rubbing their erect penis-
Òhuuu-huuuÓ pant-hooting of the latter and females would invite males and es together.
contrasts with the rather sharp, high- other females. The diversity of erotic contacts in bo-
pitched barking sounds of the bonobo. Sex, it turned out, is the key to the nobos includes sporadic oral sex, mas-
social life of the bonobo. The Þrst sug- sage of another individualÕs genitals and
Love, Not War gestion that the sexual behavior of bono- intense tongue-kissing. Lest this leave
bos is diÝerent had come from obser- the impression of a pathologically over-

M y own interest in bonobos came

not from an inherent fascination
with their charms but from research on
vations at European zoos. Wrapping
their Þndings in Latin, primatologists
Eduard Tratz and Heinz Heck reported
sexed species, I must add, based on
hundreds of hours of watching bono-
bos, that their sexual activity is rather
aggressive behavior in primates. I was in 1954 that the chimpanzees at Hel- casual and relaxed. It appears to be a
particularly intrigued with the after- labrun mated more canum (like dogs) completely natural part of their group
math of conßict. After two chimpanzees and bonobos more hominum (like peo- life. Like people, bonobos engage in sex
have fought, for instance, they may ple) . In those days, face-to-face copula- only occasionally, not continuously.
come together for a hug and mouth-to- tion was considered uniquely human, a Furthermore, with the average copula-
mouth kiss. Assuming that such re- cultural innovation that needed to be tion lasting 13 seconds, sexual contact
unions serve to restore peace and har- taught to preliterate people (hence the in bonobos is rather quick by human
mony, I labeled them reconciliations. term Òmissionary positionÓ). These early standards.
Any species that combines close studies, written in German, were ig- That sex is connected to feeding, and
bonds with a potential for conßict needs nored by the international scientiÞc es- even appears to make food sharing pos-
such conciliatory mechanisms. Thinking tablishment. The bonoboÕs humanlike sible, has been observed not only in
how much faster marriages would sexuality needed to be rediscovered in zoos but also in the wild. Nancy Thomp-
break up if people had no way of com- the 1970s before it became accepted as son-Handler, then at the State Universi-
pensating for hurting each other, I set characteristic of the species. ty of New York at Stony Brook, saw bo-
out to investigate such mechanisms in Bonobos become sexually aroused nobos in ZaireÕs Lomako Forest engage
several primates, including bonobos. remarkably easily, and they express this in sex after they had entered trees load-
Although I expected to see peacemak- excitement in a variety of mounting po- ed with ripe Þgs or when one among
ing in these apes, too, I was little pre- sitions and genital contacts. Although them had captured a prey animal, such
pared for the form it would take. chimpanzees virtually never adopt face- as a small forest duiker. The ßurry of
For my study, which began in 1983, I to-face positions, bonobos do so in one sexual contacts would last for Þve to
chose the San Diego Zoo. At the time, it out of three copulations in the wild. 10 minutes, after which the apes would
housed the worldÕs largest captive bo- Furthermore, the frontal orientation of settle down to consume the food.
nobo colonyÑ10 members divided into the bonobo vulva and clitoris strongly One explanation for the sexual activ-
three groups. I spent entire days in suggest that the female genitalia are ity at feeding time could be that excite-
front of the enclosure with a video cam- adapted for this position. ment over food translates into sexual
era, which was switched on at feeding Another similarity with humans is in- arousal. This idea may be partly true.

84 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1995 Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc.

Social Organization among Various Primates

Gibbons establish monogamous,

egalitarian relations, and one cou-
ple will maintain a territory to the
exclusion of other pairs.
Bonobo communities are peace-
loving and generally egalitarian.
The strongest social bonds (blue ) The social organization of goril-
HUMAN las provides a clear example of
are those among females ( green),
although females also bond with polygamy. Usually a single male
males. The status of a male ( pur- maintains a range for his family
ple) depends on the position of unit, which contains several fe-
his mother, to whom he remains males. The strongest bonds are
closely bonded for her entire life. those between the male and his



In chimpanzee groups the

strongest bonds are established Orangutans live solitary lives
between the males in order to Human society is the most di- with little bonding in evidence.
hunt and to protect their shared verse among the primates. Males Male orangutans are intolerant of
territory. The females live in over- unite for cooperative ventures, one another. In his prime, a single
lapping home ranges within this whereas females also bond with male establishes a large territory,
territory but are not strongly those of their own sex. Mono- within which live several females.

bonded to other females or to any gamy, polygamy and polyandry Each female has her own, sepa-
one male. are all in evidence. rate home range.

Yet another motivation is probably the food. A jealous male might chase an- Then Leslie rubbed her vulva against his
real cause: competition. There are two other away from a female, after which shoulder. This gesture calmed Kako, and
reasons to believe sexual activity is the the two males reunite and engage in he moved along the branch. It seemed
bonoboÕs answer to avoiding conßict. scrotal rubbing. Or after a female hits a that Leslie had been very close to using
First, anything, not just food, that juvenile, the latterÕs mother may lunge force but instead had reassured both
arouses the interest of more than one at the aggressor, an action that is im- herself and Kako with sexual contact.
bonobo at a time tends to result in sex- mediately followed by genital rubbing During reconciliations, bonobos use
ual contact. If two bonobos approach a between the two adults. the same sexual repertoire as they do
cardboard box thrown into their enclo- I once observed a young male, Kako, during feeding time. Based on an analy-
sure, they will brießy mount each other inadvertently blocking an older, female sis of many such incidents, my study
before playing with the box. Such situa- juvenile, Leslie, from moving along a yielded the Þrst solid evidence for sex-
tions lead to squabbles in most other branch. First, Leslie pushed him; Kako, ual behavior as a mechanism to over-
species. But bonobos are quite tolerant, who was not very conÞdent in trees, come aggression. Not that this function
perhaps because they use sex to divert tightened his grip, grinning nervously. is absent in other animalsÑor in hu-
attention and to diÝuse tension. Next Leslie gnawed on one of his hands, mans, for that matterÑbut the art of
Second, bonobo sex often occurs in presumably to loosen his grasp. Kako sexual reconciliation may well have
aggressive contexts totally unrelated to uttered a sharp peep and stayed put. reached its evolutionary peak in the

Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1995 85

bonobo. For these animals, sexual be- gators, making them wonder if these Bonobo males remain attached to
havior is indistinguishable from social apes formed any social groups with their mothers all their lives, following
behavior. Given its peacemaking and stable membership. After years of doc- them through the forest and being de-
appeasement functions, it is not sur- umenting the travels of chimpanzees pendent on them for protection in ag-
prising that sex among bonobos occurs in the Mahale Mountains, Nishida Þrst gressive encounters with other males.
in so many diÝerent partner combina- reported that they form large commu- As a result, the highest-ranking males
tions, including between juveniles and nities: all members of one community of a bonobo community tend to be
adults. The need for peaceful coexis- mix freely in ever changing parties, but sons of important females.
tence is obviously not restricted to members of diÝerent communities nev- What a contrast with chimpanzees!
adult heterosexual pairs. er gather. Later, Goodall added territo- Male chimpanzees Þght their own bat-
riality to this picture. That is, not only tles, often relying on the support of
Female Alliance do communities not mix, but males of other males. Furthermore, adult male
diÝerent chimpanzee communities en- chimpanzees travel together in same-

A part from maintaining harmony,

sex is also involved in creating the
singular social structure of the bonobo.
gage in lethal battles.
In both bonobos and chimpanzees,
males stay in their natal group, where-
sex parties, grooming each other fre-
quently. Males form a distinct social hi-
erarchy with high levels of both compe-
This use of sex becomes clear when as females tend to migrate during ado- tition and association. Given the need
studying bonobos in the wild. Field re- lescence. As a result, the senior males to stick together against males of neigh-
search on bonobos started only in the of a chimpanzee or bonobo group have boring communities, their bonding is
mid-1970s, more than a decade after known all junior males since birth, and not surprising: failure to form a united
the most important studies on wild all junior males have grown up togeth- front might result in the loss of lives
chimpanzees had been initiated. In er. Females, on the other hand, transfer and territory. The danger of being male
terms of continuity and invested (wo)m- to an unfamiliar and often hostile group is reßected in the adult sex ratio of
anpower, the chimpanzee projects of where they may know no one. A chief chimpanzee populations, with consid-
Jane Goodall and Toshisada Nishida, diÝerence between chimpanzee and erably fewer males than females.
both in Tanzania, are unparalleled. But bonobo societies is the way in which Serious conßict between bonobo
bonobo research by Takayoshi Kano young females integrate into their new groups has been witnessed in the Þeld,
and others of Kyoto University is now community. but it seems quite rare. On the con-
two decades under way at Wamba in On arrival in another community, trary, reports exist of peaceable min-
Zaire and is beginning to show the young bonobo females at Wamba single gling, including mutual sex and groom-
same payoÝs. out one or two senior resident females ing, between what appear to be diÝer-
Both bonobos and chimpanzees live for special attention, using frequent GG ent communities. If intergroup combat
in so-called Þssion-fusion societies. The rubbing and grooming to establish a re- is indeed unusual, it may explain the
apes move alone or in small parties of lation. If the residents reciprocate, close lower rate of all-male associations.
a few individuals at a time, the compo- associations are set up, and the young- Rather than being male-bonded, bonobo
sition of which changes constantly. er female gradually becomes accepted society gives the impression of being
Several bonobos traveling together in into the group. After producing her Þrst female-bonded, with even adult males
the morning might meet another group oÝspring, the young femaleÕs position relying on their mothers instead of on
in the forest, whereupon one individual becomes more stable and central. Even- other males. No wonder Kano calls
from the Þrst group wanders oÝ with tually the cycle repeats with younger mothers the ÒcoreÓ of bonobo society.
others from the second group, while immigrants, in turn, seeking a good re- The bonding among female bonobos
those left behind forage together. All lation with the now established female. violates a fairly general rule, outlined
associations, except the one between Sex thus smooths the migrantÕs en- by Harvard University anthropologist
mother and dependent oÝspring, are trance into the community of females, Richard W. Wrangham, that the sex that
of a temporary character. which is much more close-knit in the stays in the natal group develops the
Initially this ßexibility baÜed investi- bonobo than in the chimpanzee. strongest mutual bonds. Bonding among
male chimpanzees follows naturally be-
cause they remain in the community of

their birth. The same is true for female

kinship bonding in Old World monkeys,

such as macaques and baboons, where

males are the migratory sex.
0 Bonobos are unique in that the mi-
gratory sex, females, strongly bond with
same-sex strangers later in life. In set-
ting up an artiÞcial sisterhood, bono-
bos can be said to be secondarily bond-
ed. ( Kinship bonds are said to be pri-
mary.) Although we now know how this
happensÑthrough the use of sexual
contact and groomingÑwe do not yet
0 16 32 48 64 80 96
know why bonobos and chimpanzees
DAYS MENSTRUATION diÝer in this respect. The answer may
FEMALE RECEPTIVITY for sex, manifested by swollen genitals, occupies a much lie in the diÝerent ecological environ-
larger proportion of the estrus cycle of bonobos (top) than of chimpanzees (bot- ments of bonobos and chimpanzeesÑ
tom). The receptivity of bonobos continues through lactation. ( In chimpanzees, it such as the abundance and quality of
disappears.) This circumstance allows sex to play a large part in the social relations food in the forest. But it is uncertain if
of bonobos. The graph was provided by Jeremy Dahl of the Yerkes Primate Center. such explanations will suÛce.

86 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1995 Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc.


a b c


d e f

DOMINANCE BY BONDING is evinced by female bonobos, dominated chimpanzee society the male eats Þrst (d ), while
who engage in genito-genital ( GG ) rubbing before eating sug- the females wait at a safe distance. After he leaves (e), carrying
arcane (a), while a bigger male displays to no avail. The fe- as many bananas as he can, the dominant female gets what is
males then share the food without competition (b). Only when left (f ). ( Small amounts of sugarcane and bananas are provid-
they leave can the male get to the sugarcane (c). In male- ed at some research sites in Zaire.)

Bonobo society is, however, not only In the bonobo group, it was the fe- ologist Takeshi FuruichiÕs summary of
female-centered but also appears to be males that approached the honey Þrst. the relation between the sexes at Wam-
female-dominated. Bonobo specialists, After having engaged in some GG rub- ba, where bonobos are enticed out of
while long suspecting such a reality, bing, they would feed together, taking the forest with sugarcane. ÒMales usual-
have been reluctant to make the contro- turns with virtually no competition be- ly appeared at the feeding site Þrst, but
versial claim. But in 1992, at the 14th tween them. The male might make as they surrendered preferred positions
Congress of the International Primato- many charging displays as he wanted; when the females appeared. It seemed
logical Society in Strasbourg, investiga- the females were not intimidated and that males appeared Þrst not because
tors of both captive and wild bonobos ignored the commotion. they were dominant, but because they
presented data that left little doubt Observers at the Belgian animal park had to feed before the arrival of fe-
about the issue. of Planckendael, which currently has males,Ó Furuichi reported at Strasbourg.
Amy R. Parish of the University of the most naturalistic bonobo colony,
California at Davis reported on food reported similar Þndings. If a male Sex for Food
competition in identical groups (one bonobo tried to harass a female, all fe-
adult male and two adult females ) of
chimpanzees and bonobos at the
Stuttgart Zoo. Honey was provided in a
males would band together to chase
him oÝ. Because females appeared more
successful in dominating males when
O ccasionally, the role of sex in rela-
tion to food is taken one step fur-
ther, bringing bonobos very close to
Òtermite hillÓ from which it could be they were together than on their own, humans in their behavior. It has been
extracted by dipping sticks into a small their close association and frequent speculated by anthropologistsÑinclud-
hole. As soon as honey was made avail- genital rubbing may represent an al- ing C. Owen Lovejoy of Kent State Uni-
able, the male chimpanzee would make liance. Females may bond so as to out- versity and Helen Fisher of Rutgers Uni-
a charging display through the enclo- compete members of the individually versityÑthat sex is partially separated
sure and claim everything for himself. stronger sex. from reproduction in our species be-
Only when his appetite was satisÞed The fact that they manage to do so cause it serves to cement mutually prof-
would he let the females Þsh for honey. not only in captivity is evident from zo- itable relationships between men and

Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1995 87

FRANS LANTING Minden Pictures
FRANS LANTING Minden Pictures

FRANS LANTING Minden Pictures

BEHAVIOR among bonobos is often reminiscent of that among upright, using his hands to carry food (right ); and a male and
humans. A female and an infant play (left ); two juveniles female have sex (bottom center), after which the female
practice sex without penetration (top center); a bonobo walks leaves with one of the maleÕs two oranges.

women. The human femaleÕs capacity Despite such quid pro quo between cations for models of human society.
to mate throughout her cycle and her the sexes, there are no indications that Just imagine that we had never heard
strong sex drive allow her to exchange bonobos form humanlike nuclear fami- of chimpanzees or baboons and had
sex for male commitment and paternal lies. The burden of raising oÝspring ap- known bonobos Þrst. We would at pres-
care, thus giving rise to the nuclear pears to rest entirely on the femaleÕs ent most likely believe that early homin-
family. shoulders. In fact, nuclear families are ids lived in female-centered societies, in
This arrangement is thought to be fa- probably incompatible with the diverse which sex served important social func-
vored by natural selection because it al- use of sex found in bonobos. If our an- tions and in which warfare was rare or
lows women to raise more oÝspring cestors started out with a sex life simi- absent. In the end, perhaps the most
than they could if they were on their lar to that of bonobos, the evolution of successful reconstruction of our past
own. Although bonobos clearly do not the family would have required dramatic will be based not on chimpanzees or
establish the exclusive heterosexual change. even on bonobos but on a three-way
bonds characteristic of our species, Human family life implies paternal comparison of chimpanzees, bonobos
their behavior does Þt important ele- investment, which is unlikely to devel- and humans.
ments of this model. A female bonobo op unless males can be reasonably cer-
shows extended receptivity and uses tain that they are caring for their own,
sex to obtain a maleÕs favors whenÑ not someone elseÕs, oÝspring. Bonobo FURTHER READING
usually because of youthÑshe is too society lacks any such guarantee, but
low in social status to dominate him. humans protect the integrity of their BIOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR. Edited by Ran-
At the San Diego Zoo, I observed that family units through all kinds of moral dall L. Susman. Plenum Press, 1984.
if Loretta was in a sexually attractive restrictions and taboos. Thus, although THE COMMUNICATIVE REPERTOIRE OF
state, she would not hesitate to ap- our species is characterized by an ex- CAPTIVE BONOBOS (PAN PANISCUS )
proach the adult male, Vernon, if he traordinary interest in sex, there are no COMPARED TO THAT OF CHIMPANZEES.
had food. Presenting herself to Vernon, societies in which people engage in it F.B.M. de Waal in Behaviour, Vol. 106,
Nos. 3Ð4, pages 183Ð251; September
she would mate with him and make at the drop of a hat (or a cardboard box,
high-pitched food calls while taking over as the case may be). A sense of shame PEACEMAKING AMONG PRIMATES. F.B.M.
his entire bundle of branches and leaves. and a desire for domestic privacy are de Waal. Harvard University Press, 1989.
When Loretta had no genital swelling, typical human concepts related to the UNDERSTANDING CHIMPANZEES. Edited
she would wait until Vernon was ready evolution and cultural bolstering of the by Paul Heltne and Linda A. Marquardt.
to share. Primatologist Suehisa Kuroda family. Harvard University Press, 1989.
reports similar exchanges at Wamba: Yet no degree of moralizing can make THE LAST APE: PYGMY CHIMPANZEE BE-
ÒA young female approached a male, sex disappear from every realm of hu- HAVIOR AND ECOLOGY. Takayoshi Kano.
Stanford University Press, 1992.
who was eating sugarcane. They copu- man life that does not relate to the nu-
lated in short order, whereupon she clear family. The bonoboÕs behavioral W. C. McGrew, F.B.M. de Waal and P.
took one of the two canes held by him peculiarities may help us understand the Heltne. Harvard University Press, 1994.
and left.Ó role of sex and may have serious impli-

88 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1995 Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc.

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