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Assignment: Write an Essay of Analysis composed of 6 paragraphs on : How can a globalizing world

affect of differing countries- rich and poor , democratic and authoritarian- best promote inclusive
growth and human security by meeting the challenges of inequality, climate change, rising populism,
and global disease?

As many of the countries today is under the process of globalizing, there are so many challenges
that they are regardless of their economic development, is achieving financial stability and have a higher
living standard and now, this global disease that has been added to those challenges. However, it is the
government’s duty and responsibility to promote to its people about how they can help on their own.
The question is, how will they do it? One way is to promote having self-growth. Maybe one of the best
ways to promote it, is by showing examples through the government leaders. They must show the they,
themselves are doing their best to grow personally on their own without bragging of what they already
have in their lives but by encouraging others to be as progressive as they can and show them that
whatever inequality the community is showing them, there is always this saying that we are all the same
human and we all have the same rights and privileges’.

As a globalizing country, they may also promote self-growth by imposing to the people that in
times like this that climate change is one of the challenges, they may have a big responsibility on how
they can cope up with it. That we don’t have to be the same level of lifestyle as the others to be part of
the community that are helping the country as we face climate change. People should know their worth
and their capabilities as humans loving its country and not as what they have. And by that, they may
think of the way of how they can take care of the surroundings and the nature to help decrease the
climate change.

Another one is human security. For many people, today’s world is an insecure place, full of
threats on many fronts. Prolonged crises, violent conflicts, natural disasters, persistent poverty,
epidemics and economic downturns. Such crises are resulting into multiple forms of human insecurity.
When they overlap, they can grow exponentially, spilling into all aspects of people’s lives, destroying
entire communities and crossing national borders. What we must have is a people-centered,
comprehensive, context-specific and prevention-oriented responses that strengthen the protection and
empowerment of all people.

Again, the question here, is how? Maybe we can achieve it by promoting the population control.
People should be informed and well explained in a very good and human way the causes and effects of
rapid population growth. So that they will realize that even if it is natural to have children and family to
love and to care for each other, still, there is a disadvantage of having many kids specially if they are still
not in a stable standard of living. If the country will succeed in promoting it to the people, the people
may be able to feel secure.

The next challenge here is the global diseased that are spreading all over the world. How can
globalizing countries promote inclusive growth and human security if even a single disease that is
infecting the world is still uncontrollable? Therefore, for the country to be able to do it, there must have
a way to control or if not, to be able to supply the needs of those who are infected of the disease. They
must have ordinance, rules, guidelines and laws that should be implemented and should be followed.
And again, the country’s leaders should be the one and the first to follow those laws, if not, they will be
mocked by the people, and those laws will be put to trash.

Countries who are still globalizing must meet each and everyone’s needs, demands and
expectations with the progress on their mind. They must possess strong will and united people to
develop what they already have. And when they developed themselves, they will be known
internationally and may have influence internationally to make their operations and projects succeed.

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