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Hajar : So, Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh

All : Waalaikumssalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Miss Hajar : Good morning everyone. And I want let to thank all of you for making
yourself come to this group for this meeting. So this is our second meeting
to discuss company new products and for new stuff equipment. Okay before
we start our meeting 0.55 from the previous meeting I need someone to
approve and compose a desperate.


Miss Haja : Okay thank you so we can move to the agenda this meeting. As I word in
the memorandum there are several things that we want to discuss. So, I
hope all of you can give the quick cooperation for our meeting. Miss
Maggie Ha, can you tell us about the progress of our new products

Miss Maggie : Okay Miss Hanna, about the progress of our new products shampoo go
smoothly. Firstly the making of shampoo M’Kay we keep completing. Now
we are waiting for shampoo packages to be done, this our sample, but not
yet. I try our best to make special packaging for the shampoo. So, because
of this product 10000 to produce this product, we also hire 02.10 is our
cover design packages, as we know poverty readiness was super high, and
lastly we completely the shampoo we will be produced in February next

Miss Hajar : Okay, that was good. So, is there any problems in your department

Miss Maggie : Right now, there is no problem.

Miss Hajar : Okay, thank you. So I want to ask Miss Nazihah about the new staff
recruitment. Can you tell us about that?

Miss Nazihah : I had recruited a group of fresh graduate is training executives last week i
had advertise the position has three negative at the newspaper and we
dissociate such as Facebook and Instagram. There was a man till two people
they’re interested with disposition, after that I have contact the interview
with all of them. Lastly, only forty people of fresh graduate have been
chosen to fil this position.

Miss Hajar : So, Miss Ida. As a manager of Human Resources, so I want to ask what is
your opinion about our any workers.

Miss Ida : Okay, in my opinion, our new workers have some life in some skills, such as
in promoting M’Kay products and group works. I think didn’t know about
our business very well and have problems, there are communication skills.
So, I want to get your permission to discuss in this meeting about the
suggestion to settle this problems.

Miss Hajar : Okay, we can discuss it now. So, anybody have some ideas?

Miss Maggie : I have an idea. I suggest to provide social service program such as 04.00
class we will have distinctiveness every weekend. So that, the customer
will get more information and detail about our product and give you this.
This thing will get more close with our customer.

Miss Hajar : Okay, that was good. Who else?

Miss Nazihah : I think we need to do stuff politician for new stuff. So, a new stuff can learn
step by step how to work at this company.

Miss Hajar : Okay, anybody else?

Miss Maggie : I have one idea. I suggest to conduct the internal online training 04.42. So
that, the worker can 04.50

Miss Hajar : Okay. So, Miss Ida, what is your opinion about her ideas?

Miss Ida : I think the suggestions are very good and can be used to improve 05.03

Miss Hajar : Okay. So, we move on to at the agenda. So I want to ask Miss Shima about
our financial.

Miss Shima : Okay. As we know the our company with produce a new product , so
marketing department inform to me that our product use a customer 10.000.
So I want to inform all of you, the company will give 10.000 to marketing
department to produce our new product. So, I want to tell all of you, if you
need to use money for your department, please inform me and make sure
Miss Hajar or you want to use money and make sure Miss Hajar accept
your application.

Miss Hajar : Okay, I agree with that. Okay, before we move to any other business, I want
Miss Nazihah to take note all the suggestion before and we will discuss it to
another meeting later. Okay, do you have any other business to discuss?

All : No.

Miss Hajar : Okay. Actually our company have been see complaint from the customer
regarding one of the product price is too expensive. So, I want this method
also will be discussing in next meeting. Okay, so actually I want to invite
all of you to my sister’s wedding next month.

All : Oh, congratulation.

Miss Hajar : I think that’s all for our meeting today. So, I see you in the next meeting.
Thank you.

All : Okay. You’re welcome.

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