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Nama : Devi Yulia Pramae Sella

Npm : 19.0601.0030
Prodi : D3 Keperawatan

Daily Activities of a Nurse

I work as a nurse. I have six days-work and one day off randomly. When I get a morning
schedule, I set my alarm at 4 am and usually I wake up at 4.15 am. I clean the bed and I take
subuh prayer. After that at 5 am I take a shower. I love showering in the morning because I feel
so much fresh after shower. I have breakfast at 6 am.
I go to the patient’s house by morocycle at 7.30 am. I takes 30 minutes to arrive at the
patient’s home. I usually arrive at the patient’s house at 8 o’clock.

I start my job by listening the patient’s health report progress from the previous
scheduled nurse. And then I check the heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, respiratory and
asked some questions for diagnose and put those all into some notes.

I also make short conversation with the patient’s family. I listen to their complaints and
answer several questions from them. My job is to serve the patient as well as we can. I do the
checking for about 3 or 4 times during work. It depends on the patient’s condition.

At 10.00 I also usually change or make patient beds. My job is also help patient to do
some activities, provides information about the disease, provide advice to eat regulary and
drink lots of water. I also help provide the most comfortable position for the patient to rest.

I write the nursing diagnose. I also explain the medicine prescription I aslo explain the
first way of handling when a patient suddenly feels pain to the patient’s family.

At 12 o'clock I get a break. Usually at rest time I leave for luch outside and take a zuhur
prayer. And then return to the patients house

After my break time ended i continued my work. I rechecked the patient's condition and
then I also make a nursing care report.

My morning schedule ends at 2 pm. Before I go home I say goodbye to the patient’s
family and patient’s, I also always report the patient’s health progress today

I arrive home at 3 pm. I directly take a bath and clean up myself. Then I don’t forget to
Asr prayer. After that I usually take a short nap because I am tired.

I wake up at 5 o’clock. At 6 o’clock I take a maghrib prayer and usually I wait until 7
o’clock fpt the isya prayer

At 7.30 pm, I usually make a report on my patient’s case today and I made nursing care.
Then I also had dinner with my family at 8 pm.
At 9.30 before bedtime I usually wash my face and brush my teeth. Then I go to sleep
at 10.00 pm.

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