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Design And Implementation Supervisory Control

And Data Acquisition (SCADA) of Sedimentation

Process of Water Treatment Plant (WTP) By Using
Raspberry Pi 3 B
1st Eki Ahmad Zaki Hamidi 2nd Mufid Ridlo Effendi 3rd Hasbi Ash Shiddiq
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati UIN Sunan Gunung Djati UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
Bandung, Indonesia Bandung, Indonesia Bandung, Indonesia

Abstract— Drinking water is a very important factor in according SCADA. The result of PLC Siemens S7-200 with
human life. Water Treatment Plant (WTP) is way to treat modul CP 243-1 can be used to automation system on the
water from the rivers and reservoirs which have the highest build model, PC and PLC can communicate, PLC and PLC
percentage of mud by sedimentasi process. Utilization of has less than I second either for local internet or between
Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) system is
internet. It can send message by e-mail[3].
used to make easy in supervising and automation of quality of
drinking water which is produced. By implementation of Another research about “Aplication of SCADA System
SCADA system on sedimentation Water Treatment Plant of Miniatur Water Level Control” is about how to plant
(WTP) using Raspberry Pi 3 B, diagram block control and miniatur water level control that is made as a plant which is
actuator would by easy to see. It is used as an alternative of controlled by PLC. There are two PLC that is used,
effectively for sedimentation process of automation PLC. As OMRON CPMI and MODICON TSX Micro 3721. Whether
Master Terminal Unit (MTU), it can control input and output SCADA software system will visualize plant processing [4].
of system. Photodiode and sensor laser are used as indicator to Reasearch about “Desain SCADA System to Increase
the magnitude of light intensity which is influenced by Customer Service and Efficiency of Operational and Electric
turbidity of water. Relay and solenoid valve as the sludge
Power System at APJ Cirebon”, SCADA is used as software
remover of the whole system of SCADA, could be well
operated. Normally, the intensity of light is 190.4 A0, but sensor to process the data of recloser by that aim to increase
I is 21.197 A0 and sensor II is 48.856 A0, it is influenced of customer service and efficiency of operational electricity
light laser. power in Cirebon area[5].
This research is about how to build system supervisory
Keywords— Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition control and data acquisition on process sedimentation of
(SCADA), Raspberry Pi, sedimentation. water treatment plant based on Raspberry Pi 3 B. SCADA
system is used to have automation and supervision of process
I. INTRODUCTION sedimentation by the aim to increase quality and efficiency
Water is one of the most important factor in human of water treatment industri.
being, such as well water which is used to wash and to
drink. Water in the earth is more abundant, beginning from
the spring, river, reservoir, lake, sea, until ocean. Wide of A. Water Treatment Plant (WTP)
territorial waters is the biggest than mainland [1]. But, all of
those water can not be used by human, because of that to get Generally, Processing water instalation is a system which
high water quality to be consumed by people, so we need combine process of coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation,
filtration, disinfection, and completelly by controlling
Water Treatment Plant (WTP).
process and measurement that needed. This instalation have
Raw water from the river, lake, reservoir or well water
to be well design in order to get suitable water that can be
will be processed by Water treatment plant to be drinking consummed by costumer. Besides that, system and sub
water that can be consumed by people. The key of system in instalation which will be designed must be simple,
management of water factory is an automation, because it effective, well done, long life, and cheap[1].
has many functions, such as coagulation, floculation,
sedimentation, filtration, and desinfaction are needed to Here are process of water instalation:
process water treatment [2]. Sedimentation process is the
most important way, because it connected between raw
water and fresh water that can be consumed.
Many research about SCADA (Supervisory Control And
Data Acquisition) titled “Build Automation Model by using
SCADA System Internet Based” it contains design and
configuration PLC Siemens S7-200 with modul CP 243-1 in
order to be integrated and applicated to automation on to the
build model which can control temperature, lighting, and
savety of build model. Based on trial system could work well

978-1-5386-6163-5/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

D. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) is a
system which can control, and acquisition data to a plant.
Computer is needed in a SCADA system modern. It is used
to show status from sensor and actuator in a plant, showing
on graffic side an save on database. Generally, this
computer is connected to an controller (such as: PLC) to a
communication protocol (such as: serial communication)[7].
There are part of SCADA:
1. Field Device
2. Programmable Logic Controller
3. Communication System
4. Master Terminal Unit

Fig. 3. Simple SCADA System


Fig. 1. Processing of Water Treatment Planning is a phase of process in system SCADA.
Planning is used to determine component from SCADA
B. Sedimentation Process system which will be made, so the last product is based on
target. After collected some references and analized
Sedimentation is separation of solid and liquid by using
necessity of the production system, so there are many phases
sedimentation of gravitation process to separate particle of planning which has been done.
which has suspension on the liquid.
This process is general used in processing water Generally, there are two phases of planning system that
instalation. The principal of this application are [1]: is hardware and software planning, such as in figure 4.
1. The first sedimentation of water, before processing by
quick sand filter unit.
2. Sedimentation of water which has been processed of
coagulation and flocculation process before entering to
the quick sand filter unit.
3. Sedimentation of water which has been processed of
coagulation and flocculation on instalation used water
treatment plant using lime-lemon.
4. Water sedimentation on separation zinc and mangan
C. Control System Fig. 4. System Diagram Block
Control system is an arrangement process or restraint to
the one or more scale (variable, parameter), so it will be on a 1. Raspberry Pi
specific range. In industry, savety work process and
efficiency is needed to get high quality and quantity of Mini computer as MTU which has function to monitor
product by the time fixed. Automation assists more in and control all of the component, input system comes from
smooth operational, savety (investation, environment) sensor block photodioda and laser, output system comes
economy (cost of product), quality, etc. On application, a from selenoid value and GUI Domoticz which can be
control system has a certain target. The target is to manage accessed by using smartphone or computer [8].
output on an condition which is determined by input passed
system element control [6].
2. Photodioda and Laser

As an indicator of muddiness detector, input sensor is

light from laser which passed on mud, output sensor is
analogue data which is send to the mini computer raspberry
Fig. 2. Diagram of Control System pi.

GPIO Raspberry
Component Pin Component
As an actuator to open and close value of mud. Pi 3 B
Vcc Pin 2
A. Design of Miniatur Sedimentation Water Treatment Sensor Photodiode 1 Ground Pin 3
Data Pin 38 (GPIO20)
Design of miniatur sedimentation water treatment plant is
done, is, in order to make easily in portable system in a test. Vcc Pin 2
Miniatur planning as on figure 5.
Sensor Photodioda 2 Ground Pin 3

Data Pin 40 (GPIO21)

Vcc Pin 2

Laser 1 Ground Pin 3

Data Pin 16 (GPIO23)

Laser 2 Vcc Pin 2

Ground Pin 3

Data Pin 18 (GPIO24)

2. Implementation of Relay and Selenoid Valve

In this implementation, hardware which is needed is
modul relay and selenoid valve. Both of them, are connected
based on pin.
On the figure 6, it’s about realization of relay series
which is connected to the Raspberry Pi 3 B which is used to
control selenoid valve. Relay is connected to the mini
computer by GPIO.

Fig. 5. Miniatur Planning of Water Treatment Plant

Sedimentation process on miniatur uses bottle as mud

reservoir. Sensor and laser are faster face to face in between
15 cm. Sensor and laser on a plant are fasten on 5 cm level
from the base plant for sensor and laser 1 on 15 cm for
sensor and laser 2. Selenoid value is fasten on the base plant.

B. Design of Sensor and Actuator

Part of hardware design are: mechanic block I (mini Fig. 6. Block of Relay and Selenoid Valve Series
computer seri raspberry pi 3 B), block II (sensor modul
photodioda and laser), block III (relay and selenoid valve)
selenoid valve and relay controller is a from that has simple TABLE II. CONFIGURATION OF GPIO RELAY
size. But it can make mechanic more bigger by the same
electronic system and control system, so it can be applicated Component Pin Component
GPIO Raspberry
to the water treatment industry. Pi 3 B
Vcc Pin 2
C. Design of MTU/Raspberry Pi 3 B
Relay 4 Channel Ground Pin 3
Raspberry Pi 3 B is a platform of mini computer that has
open source. Mini computer uses raspberry which has Input 1 Pin 38 (GPIO20)
function to save all program and to process analog signal to
digital (ADC) and send to relay circuit and selenoid valve to E. The Implementation of Master Terminal Unit (MTU)
open and close the valve. In processing data, Raspberry Pi 3 B needs input code
that is command that will be done when micro controller is
D. The Implementation of Sensor and Actuator running.
1. Implementation of Sensor Photodiode and Laser 1. Human Machine Interface (HMI)
To make easy in using and accessing mini computer
Hardware which is used is modul sensor photodiode and Raspberry Pi 3 B, so HMI is built. In order to get easy in
laser as indicator of mud value of water. accessing of mini computer by using laptop and HMI
Sensor photodiode and laser are connected to the mini computer, so it uses putty and rdc (xrdp for linux operation
computer by GPIO. system) application.
2. Grapichal User Interface (GUI) on Domoticz
Production A. Sensor and Actuator Examination
After processing uploader python program, The first examination, by connecting sensor and actuator
implementation of software on mini computer Raspberry Pi to the Raspberry Pi 3 B by GPIO which has been determined
3 B must be have some parameter. The most important of before and then, see, how could sensor and actuator work
parameter is GUI, because Raspberry Pi 3 B will be used as well.
interface between system control. Operator must be well 1. Sensor Photodiode and Laser
understood what is program showed.
Domoticz is the best system data base which is used in Examination of sensor and actuator have done by facing
SCADA. It has ability to divisible device by network, so sensor with laser on 20 cm. It could be seen, how big, light
communication process between Raspberry Pi 3 B with data intensity on normally and sensor on laser light.
base run well. There are 3 steps of GUI domotizc The first examination is on how big light intensity in
production[9]: normally without laser sight. It takes 20 times as on the table
• Domoticz Instalation below.
We have to browse domoticz application before
instalation, by command sudo apt-get install domoticz TABLE III. NORMAL LIGHT INTENSITY
• Uploading Program to Domoticz No Light Intensity Sensor 1 (A⁰) Light Intensity Sensor 2 (A⁰)
Open domoticz application after instalation process 1. 194 232
finished, by terminal and then input program relay
2. 233 211
python and photodiode sensor that has been made
before 3. 179 233
• Adding of Hardware based on GPIO 4. 214 209
After input python program to domoticz, the next step 5. 217 216
is, determining GPIO that will be used as input and
6. 199 233
output. GPIO status which is used on system, could be
seen on figure 7 and figure 8. 7. 233 193
8. 218 222
9. 229 197
10. 185 214
11. 215 215
12. 214 142
13. 220 216
14. 212 209
Fig. 7. GPIO Configuration
15. 216 215
16. 211 102
17. 105 105
18. 103 114
19. 106 106
20. 105 104
x̄ 190.4 184.4

Fig. 8. GPIO Status on Domoticz

On the figure above, it could be seen, that status from

component which is connected to mini computer Raspberry
Pi 3 B are, input pin and output pin of Raspberry,
component pin, condition of pin (active or non active).

Fig. 9. Graph of Sensor Examination Normally

On the figure 9, normally, light intensity without laser After MTU/ Raspberry Pi 3 B connected to RTU by
sight is 190,4 A⁰ for sensor 1 and sensor 2 is 184,4 A⁰. using router, it is held by controlling Rasspberry Pi 3 B
Sensor 1 has top light intensity 233 A⁰ and abse point 103 using computer to xrdp. It would be know how xrdp as HMI
A⁰. Sensor 2 has top light intensity 233 A⁰ and base point from system can controll Raspberry Pi 3 B.
102 A⁰. 2. Test of Communication
Is held to know how all of RTU are well connected, so
The second examination is lighting sensor by using laser communication can be successed if :
on the sight time, 3 seconds for lighting and 5 seconds for • All device are connected to the router, to know that
space time. So it took 8 times. device are connected by checking IP in each device.


Light Intensity Sensor 1 (A⁰) Light Intensity Sensor 2 (A⁰)

153483 189446

21197 266291

429425 325352

331466 136519

301902 253751

84300 116281

81528 173146

71058 48566

Fig. 11. IP Mini Computer of Raspberry Pi 3 B

Fig. 12. IP Router

Fig. 10. Graph of Examining Exposed Sensor of Laser Sight

On the figure 10, it shows that light intensity when is

429.425 for sensor 1 and 325.352 for sensor 2, the low value
is 21.197 for sensor 1 and 48.856 for sensor 2.

B. Relay and Selenoid Valve

By connecting relay to the Raspberry Pi 3 B and selenoid
valve, and then valve is connected to the relay (Vcc) and to
the ground. After that it is given impuls of Raspberry Pi by 3
variation by the different time. Examination is done, to know
how respon from relay when voltage is given, and then, has
Fig. 13. IP Computer
selenoid valve run well or not.
By giving impuls from minu computer of Raspberry Pi 3
• Each device can communicate, by using PING
B to the relay with the time has been determined. Relay
examination. It can be used as tool of monitoring
would be run well, if it has respon when impuls is given from
availibility computer in networking which is one
mini computer Raspberry Pi 3 B, by relay only 2 seconds.
indicators of quality networking that is by doing PING
C. Examination of Master Terminal Unit as periodic on computer[9]. The lowest of downtime,
Mini computer Raspberry Pi 3 B is central of SCADA so, the quality of network is nice. Examining is done
system, so, there are three examinations. on 10 second.
1. Examination of Human Machine Interface (HMI)
Indicator that is used to activate electronic valve is light
SCADA system on process sedimentation of Water
Treatment Plant (WTP) could be know by doing this
examination. It would be if mud released on time, and there
is no water when open and close value electronic is

Fig. 14. Connection between Raspberry Pi 3 B with Computer

Fig. 19. SCADA System Logic

Based on algorithm above, it showes, this performs of

SCADA system on sedimentation process. If sensor
photodiode 1 clossed or affected by laser sight so relay will
Fig. 15. Connection between Raspberry Pi 3 B with Iphone 5 be ON, and if sensor photodiode 2 clossed, so relay will be
3. Examination of Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Exam arive of GUI can be done by opening GUI to the
RTU and MTU. GUI can be accessed by input IP from
Raspberry Pi 3 B as MTU on browser, and then examined,
could it show component which is connecting to the system.
Description in each system components is, when component
active with MTU, so GUI will be read (ON). GUI from each
RTU could be seen on figure 16, 17 and 18. Fig. 20. Sistem GUI on OFF

On the figure above, it is about GUI when all of the

components are on OFF or on RESET.

Based on the result of examination and analyzing, can be
concluded such as:
Fig. 16. GPU on Raspberry Pi 3 B.
1. Mini Computer of Raspberry Pi 3 B as Master Terminal
Unit (MTU) or central of system which has function to
control input and output an a system. Photodiode sensor
and laser as indicator of lihgt intensity which has
influenced by turbidity. Relay and selenoid valve as
actuator of mud sediment disposal, from all of elements
of SCADA system can well operate on process of
sedimentation water treatment plant.
2. Based on examination of photodiode sensor and laser
Fig. 17. GPU on Computer
light intensity on normally is 190.4 A⁰, whether light
intensity affected by laser sight is 21.197 A⁰ for sensor 1
and 48.856 A⁰ for sensor 2. Because of that, there is no
interference, on processing, because light intensity is on
normally and when affected by laser sight, it is different.
3. Performed of monitoring system which is used GUI
application of Domoticz by opening of mini computer
Raspberry Pi 3 B, Laptop ASUS X550D and Smartphone
Iphone 5, can be concluded that component status of
output system on or system based on the original one.
Fig. 18. GPU on Iphone 5

D. Application of SCADA System on Sedimentation

All of examination examinated by doing simulation of
sedimentation process, on plant by using SCADA system.

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