UE18ME321 Unit1 CLASS 5 Derivation of Contiuity and Momentum Equation

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Continuity equation

The laws of aerodynamics are formulated by applying several basic principles from physics to a flowing
gas. For example,

Physical principle: Mass can be neither created nor destroyed

dm= ρ 1(A1V1dt)……………..(7)

=m1 =ρ1 A1 V 1

ρ 1A1V1= ρ2A2V2 ……(8)

This is the continuity equation for steady flow.

Momentum equation
From Newton’s second law, F = ma

Forces acting on infinitesimally small element are

1. Pressure acting in a normal direction on all six faces of the element.

2. Frictional shear acting tangentially on all six faces of the element.

3. Gravity acting on the mass inside the element.

F=pdydz − p+ ( dx )
dx dydz

F=− (dxdydz )
− − −
d V d V dx d V −
a= = = V
dt dx dt dx

dp= -ρ V Dv….(9)

Equation (9) is Euler's equation. Basically, it relates rate of change of momentum to force; hence it can
also be designated as the momentum equation.
First consider the case of incompressible flow. Let points 1 and 2 be located along a given streamline,
such as that shown over an airfoil as shown, from equation (9)

dp+ ρ V dV = 0

where ρ= constant. Integrating between points 1 and 2, we obtain

p+ ρ =const along streamline…….(10)

Eq. (10) is called Bernoulli’s equation

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