Entrepreneur's Challenge Day 4! Learn The 8 Revenue Drivers of Any Business!

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Entrepreneur’s Challenge Day 4!

Learn the 8 Revenue Drivers of Any Business!

So many people say they *want* to build wealth and a successful business, but they don't’ get the education they need to start and win.
But you’re still with us--good for you! I think that’s AWESOME and I can’t wait to hear your success story.

Everything we've covered in the entrepreneur's challenge so far leads us to this big question: 

How do I strategically plan to earn more revenue?
At the end of the day, every entrepreneur must think about how to manage the growth of the business. 

That’s what I teach in today’s training. Watch here!

You’ll learn to think about these 8 areas of your business: 

1. Lead flow
2. Conversions
3. Additional sales per lead
4. Increasing prices (and feeling good about it!)
5. Creating recurring revenue
6. Leveraging partners and resellers
7. O.P.P. (you have to watch to find out what it stands for)
8. Sponsors/Partners

This training is a GAME CHANGER!

So please make sure you share this video with your team or entrepreneurial friends!

• Be sure to follow me and DM me on Instagram @BrendonBurchard and use #EntrepreneursChallenge!

• Don't get to join our Facebook Group!

Enjoy today's training!

I"m cheering you on! Remember: You are stronger than you think, and the future holds good things for you!

Your coach,


PS. If you're wondering how I activate these specific 8 revenue drivers in my own personal brand, check out my Influencer Business
#EntrepreneursChallenge @BrendonBurchard

Day Four Summary

1. Get More Leads

As a business owner, your goal should be to get more people to see the product you are selling. One
way of doing this is creating organic and paid content advertisements that drive customers to a page
where you can collect their emails while also making the sale. This is the most predictable, controllable,
metric-driven strategy that you can use in your business model. Social media is not the only effective
way to get leads as an entrepreneur. Other great ways are to network and partner up with other leaders
in your business, have more sales people pitching your product to potential customers, direct
messaging your following on social media, or dropping new podcasts more frequently. Whatever you
do, you want to always be attracting more leads for your business and product to increase your
revenue. This should be a priority and strategy that is set into the foundation of your business.

2. Increase Your Conversions

As an entrepreneur, you want to always focus on increasing your conversion rates, the percentage of
leads who actually buy your product. Whether this is on a sales page or through your sales team on the
phone with customers, you want to always strategize your business plan around increasing sales
conversions because that more than anything else will be an effective revenue booster.

3. Increase Sales Per Lead

Sales per lead is when a lead buys more than one product from your business. This should be a goal
that you have for your business because it will greatly increase your revenue in the long-haul. You
should immediately be going to your buyers and selling them something else. Make it a quarterly
routine to do a sales offer to your current customers. Are you a business that only sells a handful of
products? Then start selling other people’s products. Join affiliate programs with other entrepreneurs
and build relationships with businesses to sell each other's products to your respective customers. 

4. Increase Your Price

It seems so simple, but it’s often overlooked by many entrepreneurs. Start charging more for your
products! Don’t undervalue your own products because you have doubt in your ability to be a leader in
your industry or you have Imposter Syndrome. Never charge the market pricing based on your self-
worth. Internal insecurities are not market realities. A great method to practice in your business is to
decide on a price for a product or program that you want to create and then build it so the value will
match that price. Base it off of what you are trying to build in terms of your long-term business goals.

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#EntrepreneursChallenge @BrendonBurchard

Day Four Continued

5. Recurring Billing

A trend that a lot of businesses are implementing is recurring billing. That could be where a product
ships on a recurring basis to the customer, or a program is bought online and they gain more access and
are billed for that continued membership. You will have the opportunity to gain a tremendous amount of
long-term revenue per customer over just selling someone one single product.

6. Partners and Resellers

For an increase in revenue, you want to work towards having other people selling your products to the
masses. Other companies or organizations will distribute your product and pay you a percentage of the
revenue generated. With this business strategy, you will be essentially making money by other people
doing the work of selling your product to new audiences. It’s an incredible revenue driver for any
business, and one that you should start implementing in your company now.

7. O.P.P. (Other People’s Products)

In the case that you are a company with very few products to sell, start to sell other people’s products to
your buyers. In return, you will receive a percentage of the sale from those companies, which in turn will
increase your revenue and your leads. You should have ten products or services that you are selling to
your buyers. That revenue you make from those sales should be double what you make selling just your
own products. Always be asking yourself how you can sell other products while selling your own.

8. Sponsors

Did you know that you can make more money by having sponsors versus just selling your product to
your leads? Create relationships with other brands and allow them to sponsor you and your company.
How this works, for an example, is at an event you are hosting, you get sponsors for different parts of
that event. Then, in exchange for promoting your sponsor and their product or service, they will write
you a check for the access you gave them to your audience. Companies will essentially pay you money
to promote their product to your own audience. This will require you to reach out and network a lot
within your community, but it will pay off in the long-term for your revenue and the success of your

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#EntrepreneursChallenge @BrendonBurchard

Day Four Notes

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