Exam 1

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Foundations of Solid Mechanics (N.

Zabaras) Exam I October 22, 2013

You are given two hours (2 : 55 to 4 : 55 pm) to work through this exam. Work through all
problems and provide precise solutions as partial credit will NOT be given (so please do not
simply list formulas that you think maybe relevant). Your solutions and presentation need
to be consistent with the notation used in class (that of Gurtin et al.).
Beyond the 2 pages formula spreadsheet that you are allowed to use, you are forbidden to
use any other notes or books or your phone or accessing the web or have any communications
with other students in the class. No calculators are needed or allowed during the exam. You
cannot share spreadsheets during the exam. We expect you not to leave the room for the
duration of the exam. Violators would be penalized following Cornell’s strict ethics conduct
regulations. If you see any wrong statements in any of the problems, please state clearly
your concern in the exam book.
1. - (10 points) For the homogeneous deformation defined by
x1 = αX1 + βX2 ,
x2 = −βX1 + αX2 ,
x3 = µX3
Calculate the Lagrangian strain tensor E. Show that if α = cos θ and β = sin θ and
µ = 1 the strain is zero.
2. - (10 points) For the steady velocity field v = 3x21 x2 e1 + 2x22 x3 e2 + x1 x2 x23 e3 determine
the rate of extension at the point P (1, 1, 1) in the spatial direction s1 = (3e1 − 4e3 )/5.
Determine next the rate of shear at P between the orthogonal spatial directions s1 =
(3e1 − 4e3 )/5 and s2 = (4e1 + 3e3 )/5.
Hint: Write the final results using matrix/vector manipulations with the correct
entries but do not perform the actual multiplications.
3. - (10 points) Show that the nominal traction vector tR = TR nR (using familiar nota-
tion) for a spatial unit vector direction n is given in terms of the Cauchy stress T, the
deformation gradient F and the left Cauchy-Green deformation tensor B as:
tR = Tn
(n · Bn)1/2

4. - (5 points) Show that the axial vector of the skew part 12 (u ⊗ v − v ⊗ u) of the tensor
u ⊗ v is − 12 u × v.
5. - (5 points) Establish the following identity:
curl (ϕT) = ϕ curl (T) + [ grad ϕ×]T>

6. - (5 points) Given an invertible tensor F with right polar decomposition F = RU, use
the Cayley-Hamilton equation S3 − I1 (S)S2 + I2 (S)S − I3 (S)1 = 0 (for any symmetric
S) to show that R can be obtained via
FU2 − I1 (U)FU + I2 (U)F

I3 (U)

Exam I - Foundations of Solid Mechanics

Here, I1 (S) = trS, I2 (S) = 21 [tr2 (S) − tr(S2 )], I3 (S) = detS are the principal invariants
of S.
7. - (20 points) Fig. 1 shows the reference and deformed configurations for a solid. The
out-of-plane dimensions are unchanged. Points a and b are the positions of points A
and B after deformation. Determine
(a) The right stretch tensor U, expressed as components in e1 , e2 , e3 (a 2 × 2 matrix
is sufficient). There is no need for lengthy calculations – simply write down the
result by inspection.

Figure 1: Reference and deformed configurations.

(b) The rotation tensor R in the polar decomposition of the deformation gradient
F = RU = VR.
(c) The deformation gradient, expressed as components in m1 , m2 , m3 . Try to do
this without using the basis-change formulas.
(d) If the material has a constitutive relation such that the material Piola-Kirchoff II
stress is related to Lagrange strain by TRR = µE where µ is a material constant,
show that the Cauchy stress T is related to the left Cauchy-Green stretch tensor
V by
V4 − V2 .


8. - (10 points) Consider a sheet subject to a two-dimensional homogeneous deformation

(constant F). Assume that a circle of unit radius is drawn on the undeformed sheet
(X12 + X22 = 1). This circle is distorted to a smooth curve on the deformed sheet. Show
that the distorted circle is an ellipse with semi-axes that are parallel to the principal
directions l1 , l2 of the left stretch tensor V (shown in Fig. 2), and that the lengths of
the semi-axes of the ellipse are equal to the principal stretches λ1 , λ2 of deformation.
Hint: There is no need to perform explicitly the polar decomposition of F to compute
the principal directions and/or stretches. Simply take a point in the circle and figure

Exam I - Foundations of Solid Mechanics

out the new locations of this point after rotation and stretching using the principal
directions l1 , l2 as your coordinate system.


Figure 2: A sheet under two-dimensional homogeneous deformation.

9. - (15 points) Define the mean stress T via

vol(P)T = Tdv

(Signorini’s theorem) Show that T is determined by the traction Tn on ∂P and the

generalized body force b via
vol(P)T = Tn ⊗ rda + b ⊗ rdv
∂P P

Hint: Consider a virtual velocity of the form ṽ = A r (or in component form,

ṽi = Aij xj ), where A is a constant tensor and use the principle of virtual power.
10. - (10 points) Consider a spatial tensor field G. Show that its covariant rate can be
written in terms of the deformation gradient F as:
4 ˙

Verify that if G is frame indifferent, the above rate is also frame indifferent.

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