The Republic of Krushevo and The Ilinden Uprising

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The Republic of Krushevo and the Ilinden uprising

Headquarter of the revolutionaries

During the Ilinden uprising, the largest success has been achieved in the
revolutionary district of Krushevo. In the summer of 1903, on its territory
is formed uprising headquarters led by Chief of the revolutionary district of
Krushevo, the Bulgarian Nikola Karev.

Nikola Karev Yanakiev

member of the Bulgarian Social-Democratic Party
After intensive training in the night before the August 3, 1903, about 750
revolutionaries attack Krushevo. After a few hours of battles the city was
conquered. In the area Gumenje has made so-called Republic of Krushevo.
(existed in the period from 3 to 13 August).

The organization of the local authorities is impressive. The chief of the

revolutionaries takes care of security and safety of citizens and convene the
Council of the Republic, consisting of 60 members - with 20 people from
each ethnic community in Krushevo (bulgarian, greek, and vlach). From its
lines is selected Temporary government consisting of:

The Flag of the

Krushevo Republic

Primeminister: Vangel Dinu

also appointed as Minister of Justice

Minister of Finance: Teohar Neshkov

Minister of Internal affairs: Hristo Kjurchiev
Minister of Health: Nikola Bajlu
Minister of food supply and production: Dimitar Sekulov
Minister of requisition: Georgi Chache
Pitu Guli,
leader of the biggest group of revolutionaries
in Krushevo

Series of events is organized in order to strengthen the preparation of

citizenship for the future defense of the city. Workshops are open to
manufacture and repair of arms, hospital for treatment of wounded, etc.
Special attention is given to the Muslim population from the neighbouring
villages. They send a specially prepared document, which states that the
purpose of the uprising is not against the not-christian peaceful population
but to fight against the exploitation and the domination of the ruling class.
They stress that the basic aspirations of the revolutionaries is and will be to
acquiring more extensive civil and social rights. This document became
known later as the “Manifesto of the Republic of Krushevo”.

"... Dear neighbors!

We understand that you as Turks, Arnauts and Moslems might
think that the empire is yours and that you are not slaves since there is no
cross on the imperial flag but a star and a crescent. You will soon see and
understand that this is not so and that you are wrong. Nevertheless, if you
honor does not allow you to join us and declare yourselves against the
Sultan's tyranny, we, your brothers in suffering and of the same homeland,
shall do you no harm and shall not hate you. We will fight alone both for
you and us, and if necessary, we will fight to the last man under the banner
for our and your freedom, for our and your justice. "Freedom or Death" is
written on our foreheads and on our blood-stained banner. We have
already raised that banner and there is no way back. If you consider us as
your brothers, too, if you wish us well, if you intend to live with us again as
you have lived up to now, and if you are faithful and worthy sons of our
mother Macedonia, you could help us in one way at least - and it would be
a great help indeed - do not make partners of the enemy, do not raise guns
against us and do not oppress the Christian villages!..."

The House of the revolutionaries in Krushevo

After a few days of battle against the incoming permanent Ottoman troops,
the the situation grows tense. On August 12, 1903 the town was surrounded
on all sides. After nearly 10 hour epic struggles between the scattered
population and the ottoman troops, Krushevo falls into foreign hands. The
worth paid by all of its inhabitants for the temporary liberty is great.

During the terrible night, has been 159 houses, 210 shops and
117 people killed.

After many robberies, violence and arson, many decided to leave forever
their homes, and goes thru the goat paths of Babuna Mountain,
Plachkovitsa and Maleshevo to reach the free limits of their homeland,

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