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America Needs Community, Not Collectivism

By Giordano Bruno

Neithercorp Press – 1/27/2011

Tyranny thrives by feeding on human necessity. It examines what sustains us, what we hope for, what we desire, what we love,
and uses those needs as leverage against us. If you want safety, they will take it away and barter it back to you at a steep price. If
you want success or respect, then you must bow to the existing arbitrary pecking order and play the game nicely. If you want to
raise a family, then you must accept the state as a part-time parent. If you want kinship, then you must settle for a thin veneer of
empty pleasantries and insincere associations. If you want independence, then you are simply labeled as a threat and done away
with altogether. Autocratic rulers are first and foremost salesmen; they convince us that life itself has a “cost”, that we are born
indebted, and all bills must be made payable to the establishment. First and foremost, we are sold on the idea that in all of this,
we are ultimately alone…

It is within these manipulated concepts of cost and isolation that we discover the foundation of all totalitarian cultures: Collec-

Collectivism is not a space age invention or a product of the abstract musings of Marxists, though many seem to think that their
version of a hive society is “new” and certainly better than anything ever attempted in the past. No, collectivism is a psychologi-
cal prison derived from a beneficial instinct as old as humanity itself; the instinct to connect with others, to share experiences
and knowledge, to build and create together. It is an instinct as essential to our survival as breathing. Collectivism uses this in-
stinct as a weapon. It is a corrupted and poisoned harnessing of our intuitive nature. It is an inadequate and cancerous substitute
for something which normally invigorates and supports healthy culture: true community.

In this age, our ideas of what constitutes “community” have been tainted and confused with the propaganda of collectivists. Our
instincts tell us that the world we have been presented is hollow, while our controlled environment tells us that the world is just
as it should be (or the best we’re going to get, anyway). How then, are we to tell the difference between natural community, and
destabilizing and destructive collectivism? Let’s examine some of the root conflicts between these two social systems, as well as
the philosophical shortcomings of collectivism itself…

Common Aspects Of Collectivism

Looking back at the single minded and highly dominating collectivist experiments of the past, it is easy to see the common
threads between them. Certain methods are always present. Certain actions are always taken. Certain beliefs are always adopted.
Here are just a few…

The Blank Slate: In order for the state to elevate itself in importance above the individual, it must first promote the idea that the
individual does not exist, that your uniqueness or inherent character are only a byproduct of your environment. There are many
methods to propagating this mindset. Junk science and establishment psychological theorists often treat the human mind as a
mere bundle of chemicals and synapses. Emotions are pigeonholed as “hormonal reactions”. Conscience and even attachment a
result of “conditioning” (i.e. H.F. Harlow’s ridiculous rhesus monkey experiments).

Existentialism attacks individualism from the philosophical end; suggesting that all actions and reactions are random results of a
purely chaotic universe, while at the same time peddling moral relativism and apathy. If all is based on environment and chance,
and there is no purpose or meaning to life, then why care about anything?

Religious organizations that choose to abuse their positions of trust also feed collectivism by standing in the way of personal
awareness, or even making it taboo to value the individual over the collective (though people tend to wrongly blame the concept
of religion itself, rather than the corrupt men who sometimes misuse it).

Each one of these tactics is a tool in the arsenal of collectivists meant to degrade our social admiration for individual thought. Of
course, if one actually studies beyond mainstream sources for information (as we have in numerous articles) on the many bio-
logical mysteries of the human mind, the numerous inconsistencies of clinical psychiatry, the irrational assumptions of existen-
tialism, that person would find that the blank slate assertion is filled with so many holes it is laughable. However, as long as
groups of men strive for power over others, the attacks on individualism will continue. As desperate as elitists have been through
the years to build an environment devoid of independent thought, they have met only with failure. Perhaps you just can’t remove
from all people those values which are inborn and intuitive, no matter how monstrous the world is around us.

Centralization Instead Of Cooperation: Cooperation in society is often spontaneous and dependent on a number of underlying
factors working together at the right place, and at the right time. It takes a noble endeavor and even more noble leadership in-
deed to inspire the masses to step onto the same path towards the same direction. This is why legitimate large scale cooperation
is so venerated in the annals of history; such events are truly rare and miraculous. Tyrants and elitists have no endeavors that
rank as “noble”. They serve only their own interests. So, instead of trying to encourage cooperation they won’t receive, they cen-
tralize various systems by coercion. If you can’t convince the public to abandon their own paths for yours, then forcefully re-
move all paths until the people have only one choice left.

Economic centralization is very indicative of this maneuver. While we in the Liberty Movement see a whole spectrum of possi-
ble options for markets and trade, many other people see only what is right in front of them; the same crooked fiat money system
controlled by the same gaggle of fraudulent central bankers. A large portion of our populace has been convinced that there is
only one way to participate in the economy, and thus they act collectively, and blindly.

Another obvious example is the false left/right political system. While there are as many political views as there are people,
most tend to affiliate themselves with one of two; Republican or Democrat. Even if you were to believe that the two major par-
ties are honestly opposed, you have still allowed the establishment to narrow your choices down to two. Add the fact that both
major parties actually support nearly the same exact policies and goals, and now your choices have been narrowed to one. Mil-
lions of people jump on this one bandwagon every four years, thinking that they are cooperating voluntarily, when they have in-
stead been centralized, and collectivized.

Constant Fear, Constant Threats: Fear and survival are powerful motivators. Without ample self awareness and strength of
character, these base instincts can overwhelm rationality and conscience. Every collectivist feudalist system ever devised has
used a “common enemy” or an iron hand, to quell dissent in the citizenry and to forcefully unify them not under the auspices of
an honest cause, but a terror so profound as to drive them to malleable despair.

When life and death hang in the balance everyday, and people have no time to relax, they can in fact go literally mad. All logic
flies out the window, panic ensues, and the masses turn to whoever is ready to offer them a way to sanity; “sanity” meaning
“comfort”. After a period of constant danger and distress, even fascism can feel comfortable for a while. Collectivist systems are
always clashing with the bubbling tides of individual freedom. Because of this, they must continuously qualify their usefulness.
There must always be an imminent threat over the horizon, otherwise, the strangling regulations of the state serve no purpose.

Individualism Equated With “Selfishness”: One of the inevitable conditions of collectivism is the demonization of free thought.
In a collective, every person becomes a cog in a great machine. The majority begins to see itself not as a group of individuals
acting together, but as a single unit with a single purpose. Any person who chooses to step outside of the box and point out a dif-
ferent view becomes a danger to the whole. A machine cannot function if all the parts are not working in harmony. Disagreement
in a collectivist system is not considered a civic duty; it is considered a crime that places everyone else at risk. As a dissenter,
you are not a person, but a malfunction that must be dealt with.

It is easy to tell when your nation is turning towards collectivism; you only have to gauge how often you are accused of
“selfishness” every time you question the needs of the state over the needs of the individual. This argument arises incessantly in
countries on the verge of a despotic shift. Interestingly, it is selfishness that tends to drive collectivists, not individualists. As we
discussed earlier, collectivists act out of base fear, and a personal desire to survive regardless of the expense. They may disguise
it as duty, or “universal love”, but at bottom, they are driven by pure self-interested. They are willing to sacrifice anything, in-
cluding their own souls, to hang onto what little they have. They are especially willing to sacrifice what YOU have, to maintain
THEIR standard of living, or to see their personal world view enacted. Is there anything more self-centered than a man prepared
to destroy the livelihood and freedoms of others just to feel temporarily secure?

Promises Of A Fantastic Future: “Innovation” and “progress” are alluring dreams, dreams which can easily be realized in a free
society made up of intelligent individuals thinking in ways which go against the norm. The more unique insights present in a
culture, the more likely it is to surpass itself and succeed. Strangely though, it always seems to be collectivists who throw around
visions of high tech trains, floating cities, and sustainability as benefits to relinquishing certain freedoms. The insinuation is that
if people set aside their individualism, their society becomes stronger, and more productive, like worker bees who only strive for
one thing; the perfect hive.

Now, this has never been proven to be an advantage of collectivism. One could say given the evidence that a society flourishes
less and contributes less the more centralized it becomes. Constructing immaculate castles, pyramids, magnetic highways, or
Legitimate Respect: The purpose of a true community is not to keep tabs on the personal lives of its participants, nor to mold
their notions. The rights of the individual are respected above all else. Again, the more varied the insights of a population, the
stronger it becomes. For a community to attempt to stifle the viewpoints of its citizens would be to commit suicide. There is
strength in numbers, but even greater strength in variety. Individualism takes effort, time, and dedication. A society made up of
people who have made this journey cannot help but esteem each other.

Flexibility Leads To Stability: A wise man adopts that which works, and throws out that which fails. He does not dismiss meth-
ods out of hand, nor does he hang onto methods that disappoint simply because he cannot let go. He educates himself through
experience. Adaptability, flexibility, agility in thought and in policy creates solid ground for a society to build. Communities sur-
vive by being able to admit when a mistake has been made, and by being open to new options. Rigid systems, like collectivist
systems, cannot function unless the people conform to the establishment, and its deficiencies. Communities function best when
the establishment conforms to the people, and the truth.

Mutual Aid: Collectivist systems are notorious for promoting the idea that “we are all one”, however, they usually end up be-
coming the most anti-social and uncaring cultures to grace the planet. You cannot centralize or enforce charity because then it is
no longer charity, but slavery. Citizens of communities, on the other hand, actually seek to help each other, not because they ex-
pect immediate returns, or because it’s “good for the state”, but because they value an atmosphere of benevolence. The generos-
ity of community helps individuals detach from dependence on government, or bureaucracy. The less dependence on centralized
authority, the stronger and safer everyone becomes.

Mutual Defense: While collectivism sacrifices its participants for some undefined “greater good”, communities defend one an-
other, knowing that if the fate of one’s neighbor is ignored, the fate of oneself may also be ignored by others. No one is
“expendable” in a community. EVERYONE is expendable in a collective.

Building Community In A Modern World

The task of constructing meaningful community today is daunting, but crucial. In an increasingly centralized and desensitized
world, the only recourse of the honorable is to decentralize, and to reintroduce the model of independence once again. This starts
with self sufficient communities and solid principles. It starts with unabashed and unwavering pride in the values of sovereignty
and liberty. It starts with a relentless pursuit of balance, and truth. It starts with an incredible amount of hard work.

The trappings of collectivism sometimes seem insurmountable. The mindless devotion of our friends and family to a system that
harms them can cause us to lose hope, and to lose focus. We must remember how collectivism operates; by removing the power
of choice from the equation. If we return that power, then many people who we may have once deemed “lost causes” might
awaken as well. By exposing the masses to another option, a better option, we undo years of lies, and lengths of chain. If there
was ever a perfect moment to begin this battle, now is the time; while Americans are still searching for solutions, and not too
fearful to pursue them once they are found.

You can contact Giordano Bruno at:

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