DVP Akai (Zonas)

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NOTE: Be VERY VERY careful when changing the settings below, you
can do a lot of harm if codes are set wrongly. There are no known
codes/combinations to rectify problems or reset the player.


Converting the player to a different region:

 Press the On/Off button on the player to turn it off.

 Press and hold the buttons Eject and A-B together, and then
press the On/Off button on the player to turn it back on.

 When the text A:00 D:12 appears on the units display, release the
Eject and A-B buttons.

 By pressing the Play button to increase, and the Stop button to

decrease, change the value of A until it reads A:05.

 By pressing the Skip-Forward button to increase, and the Skip-

Backward button to decrease, change the value of D until it reads
D:00 for region free, D:01 for Region 1 or D:02 for Region 2,
depending on your requirement.

 Press the On/Off button on the player to turn it off.

 Press the On/Off button on the player to turn it on.


NOTE: Whilst most movies will play with the region set to 0, some
Region 1 titles require you to select that zone before they will play.


Converting the player to an alternative region:

 Press the On/Off button on the player to turn it off .

 Press and hold the buttons Fast Forward and Stop together with
the black button located on the right hand underside of the
machine, and then press the On/Off button on the player to turn it
back on.

 When the Akai logo appears, release the Fast Forward and Stop
buttons but keep holding the Black button on the underside of the

 A list of numbers will appear in columns. Press the Enter button

once on your remote control, the second column of numbers
should now be selected.

 Press the Cursor Right button on your remote control to select the
second number. Change this to 00 for region free, 01 for Region 1
and 02 for Region 2.

 Press the Enter button once on your remote control to confirm the
region change.

 Press the On/Off button on the player to turn it off, then release
the Black button on the underside of the player.

 Press the On/Off button on the player to turn it on.



 Turn the player On

 Open the players drawer

 Enter 8, 9, 2, 6 on the remote followed by 0



 Press Open button on the remote to open the drive tray

 Press 8, 4, 2 and 1 keys on the remote

 A service menu will appear

 Use cursor keys to switch to region or Macrovision and press


 Press 1 for region 1, 2 for region 2, and so on or 9 for multi-region



NOTE: Whilst most movies will play with the region set to 0, some
Region 1 titles require you to select that zone before they will play.


 Switch the power Off, press the Dimmer Switch & the Back Skip
buttons at the same time.
 Still holding the keys down, power the machine On.

 Four Lines appear on the front panel display. Using the remote
control, press 1999 using the numerical keys.

 The display will change to A-0000 D-04 (Region 3 at this stage)

 Set Region code using the following:-


0 "00" A-0000 D-00
1 "01" A-0000 D-01
2 "02" A-0000 D-02
3 "04" A-0000 D-04
4 "08" A-0000 D-08
 Push the Enter key on the remote.

 Turn Off the unit using the On/Off switch, not Standby.

 The next time you turn on the unit, the region should be set.



 Connect the machine to the mains but do not power on, also
ensure there is no disc inserted
 Press and hold down both the Dimmer and Reverse Skip buttons
on the front panel and then press the Power ON

 The display should show "NAKAMICHI"

 Hold the Dimmer & Reverse Skip buttons for a few seconds and
the Display should change to "___ ___ ___ ___" from
"NAKAMICHI". Wait for a minimum of 5 seconds (at this stage
you're not pushing the Dimmer & Reverse Skip buttons any
longer), then using the handset's numerical keys press 1, 9, 9, 9

 The display should now show: A-00 D-??, Where D-?? indicates
the present region

 To change the region code, punch in the new code (i.e. 01 for
Region 1, 03 for Region 3, etc.) and after that press the Enter
button (located next to the numbers keypad on the Handset). The
display should now change (slowly) to D-01 (or whichever new
region you have assigned to, as above

 Completely Power Off and the machine is set to the new Region.

Note: This also works as a region 0 hack, but be aware that some discs
may refuse to play unless the region you have selected matches the region
of the disc. The hack is also indefinite and has no limited lifespan, and can
therefore be performed as many time as required

Thanks to Kevin for the information



 Turn the player On and ensure there is no disc in the draw

 On the remote key in 8, 9, 2, 6 plus the region number

 For region free 8, 9, 2, 6 followed by 0



 Power on the player and Open the tray

 Press 3, 8, 3 and 8 on the remote control
 A menu will then appear at the top of the screen

 Press Enter until the desired region is displayed

 Press 1 to clear the menu

Thanks to Lisa for the information  



 Eject DVD disc from the unit and Close with no disc
 In status of No Disc, press Stop button on the remote

 Using the numeric buttons on the remote press 1, 9, 9 and 9

 A Menu is shown with the current region code

 Move the cursor to Region code and press Enter

 Then set the region code to Free by using arrow Up/Down key on
the remote and press Enter again

 Press Setup button on the remote



 Power On player and insert a disc

 Wait for message "Check region code" to appear

 Using a remote control press Display, Top Menu and Play

quickly. If it does not work try pressing Disk Menu instead of Top

Thanks to Alex for the information



 Switch On the player and Open the tray

 Enter following number with the remote control: 1, 0, 3, 0 and 0

 "region 0" appears down on the left side of the screen

 Shut Off and then turn On the player, now it's region free

Thanks to Konrad for the information

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